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TM test JS - show SI and REREC in TM Player page
Hacker News JS - Add a link in the top banner of [Hacker News discussion]( to its counter part at [HN Premii](
TV Tropes Spoilers JS - Enable "Show Spoilers" control on every page
Disable Print Dialog in Stack Printer JS - Disable print dialog in Stack Printer site
OpenUserJS Bullshit Filter JS - Hides scripts for popular browser games and social networks as well as scripts that use "foreign" characters in descriptions.
Stack Overflow: StackPrinter JS - Add Printer-Friendly button to question. This script is forked from and it add supports for HTTPs
Agar mods + ad block JS - modz
FlightRising GUI Improvements Sandboxed Portion JS - Runs potentially unsafe code in a protective sandbox.
CI Train IRC nick fix JS - Use my IRC nickname on Ubuntu ci-train
Funnyjunk Submitter Checker JS - Replace emoticons on Funnyjunk with the text variants.
Limegreen external links JS - Highlight all external links in lime green, works on dynamically added content too.
Pixiv unread mark JS - rt
WaPo Escalation JS - Hide the Washington Post Ad Blocker Blocker
Open links in new tab JS - Open links in new tab. Ctrl-click or Middle-click loads it in background
ImgSkraper JS - Scrap all the <img> on the web page and show them in side bar for easy viewing
Soundgasm Ripper JS - Download m4a audio files from
Fontz Quiz Timer & Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Adds stopwatch to quiz pages; use Ctrl+S to submit and continue on quiz and quiz answer pages
Kab Karo JS - Polygons Kabupaten di WME layer
Shoutbox Linkify JS - Links certain text (e.g. /profile/pet/42) in the shoutbox.
add H6 for screenreaders JS - adds a H6 element before an answer to aid screenreaders in finding the start of an answer
Kongregate RCM Auto-Racer + Scroll Fixes! JS - [Works in FF and Chrome!] Auto-Racing + Scroll Fixes!
Google Favicons JS - Adds favicons to Google search results.
WME Speedlimits JS - Adds colours to road segments to show their speeds
Hide removed Extensions in Chrome Dashboard JS - Help you to hide all removed extensions from Chrome Developer Dashboard
FPS Counter JS - FPS Counter (On greasy fork)
Hide international ebay listings JS - Hides items listed under ebay "items found from eBay international sellers" and "More items related to"
MAL Anime Entries Compare JS - This script compares anime entries from user list with entries from anime detail page and bold similar ones
MiWiFi in English JS - Xiaomi AC Router Translation in English (Mozilla Firefox)
Classic Online-Stopwatch JS - Return to classic Online-Stopwatch
Ace of Spades Siggy JS - Automatically insert your badge list into your forum posts! (ALL CREDIT TO LIMEWIRE FOR THE CODE (Ty bae))
MO Kab Kaur JS - Boundary Polygons Kab Kaur, Bengkulu di WME layer
Wikitube - YouTube on Wikipedia & Wikiwand JS - Adds relevant YouTube videos to Wikipedia and Wikiwand.
WME MMR 3 - Thailand Overlay JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "MMR 3 - Thailand Groups" layer
MTG better forum view JS - Turns the forumn posts under Awesome HITS into a more managable list and adds a view for only hits posted.
Twitter HTML5 Video Error to Link JS - Replaces error message with a link to load the media in a new tab where hopefully a plugin will play it
WK Voice Recognition Experiment JS - enter something useful
Fix paste on YouTube JS - Fixes paste function in comments on YouTube
Prevent middle-click hijacking JS - Allows you to open links in new tabs by middle or control clicking on buggy sites like Instagram
Vagrant Box Download Helper JS - Add a download button in
IMGUR Load "remaining images" AUTOMATICALLY JS - Load "Remaining Images" Automatically
Outlook MailChecker JS - Checks for new mails arriving in owa and provides a desktop notification
Outlook MailChecker 2 JS - Checks for new mails arriving in owa and provides a desktop notification. Works in most scenarios.
- Category-List Manager Scrolling Fix JS - Fixes the jQuery UI Draggable bug revolving around dragged item getting offset when scrolling.
- Shopping List Enhancements JS - Collection of HTML/CSS enhancements for various bugs and/or shortcomings of the Shopping Lists page (/ShoppingList.aspx)
JCCC Library JSON JS - Using this script interacts with to get all results as quickly as possible for a particular query. It can handle 1000 results total, because that is where the api cuts it off.
