Greasy Fork is available in English.

Supercharged Local Directory File Browser

Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sideba, preview pane; keyboard navigation, sorting; light/dark UI; browse subdirectories without reloading page; media playback, shuffle and loop options; support for playlists (m3u and extm3u), cuesheets (.cue); preview images/fonts in navigable grids; create, preview, edit, and save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save individual glyphs as .svg files; more.

Tính đến 05-09-2021. Xem phiên bản mới nhất.

/* eslint-disable no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs */
/* eslint-disable no-useless-escape */
/* eslint-disable no-fallthrough */
/* eslint-disable no-case-declarations */
/* eslint-disable indent */
/* eslint-disable quotes */
// ==UserScript==
// @name			Supercharged Local Directory File Browser
// @version
// @description		Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sideba, preview pane; keyboard navigation, sorting; light/dark UI; browse subdirectories without reloading page; media playback, shuffle and loop options; support for playlists (m3u and extm3u), cuesheets (.cue); preview images/fonts in navigable grids; create, preview, edit, and save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save individual glyphs as .svg files; more.
// @author			gaspar_schot
// @license			GPL-3.0-or-later
// @homepageURL
// @contributionURL
// @include			file://*
// @include			about:blank
// @include*

// @require


// NOTE: This script was developed in Vivaldi, running on Mac OS Mojave. It has been tested in various Chrome and Gecko-based browsers.
// It has been minimally tested on Windows and not at all on other OSes. It should work, but please report any issues.
// The script does not work on local directories in Safari because Safari does not allow local directories to be browsed, but it will work on remote directories (or on local directories through a local server).

// NOTE: By default, Greasemonkey and Tampermonkey will not run scripts on file:/// urls, so for this script to work, you will have to enable it first.
// For Tampermonkey, go to Chrome extension page, and tick the 'Allow access to file URLs' checkbox at the Tampermonkey extension section.
// For Greasemonkey, open about:config and change greasemonkey.fileIsGreaseable to true.

// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	'use strict';
	const $ = window.jQuery;

	// ***** USER SETTINGS ***** //
	const $settings = {
		// NOTE: These settings will be overwritten whenever the script is updated. Use the "Export User Settings" menu item to save them.
		// You can paste the exported settings between the two lines below:

