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Enterprise Asset Management JS - baima Enterprise Asset Management free
Patchouli JS - An image searching/browsing tool on pixiv
YouTube Quick Speed & Volume Interface JS - Add a quick speed and volume interface to YouTube's middle-bottom area without interfering with existing controls.
Video Volume/Playback Speed Controller JS - Adjust video playback speed and volume with HUD showing real-time values inside the video frame. Conditional scroll blocking applied. (Script assisted by ChatGPT)
YT快速鍵hotkeys JS - YT快速鍵控制功能,說明鍵:[?]
* Lyric FullScreen Columnizer JS - It offers a full-width and columnized lyric view on major lyric services. No more scrolling while singing, playing the piano, or guitar.
DownloadAllContent JS - Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用 JS - 全网VIP视频免费破解【专注一个脚本只做一件事件】长期更新,放心使用。支持:腾讯、爱奇艺、优酷、芒果、Bilibili、pptv、乐视等其它网站;
GitHub CommitMessage Html View JS - This script converts commit messages on GitHub into HTML views for clearer visibility of commit details. It automatically transforms commit message lists, commit headers, and the latest commit information into HTML format, providing enhanced visual appeal and user experience.
AkatsukiFirstScoresUserpage JS - Add first scores for Akatsuki Userpage
Google Navigation JS - Navigate through Google Search with a set of hotkeys.
Skip Copyright in ZJU Classroom JS - this script speed up the video loading by skipping Copyright video in ZJU Classroom
Scroll to Top and Bottom Buttons JS - Generate two buttons on all pages, one for smoothly scrolling back to the top and one for continuous scrolling to the bottom. Click again to stop scrolling to the bottom.
Iwara Custom Sort JS - Automatically sort teaser images on /videos, /images, /subscriptions, /users, /playlist, and sidebars using customizable sort function. Can load and sort multiple pages at once.
ZXOJ Better! JS - Add a button to redirect to ZXOJ (Partial)
sophia 考试快速选题 JS - 若页面存在 <a id="submitMyMilestone" ...>Submit Milestone</a> 按钮,在页面左上角添加 a、b、c、d 四个红底按钮,点击按钮后勾选对应的 input 元素并为 input 和 label 添加 checked 类,同时处理单选逻辑,通过点击答案选项让 HTML 自动激活保存按钮;在按钮 d 后面添加“手动保存”按钮,点击 a、b、c、d 按钮完成操作后等待 250 毫秒自动点击保存按钮及其父级 div;勾选答案时点击指定 div,点击 a、b、c、d 后对 <div class="question" tabindex="0"> 做两次点击事件
GreasyFork Language Filter Remover JS - This script modifies the URL on GreasyFork to always show scripts from all languages unless the user manually selects a different language.
u-d-l视频下载下载 JS - u-d-l网站视频下载
URL Modifier for Search Engines JS - This Tampermonkey script enhances your search engine usage by modifying (redirecting) URLs in the search result of search engines, redirecting to alternative sites, allowing for a more customized and efficient browsing experience. You can also add you custom URL modification rule to the script and are welcomed to commit your rules to this script to make it much more useful.
大麦抢票 JS - 浏览器辅助抢购大麦网门票自动提交订单
oneClickDeleteInstagramPost JS - Add [Delete] button on the post in Personal Page on Instagram. Directly delete post without confirm.
AI网页内容总结 JS - 使用AI总结网页内容的油猴脚本
GreaysFork Enhanced WebHook Sync Settings JS - Quickly input script sync information and batch add language codes for multiple countries without the need to click
AdBlock Script for WebView JS - Parse ABP Cosmetic rules to CSS and apply it.
InoReader Filter JS - Highlight or remove articles in InoReader.
tree view for qwerty JS - It adds various features to strangeworld@misao.
Auto Click Enabled Button JS - This script detects and automatically clicks buttons that become enabled. It has been tested and works correctly on the* page.
Monster Twitch JS - Stretches stream to max width and hides left navigation bar with an Monster toggle that's to the right of the volume rocker
Title Manager JS - Manage page titles per (sub)domain. On any website, click Greasemonkey > User Script Commands > Title Manager's menu.
