// ==UserScript==
// @name Kahoot cheats MOD MENU
// @version 1.0.42
// @namespace https://github.com
// @description Hey guys this is an update old update mod menu for kahoot enter the quiz I'd NOT GAME PIN what should I make next?
// @license MIT Thatoneguy54321
// @author Thatoneguy54321
// @match https://kahoot.it/*
// @icon https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?sz=64&domain=kahoot.it
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var Version = '1.0.29'
var questions = [];
var info = {
numQuestions: 0,
questionNum: -1,
lastAnsweredQuestion: -1,
var PPT = 950;
var Answered_PPT = 950;
var autoAnswer = false;
var showAnswers = false;
var inputLag = 100;
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function parseQuestions(questionsJson){
let questions = []
questionsJson.forEach(function (question){
let q = {type:question.type, time:question.time}
if (['quiz', 'multiple_select_quiz'].includes(question.type)){
var i=0
q.answers = []
q.incorrectAnswers = []
if (choise.correct) {
if (question.type == 'open_ended')
q.answers = []
return questions
function handleInputChange() {
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const url = 'https://kahoot.it/rest/kahoots/' + quizID;
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.then(response => {
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error('');
return response.json();
.then(data => {
inputBox.style.backgroundColor = 'green'
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inputBox.style.backgroundColor = 'red';
info.numQuestions = 0
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inputBox.style.backgroundColor = 'white';
info.numQuestions = 0
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function onQuestionStart(){
var question = questions[info.questionNum]
if (showAnswers){
if (autoAnswer){
answer(question, (question.time - question.time / (500/(PPT-500))) - inputLag)
function highlightAnswers(question){
question.answers.forEach(function (answer) {
setTimeout(function() {
FindByAttributeValue("data-functional-selector", 'answer-'+answer, "button").style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(0, 255, 0)'
}, 0)
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setTimeout(function() {
FindByAttributeValue("data-functional-selector", 'answer-'+answer, "button").style.backgroundColor = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)'
}, 0)
function answer(question, time) {
Answered_PPT = PPT
var delay = 0
if (question.type == 'multiple_select_quiz') delay = 60
setTimeout(function() {
if (question.type == 'quiz') {
const key=(+question.answers[0]+1).toString();
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key });
if (question.type == 'multiple_select_quiz') {
question.answers.forEach(function (answer) {
setTimeout(function() {
const key=(+answer+1).toString();
const event = new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { key });
}, 0)
setTimeout(function() {
FindByAttributeValue("data-functional-selector", 'multi-select-submit-button', "button").click()
}, 0)
}, time - delay)
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setInterval(function () {
var textElement = FindByAttributeValue("data-functional-selector", "question-index-counter", "div")
if (textElement){
info.questionNum = +textElement.textContent - 1
if (FindByAttributeValue("data-functional-selector", 'answer-0', "button") && info.lastAnsweredQuestion != info.questionNum)
info.lastAnsweredQuestion = info.questionNun
if (autoAnswer){
if (info.ILSetQuestion != info.questionNum){
var ppt = Answered_PPT
if (ppt > 987) ppt = 1000
var incrementElement = FindByAttributeValue("data-functional-selector", "score-increment", "span")
if (incrementElement){
info.ILSetQuestion = info.questionNum
var increment = +incrementElement.textContent.split(" ")[1]
if (increment != 0){
inputLag += (ppt-increment)*15
if (inputLag < 0) {
inputLag -= (ppt-increment)*15
inputLag += (ppt-increment/2)*15
inputLag = Math.round(inputLag)
questionsLabel.textContent = 'Question '+(info.questionNum+1)+' / '+info.numQuestions;
inputLagLabel.textContent = 'Input lag : '+inputLag+' ms';
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