Youtube Subscriptions infinite JS -
SVG favicon Mozilla fix JS - SVG favicon doesn't appear in Firefox prior to 41 version Motty Katan(c) 15-09-2015 last updated 15-09-2015
Explore Script JS - Warring Factions Explore Script
RemoveBigLike JS - Remove big like button from the freaking facebook chat
IMDB2Other JS - IMDb enhancer search bar
- script JS - Remove please donate advertismenet and make the chat big again.
New Inline Tier Charts JS - This will provide an inline tier chart for Dawn of the Dragons.Maps created by Brayden.Tiers collected by Warric.
Hacker News - Folding Subtrees JS - Fold and unfold arbitrary comment subtrees.
Fark Redirect Remover JS - Removes some of's tracking redirects.
Social Friend Tracker JS - Monitors your Facebook frends and notifies you if you are unfriended
Minimal twitter JS - Hide everything but the timeline
Reddit Vote and Comment Fuzzer JS - Fuzzes comments (on your front page) for a specific subreddit
ZITS: Zetaboards ImprovemenT Script JS - An all-in-one script that works on pretty much every Zetaboards forum, adding a sidebar and other code.
- tags display JS - Show tags in the transactions listing on
Mutare armata JS - Muta armata intre provincii
Scrub Settings JS - Macro mass and auto custom settings
Arena Vision Agenda in Local Time JS - Converts the times in the Arena Vision agenda to user's local timezone.
Hack Forums Add to Group (Void) JS - Adds people to groups
- show image keyboard control JS - Keyboard navigation for APUG user gallery images.
LFG Account Page Cleanup JS - Makes the skills section of the account page actually usable on non-huge monitors.
SB nGage Auto JS - Automatically goes to the next page on nGage
fix null byte links JS - don't get shot
Zhihu Easy Collapse JS - 快捷地收起知乎首页的长答案
Add Reddit Top Menuitems ( H,24,W,M,Y ) JS - adds quickaccess menuitems: hour day week month year
WME Validator Localization for Ireland JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Ireland. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Extra JS - Show anime/manga info inside your animelist/mangalist
Allow Copy and Context Menu Continued JS - Allow Copy (include hot keys and some css) & Context Menu. Disable (remove) copy text protection and allow copy for all sites. Thanks Lex1 for example
autoSpurdo JS - Convert text on every page into spurdo
Expand Subreddit Header JS - Expand subreddit header on Reddit
Stash-ShowAllSideIcons JS - enter something useful
YouTube Player for Forocoches JS - Never thought I would made something so unsettling, enjoy it!
Selectable text on JS - Exactly what it looks like.
Google News Filter JS - Removes blacklisted articles and news sources from Google News.
莞工体育选课助手 JS - 助你快速选课
Check remember me JS - Check Remember me on Sign In GreasyFork page
Feedsportal ad skipper JS - Skips feedsportal interstitial ads
- ignore JS - Ignore users on channel chats.
Lobsters guest comment folding JS - Enable comment folding for guests in lobsters' comment threads.
Old YouTube Rating Colours JS - Makes the rating bar and thumbs have the original red & green look.
SB Toolbar Auto JS - Automatically goes to the next video for SB Toolbar.
Mackolik Adblock. JS - Mackolik reklam sayfasina yonlendirmeyi engeller.
(Sandboxed) Lioden Improvements JS - Adds various improvements to the game Lioden. Sandboxed portion of the script.
HIT Database Analytics JS - Analytics for HIT Database--makes pretty graphs
FFL Chat Tab Allower JS - This userscript allows you to run the FFL LIVE chat within a tab in your browser!
Custom Flunik Tools JS - Upgrades Offense or Defense or Buildings.
SteamGifts Steam Ratings JS - Show Steam ratings on SteamGifts.
Better Bing JS - A better Bing experience
Eclipse JS - Dark theme for EVERTHING
WME Validator Localization for Rhode Island JS - This script localizes WME Validator for Rhode Island, USA. You also need main package (WME Validator) installed.
- for european people JS - show prices in euro and surfaces in square meter
ResponsivePage JS - Web responsive. Through a given configuration from a desktop pc or notebook.
FFL Chat Modifier JS - This userscript allows you to run the FFL LIVE chat within a tab in your browser and allows for some new BBCode. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEASE click the ? button for information on how to install this script.
RARBG - Add Magnet Link JS - Add a magnet link shortcut in browse view of torrents
Nexus Clash Enchanting Aid JS - Helps track an items enchantment history.