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Direct to download for ChiaSeNhac JS - ChiaSeNhac direct to download from search results
Tiberium Alliances Info Sticker JS - Based on Maelstrom Dev Tools. Modified MCV timer, repair time label, resource labels.
C&C Tiberium Alliances Dev AddonMainMenu JS - C&C:Tiberium Alliances Dev AddonMainMenu (AMM)
C&C Tiberium Alliances Map (Elda-Mod) JS - Shows you the region map
C&C Tiberium Alliances Info - Updated Layout JS - Relay your levels etc in a wink of an eye.
FIMFiction - Remaining Words and Reading Time JS - Displays average reading time left and overall story progress.
FIMFiction - Random Story JS - Adds a button to jump to a random story page
Storm8 Account Changer JS - Change between Storm8 Accounts with tons of features
Storm8 Account Changer JS - Change between Storm8 Accounts with tons of features
Instructables AllSteps Single Page View JS - Automatically redirect to the ALL Steps page on Instructables, if not already there.
Re-Enable Right Click and Highlighting on JS - Reverses scripts that are used to disable right clicking and highlighting of text - currently only for, but could be modified to work on other sites.
Minishares Link Scrubber JS - This removes shr77 redirections from
VidShok Skipper JS - Skips Wait Timer
Watch Series Skipper JS - Skips ad page
Walmart Ammo Stock JS - Shows if Ammo is in stock on
Yahoo Mail Ad Removal JS - removes the ads Motty Katan(c) Beta version. 06-02-2006 last updated 23/12/13
Forbes - Skip Welcome Screen JS - Skips the welcome screen; The one with the "Thought of the Day" and the full page ad. Pretty much simulates clicking the link, "Skip this welcome screen", as soon as the welcome screen loads.
C&C Tiberium Alliances Multi Session JS - Open Multi C&C Tiberium Alliances Session at one Browser
ThePirateBay Info Hash to Torrent JS - Converts ThePirateBay's info hash to multiple torrent cache links
C&C Tiberium Alliances Landingpage Autologin JS - Autologin to C&C Tibeirum Alliances
PluginsLib - mhNavigator - Tiberium Alliances JS - Creates compass poiting to the currently selected base (compass points from itself).
C&C Tiberium Alliances Navigate To Coords JS - CCTA Adds a Map Navigator pop-up, Shortcut ALT+N
Reddit highlight newest comments JS - Highlights new comments in a thread since your last visit
- promoted listing remover JS - Removes Kijiji promoted listings and uses larger thumbnails.
delete all reddit comments JS - deletes all reddit comments, enable this script to scrub your comment history
YouTube Mark As Watched JS - readds seen/watched functionality to youtube subscriptions
dA - dATitleCleaner JS - Sets a standard "dA: something" title for all deviantART pages
Old Twitter (black) JS - Old style Twitter layout.
WME Street to River PLUS JS - This script create a new river landmark in waze map editor (WME). It transforms the the geometry of a new unsaved street to a polygon.
TL Recent posts JS - Adds a recent post indicator at the end of the post time.
Green SSL Password Fields JS - Colors the passwd field green if secure, red if not
- Easy Reading JS - Makes reading heise news a little more comfortable
crashlytics-stacktrace-devmode JS - This will make the pretty-print of stacktraces more developer friendly
moodle-link-fixer JS - This will fix links decorations in moodle to make them more visible
NWPb JS - Automatically selects professions for empty slots
Tiberium Alliances Tunnel Info JS - Tunnel info
Command & Conquer TA Zmail JS - Complete and comprehensive CCTA mail client. Zmail is fast and easy to use mail client that allows you to send and receive messages.
C&C: Tiberium Alliances Chat Helper Enhanced Yiannis Mod JS - Automates the use of chat and message BB-Codes: [coords][url][player][alliance][b][i][s][u] - Contact list for whispering - Type /chelp <enter> in chat for help.
Chat Syncer and CP alerts JS - Syncs tiberium alliances (for now) chat with gtalk (for now) or email, and notifies when CP is close to the capacity. Change the CP_ALERT_HOURS value to tweak CP alert threshold (CP _ALERT_HOURS = how many hours before max capacity alert should be sent)
C&C:Tiberium Alliances Coords Button - All JS - Copy & Paste selected world object coords to chat message
Tiberium Alliances Formation Saver JS - Allows you to save attack formations
TradeMe Google reminder JS - Add a Google Calendar reminder link to Trademe auction pages
TradeMe Show All The Photos (Tampermonkey only) JS - Show all the large photos on a listing
youtube2mp3 JS - Convert to mp3 from Youtube clip, if you want to open in background tab - middle click.
