[000] 12 Page Multi Faucet Roller (GRAB FREE MONEY EVER HOURE)

Redeem free money every houre with script, follow the links to get BTC ETH XRP USDT USDC BNB XEM STEAM ADA TRX

Tính đến 12-09-2020. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         [000] 12 Page Multi Faucet Roller (GRAB FREE MONEY EVER HOURE)
// @description  Redeem free money every houre with script, follow the links to get BTC ETH XRP USDT USDC BNB XEM STEAM ADA TRX 
// @description  Get free Crypto every houre on 12 Pages, just leave all the pages in tabs runnin : )
// @description  Working on the folling pages: please use my Link to support my work and as little thanks for puplishing the script
// @description  Coin: ADA https://freecardano.com/?ref=231952 
// @description  Coin: STEAM https://freesteam.io/?ref=65357
// @description  Coin: TRX https://free-tron.com/?ref=38666
// @description  Coin: USDT https://freetether.com/?ref=76898
// @description  Coin: BTC https://freebitcoin.io/?ref=306602
// @description  Coin: XRP https://coinfaucet.io/?ref=653571
// @description  Coin: ETH https://freeethereum.com/?ref=49803
// @description  Coin: BNB https://freebinancecoin.com/?ref=39696
// @description  Coin: XEM https://freenem.com/?ref=233768
// @description  Coin: DASH https://freedash.io/?ref=18080
// @description  Coin: BTC https://freebitco.in/?r=3114580
// @description  Coin: USDC https://freeusdcoin.com/?ref=42246
// @version      1.7
// @author       Dauersendung
// @namespace    https://greasyfork.org/de/users/444902-dauersendung
// @match        https://freebitco.in/*
// @match        https://free-tron.com/free
// @match        https://freecardano.com/free
// @match        https://coinfaucet.io/free
// @match        https://freebitcoin.io/free
// @match        https://freesteam.io/free
// @match        https://freetether.com/free
// @match        https://freeusdcoin.com/free
// @match        https://freebinancecoin.com/free
// @match        https://freedash.io/free
// @match        https://freeethereum.com/free
// @match        https://freenem.com/free
// @match        https://evetrx.xyz/?a=roll
// @match        https://evexrp.xyz/?a=roll
// @match        https://evedoge.xyz/?a=roll
// @match        https://eveltc.xyz/?a=roll
// @match        https://evexmr.xyz/?a=roll
// @match        https://evebch.xyz/?a=roll
// @require      http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';

var count_min = 1;
    console.log("Status: Page loaded.");
       }, 3595000);
               console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked.");
    }, random(2000,4000));

             document.getElementsByClassName("main-button-2 roll-button bg-2")[0].click();
             console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked.");
    }, random(2000,4000));

        console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked.");
    }, random(2000,4000));

        console.log("Status: Elapsed time " + count_min + " minutes");
    }, 180000);

        console.log("Status: Elapsed time " + count_min + " minutes");
        count_min = count_min + 1;
    }, 300000);

        console.log("Status: Button CLOSE POPUP clicked.");
    }, random(12000,18000));

        console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked again.");
    })}, random(3605000,3615000));

        document.getElementsByClassName("main-button-2 roll-button bg-2")[0].click();
        console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked again.");
    })}, random(3605000,3615000));

        console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked again.");
    })}, random(3605000,3615000));

function random(min,max){
   return min + (max - min) * Math.random();


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