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Ikariam Auto Builder script JS - Ikariam Auto Builder HACK lets you add your building to an upgrading queue (YES! NOW YOU CAN DO IT FOR FREE!).
Unfuck Instagram JS - View Instagram images without javascript. Just the image, please.
Steam Extra Profile Links JS - Adds extra links to Steam Profile pages.
Hide Recommendations on Facebook JS - Removes "People you may know", "Recommended Pages" and similar on Facebook.
Crack Url Wait Code Login JS - Remove from net disk and downloads to Verification code,login,wait,(Multi-in one,Easy to create downloads).
Pinterest Nag Killer JS - Removes the large 'Join Pinterest' bar shown to visitors.
Remove Google Results Redirect JS - 9 lines of code to remove all link redirection on Google Search Results. Prevents tracking and helps load times!
AO3: Kudosed and seen history JS - Highlight or hide works you kudosed/marked as seen.
- - Enemy Ship List Plugin JS - NU dashboard plugin which tracks and lists all ships ever seen. The plugin automatically updates the list and let's you gather information on the enemy fleet.
- - Planetary Management Plugin JS - Planetary Management Plugin
1fichier tools JS - Tools to manage 1fichier links easily
Youtube Playlists Sorted Alphabetically JS - When you click on "+ Add to" (for adding a new video to a playlist) YouTube displays the playlists -by default- in a strange order: beginning with the one selected last. This script arranges your playlists alphabetically, making it easier for you to find the one you are looking for.
My Match Analyzer JS - en
Smoothscroll JS - Smooth scrolling on pages using javascript
CRX Downloader JS - Allows downloading .crx'es from Google's Chrome Web Store
[FTVO GONE!]Project Free Tv - link altering + tools for JS - [FTVO GONE!][Works in FF and Chrome!] converts links for ( to bypass advert page, plus multiple other tools
The West - Item Set Manager JS - Manage your sets like a boss!
Scratch Forums Composer Swag JS - Adds more posting tools to the Scratch forums composer
Alternative search engines 2 JS - Adds search on other sites for google, bing, yandex, duckduckgo
Tumblr Image Size JS - When directly viewing an image on Tumblr, ensures that the highest resolution image is loaded.
Fix links for individual pictures on JS - New SG galleries have weird support to open images in a new tab (browser tries to download instead of display). This script solves the issue by linking to the highest resolution image while using the same webservice that the album functionality uses (it's transparent to the site and doesn't incur any extra load on their servers). Notice you still need to own a membership to access albums, this script doesn't try to bypass any of the security measures on the site.
ABPVN AdsBlock JS - Script block ads, remove wating of ABPVN
Auto Close YouTube Ads JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
- 'Computer Analysis' button JS - Order a computer analysis directly from the Live Chess page
Unpublished-Geocaches JS - Fetch unpublished geocaches
- + Project-GC JS - Adds links and data to to make it collaborate with PGC
AgarBot JS - Plays Agar
Google Drive Direct Links JS - Direct link functionality for Google Drive
AQW Wiki Link Preview JS - Adds image previews for links on the official AQW Wiki
ROBLOX Soundloader JS - Download songs from ROBLOX!
Dropbox convert to direct link JS - Removes www and change https to http and dl=0 to dl=1
Complete 163 Music Dl Helper JS - Download music from
AO3: Fic's Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks JS - Change font, size, width and background of a work + blacklist: hide works that contain certains tags or text, have too many tags/fandoms/relations/chapters/words and other options + fullscreen reading mode + bookmarks: save the position you stopped reading a fic + number of words for each chapter and estimated reading time
Google Bangs JS - Easily add DuckDuckGo bangs to Google.
Netflix - Import Cookie Premium JS - Import Netflix Cookies
BuyukBang IMDb Bar JS - BuyukBang IMDB Bar enables direct searches from IMDB
The-West Deluxe Jobs JS - TWSweets Addon - Gold and silver jobs!
Youtube: Show related videos if missing JS - On pages of age-restricted videos, related videos are missing. This script re-adds the related videos.
Grepolis Attack - Sound Alarm JS - Make some noise if ya get attacked. With integrated toggle-button to mute/unmute alarm sound.
MooMoo autospawn + Auto Attack JS - Auto spawns and attacks
Password Toggler - view input passwords JS - Adds buttons to each input to show/hide passwords
The West - Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
YouTube video/mp4 JS - Plays video in h.264 format.
Unfilter JS - disable chat filter
ao3 savior config JS - Config script for AO3 Savior userscript
QuietStreets - JS - Embed
★ Hyahhaaaaa!! JS - random chat messages.
