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Flightradar24 show flights in title

Adds a counter to the page title on Flightradar24 to show the number of matched flights

Tác giả
Raphael Cockx
Cài đặt hàng ngày
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Đánh giá
2 0 0
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Áp dụng cho

This script takes the number of currently tracked planes in Flightradar24 (FR24) and adds it to the title of the page. That way, you can easily keep an eye on movements while working in other tabs of your browser.

Perfect when zooming in to a limited area or using relatively strict filters. Track down a specific registration or keep an eye on flights in/out of a certain airport without having FR24 on your screen all the time.

Works best when combined with a premium account on FR24 so the site doesn't time out.