Greasy Fork is available in English.

Unround Everything Everywhere

Forces zero border-radius to everything.

Tính đến 08-08-2020. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

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CC0 - Public Domain
Áp dụng cho
Tất cả trang web

Reverts roundness / circularity of everything that was rounded via CSS by setting its border radii.

For "square images made circular" this style brings back extra 21.46 % of their original content.

I made this style as a joke, but realized it makes web so much better for me.

Bugs / Drawbacks:

  • Many custom styled "radio buttons" appears more like checkboxes with this style.
  • In Firefox at Windows touching any border property reverts "os-native look" of unstyled inputs, so they get that old-school 3px 3D borders from default UA CSS.