Greasy Fork is available in English.

Circle 阅读助手脚本版

让网页赏心悦目、让阅读回归初心。Circle 阅读助手提供更隐私、更轻松、更舒适的阅读体验。

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Circle 阅读助手脚本版
// @namespace
// @version      0.0.1
// @description  让网页赏心悦目、让阅读回归初心。Circle 阅读助手提供更隐私、更轻松、更舒适的阅读体验。
// @author       [email protected]
// @match        https://*/*
// @match        http://*/*
// @license MIT
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

(() => {
	"use strict";

	function e(e) {
		return e && e.nodeType && 1 === e.nodeType

	function t(e) {
		if (!c(e)) return !1;
		var t = e.nodeValue.trim();
		return t.length <= 0 || /^[\s\xA0]+$/.test(t)

	function n(e, t) {
		return === "[object ".concat(t, "]")

	function r(e) {
		return n(e, "Undefined")

	function i(e) {
		return n(e, "Number")

	function a(e) {
		return n(e, "String")

	function o(e) {
		return n(e, "Function")

	function l(e) {
		return n(e, "Array")

	function c(e) {
		return n(e, "Text")

	function u(e, t) {
		return e && e.tagName && e.tagName.toLowerCase() === t

	function s(e) {
		e && e.parentElement && e.parentElement.removeChild(e)

	function d(e) {
		return a(e) ? e.toLowerCase() : ""

	function f(e, t) {
		var n = document.createElement(e);
		return h(t, (function(e, t) {
			g(n, t, e)
		})), n

	function h(e, t) {
		if (!r(e) && o(t)) {
			var n = 0;
			if (e.forEach) {
				var i = e.length;
				if (i <= 0) return;
				for (; n < i && !t(e[n], n);) n++
			} else {
				var a = Object.keys(e),
					l = a.length;
				if (l <= 0) return;
				for (; n < l && !t(e[a[n]], a[n]);) n++

	function v(e, t) {
		return e[t] ? e[t] : &&[t] ?[t] : window.getComputedStyle ? window.getComputedStyle(e, null)[t] : e.currentStyle ? e.currentStyle[t] : void 0

	function m(e, t, n) {
		if (e && a(t) && !r(n)) {
			var o = i(n) && !["zIndex", "opacity"].includes(t) ? "".concat(n, "px") : n;[t] = o

	function p(e, t) {
		if (e) return a(t) ? e.getAttribute(t) :
			.reduce((function(e, t) {
				return "".concat(e, " ")
			}), "")

	function g(e, t, n) {
		if (e && e.setAttribute && a(t) && !r(n)) {
			var o = i(n) && !["zIndex", "opacity"].includes(t) ? "".concat(n, "px") : n;
			switch (t) {
				case "innerHTML":
				case "innerText":
				case "className":
				case "textContent":
					e[t] = o;
				case "style":
					h(n, (function(t, n) {
						m(e, n, t)
					e.setAttribute(t, o)

	function y(e, t) {
		if (e)
			if (a(t)) e.removeAttribute(t);
			else {
				var n = [];
				h(e.attributes, (function(e) {
					var r = e.nodeName;
					o(t) && t(r) && n.push(r)
				})), h(n, (function(t) {

	function b(e) {
		var t = e.getElementsByTagName("a"),
			n = 0;
		h(t, (function(e) {
			n += S(e)
		var r = S(e)
		return n / (r <= 0 ? 1 : r)

	function E(t) {
		if (!e(t)) return !1;
		if (["br", "hr", "img", "body"].includes(d(t.tagName))) return !0;
		var n = t.getBoundingClientRect();
		return !(n.height <= 0 || n.width <= 0) && ("0" !== v(t, "opacity") && "hidden" !== v(t, "visibility"))

	function S(t) {
		if (!t) return "";
		var n = "";
		a(t) ? n = t : c(t) ? n = t.nodeValue : e(t) && (n = t.textContent);
		var r = (n || "")
		return r.length > 0 ? r.replace(/^&nbsp;+|&nbsp;+$/g, "") : ""