		bookmarks: // N.B.: Directory links must end with "/", file links must end with another character.
		// You may add as many menus and links as you like; just copy the example below and edit as needed.
		// Local directory bookmarks must begin with "file:///"; external bookmarks must begin with the correct protocol ("http://" or "ftp://", etc.).
			//	{ 'menu_title':'My Sample Menu',
			//		'links': [
			//			{ 'link_name':'My Directory Link 1', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/Directory/' },
			//			{ 'link_name':'My Directory Link 2', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/Directory_2/' },
			//			{ 'link_name':'My External Link', 'link':'' },
			//			{ 'link_name':'My File Link', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/File.ext' },
			//		]},
			{ 'menu_title':'My Sample Bookmark Menu',
				'links': [
					{ 'link_name':'My Directory Link 1', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/Directory/' },
					{ 'link_name':'My Directory Link 2', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/Directory_2/' },
					{ 'link_name':'My External Link', 'link':'' },
					{ 'link_name':'My File Link', 'link':'file:///Path/To/My/File.ext' },
		alternate_background: true,			// If true (default true), alternate sidebar row background color.
		apps_as_dirs: true,				// Un*x/Mac OS only: if true, treat apps as directories; allows app contents to be browsed. This is the default behavior for Chrome.
											// If false (default), treat apps as ignored files.
		autoload_media: true,				// If true (default), the first audio or video file found in a directory will be automatically selected and loaded for playback.
											// Also, cover art files (if any) will be loaded in the preview pane.
											// Files with 'cover','front','album','jacket','sleeve','cd','disc','insert','liner','notes' in the title will be loaded first in that order, with exact matches having preference.
											// Note that there can be false positives because a file will be matched whenever there is no exact match and one of these words appears in an image name.
											// Otherwise the first image file in directory will be loaded.
		autoload_index_files: true,		// If true (default: false), automatically select first "" (.xxx !== .htm) file found in directory.
											// Note: the browser will automatically load any index.html files it finds in the directory, so the script will not work properly in such cases.
		theme: 'light',						// Options: 'light' or 'dark'
		sort_by: 'default',					// Choose from: 'name', 'size', 'date', 'kind', 'ext', 'default'.
											// default = Chrome sorting: dirs on top, files alphabetical.
		sort_direction: 'down',				// Choose from: 'up' or 'down' (default) (i.e., ascending or descending).
		dirs_on_top: false,					// If true, directories will always be listed firs except when sorting by "name" (since otherwise sorting by "name" would equal "default").
											// If false (default), directories and files will be sorted together. (In practice, dirs will typically still be separated when sorting by size, kind, and extension.)
		grid_font_size: 1,					// Default = 1
		grid_image_size: 184,				// Default = 184 (200px - 16px)
		show_details: true,					// If true (default), hide file and directory details; if false, show them.
		hide_ignored_items: false,			// If true, ignored files (= files the browser cannot natively open, e.g., common office and graphics files) will be hidden.
											// If false (default), ignored files will appear greyed-out.
		ignore_ignored_items: true,			// If true (default), clicking ignored file types (see $row_settings below) in the directory list will not cause the browser to attempt to open the file.
											// It is recommended to leave the default unchanged.
											// Ignored items can still be downloaded with ctrl-click or right-click.
		show_invisibles: true,				// Un*x/Mac OS only: If true (default), files or directories beginning with a "." will be hidden.
		show_numbers: true,					// If true (default true), number index items
		UI_font: 'system-ui, sans-serif',	// Choose an installed font for the UI; if undefined, use browser defaults instead.
		UI_font_size: '13px',				// Choose a default UI font size; use any standard CSS units.
		use_custom_icons: true,				// if true (default), use custom icons for dirs and files
											// if false, use browser/server default icons
		enable_text_editing: true,			// If true (default), allow plain text files to be edited.
		editor_theme: 'default',			// Options: 'default' = use "theme" setting, else always 'light' or 'dark'.
		default_text_view: 'source_text',	// Options: 'source_text','preview_text','preview_html'
											// Note that split_view = true overrides this setting.
		split_view: false,					// If true, show split view on plain text file load.
											// if false (default), use default preview_text setting.
		sync_scroll: true,					// If true (default: true), show split view on plain text file load
											// if false, use default preview_text setting.
		hide_sidebar: false, 				//
		play_all_media: true				// Continuous playback of all media files (i.e., both audio and video), not just selected media type.

		// Paste your exported settings between the above two lines.

