Greasy Fork is available in English.


Suite d'outils pour faciliter l'administration de Moodle

// ==UserScript==
// @name Moodle-Ultimate-Toolbox
// @description  Suite d'outils pour faciliter l'administration de Moodle
// @author       obooklage - Education Nationale / Académie de Créteil - FRANCE
// @version	 7
// @licence      MIT License (MIT)
// @namespace    Violentmonkey Scripts
// @icon
// @match *://moodle*/*
// ==/UserScript==

function ConsolePrint(message)
  var startTime = new Date();
  console.log('[Moodle-Ultimate-Toolbox] '+ startTime.toLocaleTimeString() + ' ' + message) ;

function insertTextAtCursor(text) {
    var sel, range, html;
    if (window.getSelection) {
        sel = window.getSelection();
        if (sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
            range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
            range.insertNode( document.createTextNode(text) );
    } else if (document.selection && document.selection.createRange) {
        document.selection.createRange().text = text;

/* Intercept CTRL+E for "\( MATHS \)" and CTRL+K for Python, insertion in caret/cursor position of contenteditable div */
function keyDownHandler(zEvent) {
    if (zEvent.ctrlKey  &&  zEvent.code === "KeyE") {
      ConsolePrint('CONTROL-E KEY DETECTED');
      /* question editor present ? */
      if( document.getElementsByClassName('editor_atto_content') )
        ConsolePrint("EDITOR(S) DETECTED");
        insertTextAtCursor("\\( MATHS \\) ");
    else if (zEvent.ctrlKey  &&  zEvent.code === "KeyK") {
      ConsolePrint('CONTROL-K KEY DETECTED');
      /* question editor present ? */
      if( document.getElementsByClassName('editor_atto_content') )
        ConsolePrint("EDITOR(S) DETECTED");
        insertTextAtCursor("<span syntax=\"python\">code</span>");

/* Course set next page */
/* Remplir le selecteur 'Aller' et remplir le champ de description  */
function FunctionChanged()
  var selector = document.getElementById("id_jumpto_0");
  var text = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].text;
  if( text == "Fin de la leçon")
    text = "Valider et terminer la leçon"
  document.getElementById('id_answer_editor_0').value = text;

var selector = document.getElementById("id_jumpto_0");
  ConsolePrint("Select item id_jumpto_0 found");
  selector.addEventListener("change", FunctionChanged);
  textfield = document.getElementById('id_answer_editor_0');
    text = document.getElementById("id_answer_editor_0").value;
    ConsolePrint("Texte existant = ["+text+"]");

/* Application */
if (self == top) { /* run only in the top frame. we do our own frame parsing */
  /* Keyboard */
   document.addEventListener("keydown", keyDownHandler, false);