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hack lỏ JS - Autobreak-trap, Autoheal, Hat macros, Anti-trap, AutoPush & more!
- Zoom Hack WORKING 2025 JS - Allows zooming in and out in using keys 8 and 9. Key 1 reset the zoom - The domain name changed for slither so this has been updated to work.
- Bot/Cheat - Stockfish API Debug 3 - Ad Removed - FIXED - COMPLETE SCRIPT JS - Bot/Cheat using Stockfish Online API. Ad Removed. - FIXED loadEx and UI update errors - DEBUGGING VERSION 3 - IMPROVED MOVE HANDLING - COMPLETE SCRIPT
Miracle Scripts JS - Best script with tons of features
Nexus No Wait JS - Download from without wait and redirect (support Manual/Vortex/MO2/NMM)
adLBypasser [v1.6] || Ouo.Io, Uii.Io, Exe.Io, Bc.Vc, Adf.Ly & More ✔ NO ADS JS - Quickly advertising link bypass script
Voxiom.IO Aimbot, ESP & X-Ray JS - Let's you see players and items behind walls in Comes with an aimbot that locks aim at nearest enemy and auto fires at them. Also shows ores and names of the items that are far far away.
Monkeytype Speeder JS - Allows to type really FAST!!! Press "Slash key" to toggle auto-typing bot, customize your typing speed, works in any mode and language.
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
- bypasser JS - Automatically does steps.
Don't Get My IP JS - Blocks the capture of the IP address done by an external API request.
YouTube downloader JS - A simple userscript to download YouTube videos in MAX QUALITY
🔥 TigerTech Client for Shell Shockers Aimbot, CrossHair Mod, Auto-Move, Ping Monitor and MOAR!🔥 JS - Get ready for a brand new update! TigerTechOfficial Mod for Shell Shockers Aimbot, ESP and MOAR! It allows players to see opponents through walls, display lines to them, and automatically aim at targets. The script includes a GUI for toggling features and works on various Shell Shockers domains. Use of this script may violate game terms of service and ethical considerations.
Sketchfab Auto PreferredFormat Downloader and Attribution Saver Script JS - Automatically downloads preferred format and saves attribution from Sketchfab for one tab at a time. If you can automate this further; give it a try
No Ads - YouTube AdBlocker | Ad Skipper | Free YouTube Music | Ad Remover | Remove Adblock Warning JS - Skips all YouTube ads instantly and removes banners/overlays. Completely undetectable ad blocker. Enjoy ad-free YouTube music playlists and videos with no interruptions. Removes adblock detection warnings.
Bilibili Video Downloader 📥 JS - Download Bilibili videos with one click, clean and easy-to-use interface
Optimized Krunker.IO Aimbot & ESP JS - High-performance aimbot and ESP for Krunker this auto locks on and tracks through walls
VN Mod v2 JS - Remaked auto healing and instakill aded fps boost
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
PTT Imgur Fix JS - 修正 Imgur 在 PTT 上的問題
View Instagram Without Login JS - View Instagram without login via
Font Rendering (Customized) JS - Enhance browser’s font rendering without installing MacType. This script offers a high-quality, customizable experience with ‘Microsoft YaHei’ font by default. It provides advanced features such as font rewriting, smoothing, scaling, stroking, shadowing, selective element handling and more. Designed for both general and personalized rendering, compatible with popular browsers, script managers & extensions. Configure via the script manager icon or keyboard shortcuts.
fsfb script JS - An script, which includes fastsplit, secret bot packs, linesplit lock, and many other amazing features!
Blooket Winner JS - Get every answer in Blooket correct!
- HACKS INF AMMO AIMBOT NOCLIP INVISIBILITY FLY INFJUMP {Venge Hacked Client} JS - The best hacks for VENGE IO (z to open modmenu)
Blooket Hacks JS - Some Useful Blooket Hacks.
Nitro Type - Admin Panel JS - Always displays the selected car, hue and trail on the race track.