	// Add file extensions for sorting and custom icon display to the existing categories.
	// You can also define your own new categories, but do not add an extension to more than one row_type category.
	// Do not add leading "." to the extensions.
	const $item_kind = {
		// myRowType: ['ext1','ext2'],
		dir:			['/'], // loaded in iframe#content_iframe
		app:			['app/','app','bat','cgi','com','exe','jar','msi','wsf'], // generally ignored; apps may be opened as directories
		alias:			['alias','desktop','directory','lnk','symlink','symlink/'],
		archive:		['7z','archive','b6z','bin','bzip','bz2','cbr','dmg','gz','iso','mpkg','pkg','rar','sit','sitx','tar','tar.gz','zip','zipx','zxp'], // ignored
		audio:			['aac','aif','aiff','ape','flac','m4a','mka','mp3','ogg','opus','wav'], // loaded in audio#audio
		bin:			['a','bundle','dll','dyld','dylib','gem','icc','msi','pyc','pyo','o','rakefile','ri','so','xml','2'], // ignored
		code:			['bak','bash','bash_profile','bashrc','c','cfg','cnf','codes','coffee','conf','csh','cshrc','cson','css','cue','custom_aliases','d','default','description','dist','editorconfig','emacs','example','gemspec','gitconfig','gitignore','gitignore_global','h','hd','ini','js','json','jsx','less','list','local','login','logout','lua','mkshrc','old','pc','php','pl','plist','pre-oh-my-zsh','profile','pth','py','rb','rc','rdoc','sass','settings','sh','strings','taskrc','tcl','viminfo','vimrc','vue','yaml','yml','zlogin','zlogout','zpreztorc','zprofile','zsh','zshenv','zshrc'], //  treated as text, opened in iframe#content_iframe text editor
		database:		['accdb','db','dbf','mdb','pdb','sql', 'sqlite','sqlitedb','sqlite3'], // ignored
		ebook:			['azw','azw1','azw3','azw4','epub','ibook','kfx','mobi','tpz'], // ignored
		font:			['otf','ttf','woff','woff2','afm','pfb','pfm','tfm'], // opened in div#content_font
		graphics:		['afdesign','afpub','ai','book','dtp','eps','fm','icml','idml','indd','indt','inx','mif','pmd','pub','qxb','qxd','qxp','sla','swf','ai','arw','cr2','dng','eps','jpf','nef','psd','psd','raw','tif','tiff'], // ignored
		htm:			['htm','html','xhtm','xhtml'], // opened in iframe#content_iframe
		image:			['apng','bmp','gif','ico','jpeg','jpg','png','svg','webp'],
		link:			['url','webloc','inetloc'],
		markdown:		['md','markdown','mdown','mkdn','mkd','mdwn','mdtxt','mdtext'], // treated as text, opened in iframe#content_iframe text editor
		office:			['csv','doc','docx','epub','key','numbers','odf','ods','odt','pages','rtf','scriv','wpd','wps','xlr','xls','xlsx','xlm'], // ignored
		pdf:			['pdf'], // open in embed#content_pdf
		system:			['DS_Store','ds_store','icon','ics','spotlight-v100/','temporaryitems/','documentrevisions-v100/','trashes/','fseventsd/','dbfseventsd','file','localized','programdata'], // ignored system items
		text:			['log','nfo','txt','readme'], // opened in iframe#content_iframe text editor
		video:			['m4v','mkv','mov','mp4','mpeg','webm'] // loaded in video#content_video
	// $ROW_SETTINGS: Ignore or Exclude files by extension
	const $row_settings = {
		// ignored: $item_kind or files with extensions added here will not be loaded if selected in the sidebar (prevents the browser from attempting to download the file).
		ignored: $item_kind.archive.concat( 'alias','m3u','m3u8', $item_kind.bin, $item_kind.database, $, $item_kind.ignored_image, $, $item_kind.system)
	// ***** END USER SETTINGS ***** //

	// ************ J + M + J ************* //

	// ************************************ //
	// ************************************ //

	// If window.location points to a file, change window location to file container dir, add search_param of file name; then load file container directory and load file in content pane.
	function loadFileURL() {
		let search_params = getSearchParams();
			search_params.set( 'file', window.location.pathname.split('/').reverse()[0] );
		window.location = window.location.pathname.slice( 0,window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('/') ) +'/?'+ search_params ;
	if ( !window.location.pathname.endsWith('/') && === window.self ) { loadFileURL(); } // load file urls

	// ***** GENERAL SETUP ***** //
	function getBrowser() {
		switch(true) {
			case'Chrome') >= 0:		return 'is_chrome';
			case'Firefox') >= 0:	return 'is_gecko';
			case'MSIE') >= 0:		return 'is_explorer';
			case'Opera') >= 0:		return 'is_opera';
			case'Safari') >= 0 &&'Chrome') < 0: return 'is_safari';
	function getOS() { // modded from
		var platform = window.navigator.platform, macos_platforms = ['Macintosh', 'MacIntel', 'MacPPC', 'Mac68K'], windows_platforms = ['Win32', 'Win64', 'Windows', 'WinCE'], os = null;
		switch(true) {
			case macos_platforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1:		os = 'macos';	break;
			case windows_platforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1:	os = 'windows';	break;
			// case iosPlatforms.indexOf(platform) !== -1:		os = 'ios';		break; // just in case;
			// case /Android/.test(userAgent):					os = 'android';	break; // just in case;
			case !os && /Linux/.test(platform):					os = 'linux';	break;
	  return os;
	const newURL = function(link) {
		try { return new URL(link,document.baseURI); }
		catch(error) { return; } //console.log('This link is invalid. Please check the file.'); }
	function decodeURIComponentSafe(str) { // Fix "%" error in file name; see
		if ( !str ) { return str; }
		try {
			return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/%(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g,'%25') ).replace(/\"/g,'\&quot;'); // replace % with %25 if not followed by two a-f/number; replace " with html entity
		} catch(e) {
			return str;
	const $protocol = window.location.protocol;
	const $origin = $protocol +'//'+;
	  let current_location = decodeURIComponentSafe( [location.protocol, '//',, location.pathname].join('') );
	const current_dir_path = current_location.replace(/([/|_|—])/g,'$1<wbr>').replace(/\\/g,'/'); // URL w/o query string for display
	const current_dir = current_location.split('/').slice(-2,-1).toString();