Y-marker JS - Sets up keyboard shortcuts for placing bookmarks and navigation inside webpage.
HTMLダイアログ無効化 JS - Always opens JavaScript links in new tab in current window instead of new window.
Nexus Clash Interface Tweaks JS - Various Tweaks to the Nexus Clash Browser Game Interface
Manga Loader (unmaintained) JS - Support for over 70 sites! Loads manga chapter into one page in a long strip format, supports switching chapters, minimal script with no dependencies, easy to implement new sites, loads quickly and works on mobile devices through bookmarklet
InoReader Key Customize JS - Customize keyboard shortcuts in InoReader.
YouTube Center JS - YouTube Center contains all kind of different useful functions which makes your visit on YouTube much more entertaining.
Howrse buy50 JS - Change the first option on the droppings buy menu to 50 instead of 1.
Google Search Better Privacy JS - Delete unnecessary params and add useful params on Google Search.
Red Skin Images SLIM JS - tentatively calling this done
Auto F5 reload window JS - Reloads (aka refreshs) a webpage after a certian time. Config menu with "Shift + T". Autodetects language: English, German, Spanish and Dutch
Manga OnlineViewer JS - Shows all pages at once in online view for these sites: Asura Scans, Batoto, BilibiliComics, Comick, Dynasty-Scans, Flame Comics, Ikigai Mangas - EltaNews, Ikigai Mangas - Ajaco, KuManga, LHTranslation, Local Files, MangaBuddy, MangaDemon, MangaDex, MangaFox, MangaHere, Mangago, MangaHub, MangaKakalot, MangaNelo, MangaNato, MangaOni, Mangareader, MangaToons, ManhwaWeb,,, ReadComicsOnline, ReaperScans, TuMangaOnline, WebNovel, WebToons, WeebCentral, Vortex Scans, ZeroSc
The Pirate Bay Cleaner JS - Release 2024 Build 1
Super Tumblr Reblog JS - Reblog like a boss
C&C: Tiberium Alliances Chat Helper Enhanced Yiannis Mod JS - Automates the use of chat and message BB-Codes: [coords][url][player][alliance][b][i][s][u] - Contact list for whispering - Type /chelp <enter> in chat for help.
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT Legacy JS - Snag HITs.
XioScript JS - XioScript with AjaxButtons and TopManagerInfo
Dota 2 Lounge title notifications & autorefresh JS - (1) Dota 2 Lounge - My Trades
Steam Store Achievement Links JS - Adds links to Achievement Websites from a games Steam store page.
Youtube Video Ratings Bar with Power Meter (DISABLED) JS - This used to display ratings bar on YouTube thumbnails, but Google has blocked how it gets its data. I'm disabling it for now in case people still have it running.
WME Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser JS - Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
Alex:BSCF : forum search opens in new tab JS - version 1
Alex:BSCF : move page under banner JS - version 1
BSCF : sdgardne move page under banner JS - version 1
MTurk David White - Two Music Links: Same Album or Different Album? JS - Use 1 - 4 to select Yes, No, 404, or Cannot Tell, and Ctrl+S or Enter to submit. Opens both links automatically (must have MTurk Message Receiver installed)
MTurk Myhobnob - Analyze party invitations to understand user demographics JS - Float information tables and event image to enable quick completion of HIT
GreasyFork Bullshit Filter JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.
NeoQuest II Remote Control JS - Automatically moves character based on user defined path. (1=north, 2=south, 3=west, 4=east, 5=northwest, 6=southwest, 7=northeast, 8=southeast
FrankerFaceZ JS - Loads the main FrankerFaceZ script in browsers that don't support the extension but do support UserScripts; updated from and may break in your browser, UserScript version does not reflect actual FFZ version.
OpenUserJS Bullshit Filter JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions.
Kongregate RCM Auto-Racer + Scroll Fixes! JS - [Works in FF and Chrome!] Auto-Racing + Scroll Fixes!
