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Mturk Qualification Database and Scraper JS - Scrape, display, sort and search your Mturk qualifications
Copy Mturk ID to Clipboard Button JS - Adds a copy to clipboard button in the upper right corner of the page
Mturk Submit Button JS - adds a submit button for broken hits
ProtonDB Remove Steam Deck JS - This script removes Steam Deck results from games on ProtonDB.
Worker-MTurk Qual Sorter (with fix) JS - Keep Track Of Qualifications And Create A More Sortable List.
MTURK IC3 Speech QA HITs quick play w/hotkey JS - Auto play sound clip when clicking on a new tab (hotkeys for tabs 1 - 12 are letters q - p , the '[' key for tab 11, and the ']' key for tab 12 )
TÜRK🧿AZERİ DİSCORD 11111#6172 JS - Auto Changes Tank And Auto Build
JR Mturk Panda Crazy JS - Collects panda's for you at a certain cycle instead of timers. Lot of organizing of panda's and grouping them together to start and stop them at once.
[MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer JS - Brings many enhancements to the MTurk Worker Dashboard.
HIT Forker JS - Monitors for HITs
MTurk Footer Fix JS - Removes MTurk footer on HIT pages.
mTurk Parent Window Command Accepter JS - Updated for the Worker-only (no WWW) world.
Mturk Compare Image MMSP JS - Allow Selection of right or left image with "a" and "d" keys, as well as autoclick "submit" after last picture is chosen.
Mturk PandaPush JS - Mturk PandaPush; Pushbullet/Telegram for Panda Crazy
Mturk ID Copy/Paste for New Layout JS - For Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk). Places an unobtrusive button on survey pages which provides quick access to copy your mTurk worker ID by copy and paste or drag and drop. This version is a derivative of swole_hamster's work.
[MTurk Worker] Display Total Available HITs JS - Will provide a bar at the top of the page to mimic old functionality on www that displays the total available HITs. Will use # of page requests equal to the total available hit groups / 100.
[MTURK] Queue Header Link JS - Adds a link to your HITs queue into the MTurk header on worker site.
(MTurk) Show Qualtrics Survey Progress JS - Shows hidden progress on qualtrics surveys
Hit Forker Fork - "Forking Over 9000" Installer JS - Fork of Hit Forker. Adds extra fields (e.g., requester rejection rate), simplifies others (realtime feed values are simplified to symbols in order to read them more quickly), adds new features (e.g., home-row key accept for realtime feed), makes feed more readable (low-rated HITs are semitransparent, "caveman-speak" for narrow windows to convey only important details).
SOJM (Slow Or Just Me?) Installer JS - Is it slow on Amazon Mechanical Turk? Install this script to tell whether MTurk is slow for everyone, or just for you. Averages, leaderboards, leagues, and rivalries. This script will prompt you to install SOJM the first time you visit your dashboard on mTurk after installing.
Worker-MTurk Qual Sorter JS - Keep Track Of Qualifications And Create A More Sortable List.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Helper - Temp JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy sending commands to main script.
[MTURK] Hide Goal Bar JS - Hides the upper goal bar on MTurk.
Mturk Hourly JS - Record time spent working on HITs. Forked from [MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer v2.1.3 by @Kadauchi.
MTurk Dashboard Style JS - Improve MTurk dashboard's layout/style.
JR Mturk Panda Crazy Queue Helper JS - A script add on for Panda Crazy for displaying queue and sorting queue after submitting hits.
Mturk Contribute to "Seen" API JS - When browsing mTurk, notify that seen HITs have been seen.
[MTurk Worker] Workspace Expander JS - Expands accepted HITs to fill the browser viewport, scrolls to the HIT and focuses it.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Exporter for Slack JS - Allows you to export HITs as formatted text with short, plain, bbcode or markdown styling.
Mturk Group IDs JS - Adds group ID to mturk hit frames
Mturk Engine JS - Earn money more efficiently on Amazon's Mechanical Turk work platform.
[MTurk Worker] Auto Accept Unchecker JS - Keeps the auto accept next hit checkbox always unchecked.
Captcha Clear JS - Unleashes Your Sharingan on Worker Captchas.
