Showing English results only. Show results for all languages.
MessageHistory JS - Stores the messages you send and allows you to recall them with ctrl+up and ctrl+down; Your current message is at the end of ctrl+down if you don't start typing.
TextileChat JS - Adds a variant textile support to chat
ChatEnhancements *OLD* JS - Combination of Skyboy's chat scripts
MessageTime JS - Displays the time difference between the time the last message and new message was sent in the format [00s] [09m] [05h]
Kongregate View Link Fixer JS - This fixes the view links on Kong to actually take you to the page containing the post referenced
Average level JS - Returns the average level of the current chat room
Muted users JS - Check if you have still muted somebody.
MiscCommands *OLD* JS - Adds slap commands
ReplyEnhancement JS - When you type /r or /reply it gets replace with /w name message. This version doesn't replace /reload like ventero's.
KongMotto JS - Adds some humorous mottos instead of the generic "X playing X online games"
Challenge Notification Remover for Kongregate Chat JS - This script removes the challenge notification in Kongregate's Chat
Kongregate LinkTester JS - Tests links against a checklist
Kongregate statuscolor JS - Shows a color to display the status of a poster instead of a symbol.
AntiSpam *OLD* JS - Insta-mutes spammers temporarily
TempMute *OLD* JS - Allows you to temporary mute people
Delete Friend Link *OLD* JS - Adds a "delete friend" link on their profiles
Colorful Text Ratings *OLD* JS - Changes game star rating to a colour-coded text rating
ImagePreview *OLD* JS - Gives a preview of images linked in chat
NoGameStop *OLD* JS - Removed the GameStop banner
Kongregate Beta! JS - Returns the "beta"-tag.
Kongregate played JS - Caches recently played games.
Game Comments Enhancer *OLD* JS - Lets you specify a rating threshold for & adds pagination to comments
Kongregate Textbox Extender JS - Enlarges texbox areas when writing PMs, shouts, your About Me section, and when replying to messages. Simply double-click to toggle normal/extended textbox. Custom length available in User Script Commands.
Multiple Game Opener *OLD* JS - Opens all games in new tabs
RoomJoinEnhancement *OLD* JS - Allows you to join any room, full or not
MessageTimev2 *OLD* JS - Gives hover timestamps as well as periodic time notifications
Kongregate forum post width fix JS - Prevents right side of posts from being cut off
Forum Voices JS - Brings back the "voices" in threads
NicerKongregate JS - Makes Kongregate a nicer place (removes a few ads and re-arranges stuff).
Show Hidden Comments JS - Shows comments that are under rating threshold
LongMessages *OLD* JS - When a chat message is > 250 chars, the first 250 are sent and the remainder are put back in the input box
Notifications JS - Receive notifications for when someone in the notification list joins or leaves the room
WhisperCatch *OLD* JS - Catches missed whispers
ClearCommand JS - Adds a /clear command to chat to clear chat messages.
ReplacementText *OLD* JS - Replaces text you choose with a substitute
Chat Level JS - Shows average user level beside the room name
Combo Breaker JS - Adds a C-C-Combo Breaker button and function to the Kongregate chat
*headdesk* JS - Adds a headdesk button and command
TopicPageLinks JS - Converts the "last" link in the forums into a link to individual pages in the topic (ie. "1 | 2 | 3 | 4" instead of "last")
Old Icon *OLD* JS - Changes Kongregate icon to old one
Kongregate Portal Report JS - Find out who has the portals you need
Doodle God Filter JS - Tries to save you from Doodle God talk on Kongregate!
Search Kongregate Forum JS - Adds Forum & Thread-Specific Searching
Forum Muting *OLD* JS - Allows you to mute users in forums
KongdayIcon *OLD* JS - Displays a special icon by users in chat on their Kongday
ExitGameChat JS - Exits game chat when the page loads.
CustomScrollbar JS - Adds a custom scrollbar to chat with a snap-to-bottom button that glows when a new messages is received. The userlist scrollbar is hidden until you hover over the list and hides after the mouse leaves.
Private Chat Helper JS - Easy Private Rooms functionality
I Love Comments *OLD* JS - Show many more comments
Developer Subscriber JS - Subscribe to developers by playlisting games
Room Details JS - Shows you some stats
Chat reconnect JS - Reconnects the chat whenever it lose connection
BotD Auto-updater JS - Adds a button to the right of the Save changes button. Press it, write the number of the BotD and let the post be auto updated by the script.
