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NanoBots v2.0.1 JS - NanoBots Release v2.0.1
Weibored.js JS - remove all users you're following
Tool for JS - This tool shows tables on database problems after you submit a wrong answer, so you don't need to read their unreadable JSON representation of tables.
Gotceleb Direct Full-Size Images JS - Allows you to view full-sized images of thumbnails on a new tab with one click
fix edx JS - Fixing UX problems of Edx
Cancer+++ v2 JS - OGARio Edited
Youtube Card Annotations Disable JS - Assign an extra option to the default annotations button to toggle the new youtube cards
labStartProjectFilter JS - Отмечает в выпадающем списке запуска исследований технологии, которые уже исследуются вами
- Better Censor words JS - wildcard support [%] for censor words
WME OH Scripts JS - Recommended scripts for editing in Ohio
Better Reddit Spoiler JS - Improved spoiler formatting for Reddit
La Nacion Login JS - Quita el login de
TF2R: Smoother Version JS - Improves the layout of TF2R.
Flvcd Tweaks JS - Add a few functions to Flvcd
Wowhead Fixed Search Header JS - Makes the page header (the search box) "sticky" when you scroll.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
18AV Tweaks JS - Add some functions to 18av
清理百度搜索的广告或推广 JS - 清除百度搜索的推广和广告
清爽的控制台 JS - 自动清理控制台!
Virtonomica: фильтр для отчета "городская энергосеть" (City power grid filter) JS - Фильтр для отчета "аналитика" - "анализ рынков" - "энергопотребление" - "городская энергосеть"
Inverter JS - Inverts webpages with a hotkey
Synesthesia JS - Colors text characters to try and develop association between letter and colors.
WME South Carolina DOT Reports JS - Display SC transportation department reports in WME.
- User Stats JS - Profile a user's timeline by clicking a button that appears on user pages
Message Copier for Agarlist JS - Now you can copy messages on agarlist
Wanikani Little Pinky Protector JS - Add another shortcut to enter an answer, so your pinky doesn't get too tired!
NHN News Easy Hide Furigana JS - Hides furigana by default on the NHK Easy News site articles.
WME SC Emergency Management Closures JS - Adds a road closure layer for Sourth Carolina Emergency Management
Refresh/Clear NBViewer Cache JS - Add a button to navigation bar to refresh/clear the cache of nbviewer
WME Virginia DOT Reports JS - Display VA transportation department reports in WME.
SG Entered / Created / Won Giveaway Page JS - Added point value, creator, level, and giveaway type at Giveaway > Entered page.
iks:virtonomica Заказ на все свои JS - При нажатии на зеленую машинку позволяет без лишних кликов выставить заказ на все свои юниты
BotClons JS - try to take over the world!
13 Macros For DutchGaming HD Youtub Link Under! JS - 13 macro's for feeding, linesplits, tricksplits, etc. And enables show mass and skip stats by default :)
Prevent off-screen HTML5 autoplay JS - Disable autoplay for HTML5 media elements displayed outside the visible portion of the page
Virtonomica: Подсветка в отчете по производству JS - Подсветка по качу производства относительно среднереалмового в отчете по производству
Trajet des gowap MkII JS - Trajet des gowaps
crbug colorize JS - Colorize bug list based on status
Nombres con diferentes colores (para Uli) JS - Cambia los colores de los nombres de la gente que tenés agregada, de los moderadores y de la persona más guapa de Argentina.
OGARio by szymy 2.1 JS - Unoffical Polish MOD
Best Tricksplit Macro JS - Never miss a tricksplit again!
Add routine to transfer list JS - Add routine to transfer list v0.2
GoodGame.Ru (new design) enhancer JS - Disable ad in header. Desrease font size at news pages and forum.
nixbot JS - Adds a martingale bot to
Crunchyroll Queue Fixer JS - fixes for crunchyroll queue page. put shows with new episodes at top; always show "no image" icon on shows with no new episodes.
MyAnimeList List Fixer JS - fix list page. hide media icons;
Like Bomber JS - Like all posts including comments on the selected thread with only one click. By SyfuxX edited by lanceq
ProjEulerProgress JS - Displays progress
Links on Netflix - IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, YouTube Trailers JS - Adds links for searching titles from
ABP Digest: Open in pop-in JS - Opens reports in pop-in window.
Redmine category links JS - Project URL:
Anti-Adblock Killer for JS - Don't touch my Adblocker!
SaObY Hotkeys JS - try to take over the world!
GUMx JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with T or 4, triplesplit with Y, doublesplit with G or Q, faster feeding with E, and split with 1
Gota Script JS - R - 16 Split -|- 2 - Triple Split -|- 1 - Double Split -|- Tab - Cursor Center -|- ~ - Blue Mode -|
duolingo_immersion_every_language JS - This script gives access to immersion if you don't have it, and in unsupported languages.
convert2mp3 Button (EN) JS - This adds a button below a YouTube video to download it as MP3.
