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Jisho Audio Downloader JS - Adds download audio button to pages which downloads word audio clips.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
Glowslinging hotkey script JS - Use 1-5 to select an attack, 1-5 or f to begin a fight or duel again
DripStat DropOut JS - Calculates stats in DripStat, and provides a control panel for automation.
- - Automatic PM Retry JS - Automatically sends a PM after the cooldown timer reaches 0.
CH MTurk Page Titles JS - Change MTurk page titles to be more specific, instead of most just saying "Amazon Mechanical Turk".
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results (with 10-per-page mod) JS - Numbers Google search results in the format M.N (page number, and result number 1-10 on that page). Google Instant should be disabled.
mmmturkeybacon Queue Order Fix JS - After completing a HIT anywhere within your queue (i.e. HITs Assigned To You), this script will automatically continue the HIT at the top of your queue.
mmmturkeybacon Numbered Google Results with Easy Copy JS - Numbers results in the format M.N to show the result number. If you are on the first page it divides the results up into groups of 10 and after every 10 results M is increased by 1. This allows you to quickly see which page a result would be on if there were 10 results per page. For any page after the first, M is the page number and N is the result number. Hold the pointer over a button for instructions on copying. Disable Google Instant (Gear>Search settings>Never show Instant results).
mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints JS - Changes the title row of a HIT's description to match the average of it's Turkopticon ratings. Changes the color of the reward amount to match the color of the Turkopticon rating for pay. Adds colored checkboxes to show/hide HITs by color rating. Adds a gray checkbox to show only HITs for which you are not qualified. Changes the background color of the HIT title and link to white for Master's HITs. Changes the color of HITs for which you are not qualified to a darker gray. And more!
AO3: Kudos/hits ratio JS - Replace hitcount with kudos/hits percentage. Sort works on the page by this ratio.
defBackgroundUp JS - Replace background colors #FFFFFF rgb(255, 255, 255) in #EDF2EB rgb(237, 242, 235) or #ECF2EA rgb(236, 242, 234), natural and ergonomic background colors to view; Reduce eye strain.
Shift + Scroll = HScroll JS - Scroll horizontally using < SHIFT + scroll > (useful in Firefox)
Google Search Extra Buttons JS - Add buttons (past 1/2/3 days, weeks, PDF search etc.) for Google search page
PI Search Hotkeys JS - Hotkeys for PI Search (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Enter) Disable any other PI Search script for best results.
Cookie Clicker Cheats JS - Enable/Disable different cheats/hacks for Cookie Clicker
Scratch Swaggification Homepage Fixer JS - Fixes blurry images on the Scratch homepage that normally show up when using the Scratch Swaggification userstyle.
Turkdigo Pace Calculator JS - Calculate the pace at which you need to complete HITs to earn a target minimum wage.
Crowdsource Workstation Monitor JS - Monitors your CrowdSource work center for favorite tasks
UselessScript#1 JS - Change some words to fruits because why not
InstaSynchP Bump Command JS - Command to bump a video from a user or url
Jeff Binder JS - Adds Hot keys to Jeff Binder hits.
GOTA_Container JS - Modifies the container in which the game is hosted (optionally).
Neverwinter gateway - Profession Automation JS - Automatically selects professions for empty slots
SetsMaster JS - Наборы для смены армии, фракции и оружия - 3 в 1 (Tamozhnya1)
Emoji Polyfill JS - This makes the browser support emoji by using native fonts if possible and a fallback if not.
PrimeWire Movie Trailers and Reviews JS - #1 Most Useful Script for Primewire. Adds links to movie/TV show trailers and reviews from YouTube, IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes. Also adds new bonus site features.
AMT Titles JS - Splice and Modify of CH MTurk Page Titles and mTurk Title Bar Timer
1. Greasemonkey Emulation JS - Emulate the Greasemonkey GM_* functions for other browsers.
Number 1 Enhancer JS - Highlights, rearranges, and adds context to Number One stuff
Fastmail - Folder Badge Controls JS - Turn badges on or off for specific folders, or show total # of messages.