- Custom Skins | By KapClanYT JS - Paste a direct imigur link below your name to use a custom skin
J-CAT HTML5 JS - Use the site without having to install Adobe Flash Player.
telegramNSFW JS - Enable NSFW to media
Roblox Dominus Spoof buyer JS - trick someone into thinking you bought a dominus
redditmod2 JS - Dark themes, inline posts/comments, endless scrolling, subreddit filters, and other improvements for
Select-click-copy Enabler JS - Enables select, right-click, copy and drag on pages that disable them. WARNING: MAY BREAK PAGE FUNCTIONS.
Duolingo Enable Japanese JS - Enables Japanese on Duolingo.
YouTube Always show progress bar JS - Always show progress bar
YouTube RatingBars (Like/Dislike Rating) JS - It shows rating bars which represents Like/Dislike rating ratio.
YouTube MP3 Download | | Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera... JS - Simple YouTube MP3 download button for ""-service
Stream to VLC JS - Opens VLC from streaming sites
Disable Youtube next video autoplay JS - This script prevents Youtube from autoplaying the next video by switching the autoplay toggle to "off"
Items Market, Travel and other JS - Easy access to torn city Items Market
Giveaway Helper JS - Enhances Steam key-related giveaways
- Invincibility JS - Places you at random point on map and heals when health is low
★HoodMan :D JS - custom from hoods clan.
OpenSubtitles - direct download links JS - Converts the subtitles download links to direct ones, in order to avoid redirection to download pages that display ads.
Amazon Video - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Amazon Video
Always L JS - Holds L for you
Bing Image Download Button JS - Add an image download button on Bing's home page.
Duolingo Auto IME On-Off JS - Forces IME to switch between English and Japanese automatically for each typing question.
- Auto heal JS - a working zombs auto heal
Wiley Direct PDF JS - Download PDF from Wiley Online Library directly (not via ReadCube).
Auto Disable YouTube AutoPlay Next Video Setting JS - Auto disable YouTube's AutoPlay Next Video setting at top sidebar of video page
WME Rapid House Numbers JS - A House Number script with its controls in the House Number mini-editor. It injects the next value in a sequence into each new HN. All house number formats are supported.
Twitch BetterTTV without extension JS - This script load bttv without having to download the extension;
Youtube - Copy Channel RSS Feed Url To Clipboard JS - Adds a Tampermonkey menu to copy a Youtube Channel's RSS feed url to the clipboard.
hipda 论坛热度高亮+top 按钮修复 JS - hipda论坛热度高亮+top 按钮修复
Tinder for Desktop. Automates profile browsing! JS - When using Tinder on desktop there is need to manually open each new candidates profiles and browse their photos. This script automates it! Just enjoy swaping with just left and right arrows :)
Enable Songsterr Premium JS - Enable songsterr premium
khinsider batch downloader JS - batch download for originalsoundtracks
IGG-Games Links for Steam Store JS - Simply adds a IGG-Games link to all games on the steam store
自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀 JS - 自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀自动跳转
remove page limit JS - Remove various page limit, check the code for website list, or add other websites
cgL-grepolisBot JS - GrepolisBot with city designer, autoreconnector, autobuilder,autofarmer,autoattack, account guardian and much more!
Webmail Ad Blocker JS - Block ads on the right side of the screen when using Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail and which expand your message space
Flickr: Enable image download (Chrome Compatible) JS - Removes the div in front of the image and the full size zoom pictures for easy and fast download.
The West - Sectors Name JS - Show name of the sectors during fort battle
Skribblio Google Search JS - Google Search for
Restore View Image Button for Google JS - Restores the 'View Image' button on Google Image search. Beta, report back issues!
Prevent Spacebar Doing Page Down JS - When the Spacebar key is received outside a text entry area, discard it
Youtube Advanced Speed Controller JS - Allows you to play youtube videos from 0 to 16 times normal speed
Publication Auto PDF JS - Automatically jumps to PDF when you visit a journal article abstract page. Also includes a utility to copy or download citation info.
MOOMOO.IO AUTOHEAL + numpad hat mod JS - Autoheal credit for auto heal gose to night and hat mod gose to Perussi. use numpads to equip hats u can press the number pad keys and see on top of tab withc eache one dose.
Solved Media JS - Autocompletion for Solve Media image CAPTCHAs.
Wanikani: Expected Daily Number of Reviews JS - Displays the expected number of daily reviews given the current SRS distribution
Reddit Video Downloader JS - A script to that allows you to download videos hosted on Reddit by pressing Ctrl+S or Meta+S on the comments section.
Set Arrival Time JS - Set the desired arrival time in Tribal Wars and the script will automatically send the attack
YouTube - Ad Skip JS - Skips and removes ads on YouTube automatically
External link newtaber JS - opens external links in a new tab on all sites (now can work with dynamic link lists, such as search results)
WME Cities Overlay JS - Adds a city overlay for selected states
reCAPTCHA ShortLink Clicker JS - This script is not resolver, only can click. Currently,