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Twitter Last Read Tweet Tweak JS - Makes the "last read tweek" marker more obvious
Twitter usernames > "real names" JS - Make usernames more prominent, "real names" less promiment.
Yodlee MoneyCenter Tweaks JS - Slight modifications to Yodlee MoneyCenter
Yodlee Time = Money JS - Converts money spent into time spent
Yodlee Virtual Subaccounts JS - Adds virtual subaccounts to Yodlee Moneycenter
icotile sort lists alphabetically JS - Sorts IcoTile lists alphabetically.
Make the MSDN Forums pages full width JS - Makes the MSDN Forums pages span the full width of the browser, rather than maxing out at the default ~960 pixels.
another-to-annather JS - Replaces another with annather :)
RYM Custom Chart Filters JS - adds new filters to the rym custom charts
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
God-to-GabeN JS - Replaces God with GabeN :) based on /u/killeri404's Console-to-Potato script
Wakfu link JS - Add useful link to wakfu elements, wakfu wiki, and encyclopedia
iShout MOD JS - Mass Shout in erepublik for e-Iran MOD
WhackAZimp JS - Whack a Zimp
Facebook add Block App to Newsfeed JS - Adds block app link to your Facebook newsfeed after each application posted on your feed.
remove Premium spam JS - Removes annoying premium articles
InoReader - Open Article in Background Tab JS - Fixes Firefox functionality to allow for opening of background tabs in InoReader
BillyTV Agent JS - Handles your auditions for you (mostly)
BvS BillyCon Enhancer JS - Enhances the BillyCon pages
BvS BillyCon Analyser JS - Collect information from BillyCon pages and send it to a remote server for further analysis
BvS BillyCon Success Calculator JS - Calculates the probability for each outcome of BillyCon events
BvS Candyween Helper JS - Calculates probabilities of each choice in Candyween houses
BvS Crank Helper JS - Displays average success chances for selected Crank level.
BvS Filler Themes Notifier JS - Notifies you when you need to set filler themes for Hidden Hoclaus and Candyween
BVS Flower Wars AI JS - Makes play choices for the bvs game Flower Wars
BvS Hanafuda JS - Highlight cards of the same suit, show all possible yaku and add click events (auto select a matching card from your hand with a card from the field and vice-versa).
BvS Mission Hotkeys JS - Mission hotkeys for BvS
BvS_KageTools JS - Compute RP point earnings for villagers, among other things
DeepWiki JS - Adds an inline display of actual effects to acquired effects in potion and item descriptions on KoL wiki pages.
Google Images Enhancer JS - Mejora Tu Experiencia Al Navegar En Google IMÁGENES | Improves Your Browsing Experience In Google IMAGES.
BvS Pachinko Helper JS - Easier insight into Pachinko success rates.
BvS Pachinko Max Balls JS - Default use maximum amount of balls available and select the right options for the billy bucket machine.
BvS PW SpeedBot 1.0.1 JS - Adjusts your speed for you, modded from Razithel's ExHard SpeedBot v.03. Thanks to TheSpy, Vasey, and Razithel for XPATH variables
BvS Watchmaker Script (Gold) JS - Tells you which path to take in order to fix your watch
BvS Full Village Messages JS - Displays all messages in village by default rather then having to click "Refresh Messages / Show All"
Glowslinging hotkey script JS - Use 1-5 to select an attack, 1-5 or f to begin a fight or duel again
BvS Workshop Helper JS - Displays the ingredients needed to make something and adds a link to make it
BvS Item Checker JS - Helps you find out which items you are missing in BvS
BvS Data Analyser JS - Collect information from miscellaneous pages and send it to a remote server for further statistics
BvS Clock Modified JS - Floating server time clock for Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN!
BvS Dropalyzer JS - Remembers mission drops (events, items etc) so you don't have to.
BvS Ally Checker JS - Are you missing an ally?
Poker Prover JS - BvS Poker: hotkeys and determines if you can Prove a win
BvS BAWG Reporter JS - Generate a Bawg Report for BvS Forum Copy/Paste
BvS Jutsu Success Probability JS - Odds of Jutsu success in missions and quests
BvS Vacation Reminder JS - Alerts you when your vacation is ready.
Tumblr Savior JS - Saves you from ever having to see another post about certain things ever again (idea by bjornstar, rewritten by Vindicar).
Tumblr Overquote Trimmer JS - Hides excessive nested quotes that keep breaking your dashboard.
