MyAnimeList (MAL) Track Missing Relations

Allows to find missing relations and entries with wrong chapter/episode count.

Tính đến 16-01-2016. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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This script provides the link to calculate missing relations and find entries with wrong status or episode/chapter count.

Speed of calculation: 1000 entries per 5 min (300ms delay between requests). The results are saved into cache.

For better grouping entries into categories I suggest to exclude Character and Spin-off relations in settings. You may also exclude Other and Parent Story but you'll lose quite a lot of important relations.

If Ignore Plan to Watch/Read entries is checked, these entries will be treated as missing relations instead of watched entries. Note that rescan is needed after changing your settings.

If there were some failed results during the scan, just click Update link to update failed entries.

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