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[TS] Youtube Filter

Filter out users and channels from search with GUI. Include Auto-Paging and ScreenShot Links.

Tính đến 18-06-2016. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Read "License + Copyright Notice" inside the script
Áp dụng cho

This script allows you to filter users from video lists. Advance Features include a GUI to add and remove user channels quickly.

Script Settings

Below are settings, that can be set by editing the script itself.

/************** [VYCS] Variable you can set **************/
//CSS Style for video page. It uses smaller text and icon for the block button and image link
//GM_setValue("PageType2",".blockBox .blockBTN32 {width: 24px; height: 24px;} .blockBox a {font-size: 10px;}"
//                + "body #watch7-sidebar-contents {padding: 15px 0px 15px 5px !important;}"
//                + "#watch7-sidebar-contents .video-list-item.related-list-item {padding-right: 24px;}");

//CSS Style that limites the size of the search list width, if increased by "Youtube Center"
//GM_setValue("PageType1",".ytcenter-site-search .yt-card.clearfix{width: 700px !important;}");

Below is a of some of my scripts that add functionality to Youtube. The scripts can be found on my OUJS account.


enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here