GK Filter JS - Filter posts & comments on
GK parent comment JS - Adds links to parent commentary to GK comments, and sets parent commentary text as link tooltip.
Tumblr Notifications/Notes Enhancer JS - Fixes inability to select text in notifications and notes.
Tumblr Tophats JS - Adds tophat to certain users' icons on your dash.
Tumblr Multiline Asks JS - Allows you to send multiline asks on Tumblr.
R00t Success Chance JS - Calculates success chance for r00t field actions.
BvS_Daily JS - Assist in daily tasks
Cangjie Dictionary JS - Show the Cangjie code of the selected traditional Chinese character.
Tistory Add Original Links JS - Adds link to original size below each image
WME Color Highlights City JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their status
MyShows: sort serials JS - Sort serials in alphabetic order on
GSMArena Highlight Compare Differences JS - See
WME Validator Localization for Russia JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Russia. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
C€ Portfolio Overview - Jira 5 Rapid Board - Dev JS - Customization for cards displayed on the Jira RapidBoard forked from "IS24 Portfolio Overview - Jira 5 Rapid Board"
Guardian Anti-Jock JS - Remove sports stories from the Guardian frontpage, as well as links to the sports sections. This requires that you use what is currently (Jun 2014) the "beta" version of the Guardian, although this will presumably one day become the main version.
Disable Best Of Link JS - This disables the Best Of link at the top of
Disable Textarea Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Disables the keyboard shortcuts in textareas.
ALL THE LINKS in new windows JS - This will force all the links at sites to open in a new tab, even internal links.
UserNotes JS - adds ajaxy viewing of user notes on Metafilter whenever a username is shown
FavoriteThis JS - change the name of 'favorites'on Metafilter
YouTube Alt+F go to /v/ fullscreen JS - Make YouTube's player go /v/ fullscreen when pressing Alt+F
MTurk Captcha Alert JS - Alerts when a captcha is encountered.
MTurk Confirm Return HIT JS - A prompt to confirm returning a HIT to prevent accidental returns.
Preview and Accept MTurk HITs JS - Automatically accept HITs. Please be careful while using this. I'm NOT responsible for drop in your returned or abandoned HITs.
Clan Display and Temperature addon for Starmap JS - Add Clan, Temperature, and Ownership display added to Map Tools within map
DripStat DropOut JS - Calculates stats in DripStat, and provides a control panel for automation.
Color Coding for JS - Color codes planets and ships by race on map
- - improved Ship List View JS - Miscellaneous Improvements to the Ship List View
Color Coding for Original Planets Nu Client JS - Color codes planets and ships by race on map
- Explosion Ship Name (original client only) JS - Explosion Ship Name
- Fleet UI JS - Fleet UI for Ship Screen
- Colonial Minesweep Display JS - Adds fighter sweeping totals for Colony players
Kongregate Legacy of a Thousand Suns Raid Link Helper JS - Improves the text of raid links and stuff
CheckChangelogFromGithubRelease JS - Check ChangeLog from Github Relase page.
- Automatic Gravity Well Movement JS - Enables auto usage of gravity wells and auto warp
- ship templates JS - Adds saving to and building from ship templates
- send diplomats to all JS - Send diplomats to all players
- improved hover text JS - Adds Dark Sense and Super Spy info to plaent hover text. Also adds additional info for ships and bases.
- VCR Sound Damper JS - Makes overlapping VCR sounds sane
- - Planetary Management Plugin v2 JS - Planetary Management Plugin v2
MTurk Great HIT Export With Hearts JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data
- - Sort Scoreboard JS - Allow sorting of the Scoreboard
NYT Single-Page Format v1.3 JS - Rewrites New York Times links to ask for single page format. v1.3 imported from Derived from version.
RYM: Remove Upcoming Releases JS - remove releases from your upcoming section on rym
v2ex-ignore-topic-home JS - Ignore v2ex topics on homepage
CS UI Widgets Information JS - Shows information about a CS UI Widgets authenticated session.
Search with Google JS - Replaces the built-in search at
Enter to Win! JS - Show button "Enter to Win!" in homepage
No GC Offers [DEPRECATED] JS - Delete PMs that have "off GCash Flash" in the title (refine later)
Gaia - Hide Announcements JS - Hide Announcements
Prevent a tab from popping up dialogs when closing the tab JS - Prevent a tab from popping up dialogs when closing the tab. Copied from