	function w(e) {
		if (e && e.getBoundingClientRect) {
			if (e._rect) return e._rect;
			var t = window.scrollX,
				n = window.scrollY,
				r = e.getBoundingClientRect();
			return t <= 0 && n <= 0 ? (e._rect = r, e._rect) : (e._rect = {
				top: + n,
				right: r.right - t,
				bottom: r.bottom - n,
				left: r.left + t,
				width: r.width,
				height: r.height
			}, e._rect)

	function C(e, t, n) {
		for (var r, i = document.createNodeIterator(e, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, {
			acceptNode: function(e) {
				return t(e) ? NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT : NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT
		}); r = i.nextNode();) n(r)

	function x(e) {
		return !a(e) || e.trim()
			.length <= 0 ? 0 : /[\u4e00-\u9fa5]/.test(e) ? e.length : e.split(" ")

	function N(e) {
		var t = "";
		h(e.attributes, (function(e) {
			var n = e.nodeName;
			if (!["class", "role", "src", "alt"].includes(n) && !/thumbnail/i.test(n)) {
				var r = "".concat(e.nodeValue);
				return (r.startsWith("http") || /src|url|origin/i.test(n)) && r.split("/")
					.length > 1 && r.length > 10 ? (t = r.split(/\s/)
						.shift(), !0) : void 0
		var n = t || e.src;
		if (n && !n.endsWith("svg")) return n;
		var r = "".concat(window.getComputedStyle(e)
			.replace(/url\("(.*?)"\)/, "$1");
		return a(r) && "none" !== r && r.split("/")
			.length > 1 ? r : ""

	function L(e) {
		for (var t = []; e;) {
			var n =;
			if (n) {
			var r = e.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase();
			if ("body" === r || "html" === r) {
			for (var i = 1, a = e.previousElementSibling; a;) i++, a = a.previousElementSibling;
			t.unshift("".concat(r, ":nth-child(")
				.concat(i, ")")), e = e.parentElement
		return t.join(" > ")

	function k(n) {
		var r = 0;
		return h(n.childNodes, (function(n) {
			!e(n) && t(n) || r++
		})), r
	var A = ["div"],
		T = ["div", "span", "p"],
		q = ["i", "em"],
		j = /^on|^data|^id$|^style$|placeholder|spellcheck|contenteditable/,
		O = ["size", "face", "color"],
		_ = ['[id*="comment"]', '[class*="comment"]'],
		B = ['[id*="Modal"]', '[class*="Modal"]', '[id*="modal"]', '[class*="modal"]'],
		W = ["h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6"],
		z = ["border", "hspace", "vspace", "align"],
		P = ["noscript", "form", "input", "textarea", "button", "style", "script", "link", "ins", "iframe", "canvas", "footer", "aside"],
		M = ["b", "strong", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "th"];

	function V(e, t, n) {
		var r = f(t),
			i = e.mirrorElement;
		for (i && (r.mirrorElement = i); e.firstChild;) r.appendChild(e.firstChild);
		return !n && h(e.attributes, (function(e) {
			var t = e.nodeName,
				n = e.nodeValue;
			n && g(r, t, n)
		})), e.parentElement.replaceChild(r, e), r

	function R(e) {
		var t = f("dom");
		t.innerHTML = e.innerHTML;
		var n = t.children;
		if (1 === n.length && u(n[0], "img")) return n[0].src

	function I(t, n) {
		for (var r = t; r && (c(r) || e(r) && ["a", "span"].includes(r.nodeName.toLowerCase()));) r = n(r)

	function F(e, t, n) {
		h(t, (function(t) {
			var r = n[t];
			r && "normal" !== r && m(e, t, r)

	function H(e) {
		var t = e.src;
		t && t.startsWith("data") && e.classList.add("base64");
		var n = e.naturalWidth,
			r = e.naturalHeight;
		n <= 0 || r <= 0 || (e.classList.remove("tiny", "large"), n < 78 && r < 78 ? e.classList.add("tiny") : e.classList.add("large"))

