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I forgot to indicate that I am using the openuserjs version of the script.
Version 90.4, the hCaptcha problem is still relevant. When you disable this script, the problem goes away.
site name please , What features do you activate from the settings menu ?
Absolutely on any site with hCaptcha. Both SL and on those sites where the bypass should not work. Default menu settings (I only change delay to a higher value and btw it’s very inconvenient that every time the script is updated it must be changed again). Only as above I wrote a script with openuserjs, that is, by default, with captcha opening disabled.
Check my video here , maybe you have same problem
this is not my script bugs.
I don’t understand what connection the bug I reported about has with that video? I repeat once again, I have a version with openuserjs in which there is no auto-opening of the captcha (by default), but as a result it is impossible to open it at all. When you click on the captcha checkbox, it does not open. I will also repeat that disabling this particular script solves this problem. Disabling uBo doesn't help at all. Now I experimentally found out that adding to the exception in your script /^[^:/#?]*:\/\/([^#?/]*\.)?newassets\.hcaptcha\.com(:[0-9] {1,5})?\/.*$/ also olves the problem.
It is quite obvious that in order to disable the auto-opening of the captcha, it breaks the captcha so much that it stops opening at all.
In my pov... U just need to add an extension for the hcaptcha / recaptcha solver..
N try adding a bypass hcaptcha/recaptcha so it can open automatically
In my pov... U just need to add an extension for the hcaptcha / recaptcha solver..
N try adding a bypass hcaptcha/recaptcha so it can open automatically
Low-key I sent a private message to you :-)
Нi. I have a similar situation with hCaptcha on firefox.
Reopening the page sometimes helps.
Everything is fine in chrome.
I don’t understand what connection the bug I reported about has with that video? I repeat once again, I have a version with openuserjs in which there is no auto-opening of the captcha (by default), but as a result it is impossible to open it at all. When you click on the captcha checkbox, it does not open. I will also repeat that disabling this particular script solves this problem. Disabling uBo doesn't help at all. Now I experimentally found out that adding to the exception in your script /^[^:/#?]*:\/\/([^#?/]*\.)?newassets\.hcaptcha\.com(:[0-9] {1,5})?\/.*$/ also olves the problem.
It is quite obvious that in order to disable the auto-opening of the captcha, it breaks the captcha so much that it stops opening at all.
@FunFap have same problem with you , in the video I show that I visited the same site without any problems, so I think the main problem for both of you is not from my script, although by disabling my script the problem can disappear, but from your browser or installed extensions.
My script from greasyfork or openuserjs is the same, there is no difference, auto open for Hcapcha is disable by default
and I would experience the same problem, if my script was the source of the problem .
Hello, happy holidays everyone.
bloggerpemula, several versions ago hCaptcha broke on sites where bypass is not used. It just won't open. To enter a captcha you have to turn off the script, refresh the page and then enter the captcha. I kept expecting that this would be fixed with the next update, but for now the problem is still relevant.