	function escapeStr(str) { str = str.replace(/([$?*+()[]|^])/g,'\\$1'); return str; }
	function getSearchParams() { return new URL(window.location).searchParams; }
	// set query key/value
	function setSearchParam(key, value) { let search_params = getSearchParams(); search_params.set( key, value ); updateSearchParams(search_params); }
	// get query value
	function getSearchParam(key) {
		let search_params = getSearchParams(), value = '';
		switch(true) {
			case key === 'width': // set the stored sidebar width or use 30%
				value = ( !search_params.has(key) || window.innerWidth === 0 ? 30 : Math.round(100 * Number.parseInt(search_params.get('width'))/window.innerWidth) ); // percentage
			default: // if the query_string has a key/value pair, use it, otherwise use the key/value pair from the $settings
				value = ( search_params.has(key) ? search_params.get(key) : $settings[key] !== undefined ? $settings[key].toString() : '' );
				value = value.replace('%2F','').replace('/',''); // some servers add a '/' to end of query string
		return value;
	// toggle query key
	function toggleSearchParam(key) { // set search parameter based on key
		let search_params = getSearchParams();
		let non_bool_prefs = { // 'body_class,data-ui_pref': {'pref_name':'value'}
			'theme_light':			{'theme':'light'},
			'theme_dark':			{'theme':'dark'},
			// 'editor_theme':			{'editor_theme':( getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'default' ? getSearchParam('theme') : getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'light' ? 'dark' : 'light') },
			'editor_theme':			{'editor_theme':(getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'light' ? 'light' : 'dark') },
			'editor_theme_default':	{'editor_theme':getSearchParam('theme') },
			'editor_theme_light': 	{'editor_theme':'light'},
			'editor_theme_dark':	{'editor_theme':'dark'},
			'source_text':			{'default_text_view':'source_text'},
			'preview_text':			{'default_text_view':'preview_text'},
			'preview_html':			{'default_text_view':'preview_html'},
			'sort_by_default':		{'sort_by':'default'},
			'sort_by_name':			{'sort_by':'name'},
			'sort_by_size':			{'sort_by':'size'},
			'sort_by_date':			{'sort_by':'date'},
			'sort_by_kind':			{'sort_by':'kind'},
			'sort_by_ext':			{'sort_by':'ext'},
			// 'sort_by_time':			{'sort_by':'time'}, // don't add sort by time because times aren't available on initial page load
			'sort_direction_down':	{'sort_direction':'down'},
			'sort_direction_up':	{'sort_direction':'up'},
		var value, param_value, settings_value;
		switch(true) {
			case non_bool_prefs[key] !== undefined:
				value = Object.values( non_bool_prefs[key] ).toString(); // get the value for the key
				key = Object.keys(non_bool_prefs[key]).toString(); // must come after value: i.e., don't redefine key before getting value
				search_params.set( key,value ); // if the setting[key] = value, delete it from search_params; else set query_pref
			default: // boolean prefs
				settings_value = $settings[key]; // get the default pref value from $settings
				param_value = search_params.get(key); // see if pref is set in query prefs
				key = key.replace('toggle_','');
				value = ( param_value === null ? settings_value.toString() : param_value.toString() ); // if pref is not set in queries, use the default value; else use the query value
				value = ( value === 'true' ? 'false' : 'true' ); // toggle value
				if ( ( param_value !== null && param_value !== settings_value ) ) { search_params.delete( key ); } else { search_params.set( key,value ); }
	// remove search param by key
	function removeSearchParam(key) { let search_params = getSearchParams(); search_params.delete(key); updateSearchParams(search_params); }
	// update search params
	function updateSearchParams(search_params) {
		let search_params_str = search_params.toString().replace('%2F','').replace('/','');
		let new_location = ( search_params_str.length === 0 ? window.location.pathname : window.location.pathname +'?'+ search_params_str ); // don't add ? if no search params
		if ( search_params_str.length > -1 ) { window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, new_location); }