	function $(e) {
		h(e.querySelectorAll("div, ol, ul, li, section"), (function(e) {
			k(e) <= 0 && s(e)
		})), h(e.querySelectorAll("ul, ol"), (function(e) {
				.length > e.innerText.replace(/\n/gi, "")
				.length && s(e)
		for (var n = e.firstChild, r = function() {
			if (!c(n)) return n = n.nextSibling, "continue";
			var e = S(n);
			if (x(e) <= 0) return n = n.nextSibling, "continue";
			var t = f("p"),
				r = f("span");
			return r.textContent = e, t.appendChild(r), I(n.previousSibling, (function(e) {
				return t.insertBefore(e, r), e.previousSibling
			})), n.parentElement.replaceChild(t, n), (n = t.nextSibling) ? (I(n, (function(e) {
				return t.appendChild(e), n = t.nextSibling
			})), n ? void(n = n.nextSibling) : "break") : "break"
		}; n;) {
			var i = r();
			if ("continue" !== i && "break" === i) break
		var a = e.querySelectorAll("br");
		a.length >= 2 && h(a, (function(e) {
			var n = function(e) {
					for (var n = e.nextSibling; n && c(n) && t(n);) n = n.nextSibling;
					return n
				r = function(e) {
					for (var n = e.previousSibling; n && c(n) && t(n);) n = n.previousSibling;
					return n
			(n || r) && (c(r) || c(n)) || s(e)
		})), h(e.querySelectorAll("p"), (function(e) {
			var t = e.getElementsByTagName("br");
			if (!(t.length <= 1)) {
				var n = [],
					r = e.parentElement,
					i = e.nextSibling;
				h(t, (function(e) {
					if (e) {
						var t = e.nextSibling;
						if (t) {
							for (var a, o = f("p"); t && !u(t, "br");) a = t.nextSibling, o.appendChild(t), t = a;
							i ? r.insertBefore(o, i) : r.appendChild(o), n.push(e)
				})), h(n, s)
		})), h(e.querySelectorAll("p, span, li"), (function(e) {
			var t = e.childNodes;
			if (t.length <= 0) s(e);
			else if (1 === t.length && u(t[0], "br")) s(e);
			else {
				var n = t[0];
				if (c(n)) {
					var r = n.nodeValue;
					r.length > 0 && /^\s+/.test(r) && (n.nodeValue = r.trim())
		})), h(e.querySelectorAll("pre"), (function(e) {
			var t = e.parentElement;
			if (t && u(t, "td") && !t.classList.contains("gutter")) {
				var n = t.closest("table");
				if (n) {
					var r = n.querySelectorAll("tr");
					if (1 === r.length)
						if (!(r[0].querySelectorAll("td")
							.length > 2)) {
							var i = n.parentElement;
							i && i.replaceChild(e, n)
		})), h(e.querySelectorAll(".flex"), (function(e) {
			var t = e.querySelectorAll("pre");
			t.length <= 0 || h(t, (function(e) {
				var t = e.parentElement;
				t.classList.contains("zone-width") || t.classList.add("zone-width")
		})), T.forEach((function(t) {
			h(e.querySelectorAll(t), (function(e) {
				e.childNodes.length <= 0 && s(e)

	function D(t, n, r) {
		! function(t) {
			h(t.querySelectorAll(P.join(",")), s), h(t.querySelectorAll(B.join(",")), (function(e) {
				e.mirrorElement && !E(e) && s(e)
			var n = [];
			if (h(t.querySelectorAll(_.join(",")), (function(e) {
				if (u(e, "div")) {
					var t = e.mirrorElement;
					if (t) {
						var r = t.getBoundingClientRect();
						r.width <= 0 || r.height <= 200 || n.push(e)
			})), n.length > 0) {
				for (var r = n[0]; r.parentElement !== t;) r = r.parentElement;
				r !== t && s(r)
			h(t.querySelectorAll("li"), (function(e) {
				var t = e.querySelectorAll("div"),
					n = e.querySelectorAll("img");
				t.length > 0 && n.length > 0 && b(e) > .8 && s(e)
			})), h(t.querySelectorAll("font"), (function(e) {
				y(e, (function(e) {
					return O.includes(e)
			})), h(t.querySelectorAll("img"), (function(t) {
				if (y(t, (function(e) {
					return z.includes(e)
				})), t.addEventListener("error", (function() {
				})), t.complete && H(t), t.addEventListener("load", (function() {
				})), t && t.mirrorElement) {
					var n = t.mirrorElement,
						r = n.nextSibling,
						i = n.previousSibling,
						a = "";
					if (i && u(i, "noscript")) {
						var o = R(i);
						o && (a = o)
					} else if (r && u(r, "noscript")) {
						var l = R(r);
						l && (a = l)
					} else {
						var c = n.closest("figure");
						if (c && e(c)) {
							var d = c.querySelectorAll("noscript");
							if (1 === d.length) {
								var f = R(d[0]);
								f && (a = f)
					}!a && (a = N(n)), a && p(t, "src") !== a ? g(t, "src", a) : n.addEventListener("load", (function() {
						g(t, "src", n.src)
					})), !p(t, "src") && s(t)
		function(e, t, n) {
			var r = 0,
				i = 0,
				o = 0,
				l = 0;

