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MXW Alerter JS - Most Exclusive Website (.com) turn notifier
Floating Menu Bar (GitHub) JS - Makes the menu bar in GitHub stay at the top of the page when scrolling
YouTube Annotation Markers JS - Marks where annotations are on the progress bar of the HTML5 YouTube player.
Videos on CS:GO Stash JS - Adds videos from CS:GO Skin Showcase ( to CS:GO Stash (
[Better] [s4s] JS - Enhances your [s4s] posting experience with the new formatting options
Get Watcher JS - Estimates time until the next get on 4chan
4cheddit skin JS - Changes 4chan pages to look like Reddit
Replace and highlight JS - Your own censor list for 4chan
Upboats JS - Adds upvote and downvote buttons to 4chan threads
New [s4s] fortunes JS - Brings new fortunes to 4chan [s4s] in the style of "Toppest fof", "Middle tet", "Regular vav"
Copy Important links Directly JS - Copy important link in text area
direct url for pixiv JS - direct url for pixiv.
Virtonomica: фильтр по количеству фактически нанятого персонала. JS - Фильтр по количеству фактически нанятого персонала на странице Управление -> Персонал.
GPA's Betting Bot JS - An userscript that automates betting using 6 chooseble systems.
Ghost trapper Auto Companion Lover JS - Help you send gift to companion you loved.Make sure to install ghost trapper companion companion, disabled it or companion script to stop sending. Gift send automatically to and companion that can receives gift!!
Bahamut - No more Ads! JS - Enjoy Bahamut Without any advertisement!
Toggle Zoom JS - Extend image zoom modes with scale-to-width and scale-to-height of window
Youtube Enhanced Score JS - YouTube likes/dislikes ratio may hold very little value on highly rated channel since ie. 94% and 96% can be a difference between bad and good video for that channel. This extension computes a logit out of likes ratio thus unbounding and centering it, so it can be more easily human interpretable.
RED Artist Aliases Filter JS - Add a box on artist page to filter based on aliases
Amazon - Hide delivered items from open orders JS - Hides all delivered items from your open orders.
Virtonomica: быстрая установка цены JS - быстрая установка цены. origin:
CustomChat V2 JS - enter something useful
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Hover List, Notifications and Profile dropdown JS - Why click on the icons when you can hover?
TemaCLon(v6) JS - Clonador de temas.
- del Ads JS - Ads remove
Aliexpress remove localized links JS - Remove localized links to Aliexpress and replaces them to English site
Загрузка описания раздачи для Rutracker JS - загрузка описания раздачи в списке.
Unfuck google search button order JS - Reorder Google search tabs to 'Images, Videos, News, Maps'.
Tiberium Alliances Alliance Officials Message Mod JS - Replaces the My Commanders option in the new message window with an Alliance Officials option.
Split and Macro JS - Shift is split, Q is macro
Reddit Live Highlight New JS - Highlights new posts on a Reddit Live thread
BumbleBee_Kimono JS - Let User Easly Get Dom Path
返利推广链接自动清洗 JS - 自三方购物推荐网站(什么值得买,没得比等)点击推广链接进入京东/易迅/亚马逊/一号店/当当等商城时,自动清除推广尾巴并净化cookies。支持列表详见说明。
tumblr-megaeditor-page-preview JS - show an entry page's preview in inline frame on the Tumblr Mega Editor page when the mouse cursor is on.
MyAnimeList(MAL) - Anime/Manga Lists in the Panel JS - Re-adds the list links into the panel.
Steam DRM Highlighter Revenant JS - Highlight DRM-related words in Steam Store pages.
- v2 Universal Edit JS - Agarplus v2 Universal Edit by Zephyr
click the wall JS - try to take over the world!
Passthrough traderdoubler JS - squize traderdoubler redirect
Trimps Remove Crit Message JS - Removes the crit message from Trimps
RemedyUI JS - RemedyUI modification
Color Highlighter JS - Highlights css compatible colors (rgb and hex) on the webpage
The Pirate Bay Movie Magnets for Rotten Tomatoes JS - Shows magnets from The Pirate Bay for downloading movies within Rotten tomatoes movie pages.
Virtual Manager filtre på ansatte-søgning JS - Tilføjer filtrering (highlighting) til søgningen efter nye ansatte, så uegnede kandidater er nemmere at spotte.
