Rotten Tomatoes Link On IMDb

Adds a direct link to the corresponding Rotten Tomatoes movie description page for every IMDb movie

< Feedback on Rotten Tomatoes Link On IMDb

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 25-03-2015

Page Not Found

Page Not Found is the result each time I click the tomato.

Ede_123Tác giả
Posted: 25-03-2015
Edited: 25-03-2015

Yes, that's because Rotten Tomatoes just dropped support for searching by IMDb ID (without any kind of prior announcement).

I have to rewrite the script to make use of the Rotten Tomato API since this is now the only possibility to connect and IMDb movie title with the corresponding Rotten Tomato movie page.

Sorry for the inconvenience, I'll let you know as soon as a fix is up.

Ede_123Tác giả
Posted: 19-04-2015
Edited: 19-04-2015

The script is fixed now! I hope it works to you satisfaction.

Posted: 22-04-2015

Great! Works perfectly now.

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