	// ***** SET UP UI ELEMENTS ***** //
	// Parent and Parents Menus
	// getElementById alias
	function getElById(id) { return $(document.getElementById(id) ); }
	function updateParentSearchParams(str) { // decrement selected and history values
		let query_str = new URLSearchParams(str); // make new search params from
		let history = ( query_str.has('history') ? query_str.get('history') : undefined );
		if ( history !== undefined ) {
			history = history.split(' ');
			switch(true) {
				case history.length > 1: query_str.set('selected',history[0]); history.shift(); query_str.set('history',history.join('+')); break;
				case history.length === 1: query_str.set('selected',history[0]); history.shift(); query_str.delete('history'); break;
		} else {
		str = decodeURIComponentSafe(query_str.toString());
		return str;
	function updateParentLinks() { $('#parents_dir_nav').siblings('ul').empty().append( createParentLinkItems()[0] ); }
	// create links
	function createParentLinks() {
		let link, links = [], query_str =;
		let link_pieces = current_location.split('/'); // make array of parent directories
			link_pieces = link_pieces.slice(2,-2); // remove beginning and ending empty elements and current directory
		while ( link_pieces.length > 0 ) { // while there are link pieces...
			query_str = updateParentSearchParams(query_str); // update selected and history
			link = $protocol +'//'+ link_pieces.join('/') + '/?' + query_str; // assemble link
			links.push(link); // add to link array
			link_pieces.pop(); // remove last link piece and repeat...
		return links;
	// create menu items
	function createParentLinkItems() {
		let parent_link_menu_items = [], links = createParentLinks();
		$('#parent_dir_nav').find('a').attr( 'href', links[0] ); // set parent link
		for ( let i = 0; i < links.length; i++ ) {
			let display_name = links[i].split('/?')[0];
				display_name = display_name.replace(/\//g,'\/<wbr>');
			let menu_item = `<li><a href="${ links[i] }" class="text_color_111">${ display_name }/</a></li>`;
		return [parent_link_menu_items.join(''),(window.location.pathname === '/' ? window.location.href : links[0] )]; // return parents link items
	// MENUS: User bookmarks
	function bookmarksMenuItems() {
		const bookmarks = $settings.bookmarks;
		  let menu_items = [], links_arr = [], links_arr_str = '', links;
		if ( bookmarks.length > 0 ) {
			for ( let i = 0; i < bookmarks.length; i+=1 ) {
				links = bookmarks[i].links;
				// make array of links
				for ( let j = 0; j < links.length; j+=1 ) {
					if ( !links[j].link.endsWith('/') ) {
						links[j].link = links[j].link.slice(0,links[j].link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) + '?file=' + links[j].link.slice(links[j].link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) ;
					links[j].link_name = links[j].link_name.split('/').join('/<wbr>');
					links_arr[j] = `<li><a class="menu_item has_icon_before text_color_111" href="${ links[j].link }">${ links[j].link_name }</a></li>`;
				links_arr_str = links_arr.join('');
				menu_items[i] = `	<li class="bookmark has_submenu"><a class="menu_item text_color_111">${ bookmarks[i].menu_title }</a>
										<ul class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">${ links_arr_str }</ul>
			menu_items = menu_items.join('');
		return menu_items;
	// MENUS: Other menu items
	// #menu li a::before, .toggle_UI_pref, a, a:, div, li, span, span::before, span::after, #dir_list a.icon span, #warnings h3::before, #content_audio_title td:before
	const sidebar_menu_items = `
		<li id="sort_by" class="has_submenu border_top border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">Sort by&hellip;</span>     <ul id="sort_menu" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all text_color_111">     <li id="name" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_name"><span class="menu_item">Name</span></li>     <li id="time" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_time"><span class="menu_item">Time (Media Duration)</span></li>     <li id="size" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_size"><span class="menu_item">Size</span></li>     <li id="date" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_date"><span class="menu_item">Date</span></li>     <li id="kind" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_kind"><span class="menu_item">Kind</span></li>     <li id="ext" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_ext"><span class="menu_item">Extension</span></li>     <li id="default" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_default"><span class="menu_item">Default</span></li>     </ul></li>