			function c(e) {
				r && (r += e), i && (i += e), o && (o += e), l && (l += e)
			for (var u = e, d = [], f = w(e.mirrorElement || e); u;) {
				var v = void 0,
					g = u.mirrorElement;
				if (g) {
					var E = u.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
						C = window.getComputedStyle(g),
						x = C.float,
						N = C.display;
					if ("none" !== N && "0" !== C.opacity || "img" !== E && "hidden" === C.visibility && (v = u), !v) {
						var L = S(u),
							k = ["目录", "大纲"];
						n && k.push(n), t && k.push(t), k.includes(L) && (v = u)
					if (u !== e) {
						if (!v) {
							y(u, (function(e) {
								return j.test(e)
							var T = u.className;
							T && (a(T) && ("td" === E && "gutter" === T || T.indexOf("crayon-") >= 0) || u.removeAttribute("class"))
						if (!v) {
							var O = C.clear;
							O && "both" === O && u.classList.add("both");
							var _ = window.getComputedStyle(g, ":after")
							_ && "both" === _ && u.classList.add("both")
					if (!v && u !== e) {
						if ("div" === E) {
							var B = g.querySelectorAll("blockquote, dl, div, ol, p, pre, table, ul");
							if (!(r || x && "none" !== x) && B.length <= 0) {
								var z = V(u, "p");
								E = "p", u = z, g = z.mirrorElement
							} else "inline-block" === N && u.classList.add("inline-block")
						} else E.includes("-") && E.indexOf("inner") <= -1 && ["block", "inline-block", "flex", "inline-flex"].includes(N) && u.classList.add(N);
						A.includes(E) && g.querySelectorAll("img")
							.length > 0 && ["flex", "inline-flex"].includes(N) && (u.classList.add(N), F(u, ["align-items", "justify-content"], C))
					if (!v) {
						var P = w(g);
						"img" !== E && u !== e && (!r && x && "none" !== x && (P.height >= 130 || g.childElementCount > 0) && (r = 1), !o && C.fontStyle && "normal" !== C.fontStyle && (u !== e && !q.includes(E) && ( = C.fontStyle), o = 1), !l && C.fontWeight && "normal" !== C.fontWeight && C.fontWeight > 400 && (u !== e && !M.includes(E) && ( = C.fontWeight), l = 1));
						var R = C.width || P.width;
						r && 1 === r && (P.width === f.width ? u.classList.add("full-width") : g.querySelectorAll("img")
							.length > 0 && (x && "none" !== x && !W.includes(E) && u.classList.add(x), !W.includes(E) && R && "auto" !== R && parseFloat(R) > 10 && m(u, "maxWidth", R)));
						var I = void 0;
						switch (E) {
							case "svg":
								"absolute" === C.position && R && "auto" !== R && parseFloat(R) < 80 && (v = u);
							case "table":
								!i && (i = 1);
							case "img":
								r && x && "none" !== x && m(u, "float", x), !i && R && "auto" !== R && parseFloat(R) > 10 && !g.classList.contains("lazy") && m(u, "maxWidth", R), F(u, ["border-radius"], C);
							case "a":
								if ((I = p(u, "href")) && I.length && ("#" === I[0] || "javascript:" === I.substring(0, 11)))
									if (b(u.parentElement) > .8) v = u;
									else {
										var H = u.mirrorElement,
											$ = V(u, "span", !0);
										$.mirrorElement = H, E = "span", u = $
				var D = u.firstElementChild;
				if (D) u = D, c(1);
				else {
					for (var K = void 0; u !== e && !(K = u.nextElementSibling);) u = u.parentElement, c(-1);
					if (u === e) {
						v && s(v);
					u = K, 1 === r && (r = 0), 1 === i && (i = 0), 1 === o && (o = 0), 1 === l && (l = 0)
				v && d.push(v)
			h(d, s)
		}(t, n, r), $(t)

