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SH Add Chapter Numbers

Add chapter numbers (release order) to all TOC items on a Scribble Hub series page.

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When viewing a series page on Scribble Hub, this script will automatically add chapter numbers to all TOC items. However, it is based on release order, so it will include side chapters and author's notes, etc.

As TOC pagination is done via AJAX without refreshing the page there is a slight delay between the new list loading and the numbers being added in, but this can be adjusted as milliseconds in the "setTimeout" call on line 35 if you have faster or slower internet.

Developed in Tampermonkey v4.13.6136 using Firefox 88.0.1 (64-bit) on Windows 10 Pro and also tested in Firefox 68.6.0 on Android 9.

I sometimes make dark CSS themes and JS userscripts. Some of them aren't terrible.