Greasy Fork is available in English.

Mturk Hourly

Record time spent working on HITs.

Tính đến 28-08-2017. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Đánh giá
0 0 0
Phiên bản
Đã tạo
Đã cập nhật
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Update 1.2:

If you work on the new site, the script can now incorporate those HITs into the hourly. You will need to un-comment out the line


by removing the //
The script will open a popup window whenever you load the dashboard to access the Worker site data.

This script saves opening and submissions times for HITs (visible on daily status detail pages).

Calculates hourly rates broken down by requester on dashboard page.

If you use Mturk Dashboard script, you will need to ensure it runs after this script (either reinstall it after you install this script, or follow the directions here:, and you will need to comment out the line Todays_Projected_Earnings(); in Mturk Dashboard (i.e., change Todays_Projected_Earnings(); to //Todays_Projected_Earnings();)