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Komica notify JS - Notify new post every 60seconds on komica
Milan Script JS - Milan is a FUCKING QT
Milan Script For Milan's nigger pussy JS - Milan is a FUCKING QT
Netflix: Click to Play/Pause JS - Play/Pause when clicking the video.
Amazon hide recommendations JS - Tries to hide recommendations on every page. Might block too much sometimes so if the site seems broken you might temporarily disable this script.
A.V. Club Classic JS - Change newswire links to old style, non-streaming links with comments.
Self feed alis Macro (Press W) JS - Macro for selfFeed by Zenov
irodexx JS - try to take over the world!
auto show more for YouTube JS - this plugin will press "show more" button when it displayed by scrolling.
Whatsapp spam 2.0 JS - Made by Macr1408 (Also known as Razor1408) for
Github Repository Sorter JS - Sorts Github repositories.
[ALL] Block Are You Sure You Want To Leave This Page JS - Block "Are you sure you want to leave this page" popup.
[ALL] Block HTML5 Video JS - Block HTML5 video.
[ALL] Block OpenSearch Descriptions (OSD) JS - Block sites from adding search engines to Chrome.
[ALL] Block Right & Middle Mouse Button Click Hijacking JS - Block mouse button click hijacking.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW BACKGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW BACKGROUND tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in CURRENT Tab JS - Open ALL links in CURRENT tab.
[ALL] Links Open ALL in NEW FOREGROUND Tab JS - Open ALL links in NEW FOREGROUND tab.
Google Search Only Normal TLDs JS - Show only .com, .net, .org domains in Google Search results.
WME Advanced Closures JS - Recurrent and imported closures in the Waze Map Editor
Calm Down YouTube JS - Converts titles on YouTube to be less obnoxious.
Realistic Kickstarter Dates JS - Adds 9 months onto all Kickstarters reward dates.
Charazay training extension JS - try to take over the world!
Right Click Save Images on Twitter JS - Right click and save images in a Twitter gallery. Just right click in the middle. The sides to go to the prev/next image.
Bandcamp download mp3s JS - Shows download links for the preview files on bandcamp albums
Kissanime Downloader with Jdownloader JS - Adds Download Button
- Arrow Keys JS - Use arrow keys to move your cell!
Auto-Heart JS - Clickear el corazón de Mixlr cada 8 segundos y se recarga automáticamente si la radio está "Off Air".
Spoiler Free HLTV JS - Removes Scores from HLTV
Get Free Azure Pass Credit JS - Get Free Azure Pass Credit automatically
Voat Autoexpand JS - Autoexpand Voat
Reddit Inline Images JS - Displays images inline on
Reddit Link Hijack Remover JS - Remove link-click tracking from reddit
Spacecat Simulator 2016 ( JS - Makes the "You won a new gift" popup appear even if you haven't won anything
tower-tag JS - hilight defrent color
Notificador de mensajes JS - Te notifica cuando alguien habla en una sala privada
Listar comandos JS - Agrega el comando /lc, el cual lista los comandos del chat de Kongregate.
Stig's Art Grabr JS - Grabbing big high resolution album cover-art from various sites
instagram in twitter JS - Display instgram picture in twitter
Steam Community - All Greenlight Items Voter JS - Votes yes or no to all greenlight items (you can set your own filters)
Google Maps Force Lite JS - Google Maps Lite Mode on modern Browser, regardless of GPU and Browser
Streamcloud Download Button JS - This script adds a download button to the page.
Powerwatch Download Button JS - This script adds a download button to the page.
AutoJoin en Grupo Steam JS - Entra automaticamente en el grupo de la pagina de Steam
Youtube - Hide Volume Control JS - Hides Youtube videos' volume control.
Add spoiler tag for PSE JS - Add the "add spoiler" button in the right click menu
Steamgifts One-Click Entry JS - This script adds "Enter" button on every giveaway, so you don't have to open a new page to enter it. I also adds vote all button, which votes for giveaways with more copies first.
BC - Recent Activity Links - Open in new tab JS - Allows users to open Recent Activity links in a new tab
Gates of Survival - Hide "Eat" Button JS - Hides the "Eat Another X" button when the screen already reports that you have zero of X left. Also hides the button if your health is already full.
Cricut Store enhancements JS - Enhances Cricut product gallery pages.
Facebook Double Beta JS - Adds doubles to Facebook
test JS - test desc
GitHub Custom Navigation JS - A userscript that allows you to customize GitHub's main navigation bar
百度 JS - test 百度
Torrentkitty Better Search Result JS - This script was deleted from Greasy Fork, and due to its negative effects, it has been automatically removed from your browser.
the100 24h format JS - 12h to 24h format converter
CleanDeviantart JS - clean invisible publicity and anti-adblock on deviantart
Facebook Double JS - Adds doubles to Facebook
Deviantart Emoticons for KAT V3 JS - Deviantart Emoticons for KAT Version 3
Pixiv Download Assistant JS - Provides some functions to download from pixiv
Deviantart Emoticons for KAT v4 JS - Deviantart Emoticons for KAT version 4
Deplacer Actu de la Sidebar JS - ------------------
LT Copy Book - LibraryThing JS - Copies book data and automatically pastes it to a manual entry.
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Barre d'outils AMCGaming JS - Ce script ajoute une barre d'outils sur AMCGaming
Canal Zero Remove brighter JS - ccccccccc
Hide the Detailed Ticket View in JIRA JS - Pressing escape in JIRA will close the detailed ticket view if its open
Whisper Filter JS - Lets you hide every message except the whispers between you and another user
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
CustomChat v2 by Wells ! PMT JS - enter something useful
CustomChat v2 by Wells ! PMT JS - enter something useful
CustomChat v2 by Wells ! PMT JS - enter something useful
PepsyzModdingNote JS - Bloc Note sur PepsyzModdingTeam
- BetterNSFW JS - Makes the NSFW filters toggleable and saves bandwidth
Red Read Line JS - shows you how far you scrolled
Pety Button JS - Przekierowuje na facebookową grupę Pety Chodnikowe
Workshop - Unsubscribe from All JS - Lets just add a nice juicy button here to unsubscribe from all of those addons. Still slow, but not as slow as doing it 1 by 1.
RBR Czech - Class Addendum JS - Adds omitted class links on
FC_LP JS - Esconde temas por palabra clave en forocoches.
JIRA Floating Menu Bar JS - Makes the menu bar in JIRA issues stay at the top of the page when scrolling
- Snatched JS - Mark snatched torrents.
JVC 2.0.1 JS - JVC qui go muscu
GameFAQs - Print Version FAQ links JS - Adds the string '?print=1' to all of the FAQ links on a game's FAQ page, making them point to the lightweight print version.
213 JS - dawed
Refresh alertes / Conversations Auto JS - try to take over the world!
GitHub Collapse In Comment JS - A userscript that adds a header that can toggle long code and quote blocks in comments
GitHub Collapse Markdown JS - A userscript that collapses markdown headers
KAT - Friend Likes Remover JS - Torrent Friend Likes Remover
Group Leader Enhancement Suit JS - An userscript to manage HF groups