GOTA Extender JS - Game of Thrones Ascent Extender
PaisaLive by TechHackerz JS - Paisa Live Auto Pilot
- MCD 0 JS - Adds an MCD:0 link to the charpane
Hide Negatively Voted Posts JS - Hides questions with a score of less than 0 from the front page
KAT - Shorten Achievement Names JS - Shortens the names of the achievements into acronyms
Zombja Sonar Zs: 0 Hider JS - Hides the Zs: 0 in the Zombja Sonar
Google Searches Exactly What You Type JS - Google searches for exactly what you type in by inserting nfpr=1 into the url.
3-2-1-Gorące JS - Gorące wpisy sprzed 1/2/3 godzin.
Images and Sentences HIT Helper JS - "Relate a phrase to an image (10 questions)" and "Identify if two phrases are related (10 questions)". Press 1, 2, or 3 to select options and hit next.
oglaf NextPage clarifier JS - Oglaf has stories which may have 1 or more pages. The "Next Page" button takes you to the next story if there isn't a next page, which is a bit unclear.
Simple Youtube HTML5 enabler JS - This scipt (simple) enables html5 on youtube by adding &html5=1 to the url. It takes no options.
(mTurk) Dave Cobb HIT Helper JS - (mTurk) Press "1" to select "Yes, we missed some faces/heads!" and advance. Press "2" to select "No, every single face/head has been found." and advance. "3" submits.
A Better eBay Filter JS - Allow filtering eBay searches based on additional criteria, global site support
Hack Forums Matte Black Theme (Style 1) JS - Changes Hack Forums to a dark, sleek theme! Style 1.
Ogame - 1.x - Fleet JS - Script for OGame with the new graphic interface. Add some fleet features and shortcuts.
Remove PayPal Homepage Images JS - Remove PayPal Homepage Images --
General URL Cleaner JS - Cleans URL's from various popular sites.
Virus Shortcut JS - (for F to throw 7 masses instead of 1,for green cells
Venue Quality JS - Hide instructions and a & s or 1 & 2 on number pad
Dropbox convert to direct link JS - Removes www and change https to http and dl=0 to dl=1
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT JS - Snag HITs. mturk.
MTurk DaddyHunt Moderation JS - Use keys 1-6 to rate an image from clean to broken.
[.01 Nova]Categorize a product. JS - Hotkeys
Kadokado Magic Data Extractor JS - Extract players data from a particular Kadokado clan (players scores, records, stars and levels for all games) to an Excel compliant file format (CSV) to make statistics.
AO3: Fic's Style, Blacklist, Bookmarks JS - Change font, size, width and background of a work + blacklist: hide works that contain certains tags or text, have too many tags/fandoms/relations/chapters/words and other options + fullscreen reading mode + bookmarks: save the position you stopped reading a fic + number of words for each chapter and estimated reading time
MTurk EyeApps JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to EyeApps HITs
[.01 EyeEm Inc]Flag images - Select the tags that are not relevant to this image. JS - 0-6 to click checkboxes, hide instructions. 0 key functionality working not working for everyone.
[.01 Vale]Click on the described object JS - 1-3 to select radio buttons,` to submit, hide instructions
ETI Color Scheme Randomizer JS - Randomly generates a new color scheme every page load
ETI Sig Fader JS - fades sigs
C&C: TA Hotkeys JS - Hotkey script for inserting your player data into multiple areas and Login/Logout for up to 9 accounts.
[.01 Nova] Flag images - Undesirable content JS - 1-9 to select images, 0 to select none of the above. Hide instructions and autosubmit optional.
KAT - Add IMG bbcode JS - Allows highlighting url and then clicking or using Ctrl + I to make IMG bbcode
MTurk A9 Category Validation (Non-Masters) JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs
TipidPColor JS - Change the color of navigation bar, alert box, and many more
Skyforge Wikia - Bubble help on skill (Abilities and Talents) JS - Add a bubble help when you mouseover a skill name (Abilities and Talents)
MTurk A9 Category Validation-Windows JS - Assists with Category Validation HITs--modified from @tubedogg's script to be friendly with Windows
BVS Fields JS - Hotkeys (1-4) for the Fields
Goodreads Half-Stars and Rating Tags JS - Converts selected tags on GoodReads into rating images (such as tags with half-star ratings)
Le Upboat! xD JS - Vote on posts on /g/.
