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Youtube Downloader By Jeffery JS - Download every YouTube video you want and you can download them as Full-HD MP4, FLV, 3GP, MP3 128kbps and 192kbps, M4A and AAC formats.
Tumblr HD Video Download Buttons JS - Automatically redirect Tumblr video links to raw HD versions, and display a download button below videos
Unity Docs Version Switcher JS - adds a version dropdown, forcefully redirect to older documentation versions from google
Show My Passwords JS - Show/Hide the contents of password fields by clicking on the eye icon or with hotkey
从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 增强版(基于AC的脚本优化) JS - 基于AC脚本制作,新增大量关键词,欢迎结合本人其他脚本使用,如有意见请反馈至[email protected](也可向原作者反馈)
- Descarga Previa (Solo Usuarios) JS - Permite descargar los subtitulos antes de ser aprobados (solo para usuarios registrados)
WaniKani Enable Spellcheck JS - Enables spellcheck
Crunchyroll: Resize Player To Window Size for CR HLS Player JS - Moves the video to the top of the website and resizes it to the screen size.
- - show release JS - zobrazi nalevo od titulku release, neni tedy potreba najizdet na kazde titulky po jednom
9GAG Show Controls JS - Automatically adds the controls attribute to all video elements.
浙江大学安全考试 JS - Operation no control
Youtube Night Mode JS - A Night mode for Youtube
Douban_simple_version JS - A simple version for Douban website. Now the work is focused on movie subject.
HTML5 Video Playback Speed Control Keyboard Shortcut JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to control HTML5 video playback rate. Available keyboard shortcuts are: <CTRL+[> = Decreate playback rate, <CTRL+]> = Increase playback rate, <CTRL+\> = Set playback rate increment/decrement unit, <CTRL+'> = Set playback to specific rate, <CTRL+;> Reset playback rate to default (to 1.0). Default playback rate incement/decrement is configurable via script.
爱创导购文收藏助手 JS - 保存商品详细页内容到爱创
掘金文章自动显示全文 JS - 不用登录自动显示掘金博客全文
Color Gmail JS - This script allows you to change the default coloring of gmail's search and send buttons, as well as the scroll bar!
Fit video on Browser Window JS - Adds a button at the right of the video title that makes the video take up the entire window space.
weicano JS - cleaner
知乎广告移除 JS - try to take over the world!
taobao search plus JS - Auto load shop information, customize the default sort order and ui style(gird or list).
Google Search Translate Button JS - Adds a Translate button to the Google Search page
紅色背景偵測器 JS - 能偵測有紅色背景嘅公司、中資企業、匪語等等
Thunder Harvester JS - This script will search for thunder and magnet links on every webpage,when found, it shows a button to download them all (by sending them to the clipboard).
鼠标移动点击出现随机颜色表情符号 JS - 242个符号随机出现,双击切换移动鼠标出现痕迹表情符号
Youtube: disable suggested autoplay JS - Disable and hide suggested video autoplay on YouTube
ZielonkaBloker JS - Wszystkie media dodane przez zielonki na Mirko są zakryte dopóki się nie kliknie.
Displaycase Value JS - Display the total value of items in the displaycase
Escapist video section cleaner JS - Resizes a video on the Escapist's video section, centers it and autoplays it
factornewsHelper JS - Gives options on Factornews website (remove users comments...)
Wayback Machine links modifier JS - Modifies WM links on a result page to redirect to actual website, not the snapshot
Youtube comments remover and description expander JS - Removes comments section from Youtube video pages and auto expand description section
Youtube video section cleaner JS - Unclutters the video page on Youtube's video section and resizes it
Escapist webcomics viewer JS - Allows navigation to next picture (chronologically) on The Escapist webcomics
google play apk downloader JS - add a download button ( to goole pages (
Steamcn 7L Optimisation JS - try to take over the world!
SauceNao Reverse Image Search JS - Adds a "Search on SauceNao" option to the context menu
Set minimum font weight JS - Set the minimum font weight on a page, to make things readable
Zillow Full image appender JS - show zillow full images at the bottom of the page, must scroll through mini slideshow first
Ferzu Photo Like Fixer JS - Like photos without reloading them.
Reddit User/Subreddit/Domain Filter JS - Filter Reddit posts based on the user, subreddit, domain, or post flair name.
Hide user-exclusive glyphs from GlyphWiki's recent changes JS - Add a checkbox to GlyphWiki's recent changes page that hides user-exclusive glyphs.
StackOverflow净化器 JS - 屏蔽某个智障用户Ciro Santilli
斗鱼助手 JS - 自动领取鱼丸(需要手动输入验证码)、自动打开宝箱
- helper JS - Remember words
Force TSB Login Link To Business Banking JS - If you only have a business account with TSB this overcomes
Wanikani Random Font II JS - The script changes the font for questions in Wanikani reviews into randomly selected from list, allowing you to practice various typefaces and forms of the kanji. Based on Wanikani Random Font script by Mempo. Before using, edit the list or install fonts specified there!
