// ==UserScript==
// @name MetaFilter Filter By Favorites
// @namespace http://namespace.kinobe.com/metafilter/
// @description Allows users to view MetaFilter comments by favorite count.
// @include /^https?://(www|ask|metatalk|fanfare|projects|music|irl)\.metafilter\.com/.*$/
// @include http://mefi/*
// @version 1.0
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==
This copyright section and all credits in the script must be included in modifications or redistributions of this script.
MetaFilterFilterByFavorites is Copyright (c) 2014, Jonathan Gordon
MetaFilterFilterByFavorites is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License
License information is available here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
This script borrows heavily from Jimmy Woods' MetaFilter favorite posts filter script
Also from Jordan Reiter's MetaFilter MultiFavorited Multiwidth - November Experiment
Please see the README.md for more info:
Version 1.0
- Initial Release.
var LogLevelEnum = {
DEBUG:{value:0, name:"Debug"},
INFO:{value:1, name:"Info"},
WARN:{value:2, name:"Warn"},
ERROR:{value:3, name:"Error"}
var SiteEnum = {
name:"www", titleRE:/^.+?\| MetaFilter$/, fav_prefix:"2"
}, ASK:{
name:"ask", titleRE:/^.+?\| Ask MetaFilter$/, fav_prefix:"4"
}, TALK:{
name:"talk", titleRE:/^.+?\| MetaTalk$/, fav_prefix:"6"
name:"projects", titleRE:/^.+?\| MetaFilter Projects$/, fav_prefix:"13"
}, MUSIC:{
name:"music", titleRE:/^.+?\| MeFi Music$/, fav_prefix:"9"
}, IRL:{
name:"irl", titleRE:/^.+?\| IRL: MeFi Events$/, fav_prefix:"20"
name:"fanfare", titleRE:/^.+?\| FanFare$/, fav_prefix:"24"
Global = {
last_tr:null // Reference to the last TR tag in the select table that a user clicked on.
, table_bg_color:"#E6E6E6" // Background color for the table rows.
, selected_color:"#88c2d8" // BG color for the selected table row.
, hover_color:"#DC5E04" // BG color for the selected table row.
, favorite_color:"#ff7617" // BG color for the selected table row.
, max_count:100 // Largest possible # of favorites
, min_count:0 // Smallest # of favorites that are highlighted
, posts:[] // Stores info about each post
, max_favorites:0 // Highest favorite count so far.
, doLog:true // Should we log messages?
, row_prefix:"summary_id_" // Used to set the ID for each row in the comment/favorite chart
, logLevel:LogLevelEnum.INFO // What's the default log level?
* ----------------------------------
* Logger
* ----------------------------------
* Allows swapping out GM logger for console
Logger = {
log:function (message, logLevelEnum) {
logLevelEnum = logLevelEnum || LogLevelEnum.INFO;
if (Global.doLog && logLevelEnum.value >= Global.logLevel.value) {
// GM_log(message);
}, debug:function (message) {
Logger.log(message, LogLevelEnum.DEBUG);
}, info:function (message) {
Logger.log(message, LogLevelEnum.INFO);
}, warn:function (message) {
Logger.log(message, LogLevelEnum.WARN);
}, error:function (message) {
Logger.log(message, LogLevelEnum.ERROR);
* ----------------------------------
* Util
* ----------------------------------
* Various utility functions
Util = {
* Returns an array of DOM elements that match a given XPath expression.
* @param path string - Xpath expression to search for
* @param from DOM Element - DOM element to search under. If not specified, document is used
* @return Array - Array of selected nodes (if any)
getNodes:function (path, from) {
Logger.debug("getNodes of path: " + path);
from = from || document;
var item, ret = [];
var iterator = document.evaluate(path, from, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null);
while (item = iterator.iterateNext()) {
// Logger.debug("Item is: "+item);
Logger.debug("Num elements found by getNodes: " + ret.length);
return ret;
* Deletes a DOM element
* @param DOM element - DOM element to remove
* @return DOM element - the removed element
*/, removeElement:function (element) {
return element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
* Binds an event handler function to an object context, so that the handler can be executed as if it
* was called using "this.<method name>(event)", i.e. it can use "this.foo" inside it.
