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MiniatureSansBlanc JS - User stickers
Slight Style Enhancer for JS - Enhances the styling on slightly
hcs64 last post JS - Automatically jump to the last post in the HCS forum.
- Load All Images JS - try to take over the world!
Ikariam desktop notifications JS - Runs when you have ikariam open and provides push notifications when the advisors lights up.
添加手动操作指标窗口 JS - try to take over the world!
Facebook Double JS - Adds doubles to Facebook
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
vertix combo announcer JS - announces vertix kill combos in chat
GitHub RTL Comments JS - A userscript that adds a button to insert RTL text blocks in comments
Instructables All Steps JS - Redirects to view all steps on Instructables projects.
ProjectFreeTv Episode Guide JS - Enhance ProjectFreeTV links with episode information.
rBlock JS - 移除一些网站用于数据统计的链接跳转,加快网站访问速度。
去除淘宝低同行评价的条目 JS - 去除淘宝低同行评价的条目(屏蔽多于一个绿色的商家)
百度联盟 JS - 百度联盟样式修正
Home Button JS - add the home button back to Gaia's nav
BGG Language dependence on game info panel. JS - Shows language dependence in BGG gameplay bar.
WME KY 511 Lookup JS - Click link in WME footer to open KY 511 map at the same location.
TradeMe Lifestyle Real Estate filter JS - Extension of the TradeMe Real estate filter to filter out listings baased on price per HA and definite prices only in Real Estate search results. Works in List view only
Unsolved tab on PSE JS - Add "Unsolved" tab on Puzzling Stack Exchange
Bitrix decrapifier JS - Hides the annoying side panels
Visible Password JS - Visible password on password field
Extract SOQL Debug Log JS - try to take over the world!
- Highlight non-sponsored jobs JS - This script just highlights sponsored and non-sponsored jobs by different colors for better visualization.
Google History Deleter JS - Automatically selects and deletes history from
Auto Header For Zhihu JS - 自动知乎顶栏。
FAQ Search Language Filter JS - Filters out any unwanted languages when searching the FAQ.
Outlook Add-Free JS - Removes right ads panel.
WaniKani progress colours JS - Change the progress colours so that they are different from the Kanji/Vocab colours
Overwatch forums user info JS - Linkify user names so it directs to playoverwatch profile
Price Variation JS - Embeds CamelCamelCamel price chart in Amazon
Redimensionar Comentarios Taringa JS - Redimensiona las imagenes en los comentarios de taringa
- Direct Downloads JS - IGG Games download links all contain multiple forwarders before you get the actual download link. This automatically re-formats each available download link to be direct.
- blacklist for Firefox JS - blacklist users on for Firefox
auto show more for YouTube JS - this plugin will press "show more" button when it displayed by scrolling.
Whatsapp spam 2.0 JS - Made by Macr1408 (Also known as Razor1408) for
Github Repository Sorter JS - Sorts Github repositories.
- Mouse Controls JS - Left-click = Split, Right-click = Feed.
[ALL] Block Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page JS - Block "Are you sure you want to leave this page" popup.
[ALL] Block HTML5 Video JS - Block HTML5 video.
[ALL] Block OpenSearch Descriptions (OSD) JS - Block sites from adding search engines to Chrome.
[ALL] Block Right & Middle Mouse Button Click Hijacking JS - Block mouse button click hijacking.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW BACKGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW BACKGROUND tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in CURRENT Tab JS - Open ALL links in CURRENT tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW FOREGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW FOREGROUND tab.
Google Search Only Normal TLDs JS - Show only .com, .net, .org domains in Google Search results.
WME Advanced Closures JS - Recurrent and imported closures in the Waze Map Editor
Calm Down YouTube JS - Converts titles on YouTube to be less obnoxious.
Realistic Kickstarter Dates JS - Adds 9 months onto all Kickstarters reward dates.
Charazay training extension JS - try to take over the world!
Right Click Save Images on Twitter JS - Right click and save images in a Twitter gallery. Just right click in the middle. The sides to go to the prev/next image.
Bandcamp download mp3s JS - Shows download links for the preview files on bandcamp albums
Kissanime Downloader with Jdownloader JS - Adds Download Button
- Arrow Keys JS - Use arrow keys to move your cell!
Auto-Heart JS - Clickear el corazón de Mixlr cada 8 segundos y se recarga automáticamente si la radio está "Off Air".
Spoiler Free HLTV JS - Removes Scores from HLTV
Get Free Azure Pass Credit JS - Get Free Azure Pass Credit automatically
Voat Autoexpand JS - Autoexpand Voat
Reddit Inline Images JS - Displays images inline on
Reddit Link Hijack Remover JS - Remove link-click tracking from reddit
Spacecat Simulator 2016 ( JS - Makes the "You won a new gift" popup appear even if you haven't won anything
tower-tag JS - hilight defrent color
Notificador de mensajes JS - Te notifica cuando alguien habla en una sala privada
Listar comandos JS - Agrega el comando /lc, el cual lista los comandos del chat de Kongregate.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
instagram in twitter JS - Display instgram picture in twitter
Steam Community - All Greenlight Items Voter JS - Votes yes or no to all greenlight items (you can set your own filters)
Google Maps Force Lite JS - Google Maps Lite Mode on modern Browser, regardless of GPU and Browser
Streamcloud Download Button JS - This script adds a download button to the page.
Powerwatch Download Button JS - This script adds a download button to the page.
AutoJoin en Grupo Steam JS - Entra automaticamente en el grupo de la pagina de Steam
Youtube - Hide Volume Control JS - Hides Youtube videos' volume control.
Add spoiler tag for PSE JS - Add the "add spoiler" button in the right click menu
Steamgifts One-Click Entry JS - This script adds "Enter" button on every giveaway, so you don't have to open a new page to enter it. I also adds vote all button, which votes for giveaways with more copies first.
BC - Recent Activity Links - Open in new tab JS - Allows users to open Recent Activity links in a new tab
Gates of Survival - Hide "Eat" Button JS - Hides the "Eat Another X" button when the screen already reports that you have zero of X left. Also hides the button if your health is already full.
Cricut Store enhancements JS - Enhances Cricut product gallery pages.
Video Download Button JS - This script adds a download button on many video sites.
Facebook Double Beta JS - Adds doubles to Facebook
test JS - test desc
GitHub Custom Navigation JS - A userscript that allows you to customize GitHub's main navigation bar
百度 JS - test 百度
Torrentkitty Better Search Result JS - This script was deleted from Greasy Fork, and due to its negative effects, it has been automatically removed from your browser.
the100 24h format JS - 12h to 24h format converter
CleanDeviantart JS - clean invisible publicity and anti-adblock on deviantart
Facebook Double JS - Adds doubles to Facebook
Deviantart Emoticons for KAT V3 JS - Deviantart Emoticons for KAT Version 3
Pixiv Download Assistant JS - Provides some functions to download from pixiv
Deviantart Emoticons for KAT v4 JS - Deviantart Emoticons for KAT version 4
Deplacer Actu de la Sidebar JS - ------------------
LT Copy Book - LibraryThing JS - Copies book data and automatically pastes it to a manual entry.
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming