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Mở khóa chuột phải, loại bỏ hạn chế sao chép, cắt, chọn văn bản, menu chuột phải, sao chép văn bản, chọn văn bản, chuột phải trên hình ảnh, vv. Tăng cường tính năng: Chọn văn bản liên kết với phím Alt.
< Feedback on Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal)
Hi. It's really long time no see.
After testing, I found that my script might not work with Firefox very well.
Might be I did not consider those Firefox css rules before.
Might some days fix them for Firefox.
I would suggest you to test it on the real websites.
Sample URLs for your testing: (refer to jsFiddle#dgj5es6m) (enhanced feature - force enable Alt text selection) (right click on flickr image) *Hover on Image (alt text selection) *Enhanced build-in Alt Text Selection
I think those testing links I created in jsfiddle are too unrealistic. Just ignore them.
I have tested them before posting:
Its a a good idea to put test links.
After testing them, i don't see very well if the actions of your script
is very different from other like your.
So i tested your example...
Anyway i keep it in case i need copy or react with something i need ...
Fixed some compatibility issues with Firefox.
It would be better if you find a browser that prevents your copying and you want this script works for that website.
I testing your script...
1 - On your example [Unselectable text using css and js hack]:
How to copy the text/link ?
2 - Your example (Copy give "good bye":
Is terrific :-)
and your script work well
3 - for example [This section can be selected or copied...Apple2] :
I don't see any difference with/without your script
I can always select/copy text.
4 - for example [Unselectable text]:
It's really unselectable.
And i don't see, with your script, how to do...
5 - for this site CSS Formatter:
Work well !
But i don't understand why they prevent copy ?
And their results is not so beautiful.
Waterfox Classic
Greasemonkey 3.16