- Anonim Menu JS - Press F2 to open and close the menu
YouTube Direct Downloader JS - Video/short download button next to subscribe button. Downloads MP4, WEBM, MP3 or subtitles from youtube + option to redirect shorts to normal videos. Choose your preferred quality from 8k to audio only, codec (h264, vp9 or av1) or service provider (cobalt, y2mate, yt1s, yt5s) in settings.
delta key bypass JS - Bypass Delta Key (included ios)
Reddit Bypass Enchancer JS - Bypass the "open in app prompt", unblur NSFW content and thumbnails, remove the blur from community highlight cards, and add redditenhancer clicked container class. Also removes spoiler overlays.
Scribd Downloader Button (Open Download Link) JS - Adds a button to the Scribd page to open a modified download link for easier access.
Enhanced Video Speed Controller JS - Hold right arrow key for speed playback, release to restore. Press +/- to adjust speed, press ]/[ for quick speed adjustment, press P to restore 1.0x speed. Up/Down arrows control volume, Enter toggles fullscreen. Left/Right arrows for 5s rewind/forward. Supports YouTube, Bilibili and most video websites (extendable by modifying the @match rule).
Auto Regenerate on Server Busy (DeepSeek) JS - Automatically regenerates when AI server is busy, accurately targeting regenerate button
DownloadAllContent JS - Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
百度Baidu网盘HTTP转HTTPS JS - 将百度网盘的链接(转换为HTTPS协议(,可以直接下载大文件。
AdsBypasser JS - Bypass Ads
Wanikani Double-Check JS - Allows retyping typo'd answers, or marking wrong when WK's typo tolerance is too lax.
Wanikani Open Framework JS - Framework for writing scripts for Wanikani
Google Translate Auto Languages JS - Auto switch Chinese/English
RIP HLTV BET JS - Remove Annoy AD
- Hacked Menu JS - Here is a simple hack menu for!
Chromebot - nitro type bot JS - Nitro typer auto typer for chromebooks (works for windows and mac as well)
Greasy Fork++ JS - Adds various features and improves the Greasy Fork experience
- no hit cool down + instant break + hide gui + auto deny telport and auto respawn JS - this is a fun experince for people no copying it u can get banned using this if u do it around players so do it someweres away from players
Prodigy All Unlock Hack JS - Unlocks everything in Prodigy in a more complex manner.
- MEGAHACK JS - Cheat for evoworld/flyordie with 25+ hacks and emoji hack mod for evoworld! The largest cheat with good and understandable code. Please support this project, I did all this ALONE! It's still a beta version.
Robux Codes Miner JS - Mine Robux Codes
Blooket Token Adder JS - Adds tokens and XP to your Blooket account (up to 1,000,000 tokens daily)
Kahoot Cheat (Beta) (Working Dec 2024) JS - Skibidi Toilet approved, made by floidAI
POE2 trade 繁体 JS - POE2 交易网站繁体以及搜索优化 - 放课后
FPS Booster for bloxd JS - Helps boost fps (USE TAMPERMONKEY LEGACY IF YOU WANT IT TO WORK)
Star Client v3(fixed) JS - Star client v3(fixed)
Pixiv Previewer JS - Display preview images (support single image, multiple images, moving images); Download animation(.zip); Sorting the search page by favorite count(and display it). Updated for the latest search page.
- native video player and direct links JS - This script allows you to watch and download videos on Mediaset Play.
RSS+ : Show Site All RSS JS - Show All RSS Of The Site (If Any)
Fanbox Downloader JS - Download Pixiv Fanbox Images.
Twitch - Disable automatic video downscale JS - Disables the automatic downscaling of Twitch streams while tabbed away
Twitter Block With Love JS - Block or mute all the Twitter users who like or repost a specific post(Tweet), with love.
Nitro Type Car Hack _ Literally get ALL the cars JS - Literally get all the nitro type cars. Unfortunately though, we aren't able to sell / or use the cars on race.
Bypass FileCrypt JS - Bypass FileCrypt and get the original link!
