Wanikani Double-Check JS - Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
Wanikani Dashboard Progress Plus JS - Display detailed level progress.
Wanikani Ultimate Timeline JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
Wanikani Golden Burn JS - Turn burned items to gold.
Wanikani Self-Study Quiz JS - Quiz yourself on Wanikani items
Wanikani Self-Study Hide Info JS - Hide item info on the Level and Item screens for self-study.
WaniKani Study Config JS - Provides website settings for easier studying.
- WaniKani JS Replacement JS - Replaces Javascript on to support WaniKani updates.
Wanikani Lightning Mode JS - Eliminates second Enter or Click for correct review answers.
WaniKani Post Search Direct Link JS - Adds direct links to Post Search results to go directly to post, instead of topic.
WaniKani Hide Context Sentence JS - Hide context sentences until hovered.
WaniKani Markdown Notes JS - Allows you to write Markdown in the notes, which will be rendered as HTML when the page loads.
Wanikani Burn Manager JS - Mass Resurrect/Retire of Burn items on WaniKani
Kotonoha Context Concatenator JS - Joins the 3 result columns of Kotonoha search results.
Wanikani Forums Lesson/Review Status JS - Shows status of your Wanikani lessons/reviews while in the forums.
Wanikani Mistake Delay JS - Adds a delay after wrong answers to prevent double-tapping <enter>
Wanikani DotDotDot Expander JS - Expand Wanikani "..." in English translations
Wanikani Disable Review Submission JS - Disable submission of reviews, for debugging purposes
Wanikani Part-of-Speech Filter JS - Part-of-Speech filter for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Item List Filter (for Self-Study Quiz) JS - Select specific items (for Self-Study Quiz)
Wanikani Blacklist Filter (for Self-Study Quiz) JS - Blacklist specific items (for Self-Study Quiz)
Wanikani Block Review Submit JS - Disable submission of reviews, for debugging purposes
Wanikani Reviews SRS Preview JS - Shows an item's current SRS level before answering.
WanaKana JS (Library) - Utilities for detecting and transliterating between Hiragana, Katakana, and Romaji
Wanikani Forums Global Framework JS (Library) - A framework for global script services on Wanikani forums
Wanikani Open Framework - Settings module JS (Library) - Settings module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Progress module JS (Library) - Progress module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Menu module JS (Library) - Menu module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - ItemData module JS (Library) - ItemData module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Apiv2 module JS (Library) - Apiv2 module for Wanikani Open Framework
Wanikani Open Framework - Jquery module JS (Library) - Progress module for Wanikani Open Framework
- JS (Library) - Confetti generator