[MTurk Worker] HIT Exporter JS - Allows you to export HITs as formatted text with short, plain, bbcode or markdown styling.
Web+Panda Results in Google JS - .
[Worker MTurk] Group Id History JS - Saves the most recently viewed source for all different type of HITs
mTurk HIT Fullscreen Crosshair CSS (as Userscript) JS - Userscript adapatation (and improvement) of code found at - applied to mTurk.
mTurk Title Bar Timer / Wage - Fork JS - Title bar timer/counter for MTurk
HIT Scraper to MTurk Suite JS - Does things...
JR mturk timer warning JS - Script will warn you at specific times left for your hit. The times can be set in the options menu.
mturk request rate reloader JS - Automatically reloads pages which hit the refresh rate wall.
HIT Database Backup JS - Does things...
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
Unique URL Scripts for Mturk JS - generates header and unique url for mturk userscripts
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT JS - Snag HITs. mturk.
[MTurk Worker] Status Page Searchable Requesters JS - Turns the requester name into a link that searches for their HITs on status detail pages
Overwatch for worker.mturk JS - A userscript for watching requesters on the mturk platform.
New HIT Monitor v2 JS - Browser and SMS alerts for mturk HITs
[MTurk Worker] HIT Details Enhancer JS - Changes the HIT Details link text to the requester name, changes the requester name inside the popup to a link that searches for their HITs and adds the remaining HIT count to the details bar.
[MTurk Worker] Return All HITs JS - Returns all HITs that are in your queue
[MTurk Worker] Confirm Return HIT JS - Prevent accidental returns by adding a prompt when returning a HIT
[MTurk Worker] No HIT Reloader JS - Reloads pages automatically if no HIT is loaded for provided Group Ids
[MTurk Worker] Auto Accept Checker JS - Keeps the auto accept next hit checkbox always checked.
[Worker] Today's Projected Earnings (mTurk) JS - Add your projected earnings to whatever sites you want. Uses Task Archive's API.
HIT Monitor for JS - Browser/SMS/email alerts for mturk HITs
Mturk Radio Keybinds JS - Keybinds to select radios
MTC Poll Hider JS - Hide and toggle polls on MTurk Crowd.
HIT Export Mod for HIT Catcher JS - Adds panda and once links to HIT exports
Mturk Group ID Adder JS - Adds group ID to Amazon hosted iframes to allow HIT specific script activation.
Athena HIT search productivity enhancement JS - Provides a number of improvements when searching for and working on HITs, including AA time, six-level TO filtering, use of HitScraper blocklist, qualification feasibility tiers, etc.
Hermes HIT exporter JS - Adds an Export button to MTurk HIT capsules to share HITs on forums, reddit, etc.
JR Mturk Noblis Image Finder Helper JS - Makes it easier to select answer for images of people.
Mturk Worker Queue Advancer JS - Advances to next HIT in queue for
Multi tab for Mturk JS - Adds Multi Tab link to open hits in 6 tabs
mmmturkeybacon Last HITs Previewed JS - Shows a log of the last 50 HITs that were previewed. This can aid you in saving a HIT to look at later, examining a HIT's contents after it has been submitted, contacting a requester, looking at turkopticon ratings, or sharing a HIT. MTurk Great HIT Export and mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints should execute after this script so they operate correctly on the page it generates. To see the last 50 HITs previewed visit:
mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History JS - Exports Mturk history to tab separated values so you can easily save the HITs you've worked on in a spreadsheet.
MTurk HIT Database Mk.II JS - Keep track of the HITs you've done (and more!). Cross browser compatible.
Expand Survey Instructions JS - Auto-expand the collapsed survey instructions used in some HITs.
CH MTurk HIT Link Cleanup JS - On Oct 12, 2016, Amazon added a bunch of useless garbage variables to all the HIT links on MTurk search results pages, making your browser history no longer able to change the link color of HITs you've already visited. This script removes the garbage from those links so your browser history can work properly again. And if you put it first in your userscript execution order, it should also fix some other scripts that were affected by this garbage.