Mod Caller Español JS - Script que facilita el llamar a un mod de habla española
Rester's Notifications *OLD* JS - Rester's notifications for chat
Other Style JS - Different Kong Style
- Marketplace Link JS - Add marketplace link to site
Chat por nivel JS - Ordena el chat por nivel, poniendo al nivel más alto al principio y al nivel más bajo al final
Kongregate - No Ads JS - Removes ads around Kong
DTD 1.5 Enabler *OLD* JS - Allowed playing of Desktop TD 1.5
Difference Points *OLD* JS - Different point style
CAPSMADNESS JS - Makes all text in chat captalised
Kongregate One *OLD* JS - Kongregate One - One script to rule them all. Everything here.
Quick LQP Report JS -
Private tabs for certain links JS - Opens certain links in a private FF tab. Requires
Steam Community - Block group announcements JS - Hide/blocks announcements of a specific steam community group. Specify group name in the "blockgroup" variable.
Star players and match result quickly JS - You can immediately find out the result of the league match in the viewing mode of the match, as well as the starting lineups in the stars.
WME Validator Localization for Rhode Island Mapraid JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Rhode Island, USA. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
- HTML5 player JS - Listen to NPR without having to install Flash, downloads, no ads.
Linkify bug comments ( JS - turn commit references into clickable links
Linkify commit comments ( JS - turn bug references into clickable links
More Emoticons V2 JS - Add more Emoticons on KAT
Dislikeador Auto @PamelaM15 TARINGA JS - Creado por ClonClonado para todos los linces, lincesas y travas!
Dislikeador Auto @EduardoFeinman TARINGA JS - Creado por ClonClonado para todos los linces, lincesas y travas!
Dislikeador Auto @-Kira-010 TARINGA JS - Creado por ClonClonado para todos los linces, lincesas y travas!
Dislikeador Auto @ClonClonado TARINGA JS - Creado por ClonClonado para todos los linces, lincesas y travas!
Dislikeador Auto @Fallasoy TARINGA JS - Creado por ClonClonado para todos los linces, lincesas y travas!
TruyenYY downloader JS - Tải truyện từ TruyenYY định dạng EPUB.
KW Anki Mode JS - Anki mode on KaniWani
- Knight's Rainbow Mohawk JS - lichesspiecestyle
Post Count for IPB JS - Adds post numbers back to any forums running IPBv4+
Dyslexic Experience JS - Read like someone with Dyslexia. Experience it yourself.
Twitch/Chatango Dyslexia Giver (Scramble Words) JS - Gives you "dyslexia" on Twitch and HTML5 Chatango. Code from
AniDB - Personal Tab Line JS - adds an other tab line to improve the tabs standalone usability
CarKing001 JS - CarKing001 - 车王二手车残值率
AutoScroll JS - AutoScroll - 双击切换自动滚屏
AgarPlus v2 with Radio JS - AgarPlus v2 with Radio!
EGO Zip Downloads Userscript JS - Provides downloads and compatibility info for GNOME Extensions from
DIY Soylent Scale to Ingredient JS - Allows you to scale all ingredients to a set amount of a specific ingredient.
ShadeRoot JS - Eye-friendly magic in your browser for
Get lost giphy! JS - Remove giphy from slack
Diamondhunt servermessage JS - try to take over the world!
[Erepublik] Extract BBCode of articles JS - Extracts BBCode of articles
Filter flights JS - Filter airlines results and exclude flights with high prices. Edit script for modify CONFIGURATION.
Nuevos posts Forocoches JS - Comprueba nuevos posts cada 120 segundos, reemplazo de Shurscript.
Dressing Room JS - WoWhead Dressing Room
HTML Item List Creator JS - Auto create item lists from comparisons
decodeURI & Paste text - Keyboard shortcut JS - Calling decodeURI to get a nicer and readable URI (Ctrl + Shift + V)
Mydealz Script JS - Versteckt abgelaufene Dealz, verbreitert die Seitenansicht, entfernt den Newsletterhinweis und entfernt einige Referrerlinks