* @param function method - a function to execute as an event handler
* @param Object context - the object that will be used as context for the function, as if the function had been
* called as context.method(event);
* @return function - the function to pass to addEventListener
*/, bindAsEventHandler:function (method, context) {
var __method = method;
return function (event) {
return __method.apply(context, [event]);
* Event handler for when user clicks on a row
function filterPosts(evt) {
// Find the parent <TR> tag.
var t = evt.target;
Logger.debug("t: " + t);
while (null == t.getAttribute("id")) {
Logger.debug("Looking for DIV");
t = t.parentNode;
var summary_id = t.getAttribute('id');
Logger.debug("t.id: " + summary_id);
var summary_row_re = /^summary_id_(\d+)$/;
var max_cnt = (summary_row_re.exec(summary_id) !== null) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : 0;
Logger.debug("Parsed max_cnt: " + max_cnt);
// Hide/unhide all posts that don't match the chosen fav count.
var i = Global.posts.length;
while (i--) {
var is_showing = (Global.posts[i].div.style.display !== "none");
var do_show = (Global.posts[i].num_favs >= max_cnt);
Logger.debug("is_showing: " + is_showing);
Logger.debug("do_show: " + do_show);
if (do_show != is_showing) {
Logger.debug("Hiding post: " + i);
Global.posts[i].div.style.display = (do_show ? "" : "none");
Global.posts[i].div.nextSibling.style.display = (do_show ? "" : "none");
Global.posts[i].div.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display = (do_show ? "" : "none");
// Reset the color of the previous row to be clicked on.
if (Global.last_tr !== null) {
Logger.debug("Resetting the background color.");
removeClass(Global.last_tr, "wrapperSelected");
// Set the color of the row we just clicked on
addClass(t, "wrapperSelected");
Global.last_tr = t;
function addClass(obj, className) {
if (null != obj && undefined != obj) {
var prevClass = obj.className;
if (null != prevClass && undefined != prevClass) {
if (!prevClass.match(new RegExp(className))) {
obj.className = obj.className + " " + className;
function removeClass(obj, className) {
if (null != obj && undefined != obj) {
var prevClass = obj.className;
if (null != prevClass && undefined != prevClass) {
var regExp = new RegExp(className);
if (prevClass.match(regExp)) {
obj.className = obj.className.replace(regExp, '');
// ---------------------------
//Finds y value of given object
function findPos(obj) {
var current_top = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
current_top += obj.offsetTop;
} while (obj = obj.offsetParent);
return current_top;
function simulateClickShow(id) {
// jquery isn't working here
// $('#filter0').trigger('click');
// use non-jquery method to simulate the click of the count row specified
var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
evt.initMouseEvent("click", true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
var show_all_link = document.getElementById(id);
function getElementsByClassName(node, classname) {
if (node.getElementsByClassName) { // use native implementation if available
Logger.debug("Using native implementation of getElementsByClassName.");
return node.getElementsByClassName(classname);
} else {
return (function getElementsByClass(searchClass, node) {
node = node || document;
var classElements = [], els = document.getElementsByTagName("*"), elsLen = els.length, pattern = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + searchClass + "(\\s|$)"), i, j;
Logger.debug("Total elements: " + els.length);
Logger.debug("Looking for" + searchClass);
for (i = 0, j = 0; i < elsLen; i++) {
var elsClassName = els[i].className;
if ("" != elsClassName) {
// Logger.debug("Class of element: " + elsClassName);
if (pattern.test(elsClassName)) {
classElements[j] = els[i];
return classElements;
})(classname, node);
// a function that loads jQuery and calls a callback function when jQuery has finished loading
function addJQuery(callback) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.setAttribute("src", "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6.4/jquery.min.js");
script.addEventListener('load', function () {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.textContent = "(" + callback.toString() + ")();";
}, false);
function captureShowClick(e) {
var click_target = e.target;
while (click_target.tagName != "SPAN") {
click_target = click_target.parentNode;
Logger.debug("e.target is: " + click_target);
Logger.debug("e.target.id is: " + click_target.id);
var recommended_re = /^(\d+)_(\d+)$/;
var id = recommended_re.exec(click_target.id)[1];
Logger.debug("ID is: " + id);
var count = recommended_re.exec(click_target.id)[2];
Logger.debug("Count is: " + count);
var comment_anchor = Util.getNodes('.//a[@name="' + id + '"]')[0];
var prevPos = findPos(comment_anchor);
Logger.debug("prevPos: " + prevPos);
Logger.debug("Previous window.pageYOffset: " + window.pageYOffset);
var diff = prevPos - window.pageYOffset;
simulateClickShow(Global.row_prefix + count);
//Get object
Logger.debug("Did we find SupportDiv? " + comment_anchor);
//Scroll to location of SupportDiv on load
var newPos = findPos(comment_anchor);
Logger.debug("newPos: " + newPos);
Logger.debug("Current window.pageYOffset (before scrolling): " + window.pageYOffset);
window.scroll(0, newPos - diff);
Logger.debug("Current window.pageYOffset (after scrolling): " + window.pageYOffset);
// simulateClickShow(id);
return false;
function getSite() {
// Which subsite are we on?