Textarea Backup with expiry JS - Retains text entered into textareas and contentEditables, and expires after certain time span.
Textarea Plus JS - Have a better textarea! A userscript which can improve plain textarea for code editing.
UselessScript#1 JS - Change some words to fruits because why not
TopicPageLinks JS - Converts the "last" link in the forums into a link to individual pages in the topic (ie. "1 | 2 | 3 | 4" instead of "last")
Show Pitchfork Ratings for Albums JS - This is now a fairly heavily modified version of updated so it gets albums and retries when an album rating is not available
infinite retail smasher JS - plays BvS infinite retail (poorly)
[TS] Generic Image Viewer JS - A more Powerful Image Viewer with info panel support for Pixiv, deviantArt, imgur, Seiga Nico and Support numpad keys now.
lazyFingers JS - Tính năng: hiện 1 số button khi bôi đen text
WaniKani Lattice Extension JS - Extends the WaniKani lattice and allows to choose what data to display
ao3 series collapser JS - collapse works that are later than part 1 of a series
Dhaka-1 JS - Code Shaban Ali
JR Mturk Panda Crazy JS - Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.
Local Image Viewer JS - View images in local directories. Can navigate, zoom, rotate.
ManageHoard JS - Adds buttons to select all but 1 for selling/converting and for selecting all Swipp/Baldwin items for sending to vault.
FixCJK! JS - 1) Use real bold to replace synthetic SimSun bold; 2) Regular SimSun/中易宋体 can also be substituted; 3) Reassign font fallback list (Latin AND CJK). Browser serif/sans settings are overridden; 4) Use Latin fonts for Latin part in Latin/CJK mixed texts; 5) Fix fonts and letter-spacing for CJK punctuation marks.
Wallpaperscraft downloader JS - 1-Click download on WallpapersCraft. You should select the resolution before downloading.
10wallpaper downloader JS - 1-Click download on 10Wallpaper. You should select the resolution before downloading.
A9 Image Survey - 1 Location JS - Makes the A9 Image Survey - 1 (Location HITs) easier to do (only keyboard).
--- iWings --- Mods / Script JS - Auto Respawn + Autofire + Dark Theme / Night Mode + Macros / Shortcuts + Hide Leaderboard & Fireflies + More!
- AFTER UPDATE Agarplus PRIVATE SERVERS JS - Best Private Server Ext
Google Logo 1 (1998) | No Doodles! JS - Replace the Google logo and Doodles with the 1st Google logo (1998)!
Flickr - AUTO View ADULT Content v.1 - 2017 JS - In PHOTO PAGE: Auto click on the View Adult Content (author Brock Adams , fork decembre)
- skin rotator JS - Skin rotator for
Goodreads Giveaway Helper JS - Goodreads Giveaway Helper 1) Can hide giveaways with poor chances. 2) Hi-light books by authors on your shelves. 3) Speed up entry, and even automatically scan giveaways for authors on your shelves. Now deals with Giveaways for which you can't uncheck "add to read shelf!"
- 1-click delete JS - Shows a delete "x" button for scrobbles
WME Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser JS - Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
ASCII Control Codes Keyboard Input Helper for Firefox JS - This is a script to help inputting ASCII Control Codes such as TAB, CR, LF, etc. on Firefox web browsers using ALT+Numpad keys. Inputted control codes must begin with 0 (e.g. 09, 013, etc.), and only control code 1 to 31 are accepted. The control character will only be generated when the current focus is on a TEXTAREA element, or a text typed INPUT element.
YouTube Title Fixer JS - Fixes a severely broken UI flaw in YouTube by removing the annoying and unnecessary "(X)" from page titles. Seriously, I have 15 tabs in a row showing "(1) ...", obscuring the actual page titles. This is just stupid.