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- JS - Todos em um: Models, Anti-recoil, ESP, Rewards, Performance
super mod v5 JS - Press ` if u need smooth, also im coming out im super gay, slight edit from hax this is wats mod not mine, that him not me
Auto click the continue button on DeepSeek JS - Automatically click the continue button on DeepSeek
Enhanced Video Speed Controller JS - Hold right arrow key for speed playback, release to restore. Press +/- to adjust speed, press ]/[ for quick speed adjustment, press P to restore 1.0x speed. Up/Down arrows control volume, Enter toggles fullscreen. Left/Right arrows for 5s rewind/forward. Supports YouTube, Bilibili and most video websites (extendable by modifying the @match rule).
Sparx Maths Auto Solver JS - Solves Sparx Maths homework questions using WolframAlpha
Determination v7.4(work) JS - Determination remaked by Ultra hack
Hasans- Bypass All Shortlinks Manual Captcha JS - Bypass All Shortlinks Sites Automatically Skips Annoying Link Shorteners , Skip AdFly and No Annoying Ads, Directly to Your Destination and now Support Auto Downloading Your Files
DeepSeek Redesign JS - Makes DeepSeek's UI more modern and pretty!
Nexus Mods Fast Download JS - Overrides the "Manual" button on NexusMods mod pages to download the file without extra steps.
Fortnite Adaptive Aimbot v42.1 JS - Adaptive Aimbot with customizable crosshair, sliders, and buttons for better control. ESP included.
Blooket Hacks NEW JS - An upload of Minesraft2's Blooket Hacks.Working currently the best
Advanced script v2.1 JS - -
AI Grammar Checker (Grammarly Alternative) for Violentmonkey JS - Underlines grammar errors and shows corrections on click! (Like Grammarly Premium!)
Mathspace Auto Solver JS - Automatically solves Mathspace questions and displays answers for user selection.
YouTube Auto-Resume JS - This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.
Show Password onMouseOver JS - Show password when mouseover on password field
Resize YT To Window Size JS - Moves the YouTube video to the top of the website and fill the window with the video player.
Google Search Terms Highlight JS - Automatically highlights search terms & full phrases in pages opened by Google search results.
Yet Another Weibo Filter (YAWF) JS - Sina Weibo feed filter by keywords, authors, topics, source, etc.; Modifying webpage layout
ao3 savior JS - Hide specified works on AO3
Linkify Plus Plus JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
SSL Accelerator JS - Speculatively performs SSL/TLS handshakes for hovered links to speed up browsing.
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
Unfuck Instagram JS - View Instagram images without javascript. Just the image, please.
Steam Extra Profile Links JS - Adds extra links to Steam Profile pages.
Youtube Subtitle Downloader v36 JS - Download Subtitles
Behance - fetch lazy-load images immediately JS - Fetch lazy-load images immediately at document load
YouTube Download JS - On youtube click the download link to download youtube video.
Auto Close YouTube Ads JS - Close and/or Mute YouTube ads automatically!
Multi-OCH Helper JS - and Inserts a direct download link on several one-click-hosters and some container/folder providers.
Remove Yandex Redirect JS - Remove Yandex redirect in search, news and mail
The West Fortbattle Tool JS - Fort battle tools for The West!
WME RA Util JS - Providing basic utility for RA adjustment without the need to delete & recreate
Youtube HD JS - Select a youtube resolution and resize the player.
Absolute Enable Right Click & Copy JS - Force Enable Right Click & Copy & Highlight
Pixiv Download Assistant JS - Provides some functions to download from pixiv
Ne0 Auto Port JS - Ne0's Auto Port for those who need to get out of a tight jam!
The ULTIMATE Agario Script JS - Easily configurable keys in code. Credits to Jack Burch, Tom Burris AND Ali Ahfad Mehdi
See more without logging into Facebook JS - This script allows you to see more without logging into Facebook.
AbhiGC Slither.IO Feeder Bot JS - AbhiGC Slither.IO Feeder Bot for free bots
Easy Offline JS - Find out all magnet links and torrents and video links in current page, and stream them from cloud storage automatically.
Netflix - subtitle downloader JS - Allows you to download subtitles from Netflix
Facebook No Login JS - Removes annoying popups and visual cruft when not logged-in
Macros agario JS - Macros y ventajas de splits, etc. Requiere tener activado las opciones "Dark theme" y "Show Mass".
- JS - Press Esc twice to toggle the menu,and save the setting
No thanks Facebook~ JS - Removes the box saying you should register or login to view this page
The West - Cloth Calc [ro] JS - The West Script: Cloth Calculation.
PTT Imgur Fix JS - 修正 Imgur 在 PTT 上的問題
Skipper for JS - You can bypass countdown after reCAPTCHA
智慧树刷课程 JS - 功能:自动跳过题目,自动看下一节视频,自动调用1.5倍速!
WK Auto Commit JS - Auto commit for Wanikani
Auto-Answer Script JS - try to take over the world!
BaiduPanDownloadHelper modify by ted423 reup by Tungtata JS - 批量导出百度盘的下载链接
Youtube plus JS - Small CSS tweaks to youtube with color theme settings
Ads DOM Remover JS - Removes Ad Containers from DOM (doesn't replace adblocker extension, but blocks dynamic content which the adblocker fails to block by removing whole sections from the HTML DOM.)
