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NewScript+ : 新脚本通知,不错过任何一个好脚本 New script notification, do not miss any good script. by wish king

新脚本通知,不错过任何一个好脚本,当greasyfork网站有用户提交新脚本时通知你。 New script notification, do not miss any good script, when the website of greasyfork users submit a new script to inform you.

Tính đến 12-10-2020. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

Tác giả
wish king
Đánh giá
0 0 0
Phiên bản
Đã tạo
Đã cập nhật
Giấy phép
GPL License
Áp dụng cho
Tất cả trang web

New script notification, do not miss any good script when the website of users submit a new script to inform you.
It can automatically filter junk scripts.
It can set the domain name blacklist and user blacklist.
It can remember where to drag.
[note] for the first execution, the new script of the day will be obtained by default, which may be displayed as 0, and will be automatically displayed when there is a new script in the future. The first execution will load resources. If your network speed is slow, the icon display may be delayed, depending on the network condition. Due to time difference, domestic users need to spend - 8 hours in time to keep up with the official time.