var title = document.title;
Logger.debug("document.title: >" + title + "<");
for (var propertyName in SiteEnum) {
// propertyName is what you want
if (SiteEnum[propertyName].titleRE.test(title)) {
return SiteEnum[propertyName];
return null;
//check if the previous sibling node is an element node
function getPreviousElement(n) {
var x = n.previousSibling;
while (null != x && x.nodeType != 1) {
x = x.previousSibling;
Logger.debug("Previous sibling?: " + typeof x);
Logger.debug("Previous sibling: " + x);
return x;
function init() {
Logger.info("Loading MetaFilterFilterByFavorites...");
// if we can't find comments, it's probably this is being called for a page we haven't excluded
if (undefined == document.getElementById("posts")) {
Logger.info("MetaFilterFilterByFavorites can not find top node. Exiting.");
Logger.debug("MetaFilterFilterByFavorites found top node. Continuing...");
var site = getSite();
if (null == site) {
Logger.error("MetaFilterFilterByFavorites can not determine site. Exiting...");
Logger.debug("site: " + site.name);
// Prepare array for storing counts of how many posts have been favorited this many times.
var counts = [];
for (var j = 0; j <= Global.max_count; j++) {
counts[j] = 0;
// some useful regexes for parsing ids and such
var numeric_re = /^(\d+)$/, favorites_re = /^(\d+)\sfavorite[s]?$/;
// Get all comments and compile them into arrays
var commentDivs = Util.getNodes('.//div[@id="posts"]//div[contains(concat(" ", normalize-space(@class), " "), " comments ")]');
Logger.debug("Num comments found: " + commentDivs.length);
// if there are no comments, don't show table
if (0 == commentDivs.length) {
Logger.info("MetaFilterFilterByFavorites can not find comments. Exiting.");
for (var i = 0; i < commentDivs.length; i++) {
Logger.debug("MetaFilterFilterByFavorites found comment div. Continuing...");
var comment_div = commentDivs[i];
Logger.debug("Found comment_div: " + comment_div.textContent);
var sibling_a = getPreviousElement(comment_div);
// if the comment doesn't have a previous sibling, we're not interested
if (null == sibling_a) {
Logger.debug("sibling_a: " + typeof sibling_a);
Logger.debug("sibling_a.name: " + sibling_a.name);
var comment_div_id = sibling_a.name;
// Logger.debug("Id is: " + comment_div_id);
Logger.debug("comment_div_id: " + comment_div_id);
if (comment_div_id !== undefined && numeric_re.test(comment_div_id)) {
Logger.debug("Found a valid id: " + comment_div_id);
var fav_count_a = Util.getNodes('.//span[@id="favcnt' + site.fav_prefix + comment_div_id + '"]/a')[0];
Logger.debug("fav_count_a: " + fav_count_a);
Logger.debug("typeof fav_count_a: " + typeof fav_count_a);
var recommended_text = undefined !== fav_count_a ? fav_count_a.textContent : "0 favorites";
var favorite_count = (favorites_re.exec(recommended_text) !== null) ? Math.min(parseInt(RegExp.$1), Global.max_count) : 0;
Logger.debug("favorite_count: " + favorite_count);
Logger.debug("Done pushing recommended_count: " + favorite_count);
// we only highlight if there's a fav count over the minimum
if (favorite_count > Global.min_count) {
Logger.debug("recommended_count > " + Global.min_count + ": " + favorite_count);
var recommendedWidthSize = (Math.round(favorite_count / 2) + 1);
comment_div.style.borderLeft = '' + recommendedWidthSize + 'px solid ' + Global.favorite_color;
comment_div.style.borderTop = '0px';
comment_div.style.borderBottom = '0px';
comment_div.style.paddingLeft = '5px';
Global.max_favorites = Math.max(favorite_count, Global.max_favorites);
Logger.debug("Calculating max_favorites:" + Global.max_favorites);
div:comment_div, num_favs:favorite_count
Logger.debug("Calculated max_favorites:" + favorite_count);
var id_text = comment_div_id + "_" + favorite_count;
Logger.debug("id_text" + id_text);
var all_id_text = comment_div_id + "_0";
var show_all_span = document.createElement('span');
show_all_span.className = "click_count";
show_all_span.id = all_id_text;
