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Chrome Extension Executor

Execute Chrome extensions by entering their URL

Tác giả
Deshawn Bourne
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
0 0 0
Phiên bản
Đã tạo
Đã cập nhật
10 KB
Giấy phép
Áp dụng cho
Tất cả trang web

User Interface (UI):
Create a user-friendly interface for users to interact with your script.
Include buttons, text inputs, dropdowns, or other UI elements to control script behavior.
Script Execution:
Allow users to input or select scripts to execute.
Provide a button or trigger to execute the selected script.
Script Source Retrieval:
Enable users to fetch external script sources by entering URLs or selecting options from a list.
Fetch script sources using the fetch() API or other suitable methods.
Implement logging functionality to display script execution results or errors.
Show logs in a dedicated area of the UI, with options to clear or filter logs.
Allow users to customize settings such as UI colors, default script options, or other preferences.
Provide a settings panel where users can modify these settings and save them for future use.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
Implement keyboard shortcuts for common actions, such as executing scripts or toggling the executor UI.
Error Handling:
Handle errors gracefully and provide informative error messages to users.
Include error logging to help users diagnose and troubleshoot issues.
Security Measures:
Implement security measures to prevent malicious script execution or unauthorized access.
Validate user inputs and sanitize external script sources to mitigate security risks.
Provide clear and comprehensive documentation for users to understand how to use your script executor.
Include instructions, examples, and troubleshooting tips to help users make the most of your script.
Update Mechanism:
Include an update mechanism to notify users of new script versions and facilitate easy updates.
Provide options for automatic or manual updates, depending on user preferences.