	function K(e) {
		for (var t = e, n = e.cloneNode(!0); t;) {
			n.mirrorElement = t;
			var r = t.firstElementChild;
			if (r) t = r, n = n.firstElementChild;
			else {
				for (var i = void 0; t !== e && !(i = t.nextElementSibling);) t = t.parentElement, n = n.parentElement;
				if (t === e) break;
				t = i, n = n.nextElementSibling
		return n

	function U(t) {
		var n = t.url,
			r = t.cover,
			i = t.time,
			o = t.title,
			l = t.article;
		h(l.querySelectorAll("div,p"), (function(e) {
			e.childNodes.length <= 0 && s(e)
		for (var d, v = l; e(d = v) && 1 === k(d);) {
			var m = v.firstElementChild;
			e(m) && (v = m)
		if (u(v, "div")) y(v);
		else {
			var p = f("div");
			p.mirrorElement = v.mirrorElement,
				function(e, t) {
					for (var n, r = e.firstChild; r;) n = r.nextSibling, r = t(r) ? null : n
				}(v, (function(e) {
				})), v = p
		y(v, (function() {
			return !0
		var g = v.firstChild;
		if (e(r)) {
			var b = N(r);
			if (a(b) && !b.startsWith("data:")) {
				var E = f("div", {
						className: "cover"
					w = f("img", {
						src: N(r)
				w.addEventListener("load", (function() {
					this.naturalWidth / this.naturalHeight > 4 && s(E)
				})), w.addEventListener("error", (function() {
				})), E.appendChild(w), v.insertBefore(E, g)
		var C = f("h1", {
				className: "title"
			x = f("a", {
				href: n,
				target: "_blank"
		C.appendChild(x), v.insertBefore(C, g);
		var L = o || document.title;
		return a(L) && L.length > 0 ? x.innerText = L : function(e, t, n) {
			var r = e.ownerDocument;
			if (r) {
				var i = r.querySelector("head > title");
				if (i) {
					var a = new MutationObserver((function(e) {
						if (e && !(e.length < 1)) {
							var n = e[0].addedNodes;
							if (n && !(n.length < 1)) {
								var r = n[0];
								if (r && c(r)) {
									var i = S(r);
									i && i.length > 0 && (a.disconnect(), t && t(i))
					a.observe(i, {
						childList: !0
					}), setTimeout((function() {
						a.disconnect(), n && n()
					}), 3e3)
		}(v, (function(e) {
			x.innerText = e
		}), (function() {
			S(x) <= 0 && s(C)
		})), a(i) && i.length > 0 && v.insertBefore(f("p", {
			className: "time",
			innerText: i
		}), g), v

	function X(e, t) {
		var n = Object.keys(e);
		if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) {
			var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);
			t && (r = r.filter((function(t) {
				return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, t)
			}))), n.push.apply(n, r)
		return n

	function Y(e) {
		for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) {
			var n = null != arguments[t] ? arguments[t] : {};
			t % 2 ? X(Object(n), !0)
				.forEach((function(t) {
					J(e, t, n[t])
				})) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : X(Object(n))
				.forEach((function(t) {
					Object.defineProperty(e, t, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, t))
		return e

	function J(e, t, n) {
		return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, {
			value: n,
			enumerable: !0,
			configurable: !0,
			writable: !0
		}) : e[t] = n, e