		<li id="theme_container" title="Set the main UI theme (light or dark)."><span id="theme" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="theme"><span> Theme</span></span></li>
		<li id="alternate_background" class="toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="alternate_background" title="Alternate backgrounds of directory items."><span class="menu_item">Alternate Backgrounds</span></li>
		<li id="show_numbers" class="toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="show_numbers" title="Number directory list items."><span class="menu_item">Show Numbers</span></li>
		<li id="ignored_files" class="has_submenu border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">Ignored Items</span>     <ul id="" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">     <li id="hide_ignored_items" class="toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="hide_ignored_items" title="Show/hide ignored items (from the list of ignored file types in the user settings)."><span class="menu_item">Hide Ignored Items</span></li>     <li id="ignore_ignored_items" class="toggle_UI_pref " data-ui_pref="ignore_ignored_items" title="If checked, the browser will not attempt to load ignored items (from the list of ignored file types in the user settings). It is recommended to leave this checked."><span class="menu_item">Ignore Ignored Items</span></li>     </ul></li>
		<li id="autoload_files" class="has_submenu border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">Autoload Files</span>     <ul id="autoload_files_menu" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">     <li id="autoload_media" class="toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="autoload_media" title="Automatically select and load the first media item in a directory and cover art (if any)."><span id="autoload_media_menu" class="menu_item">Autoload Media</span></li>     <li id="autoload_index_files" class="toggle_UI_pref " data-ui_pref="autoload_index_files" title="Automatically load html index file."><span id="autoload_index_files_menu" class="menu_item">Autoload Index Files</span></li></ul>
		<li id="media_files" class="has_submenu border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">Media Files</span>     <ul id="media_files_menu" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">     <li id="play_all_media" class="toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="play_all_media" title="Allow continuous playback of all media types, not just the selected media file type."><span class="menu_item">Play All Media Files</span></li>     <li id="loop_media_files" class="" title="Loop playback for media files"><span id="loop_media_menu" class="menu_item">Loop Media Playback</span></li>     <li id="shuffle_media_files" class="" title="Shuffle media files."><span id="shuffle_media_menu" class="menu_item">Shuffle Media Playback</span></li></ul>
		<li id="playlist_options" class="has_submenu border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">Playlists</span>     <ul id="playlist_menu" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">		<li><label id="open_playlist_label" class="menu_item border_bottom" for="open_playlist" title="Open local .m3u playlist/filelist file.">Open Playlist/Filelist&hellip;</label><input type="file" id="open_playlist" name="open_playlist" accept=".m3u,.m3u8"></input></li>    <li id="close_playlist_container"><span id="close_playlist" class="menu_item text_color_111" href="#">Close Playlist/Filelist</span></li>     <li class=""><span id="make_playlist" class="menu_item text_color_111" href="#" title="Make an .m3u playlist/filelist of the items in the current directory (if any).">Make Playlist/Filelist&hellip;</span></li>     </ul></li>
		<li class="" title="Enable/disable editing of plain text files. Does not effect main text editor."><span id="enable_text_editing" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="enable_text_editing"><span id="disable">Text Editing </span></span></li>
