GMail Compact-View with Buttons and Search

Add buttons to hide sidebar and topbar, inbox and compose. Some css changes

Tác giả
Cài đặt hàng ngày
Số lần cài đặt
Đánh giá
2 0 0
Phiên bản
Đã tạo
Đã cập nhật
Giấy phép
Áp dụng cho


It's my first script inspired by sm00nie ("GMail Sidebar Toggle" Script).
Side-Bar and Top-Bar are default hidden on the start, but you can change this (and more) by "My BARs settings" (look for screenshots).
All settings are saved in cookie.


  • 1.03beta
    Some css futures - more compact mail list, font, colors, "mark read" icon...
    Can on or off by set "cssAdd" and "cssFont" vars.
  • 1.04beta
    - added: show sideBar on mouseover left part of window (when sideBar is hidden)
    - added: some transitions effects
    - fixed: bugs on resize window
  • 1.05beta
    - fixed: display hangout panel
  • 1.06beta
    - fixed: search-field position
  • 1.07beta
    - better sideBar
  • 1.08beta
    - fixed some bugs
    - better sideBar
    - add more config values
    - some little changes
  • 1.09beta
    - fixed some bugs
  • 1.10beta
    - added buttons to config right margin
    default buttons are hidden, you can show this - set showPosControls to true :)
    Current value of myBarRight is shown in tooltips of buttons
  • 1.11beta
    - fixed some css bugs
  • 1.12beta
    - some css changes
  • 1.13beta
    - added config panel :)
  • 1.14beta
    - little css fix (some buttons not shown above mail-list)
  • 1.15beta
    - colors depending on the GMail template