	function Z(e, t) {
		for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
			var r = t[n];
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							return ""
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			return a
		}(e, 4, (function(e, t) {
			return t <= 0 ? fe.test(e.nodeName) || he.test("".concat(e.className, " ")
				.concat( : !se.test(e.nodeName)
		})), (function(e, r) {
			if (!be.includes(p(e, "role"))) {
				var a = "".concat(e.className, " ")
				if (!me.test(a)) {
					var o = "".concat(e.tagName, " ")
					he.test(o) && (t += r <= 0 ? 10 : 2), de.test(o) && (t += r <= 0 ? 5 : 1), !i(e.score) && (e.score = 0), e.score += t / (r < 2 ? r + 2 : 3 * r), n && n(e)

	function Se(e) {
		var t = 0;
		return h(e, (function(e) {
			e.childNodes.length > 0 && t++
		})), 1 === t

	function we(e) {
		var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 1,
			n =;
		if (n) return "#".concat(n);
		if (u(e, "body")) return "body";
		var r = "> ".concat(d(e.tagName));
		t <= 1 && e.classList.length > 0 && (r += ".".concat(
		var i = e.parentElement;
		return i ? we(i, t + 1) + " " + r : r

	function Ce(t, n) {
		if (!e(t)) return t;
		var r = we(t);
		if (!r || !/\.|#/.test(r)) return t;
		var i = r.split(">");
		if (i.length > 0 && !/\.|#/.test(i.pop())) return t;
		var a = [];
		try {
			a = n.querySelectorAll(r)
		} catch (e) {}
		if (a.length <= 2) return t;
		var o = function(e, t) {
			for (; e; e = e.parentElement)
				if (e.contains(t)) return e
		}(a[0], a[1]);
		return e(o) ? (o.mirrorParent = !0, o) : t

	function xe(t) {
		var n;
		if (a(ue)) {
			if (e(n = t.querySelector(ue))) return n;
			ue = null
		var r, i = 0;
		t.body && h(t.body.querySelectorAll("img"), (function(e) {
			var t = function(e) {
				var t = 0;
				if (!E(e)) return t;
				var n = e.width,
					r = e.height,
					i = e.naturalWidth,
					a = e.naturalHeight;
				return n > 500 && r > 300 && i > 800 && a > 500 && (t += (i > a ? i : a) / 500), t
			t <= 0 || (i++, Ee(e, t))
		var o = [];
		if (t.body && C(t.body, (function(e) {
			var t = e.parentElement;
			if (E(t)) {
				var n = d(t.nodeName);
				if (!ge.includes(n)) {
					var r = S(e);
					if (!(r.split(ve)
						.length <= 2)) {
						var i = x(r);
						if (ye.includes(n) && i > 4) return !0;
						if (!(i < 10)) return !0
		}), (function(e) {
			o.push(function(e) {
				for (var t = e; t;) {
					var n = t.parentElement;
					if (!(u(n, "span") || n.childElementCount <= 0 || Se(n.children))) break;
					t = n
				return t
		})), o.length <= 2 && h(t.body.querySelectorAll("p"), (function(e) {
			if (E(e)) {
				var t = d(e.nodeName);
				if (!ge.includes(t)) {
					var n = S(e);
					if (!(n.split(ve)
						.length <= 2)) x(n) < 10 || o.push(e)
		})), !(o.length <= 0)) {
			var l = [];
			h(o, (function(e) {
				var t = function(e) {
					var t = 1,
						n = S(e);
					t += n.split(ve)
						.length, t += Math.min(Math.floor(x(n) / 100), 3);
					var r = (c(e) ? e.parentElement : e)
					return pe.includes(r) && (t += 1), ye.includes(r) && (t += 2), e.score = t, e.score
				t <= 0 || (i++, Ee(e, t, (function(e) {
					!l.includes(e) && l.push(e)
			var s = l.sort((function(e, t) {
				return e.score - t.score
			n = s.pop();
			var f = s.pop();
			if (e(f) && !he.test("".concat(n.tagName, " ")
				.concat(n.className)) && he.test("".concat(f.tagName, " ")
				.concat(f.className)) && (n = f), e(n)) {
				r = n.score;
				var v = x(S(n));
				if (!(!n || r < 30 || i < (v > 200 ? 1 : 3) || v < 100))
					if (n.querySelectorAll("*")
						.length <= 0 && v > 5e3) n.classList.add("noise");
					else {
						var m = w(n);
						if (m.width * m.height < 172e3) n.classList.add("noise");
						else {
							var p = n.parentElement;
							if (p) {
								var g = w(p);
								if (t.documentElement.offsetWidth > 800 && (m.width < 300 || g.width < 300)) n.classList.add("noise");
								else {
									if (n.getElementsByTagName("div")
										.length < 2) {
										var y = Ce(n, t);
										return ue = L(y), y
									if (!(n.getElementsByTagName("a")
										.length > 16 && b(n) > .35)) {
										var N = Ce(n, t);
										return ue = L(N), N
							} else n.classList.add("noise")