		<li id="text_editing" class="has_submenu border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">Text Editing Options</span>     <ul id="text_editing_menu" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">     <li id="text_editor_menu_item" class="border_bottom" title="Toggle the main text editor."><span id="text_editor" class="menu_item">Toggle Text Editor </span></li>     <li id="toggle_editor_theme_default" class="border_bottom" title="Editor theme same as the main UI theme."><span id="editor_theme_default" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="editor_theme_default">Default Text Editor Theme</span></li>     <li id="toggle_editor_theme_light" title="Light text editor theme."><span id="editor_theme_light" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="editor_theme_light" title="Light text editor theme."><span id="editor_theme_light">Light Text Editor Theme</span></li>     <li id="toggle_editor_theme_dark" class="border_bottom" title="Dark text editor theme."><span id="editor_theme_dark" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="editor_theme_dark" title="Dark text editor theme.">Dark Text Editor Theme</span></li>     <li id="split_view" class="toggle_UI_pref border_bottom" data-ui_pref="split_view" title="Toggle display of default text view and both source and rendered text."><span class="menu_item">Split View</span></li>     <li id="source_text" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="source_text">View Source Markdown/Text</li>     <li id="preview_text" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="preview_text">View Styled Markdown/Text</li>     <li id="preview_html" class="toggle_UI_pref menu_item" data-ui_pref="preview_html">View Rendered HTML</li></ul>
		<li class="border_bottom"><label id="open_font_label" class="menu_item" for="open_font" title="Open font file (.oft, .ttf, .woff) to view glyph repertoire and font info; save individual glyphs as .svg.">Open Font File&hellip;</label><input type="file" id="open_font" name="open_font" accept=".otf,.ttf,.woff"></input></li>
		<li id="user_settings" class="has_submenu border_bottom"><span class="menu_item">User Settings</span>     <ul id="user_settings_menu" class="submenu background_color_D0_50 border_all">     <li><span id="default_settings" class="menu_item text_color_111 border_bottom" href="#" title="Delete UI prefs stored in the URL query string and reload page.">Reset User Settings</span></li>     <li class=""><span id="export_settings" class="menu_item text_color_111" href="#" title="Export hard-coded user settings and bookmarks to text file.">Export User Settings</span></li>     </ul></li>
		<li id="about"><a class="menu_item text_color_111" href="" target="_blank">About</a></li>
		<li id="show_help"><span class="menu_item text_color_111">Help</span></li>
		<li id="contact"><a class="menu_item text_color_111" href="">Contact</a></li>
		<li id="donate"><a class="menu_item text_color_111" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Donate</a></li>
	const SidebarHeaderEls = function() {
		let checked = '', parent_links = createParentLinkItems();
		if ( getSearchParam('show_invisibles') === 'true' ) { checked = 'checked'; }
		return `<section id="sidebar_header" class="text_color_111">
					<div id="sidebar_title" class="border_bottom background_color_B0_30"><div></div></div>
						<div id="sidebar_header_body" class="border_bottom">
							<div id="sidebar_menus" class="background_color_B0_30 border_bottom">
								<div id="parent_dir_menu">     <nav id="parent_dir_nav" class="invert"><a class="menu_item" href="${ parent_links[1] }" title="Parent Directory"></a></nav>     </div>
								<div id="parents_dir_menu">     <nav id="parents_dir_nav" class="border_right border_left">     <div id="current_dir_path" title="Parent Directories"><span class="has_icon_before">${ current_dir_path }</span></div>     <div id="close_playlist_btn_container" class="border_left" title="Close Playlist">     <div id="close_playlist_btn" class="has_background invert"></div>     </div>     </nav>     <ul id="parents_links" class="menu background_color_D0_50 border_bottom">${ parent_links[0] }</ul>     </div>
								<div id="menu_container" title="Main menu">     <nav id="menu_nav" class="invert"><div>&nbsp;</div></nav>     <ul id="menu" class="menu background_color_D0_50 border_bottom">     ${ bookmarksMenuItems() }     ${ sidebar_menu_items }     </ul>     </div>
							<div id="sidebar_buttons" class="background_color_C0_40 border_bottom">
								<div id="sidebar_buttons_left" colspan="3">     <button id="show_details" class="toggle_UI_pref" data-ui_pref="show_details" tabindex="-1" title="Toggle display of directory item detail information"><span id="show"> details</span></button>     <label id="show_invisibles_container"><input class="toggle_UI_pref" type="checkbox" id="show_invisibles" data-ui_pref="show_invisibles" for="inv_checkbox" name="inv_checkbox" tabindex="-1"${ checked } /><span class="text_color_111">Show Invisibles</span></label>     </div>
								<div id="grid_btn" class="has_background" tabindex="-1" title="Show Grid">     <ul class="menu has_popout_menu">     <li id="show_image_grid" class="border_right border_bottom">Show Image Grid</li>     <li id="show_font_grid" class="border_right">Show Font Grid</li>     </ul>     </div>