RecoPostRSS JS - Recomienda el ultimo post creado del usuario que coloques (sin arroba). (hecho con la ayuda de @Huyi <3)
Tuvaremotes Z JS - New maymays
Don't forget to stack AdBlock up JS - Why is this even necessary.
youtube_ex JS - enhanced youtube
localstorage_spoofing JS - disable localstorage
Vulcun Auto click + Auto Drop JS - Drop automatico facil e pratico | VULCUN
VK-friends-parser JS - Parsing "vk-friends" page
SoHabr redirect JS - Redirects from unavailable posts to copies
Voat Fixer JS - Fix the sort by top issues found on
Tweet Pure Links JS - Tweet Pure Links and say goodbye to the URL shorten system!
Google Autocorrect Blocker JS - Disables Google Search Autocorrect.
Vote Explosion Effect JS - Robi BUUUM.
Fix Bug Notice MC JS - Good Fuck
W macro FEED Agario JS - W FEED
Nighty-night Google Docs JS - Write at night comfortably!
Nigmotes JS - Giant errect minion penis
Cosmic Sans JS - Takes your favourite pages and changes the font to something not so pleasent.
Quarantine EP Counter JS - Live countdown to next EP
- Display hidden elements JS - Shows hidden reactions, reposts, icons and dates on pages
OGame RaidsTable JS - Tableau de raids
Virtonomica: Unit List v3.0 JS - Позволяет быстро продавать/закрывать подразделения без дополнительных окон
Picarto Username Changer JS - Change your name, at least temporarily!
cookie clicker JS - delicious cookies
Imperia Online Simulator JS - try to take over the world!
Sort Hacker News JS - Adds a dropdown for sorting Hacker News (Y Combinator) by various criteria
Toggle InstantMarkdown width JS - Adds a button to toggle between full width and GitHub default width
FL:RP JS - Makes the FearlessRP forums not eye-singingly bright.
Add Spotify Web Player link to YouTube JS - Adds a link to Spotify Web Player on music videos on YouTube
SkipButtons JS - Try to take over the world!
TheWest-Notifier JS - Plays a notification sound, when specified events are triggered in the browser game The West!
Hide comment from torrent list JS - hide torrent comment from torrent list.
Show hidden torrents from JS - This script shows hidden torrents on nyaa website.
IMSLP Instant Download JS - Free the Public Domain music library
Decodificador JS - try to take over the world!
Amazon Category Selector JS - Automatically redirects to the daily sales page with preselected categories
Amazon Category Expander JS - The Category Expander expands all categories on the daily offers page of Amazon
WME CloseW JS - Auto close Welcome dialog
IMDB info + .torrent from magnet JS - Show info of movies/series's (rating, poster, actors, ...) from IMDB on almost any torrent domain (thepiratebay, *torrent* , ...) as well as showing .torrent download links from any magnet:?url
Nyaa torrents downloader JS - Adds a button to download all torrents from page.
WME Add Uturns from node JS - Add uturns from node
YuryMod - YouTube - whitelist channels in Adblock Plus JS - Helps whitelist YouTube channels in Adblock Plus
WK Auto Commit (edited) JS - Auto commit for Wanikani with critical list edit.
Angel Learning Print/Copy Enabler JS - Disables the no-printing and no-copying restrictions on grade results pages on the GVTC Angel Learning website.
ShufflR JS - Shuffle a YouTube playlist
agario-feeder-bot JS - to be writen
Homotes JS - Dont Hurt Me
TVTropes 1.3 - Add "Troper Page" Link JS - Adds links to a user's troper page, both in the user menu and their profile page
CustomChat v2 by Sharke ! JS - enter something useful
CM|T JS - Bloc Note sur Zone-Torrent
soundcloud autoplay JS - Does autoplay first track of given category
topraider JS - Script pour ogame
Amazon Mobile to Desktop Redirect JS - Redirects Amazon mobile links to the desktop version
Netflix: Trailer JS - Embeds a youtube trailer in the detail view.
GitHub: inline patch view JS - Clicking on a commit ID shows the patch inline. Second click opens the link.
Fic - Mixify Auto Welcome Script (Tijn Remix) JS - This script can be used on while streaming your DJ set. The main reason why I created this script is that I couldn't see every single person who enters the stream so I thought it could be nice if a script can announce in chat who entered the stream with a warm welcome message.