GitHub Custom Hotkeys JS - A userscript that allows you to add custom GitHub keyboard hotkeys
Wanikani Burn Manager JS - Mass Resurrect/Retire of Burn items on WaniKani
知乎免登录 JS - 并且去掉链接跳转。
Youtube Download ALL VIDEO JS - Download music, video of youtube in the best qualities and without annoying programs.
Remove Google Click-tracking JS - Removes Google's click-tracking from result links
UROverview Plus (URO+) JS - Adds a whole bunch of features to WME, which someday I may get around to documenting properly...
Bypass paywalls for scientific documents JS - Bypass paywalls for scientific documents by downloading them from sci-hub instead of paying something like 50 bucks for each paper. This script adds download buttons on Google Scholar, Scopus and Web Of Science, which lead to In this way you can get free access to scientific papers even if you (or your university) can't afford their prices.
豆瓣电影助手|douban movie helper JS - 【重新定义豆瓣脚本,东半球最好的豆瓣电影增强脚本】10秒搞定豆瓣电影资源下载|新增豆列搜索功能|电影黑名单:屏蔽你不想看的烂片|PT资源搜索链接|更多评分|字幕搜索|支持影人作品集批量搜索|增加查看原图链接|增加IMDB top 250标签|一键生成简介|在changhw版本基础上修改,增加pt站搜索,去除垃圾视频站。|感谢R酱、白鸽男孩| 自用脚本,代码粗糙,欢迎捉虫。
! IMDB + Magnet JS - Show magnet and in movie detail page .
Tag Incomings JS - Tags new incomings
- debug JS - debug mode
WME ClickSaver JS - Various UI changes to make editing faster and easier.
- Train Line Controller JS - Script that allows you to make impossible lines and include custom configuration settings.
The West Perseus Toolkit JS - Useful tools for The West.
TradingView - Remove ads JS - Does what it says.
- Pointer for Aim JS - Better and improved aim. Don't let the "wait" style cursor intimidate you. It helps IMPROVE aim, not hurt it. No pop-ups saying you can get banned or your screen going black because of a not allowing a mod in the game. It has been self tested and results are POSITIVE. Hope this mod is FUN :) Thanks _BARLEYER_ for a reference.
Mobile browser touch gestures JS - Add touch gestures to your mobile browser, ready to use and no configuration required. In addition to general gestures, there are also special gestures for text, images, and videos. Do you still think it's not enough? Support adding personalized gestures that belong to you. We recommend using Lemur browser, Edge browser and Yandex browser.
Old Reddit Redirect JS - Automatically redirects you to the old reddit
Wanikani: Progress Percentages JS - Calculates the percentage of known kanji for each JLPT level, Joyo grade, Frequency bracket, and various other sources.
- JS - Best & Agario clones games bots + Big Bots For Sale!
- crosshair JS - Red dot crosshair for
MH: Profile+ JS - Community requested features for the tabs on your MH profile.
Reddit search on Google JS - Adds a button to search Reddit posts with Google
Twitter image viewing enhancement JS - Make Twitter photo viewing more humane
remove spotify web ad JS - try to take over the world!
- bot (keyboard hack with AI) JS - bot for hacking
Nyaa Extract Links and Images JS - extract links and images from inside the description page to the listing page
Twitch Auto Channel Points Claimer JS - Automatically claim channel points.
Cookie Clicker hack JS - Just a cookie clicker hack.
Steam Downloader JS - Downloads anything from the steam workshop
dm5/dmzj/manhuagui/copymanga/tongli/colamanga - navigate with keyboard JS - [a / ←]prev page, [d / →]next page, [w / ↑]next chapter, [s / ↓]prev chapter, [q]newer comments, [e]older comments, [r]load all comments new-to-old on dm5, [t]load all comments old-to-new on dm5, [esc]stop loading more comments on dm5, [v]picture size switch between one-page/actual
AO3 Floating Comment Box JS - Floating comment box for AO3
pixiv_sort_by_popularity JS - non premium menber use "Sort by popularity"
Anti-AdBlocker Fuckoff JS - Protects & Remove Anti-AdBlockers modal windows from web sites
Comic Looms JS - Manga Viewer + Downloader, Focus on experience and low load on the site. Support you in finding the site you are searching for.
Instagram - browse not logged JS - Remove login message and popup. Remove cookies warning. Unlock links on the page.
Bypass FileCrypt JS - Bypass FileCrypt and get the original link!
Schoology Overdue Patch JS - Fixes that annoying overdue section which crowds the page with unnecessary content. Made by Gautam Mittal, a student on Schoology who wishes he could use Edmodo.
-,,,,, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports,,,,,,,,,, and
Bilibili Live Tasks Helper JS - Enhancing the experience of watching Bilibili live streaming.
Freebitcoin Autoclaim + Page Refresh JS - Autoclaim Play Without Captcha + Force Refresh Page
Reddit Video Downloader JS - Adds button to direct link or download the stupidly hard to save or share directly reddit videos. Designed to work on new Reddit only. Buttons appear when viewing the specific post -- does not work on preview/expand on post listing pages.
Youtube - dismiss sign-in JS - Hide the "sign-in" and cookies dialogs. Prevent the dialogs from pausing the video.