	function Ne(t, n) {
		if (!e(n)) return !0;
		if (/article|post|content/i.test("".concat(n.className, " ")
			.concat( return !0;
		if (n.contains(t)) return !0;
		var r = w(t),
			i = w(n);
		return Math.abs( - ( + r.height / 2)) < 600 || void 0

	function Le(t, n) {
		var r = ce(t, n),
			i = function(t, n) {
				var r;
				if (a(ie)) {
					if (e(r = t.querySelector(ie))) return r;
					ie = null
				var i = t.body.getElementsByTagName("img");
				if (!(i.length <= 0)) {
					var o = n.getBoundingClientRect(),
						l =,
						c = [];
					if (h(i, (function(e) {
						if (E(e)) {
							var t = e.getBoundingClientRect(); >= l || t.width / t.height < 5 && t.width > .8 * o.width && c.push(e)
					})), !(c.length <= 0)) return r = c.pop(), ie = L(r), r
			}(t, n),
			o = t.URL.startsWith("http") ? t.URL : location.href;
		if (!e(r)) return {
			url: o,
			cover: i,
			article: n,
			time: ne(t, n),
			title: t.title ? t.title.replace(/(.*)[|\-\\/>»] .*/gi, "$1") : ""
		var l = w(r),
			c = w(n);
		if (Math.abs(c.left - l.left) >= c.width) return {
			url: o,
			cover: i,
			article: n,
			time: ne(t, n),
			title: t.title ? t.title.replace(/(.*)[|\-\\/>»] .*/gi, "$1") : ""
		for (var s = n; !Ne(r, s) && !u(s, "body");) s = s.parentElement;
		return {
			url: o,
			title: r,
			cover: i,
			article: s,
			time: ne(t, n, r)
	var ke = 0;

	function Ae(t, n, r) {
		! function(e) {
			e && e.body && h(e.body.querySelectorAll(['[id*="more"]', '[class*="more"]'].join(",")), (function(e) {
				var t = e;
				if (u(e, "a") || (t = e.querySelector("a")), u(t, "a") && /阅读全文|readmore/.test(t.innerText)) {
					var n = t.href;
					n && !n.startsWith("javascript") || t && &&
		var i = function(t, n) {
			var r = xe(t);
			if (e(r)) {
				var i = w(r);
				if (!("nextpage" !== n && > 1800)) return r;
		}(t, r);
		e(i) ? (ke = 0, n(Le(t, i))) : setTimeout((function() {
			ke < 5 ? (ke++, Ae(t, n, r)) : (ke = 0, n())
		}), 500)
	}! function(e) {
		var t;

		function n(r) {
			r && r.type && "readystatechange" == r.type && "complete" != document.readyState || (t && clearTimeout(t), document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", n, !1), document.removeEventListener("readystatechange", n, !1), e())
		"complete" !== document.readyState ? (document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", n, !1), document.addEventListener("readystatechange", n, !1), function e() {
			t && clearTimeout(t), t = setTimeout((function() {
				document.body ? n() : e()
			}), 4e3)
		}()) : e()
	}((function() {
		Ae(document, (function(e) {
			r(e) || new G(e)