Greasy Fork is available in English.

[Pokeclicker] Challenge Mode Changer

Lets you enable/disable any of the Challenges at any given point in time. This is compatiable with any save and will work on pre-existing saves. It's best to backup your save before using this.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          [Pokeclicker] Challenge Mode Changer
// @namespace     Pokeclicker Scripts
// @author        Ephenia
// @description   Lets you enable/disable any of the Challenges at any given point in time. This is compatiable with any save and will work on pre-existing saves. It's best to backup your save before using this.
// @copyright
// @license       GPL-3.0 License
// @version       1.2.3

// @homepageURL
// @supportURL

// @match
// @icon
// @grant         unsafeWindow
// @run-at        document-idle
// ==/UserScript==

var chalNames = [];

function initChallenger() {
    var chalModal = document.getElementById('challengeModeModal');
    var chalList =;
    for (var chal in chalList) {

    function remDisable() {
        var buttons = chalModal.querySelectorAll('button.btn');
        buttons.forEach((element, index) => {
            if (element.innerText == "ACTIVE" || element.innerText == "DISABLED") {
                element.setAttribute("data-index", index);
                element.addEventListener("click", toggleChallenge, false);

    function toggleChallenge() {
        var index = this.getAttribute("data-index");
        chalCheck(index) ? chalChange(index, false) : chalChange(index, true);
        setTimeout(remDisable, 50);

    function chalCheck(index) {
        return chalList[chalNames[index]].active();

    function chalChange(index, boolean) {
        return chalList[chalNames[index]].active(boolean);

function loadEpheniaScript(scriptName, initFunction, priorityFunction) {
    function reportScriptError(scriptName, error) {
        console.error(`Error while initializing '${scriptName}' userscript:\n${error}`);
            type: NotificationConstants.NotificationOption.warning,
            title: scriptName,
            message: `The '${scriptName}' userscript crashed while loading. Check for updates or disable the script, then restart the game.\n\nReport script issues to the script developer, not to the Pokéclicker team.`,
            timeout: GameConstants.DAY,
    const windowObject = !App.isUsingClient ? unsafeWindow : window;
    // Inject handlers if they don't exist yet
    if (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers === undefined) {
        windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers = {};
        const oldInit = Preload.hideSplashScreen;
        var hasInitialized = false;

        // Initializes scripts once enough of the game has loaded
        Preload.hideSplashScreen = function (...args) {
            var result = oldInit.apply(this, args);
            if ( && !hasInitialized) {
                // Initialize all attached userscripts
                Object.entries(windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers).forEach(([scriptName, initFunction]) => {
                    try {
                    } catch (e) {
                        reportScriptError(scriptName, e);
                hasInitialized = true;
            return result;

    // Prevent issues with duplicate script names
    if (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] !== undefined) {
        console.warn(`Duplicate '${scriptName}' userscripts found!`);
            type: NotificationConstants.NotificationOption.warning,
            title: scriptName,
            message: `Duplicate '${scriptName}' userscripts detected. This could cause unpredictable behavior and is not recommended.`,
            timeout: GameConstants.DAY,
        let number = 2;
        while (windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[`${scriptName} ${number}`] !== undefined) {
        scriptName = `${scriptName} ${number}`;
    // Add initializer for this particular script
    windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] = initFunction;
    // Run any functions that need to execute before the game starts
    if (priorityFunction) {
        $(document).ready(() => {
            try {
            } catch (e) {
                reportScriptError(scriptName, e);
                // Remove main initialization function  
                windowObject.epheniaScriptInitializers[scriptName] = () => null;

if (!App.isUsingClient || localStorage.getItem('challengemodechanger') === 'true') {
    loadEpheniaScript('challengemodechanger', initChallenger);