var show_count_span = document.createElement('span');
show_count_span.className = "click_count";
show_count_span.id = id_text;
show_all_span.innerHTML = " <a>Show: all</a>";
show_count_span.innerHTML = " <a> / " + favorite_count + " and above</a>";
var show_more_span = document.createElement('span');
show_more_span.innerHTML = " <a href='#posts'> / More options</a>";
var flag_div = Util.getNodes('.//span[@id="flag' + site.fav_prefix + comment_div_id + '"]', comment_div)[0];
Logger.debug("Inserting show all");
flag_div.parentNode.insertBefore(show_all_span, flag_div);
if (favorite_count > Global.min_count) {
Logger.debug("Inserting show count");
flag_div.parentNode.insertBefore(show_count_span, flag_div);
Logger.debug("Inserting show more options");
flag_div.parentNode.insertBefore(show_more_span, flag_div);
Logger.debug("Done looping through comments!");
GM_addStyle('#posts { margin-bottom: 1em; }');
GM_addStyle('.chart {'
+ 'background-color: ' + Global.table_bg_color + ';'
+ 'font: 14px sans-serif;'
+ 'margin: 0px 4px;'
+ 'color: black;'
+ 'border:1px solid white;'
+ 'border-collapse:collapse;'
+ '}');
GM_addStyle('.comms {'
+ 'margin-left: 1em;'
+ 'float: left;'
+ 'width: 5%;'
+ '}');
GM_addStyle('.favs {'
+ 'float: left;'
+ 'background-color: ' + Global.favorite_color + ';'
+ 'margin-right: 4px;'
+ 'text-align: center;'
+ '}');
GM_addStyle('.wrapper {'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'padding: 3px 0px;'
+ '}');
GM_addStyle('.wrapperSelected {'
+ 'background-color: ' + Global.selected_color + ';'
+ '}');
GM_addStyle('.wrapper:hover {'
+ 'background-color: ' + Global.hover_color + ';'
+ '}');
GM_addStyle('.clearfix:after {'
+ 'content: ".";'
+ 'display: block;'
+ 'height: 0;'
+ 'clear: both;'
+ 'visibility: hidden;'
+ '}');
Logger.debug("Done adding style.");
document.addEventListener('keydown', function (e) {
// pressed alt+g
if (e.keyCode == 71 && !e.shiftKey && !e.ctrlKey && e.altKey && !e.metaKey) {
simulateClickShow(Global.row_prefix + 0);
}, false);
var allClickClasses = getElementsByClassName(document, "click_count");
Logger.debug("allClickClasses count: " + allClickClasses.length);
for (var k = 0; k < allClickClasses.length; k++) {
var n = allClickClasses[k];
Logger.debug("n is: " + n);
Logger.debug("n.target is: " + n.target);
n.addEventListener('click', captureShowClick, false);
Logger.info("Loading MetaFilterFilterByFavorites is complete.");
* Generates the table at the top of the page
* @param counts - Array of post counts, from 0 to Global.max_total. [fav_count => # of posts]
* @return void
function initTable(counts) {
Logger.debug("Total counts: " + counts);
var dummyDiv = document.createElement('div');
var data_rows_html = '<div class="chart" style="width: 70%;">';
var m = Global.max_count + 1, cum_comment_total = 0;
// Generate the table rows
while (m-- >= 0) {
// we only show differences where the comment count has increased, or the very last row, showing all
if (counts[m] > 0 || m == 0) {
cum_comment_total += counts[m];
var recommendedWidthSize = (Math.round((m / Global.max_favorites) * 90));
data_rows_html += '<div id="' + Global.row_prefix + m + '" class="wrapper clearfix"><div class="comms">' + cum_comment_total + '</div>'
+ '<div class="favs" style="width: ' + recommendedWidthSize + '%;">(' + ((m == 0) ? "All" : m) + ')</div>'
+ '</div>';
// Insert table into page
Logger.debug("data_rows_html: " + data_rows_html);
dummyDiv.innerHTML = '<div>'
+ '<div id="MultiFavoritesOptions" class="clearfix" style="white-space:nowrap; padding: 3px 0;">Show me this many comments (with at least this many favorites)</div>'
+ data_rows_html
+ '</div>';
var page_div = document.getElementById("posts");
page_div.insertBefore(dummyDiv.firstChild, page_div.firstChild);
// Add the event listeners.
var rows = Util.getNodes('.//div[@class="wrapper clearfix"]');
var n = rows.length;
Logger.debug("Found rows: " + n);
while (n--) {
rows[n].addEventListener('click', filterPosts, false);