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Expand All Sections on Otolaryngology Core Curriculum

Expands all elements with class "expandable js-expandable" on learning module pages

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Expand All Sections on Otolaryngology Core Curriculum

The script will appear in Tampermonkey's context menu (right-click menu) on the OCC modules page. When you select the script from the context menu, it will run immediately, expanding the elements.

To use this script:

  1. Install the Tampermonkey extension if you haven't already.
  2. Create a new script in Tampermonkey and paste the modified code.
  3. Save the script and ensure it's enabled.
  4. Navigate to the modules page matching the URL pattern (*).
  5. Right-click on the page to open the context menu.
  6. In the Tampermonkey submenu, you should see your script. Click it to run.

This approach allows you to manually trigger the script when needed, rather than having it run automatically on every page load.