TorrentLeech Enhancer JS - Enhance TorrentLeech
KAT: smart full date/time JS - Today: "1 hour ago", yesterday: "yesterday, 11:44", earlier: "12 days ago, 01 Oct 2015, 10:45"
Quizlet - Hotkeys to Search Flash Cards by Accuracy JS - Press the 1-2-3-4 number keys to navigate large decks easily
Research Tasks - Rate Funniness of Scenarios JS - Press 1-5 to rate.
autonomnom - Efficiency for IWS - Answer questions about a photo JS - This script autofocuses the HIT and gives keyboard inputs for all functions with just four clustered keys - 1, 2, w and e.
autonomnom - Tamara Berg - Identify If Images Correspond To General Categories JS - Autostart, keyboard shortcuts for 1 to 5 images, next button, and submit.
GreasyFork Bullshit Filter - for TS Citrus Gfork JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions. Applies to posts in Forum too.
CrowdSurf productivity tools JS - The core script for modifying the CrowdSurf transcription interface that all other related scripts build upon.
hwm_tavern_new_game JS - Создание заявки в таверне в один клик
Bing Past Year Filter JS - Add past year filter.
Image moderation speeder-upper JS - Lots of optimizations to speed up image moderation HITs
WME VENEZUELA MMR 1-12-15 JS - polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "vENEZUELA MMR 2015" layer
- Reborn 2019 JS - Rewritten in 2019. Previous name is auto respawn (evergreen)
yahvt JS - yet another html5 video tool
Seriesfeed++ JS - A fork of Bierdopje AddOn Plus for Seriesfeed
KissAnime KissCartoon KissAsian no-ads clean layout part 2 JS - used by part 1
Page Dimmer JS - Dims any webpages to ease your eyes when reading at night. CTRL + ALT + 0 to de/activate
Craigslist apartment map view with filters JS - Craigslist apartment search is most useful on the map view, since after all real estate is about location, location, location, but other factors matter too. For example you probably want to see listings that are reasonably new but not just from today, but the current UI only lets you pick "Listed today" or no filter. This tampermonkey script lets you eliminate listings by a configurable age range.
WME Zoom Level JS - Places a numeric zoom level indicator on top of the WME zoom slider.
Cookie Clicker Cheats JS - Enable/Disable different cheats/hacks for Cookie Clicker
Scratch Swaggification Homepage Fixer JS - Fixes blurry images on the Scratch homepage that normally show up when using the Scratch Swaggification userstyle.
Turkdigo Pace Calculator JS - Calculate the pace at which you need to complete HITs to earn a target minimum wage.
SetsMaster JS - Наборы для смены армии, фракции и оружия - 3 в 1 (Tamozhnya1)
Emoji Polyfill JS - This makes the browser support emoji by using native fonts if possible and a fallback if not.
PrimeWire Movie Trailers and Reviews JS - #1 Most Useful Script for Primewire. Adds links to movie/TV show trailers and reviews from YouTube, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Also adds new bonus site features.
AMT Titles JS - Splice and Modify of CH MTurk Page Titles and mTurk Title Bar Timer
1. Greasemonkey Emulation JS - Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.
Number 1 Enhancer JS - Highlights, rearranges, and adds context to Number One stuff
Fastmail - Folder Badge Controls JS - Turn badges on or off for specific folders, or show total # of messages.
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 1) JS - Changes Hack Forums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 1.
Ogame - 1.x - Fleet JS - Script for OGame with the new graphic interface. Add some fleet features and shortcuts.
Remove PayPal Homepage Images JS - Remove PayPal Homepage Images --
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Virus Shortcut JS - (for F to throw 7 masses instead of 1,for green cells
Venue Quality JS - Hide instructions and a & s or 1 & 2 on number pad
Dropbox convert to direct link JS - Removes www and change https to http and dl=0 to dl=1
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT JS - Snag HITs. mturk.
GOTA Extender JS - Game of Thrones Ascent Extender
PaisaLive by TechHackerz JS - Paisa Live Auto Pilot
- MCD 0 JS - Adds an MCD:0 link to the charpane