SearchOnSoundCloud for YouTube (EN) JS - This adds a button below a YouTube video to search for the video title on SoundCloud.
Rotten Tomatoes export CSV button JS - Adds a 'Download CSV' button to the personal ratings page in Rotten Tomatoes which downloads a Letterboxd compatible CSV file.
Block TrackBot JS - Hides all posts from's TrackBot
Shadow's Agario Macro Split JS - Press z To Spilt 16 times
bilibili vip remover JS - remove the 'become-vip' link, repalce red names to original, and replace emoji to pure text
Real Estate Com Au List Price JS - Adds the hidden list price to the detailed listings
Speach Recognition for JS - add Speach Recognition to!
RemoveGrayScale JS - force remove grayscale!
Force Remove Thairath Background Music JS - this script auto remove background music from thairath site
BetterTwitchTV for FrankerFaceZ JS - Better Twitch TV emotes for FrankerFaceZ
Proxmox 4 Login form autocomplete JS - Enable autocomplete login and password in Proxmox VE 4.x
HL level calculator JS - Permite visualizar información extendida en el perfíl sobre el nivel y los apartados que influyen en él.
Link File to InteliJ IDE From Github JS - Adds a monitor icon next to file name, click it to open your Intelij Ide (Remote Call plugin required)
Ceca za google JS - try to take over the world!
Generous Gazette JS - Removes paywall on Colorado Springs based Gazette newspaper.
Capitan JS - Aide à la recherche de cachettes de Capitan
Messagerie JS - Gestion "re" et previsu messagerie
GrattageFD JS - Aide au Grattage dans MountyHall, version 1.1.3 du 21/01/2024, par Vapulabehemot (82169) + Roule
PowerBi Refresh Dataset JS - Refresh the dataset every 3 minutes
Bot Bubble JS - Pozwala na automatyczne wejscie w gre Emoticón wink a exp leci Emoticón winktongue
ClearFilter JS - Clear web filter
733 read all JS - 读取全部漫画,删除广告
No Grayscale JS - No grayscale for all sites.
YouTube uBlock Whitelister (Improved) JS - An improved version of Zalastax's fixed version of gorhill's tool to whitelist ads for certain YouTubers
Unfilter web pages JS - Just disable for web pages which roughly use CSS filter to the websites, update @match may needed to suit you personal usage.
Remove Grayscale Filter JS - set body css filter = none
Tutoriel premium RG JS - Réponse prédéfinie sur RG
Tutoriel premium RG JS - Réponse prédéfinie sur RG
Tutoriel premium RG JS - Réponse prédéfinie sur RG
Lazyfoo Highlight code JS - Add code highlight to lazyfoo's code snippets in the tutorials section
YouTube Header Relative Position JS - The top header will no longer scroll along with the page
- Search Engine Integration JS - Integrates various underground and nzb search engines into
EXP CLAN EXTENTION JS - W is 'W' Macro, Z and 4 is Tricksplit, 3 is Triplesplit, X is Doublesplit, Easily configurable keys in code.
EXP CLAN EXTENTION JS - W is 'W' Macro, Z and 4 is Tricksplit, 3 is Triplesplit, X is Doublesplit, Easily configurable keys in code.
Waze Edit Count Monitor (pt-BR) JS - Owner is MapOMatic. Translation by me. Mostra a contagem diária de suas edições realizadas no WME. Alerta se está acelerado. Original link:
Macrosplit for HFW. JS - Fb: Fabreh Cárdenas
- "Everything Else" budgets links fix-up JS - Make categories under "Everything Else" in Budgets page open correct URL when middle-clicked.
Macro JS - Awesome script to optimize your webpage
CH MTurk HIT Link Cleanup JS - On Oct 12, 2016, Amazon added a bunch of useless garbage variables to all the HIT links on MTurk search results pages, making your browser history no longer able to change the link color of HITs you've already visited. This script removes the garbage from those links so your browser history can work properly again. And if you put it first in your userscript execution order, it should also fix some other scripts that were affected by this garbage.
Agario PRO Script JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with Shift or T, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with A or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1 =Sub to VeuzZ - YT= (Inspired by: Jack Burch AND Tom Burris)
Macro By SinisterYT // R=Tricksplit // 1=Doublesplit // 2=Triplesplit // Thanks For installing <3 JS - // R=Tricksplit // 1=Doublesplit // 2=Triplesplit // Thanks For installing <3
The YouTube Limiter JS - Helps in your goals to limit the use of youtube videos!