Tiberium Alliances - Resource Trade Window JS - Implements a new TradeOverlay class, allowing you to select individual, multiple or all bases to transfer resources from
C&C Tiberium Alliances PvP/PvE Ranking, POI Holding and split base kill score. JS - Shows PvP/PvE Ranking of the players alliance in the PlayerWindow, also adds POIs the Player holds and splits pve/pvp score.
Next survey page Mturk JS - Hit the "{" (left curly brace) key, submit the survey page
WME OpenData JS - Provides access to certain OS OpenData products within the WME environment
LiveMap UR Overlay JS - Overlays UR, MP and PU markers onto Livemap
MangaToshokan helper for MangaUpdates - show allowed releases JS - MangaToshokan helper for MangaUpdates - show allowed releases on groups and authors pages and releases list
OverCompact JS - more compact forum
Habr Percentage Ring JS - Percentage Rings around numbers which show grades (for with userstyles)
tree view for qwerty JS - It adds various features to strangeworld@misao.
Disable youtubeblocker JS - Removes the retarded "Share to View" social crap on sites that use youtubeblocker
- cleaner JS - no advert, no shit
ECSHOP ( OOS checker JS - Check goods for OOS
- cleaner JS - no advert, no unused shit
C&C Tiberium Alliances Title Mod JS - Displays your player name in the browser title bar. Also shows the number of whispers you've received when in another tab or window.
WarChiefs - Tiberium Alliances Combat Simulator JS - Combat Simulator used to plan and strategize attack before going into battle.
- Widescreen Fix JS - Simple script to force the story text containing element on & to be left-aligned and the content wrapper element to use 99% width, massively improving readability if you use halfpage width on a widescreen display. Requires Scriptish.
C&C: Tiberium Alliances Map JS - Shows you the region map
HIT Scraper WITH EXPORT Legacy JS - Snag HITs.
Navigation Improvements for Surviving the World JS - Keyboard Navigation
Questionable Content Navigation Improvements JS - Adds arrow keys control.
Weatherspark Remove ad box JS - Remove ad box on the right side of weatherspark
Keyboard Navigation for Worm JS - Just adds arrow key movement.
El Goonish Shivve Navigation Improvements JS - Arrow keys do movement, and clicking the image goes to next comic.
Paranatural Navigation Improvements JS - Makes the arrow keys control movement.
Schlock Mercenary Navigation Improvements JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
SMBC Navigation Improvements JS - Adding keyboard navigation, aftercomic text just displayed, and aftercomic image is a link to the next comic.
Girl Genius Comic Next Link JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
Hanna is not a Boys Name Next Link in Comic Image JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
Machine Flower Next Link in Image JS - Makes the image a link to the next comic, and arrow keys control movement.
Penny Arcade Combine News and Comic JS - This puts the penny arcade comic on the news page.
Remove Feedburner Link Information JS - Removes tracking info from feedburner links
W.A.R. Links Checker Customized JS - Automatically checks links from hundreds of file hosts.
peka2tv chat v1.x JS - chat extra features
Add movie ratings to IMDB links [By Pharaoh2k] JS - Adds movie ratings and number of voters to links on IMDB. Modified version of
peka2tv chat JS - chat with extra features
Clear Radio Button JS - When clicking on a selected radio button, this script will clear it
ZSMTurker's HIT Scraper Extended Fork JS - Template for specific scrapers.
XioScript JS - XioScript with AjaxButtons and TopManagerInfo
muyuge.reader.settings JS - reform the reader settings: font-size, background-color, etc.
muyuge.reader.removeLinkTarget JS - prevent openning new window/tab for reader op links
zongheng.totaltome.loadAll JS - load all chapters in tome
[email protected] JS - place a bookmark automatically when you open a chapter
enableCopyAndContextMenu.user.js JS - enable copy&paste and context menue
du00.bookcase JS - cleanup
muyuge.bookmark.close JS - Close window automatically after adding a bookmark - delay 3 seconds
Asus DownloadMaster Torrent/Magnet Downloader JS - Downloads torrentz directly with Asus DownloadMaster
Change Background Color JS - A brief description of your script
One Click YouTube Subscription Feed Delete JS - Add a delete button to items on the YouTube Subscription Feed.
sup/tg/ Archive Quote Functions JS - Inline Quoting ~ Quote Preview ~ Backlinks ~ Inline Image Expansion ~ Filter (Name/Tripcode) for suptg archives
Youtube Related Video Ratings JS - Shows ratings of related videos on Youtube, and changes ratings bar back to green/red.
creation chat mover JS - relocates creation-chat
C&C Tiberium Alliances Zoom (SKY) JS - On the region map it allows you to zoom out further
WarChiefs - Tiberium Alliances Sector HUD JS - Displays a tiny HUD with the Sector you are viewing.
Flashbacklogo Prenumerationer JS - Flashbacklogo leder till Prenumerationer
Steam Market Agreement Autocomplete JS - Automatically remember your User Agreement choice across pages/sessions.