Preview, Accept and Hoard JS - Adds an Accept and Hoard link to every Hit Capsule.
mmmturkeybacon Export Mturk History (Classic Version) JS - Exports Mturk history to tab separated values so you can easily save the HITs you've worked on in a spreadsheet.
AMT Searchbar JS - A Simple Mturk/Greasyfork/MTG search bar
Mturk Expired-Queue-HIT-Death-Loop Rescuer JS - Redirects to queue view on expired queue HIT and continues on HITs with more time remaining
Fetch Total Number of Viewable Hits JS - Fetches the current number of viewable hits on mturk.
Research Project discrimination JS - Submits the HIT once you click on a radio button.
HIT Database Analytics JS - Analytics for HIT Database--makes pretty graphs
mmmturkeybacon Enhanced HIT Information Capsule (Shows Automatic Approval Time) JS - Changes the requester name to a link that searches mturk for HITs by the requester. Adds a link to the average Turkopticon ratings for that requester. Adds a contact link for the requester. Displays hitAutoAppDelayInSeconds in a human readable format.
mTurk Dark Theme JS - Changes mTurk to a dark theme.
mmmturkeybacon Save Automatic Approval Time JS - Saves automatic approval time and shows the time
Turkdigo Pace Calculator JS - Calculate the pace at which you need to complete HITs to earn a target minimum wage.
mmmturkeybacon Add Hidden Stats to Dashboard JS - Adds submission, return, and abandonment_rates to the dashboard. Saves stats and only updates them when "Update stats" is clicked to reduce page requests.
MTurk Great HIT Export JS - Export HIT description as vBulletin formatted text with turkopticon link, turkopticon info, and all relevant data
'Choose Subject of Homework Question' JS - Selection hotkeys and auto-submit for Lili Dworkin's HIT 'Choose Subject of Homework Question'
MTurk Goals JS - Add goals and progess bars to the mTurk Dashboard and Status pages.
mmmturkeybacon Ghost HIT Buster for Forums JS - Searches forum posts for HIT links, follows them, determines if the HIT is still available, and strikes the post if the HIT is a ghost or changes the link text to show the automatic approval time and number remaining if the HIT is available. Works with Live Update. Uses just-in-time link checking to reduce "maximum allowed page request rate" errors. Uncomment CHIME to receive an audio alert if there is a new HIT post.
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
Turkmaster (Mturk) JS - A page-monitoring web app for Mturk (Mechanical Turk) designed to make turking more efficient. Easily monitor mturk search pages and requesters and Auto-Accept the HITs you missed.
Mturk Dashboard Privacy JS - Hide sensitive areas of your mturk dashboard with a Ctrl-click.
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT Legacy JS - Snag HITs.
John White HIT Helper JS - Turns company name into a Google search link or turns the website address into a clickable link.
mmmturkeybacon Logged Out Alert JS - Alerts you if you've been logged out of mturk. Your dashboard page must remain open in a tab for this script to work. To have this script open a new sign in page when a log out is detected change OPEN_SIGNIN_WIN to true.
CH Yahoo Color-Coded Results JS - Change background color of Yahoo search ad areas and other special types of results.
CH MTurk Qualifications Wrapper JS - Word-wraps long qualifications on individual HIT pages, with better multi-script compatibility. Now also word-wraps the HIT links cells on search results pages.
CH Ben Peterson Demographics Defaults JS - Select your specified answers for gender and birth year on Ben Peterson's HITs. You must edit the script to specify your answers.
CH Reload Frame Button JS - Adds a reload button on pages loaded in an iframe/frame. For more convenient access than the right-click menu, or for browser versions which don't have that menu command. Also shows the frame's URL in the button's mouseover text.
MTurk HIT DataBase Legacy JS - Extended ability to search HITs you have worked on and other useful tools (CSV export/import, requester notes, requester block, pending/projected earnings)
CH Block Using HIT Scraper's Blocklist JS - Block requesters and HITs on regular MTurk search results pages using your blocklist from 'HIT Scraper With Export'. Also highlights favorite requesters from your includelist.
mmmturkeybacon Single Page Queue JS - Shows all HITs in the queue on a single page.