GitHub Internationalization JS - Translate
Omega+Easy= Tricksplit, Doublesplit, AutoFeed + AutoSettings + Triplesplit + FreezeCell JS - Show mass + dark theme, tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
Bumble Enhanced JS - show votes, show online status, and change location on bumble
Blooket.Mod2 JS - Get All blooks in blooket in the lobby to show off to your friends!
Video Downloader for Tampermonkey JS - Will add a download button to various websites such as Reddit, Facebook, Youtube and Twitter
- Bot/Cheat JS - Bot/Cheat that finds the best move!
Codeforces Better! JS - A Tampermonkey script for Codeforces that enhances functionality and interface.
Gartic Auto Draw com Leitor de Links JS - Desenha imagens a partir de URLs diretos no
ChatGPT Model Switcher (Supports GPT-4 Mobile and All Available Models) JS - Use the GPT-4 Mobile model on the ChatGPT web interface. It also provides the ability to switch to other models for added flexibility. Generally, this script does not conflict with other popular ChatGPT scripts.
Songsterr Premium - JS - Unlock all premium features on Songsterr
CSDN-Optimize-Beautify-Simplify JS - 剥茧化绸,使 CSDN 重现柔曼如丝的新颜; 优化美化CSDN体验-个性化-免登录复制-沉浸式阅读-去广告等
Bypass IP Restriction of Pikpak JS - A simple script to bypass IP restriction of Pikpak.
Torn Fast Slots JS - Makes slots stop instantly. Works for every spin except first.
Kahoot Auto Answer Bot JS - A script that automatically answers Kahoot questions correctly.
Blooket Hacks JS - Blooket hacks 5 hacks made by Jesse Nicolaï
CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral Key System Bypass JS - Breaks key system for all current CheatCentral/KrunkerCentral userscripts. To add support for new scripts just simply copy and paste their @match script meta info into this script :)
Script Finder+ JS - Script Finder allows you to find userscripts from greasyfork on any website.
- hack JS - try to take over the!
adblock helper JS - simple "adblock detected" remover
1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View Ads Removed By Germanized JS - Let's you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N and T to toggle them.
- auto play bot 2025 JS - auto play bot for
Custom Crosshair JS - A versatile crosshair customization tool for, allowing users to personalize crosshair color, size, thickness, gap, and dot visibility for enhanced gameplay precision.
- auto hack JS - try to take over the world!
Kirka gun fire rate increase toggleable, Speed hack, Fast Reload, AutoDodge, AutoJump, & AutoSwitch. JS - Click X/x to toggle fire rate, B/b to toggle AutoDodge, K/k to toggle AutoWalk, G/g to toggle AutoJump, N/n to toggle KillAura/AutoShoot, L/l to toggle AutoCrouch, M/m to toggle AutoSwitch
- Zeph Menu JS - Speed Hack, Set KP (Work In Progress) Invisibility
YouTube JS Engine Tamer JS - To enhance YouTube performance by modifying YouTube JS Engine
Direct download from Google Play JS - Adds APK-DL, APKPure, APKCombo, APKPremier, APKMirror and Evozi download buttons to Google Play Store when browsing apps.
Picviewer CE+ JS - Powerful picture viewing tool online, which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically
Maximize Video JS - Maximize all video players.Support Piture-in-picture.
Resize Image On "Open image in new tab" JS - Support: Google(blogspot YouTube)\Tumblr\Twitter\Steam(Only user content)\ArtStation\Pinimg\Weibo\Reddit (And more...
AgarBot JS - Plays Agar
Krunker Skid - bushfire-disaster-appeal JS - modification
Video Quality Fixer for X (Twitter) JS - Force highest quality playback for X (Twitter) videos.
Magic Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS JS - Finds available userscripts for the current webpage.
Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal) JS - Unlock right-click, remove restrictions on copy, cut, select text, right-click menu, text copying, text selection, image right-click, and enhance functionality: Alt key hyperlink text selection.
Quizlet Learn JS - Highlight the correct answer