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Zoom Auditor

Script that lets you find the final instances of recurring Zoom meetings

Tính đến 22-06-2023. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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Adam Novak
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This script allows you to find recurring Zoom meetings that will soon run out of recurrences!

After installing it in your user script manager (i.e. the Greasemonkey or Tampermonkey extensions, or similar) in your browser, there will be an "🌹 AUDIT" button on your Zoom profile, in the nav bar on the right.

Click the button, and a report will be generated listing all your recurring Zoom meetings, and when their final occurrences are scheduled to happen.

Meetings whose final occurrences are soon will be highlighted as "⚠️ Expiring Soon!". You can click the link under "Edit" to open a new tab where you can adjust the meeting and add more occurrences.