Fitgirl [ Youtube Preview ]JS
adds YouTube Preview and Review links below video game titles, easily watch a video or review of the game before playing it
PrimeWire Movie Trailers and ReviewsJS
#1 Most Useful Script for Primewire. Adds links to movie/TV show trailers and reviews from YouTube, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Also adds new bonus site features.
Youtube Scrolling Comments Layout 2017JS
Modern layout for 1080p res, lets you watch videos while being able to scroll and read the entire comments section, by pinning the YouTube video to the left-side page. Plus, a sleek 'More Videos by same user' playlist feed is auto-generated for the current channel and 2 very useful quicklinks are added: 'Most Popular' and 'Newest' sorted user videos. See screenshot for preview.
Primewire Host HighlighterJS
Automatically highlights the provider or host of your choice wherever it appears on a page listing, allowing you to quickly locate and click your favorite host to start watching.
YouTube Video Speed & Seek Mouse ControlJS
Dynamically adjust video playback speed & seeking instantly with your mousewheel, no more need to go through player menus every time.
YouTube Most Popular Videos By UserJS
Adds 2 very useful subtle links under the player to the current user's Uploaded Videos page sorted by popularity and by newest.
Popurls Classic Black Style 2019JS
Brings back Popurls classic black theme, perfectly restores and improves former functionality while adding fullsize image previews.
New IMDB Message Boards - MoviechatJS
Directly integrated replacement on the IMDB message boards using, appears at bottom of all IMDB movie/tv page listings, includes millions of archived posts saved from before the boards closed.
HSReplay/HDT Deck CountersJS
Shows the numbers of cards, doubles and legendaries, next to HSReplay build names, that you need to complete them [#n=needed/#d=doubles/#★=legendaries]
[Hadzy] Youtube Comment AnalyticsJS
Hadzy - The best youtube comment picker and great tool to search for all comments, open it with 'Activate' menu button
(9anime) AniWave Bingewatcher+JS
Auto-fullscreen, skip intros, jump to next episode, 9anime on Vidstream and MyCloud videos (Auto-1080p in configuration panel)
9anime Bingewatcher+ (Yu Yu Hakusho Dub Mod)JS
custom Yu Yu Hakusho version, skips intro recap and end credits, auto-advances to next episode, turns series into one long movie
whatfontis premiumJS
removes blurred text and blocking elements so you can use (Commercial / Free Personal / Google Fonts) premium features in font search results