General URL Cleaner Revived

Cleans URLs from various popular sites and removes tracking parameters

< Feedback on General URL Cleaner Revived

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 28-09-2024

Very helpful, thank you.

Could you include Yahoo? Their news stories come with a ton of trackers on them.

dividedbyTác giả
Posted: 29-09-2024

I could possibly include Yahoo. I don't use Yahoo so if you could provide some example "dirty" links and then their corresponding "clean" versions?

dividedbyTác giả
Posted: 30-09-2024

Yikes! I should be able to add some initial Yahoo support to the script this week.

Posted: 30-09-2024

Great. really appreciated.

dividedbyTác giả
Posted: 02-10-2024

I was able to add some initial support for Yahoo. Let me know if you see any issues or come across any more URL parameters/trackers that can be stripped

Posted: 03-10-2024

Thanks, appreciated. I'm a little confused. Now, even with Violent Monkey disabled, urls on yahoo pages are clean. It seems that the link I provided may have had its extra garbage added by someone else? Maybe a Telegram link? If so, I guess your script does not affect URLs already in the Address Bar. I'll keep watching to see if I can understand better.

dividedbyTác giả
Posted: 07-11-2024

Yeah it is possible that those didn't even come from Yahoo. Well regardless if Yahoo does add any of that, then the script should work to clean the URLs anyway!

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