BiliPixelDrawer JS - BiliPixelDrawer Client(Script)
Google Calendar - Resize Navigation Sidebar JS - Makes the G-Cal navigation sidebar re-sizable and hideable. Adds a column border and drag-button that can be dragged with the mouse, and a show/hide toggle button.
Watch to Playlist JS - aghh, youtube's interface!
youtube Extend Button JS - Adds a Button to YouTube
Ghost Trappers Whiskey Changer JS - Change Magic Potions into Pre-FB changes Whiskeys
Convert HTML select to Select2 JS - It's often hard to select data from combobox where it has huge data. This script will make easy to use comboxbox(select tag)
Scroll To Top JS - When user scrolled down of page then it will make easy to get back to top of the page.
YouTube - whitelist channels in uBlock Origin JS - To whitelist YouTube channels in uBlock Origin
chatous Text chat button JS - add a button to start a new text chat on chatous
BOT Omegle learn to talk JS - bot learn how to talk in omegle text chat
Tumblr Always HQ Media JS - Always load highest resolution version of images on any Tumblr page, not just direct URL
在当前页面加载链接网页 JS - 在当前页面加载链接网页,左滑后退
oneClickRemoveWeiboPost JS - Add a [一键删除] button to directly delete the post by one click. No <确认/取消> any more.
auto copy JS - auto copy selected text - Note: Please remember after you select your text you ---> one click your selected text for copy <----
WME Counties Utah Census 2014 (herrchin fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Utah Groups" layer
WME Counties Nebraska Census 2014 (herrchin fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Nebraska Groups" layer
WME Counties Iowa Census 2014 (herrchin fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Iowa Groups" layer
KissAnime Auto Captcha JS - Auto solve KissAnime Captcha
Background Tab Stopper JS - Speed up browser (chrome) by stopping background tabs from completely loading
Ghost Trappers Friends Crawler JS - Makes getting more friends super easy.
zhihusb JS - try to take over the world!
Answer to... JS - Shows the comment for which this comment is an answer
WaniKani SRS Level Progress JS - Review schedule explorer for WaniKani
知乎去除内置广告 JS - try to take over the world!
Facebook recent JS - This just sets the Facebook F icon to display the newsfeed in Recents order, rather than the default Top order. Saves clicking the ... menu each time.
Twitch: Full Theater JS - Hides/Resizes elements preventing video from displaying in the full window while using Theater Mode
sourcevideo on watchcartoononline JS - redirect to the actual video
Warbase Filters (compatibility version) JS - Filter things out of the war base
Crunchyroll HTML5 JS - Replaces Crunchyroll's HTML5 player with an improved version
Google Inbox Unpinner JS - Constantly presses any un-pin buttons on the Google Inbox interface
WME Counties Virginia Census 2014 (subs5 fork) JS - Creates polygons for MapRaid groups in a WME "Virginia Groups" layer
google_plus_image_address_finder JS - try to find out the download url of a google plus image
Ghost Trappers Wiki Links JS - Adds wiki links to Ghost Trappers
Rizzoma Extended JS - Розширення додає поле для пошуку по сторінці на сервісі
Uqer / JoinQuant Xueqiu Link JS - 为优矿 / 聚宽的结果中的 secID / code 添加到雪球的链接
WME Invalidated Camera Mass Eraser JS - Allow delete visible, unvalidated and in your managed area all speed camera in 1 click!
- ad killer JS - get rid of those stupid ads (i will still be adding to this script! not the final version!)
Oculus Rift Experiences Filter JS - Filters out non-free games
tumblr-picture-change-https-2-http JS - replace https 2 http
Copy text from JS - Allow copy from
MTC Poll Hider JS - Hide and toggle polls on MTurk Crowd.
FA Emotes-On-Beta JS - Bringing A "Classic" touch to the Beta!
Politics Reporter JS - Pozwala zgłosić znalezisko bez tagu #polityka
UStartShowResultsOnDuckDuckGo JS - UStart open search results on DuckDuckGo
UStartShowResultsOnQwant JS - UStart open search results on Qwant
open all links in the new tab except for the turn page link JS - except for the turn page link whose inner text is 'next', 'previous' and other page number
CollectSkins JS - giveaway script
Gif2Cage JS - Remove annoying gifs and replace them with something more... satisfying
Gif Remover for Gitter JS - Remove gifs from Gitter
[Box] Modify icon-view size step JS - try to take over the world!
- Auto-Faucet JS - Automatically "clicks" the "Claim free BTC!" button when ready