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Remove Bing Character Limit

Removes character limit from search input field

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This user script removes the character limit from the Bing search input field.
This allows you to enter longer and more complex queries without being restricted by the default limit.
It also keeps the unlimited characters even if you change the conversation style or clear the conversation, unlike other scripts that reset the limit.

To use this script, you need to install a user script manager extension such as Tampermonkey or Greasemonkey in your browser.
Then, you can install this script from the link below and enable it on the Bing website.
You will see an infinity symbol next to the search input field indicating that the limit is removed.

This script works by repeatedly trying to remove the maxlength attribute from the search input element until it succeeds.
It also monitors any changes in the input element and re-applies the removal if needed.
This script is safe and does not interfere with any other functionality of the Bing website. as this is only front-end script (very safe script).