							<div id="sorting" class="background_color_C0_40">
								<div id="sorting_row_1" class="container">     <div id="sort_by_name" class="toggle_UI_pref name sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_name" title="Sort by name" colspan="2"><span><input id="play_toggle" type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" checked="true" />Name</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_default" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_default" title="Default sort" colspan="2"><span>Default</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_time" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_time" title="Sort by media duration" colspan="2"><span>Time</span></div>     </div>
								<div id="sorting_row_2">     <div id="sort_by_size" class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_size" title="Sort by size"><span>Size</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_date" class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_date" title="Sort by size"><span>Date</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_kind" class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_kind" title="Sort by kind"><span>Kind</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_ext" class="toggle_UI_pref details sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_ext" title="Sort by extension"><span>Ext</span></div>     </div>
							<div id="text_editor_row" class="border_top background_color_C0_40"><a href="#" class="text_color_111" title="Toggle Text Editor">Text Editor</a></div>
	// Sidebar Footer (Stats)
	const sidebar_footer_els = `
		<section id="tfoot" class="background_color_D0_50 border_top">     <div id="footer_links" class="has_background invert">&nbsp;     <ul class="has_popout_menu invert">     <li id="open_in_content_pane" class="border_bottom text_color_111">Open Sidebar in Content Pane</li>     <li id="view_directory_source" class="text_color_111" data-kind="view_directory_source">View Sidebar Directory Source</li>     </ul>     </div>     </section>
	// Dir List Elements
	const sidebar_dir_list_els = `<section id="dir_list_wrapper" class="border_bottom"><table id="dir_list">	<tbody id="tbody" class="background_color_DD_44 text_color_111" tabindex="0"></tbody>	</table></section>`;
	// Content Audio Els
	const content_audio_els = `
		<div id="content_audio_title" class="background_color_C0_40" title="Click to toggle .m3u playlist entry."><span></span></div>
		<div id="content_audio" class="border_bottom background_color_C0_40">
			<div id="audio_container" class="border_all">
				<nav id="cue_sheet_track_list_container_audio" class="cue_sheet_track_list_container border_right" title="Cue sheet track list"></nav>
				<div id="prev_track" class="prev_next_track_btn audio_controls" title="Previous track">&nbsp;</div>
				<div id="next_track" class="prev_next_track_btn audio_controls border_right" title="Next track">&nbsp;</div>
				<audio id="audio" preload="auto" tabindex="0" controls controlsList="nofullscreen" >Sorry, your browser does not support HTML5 audio.</audio>
				<div id="close_audio" class="audio_controls border_left" title="Close audio"></div>
			<div id="audio_options">
				<label id="loop_label"><input type="checkbox" id="loop" for="loop" name="loop" tabindex="0" />Loop</label>
				<label id="shuffle_label"><input type="checkbox" id="shuffle" for="shuffle" name="shuffle" tabindex="0" />Shuffle</label>
		<div id="content_audio_playlist" class="playlist_entry_container border_bottom"><textarea id="content_audio_playlist_textarea" rows="3" spellcheck="false" /></div>
	const content_font_viewer = '<div id="font_viewer"><div id="glyphs_container"></div></div>';
	// Content Font Els
	const ContentFontEls = function() {
		const sample_string =	`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />0123456789 [(!@#$%^&*;:)]`;
		// let sample_string = `ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ<br />abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz<br />0123456789.,:;&@!#$%‰\'\"“‘”’()[]{}<>| ¦*/\^-–—_~…<br />ÆÁÂÀÄÃÅÇÐÉÊËÈÍÎÌÏÓÔÒÖÕŒÚÛÙÜÝŸ<br />æáâàäãåçðéêëèíîìïóôòöõœúûùüýÿfiflƒñÑßþÞ<br />†‡£¢¥Øø©®™¿¡«»¯´¶§•ªº¹³²‚„˜˛¸`·¯˘°¨⁄‹›<br />ı½¼¾+±×÷√=≈≠¬∞¤≤≥◊∆∂µ∏π∑Ω<br />■░▒▓│┤╣║╗╝┐└┴┬├─┼╚╔╩╦╠═╬┘┌█▄▀‗`;
		const lorem_string = `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.`;
		return `<div id="font_specimen">
					<div id="specimen" class="specimen border_bottom_x" contenteditable="true" tabindex="0">${ sample_string }</div>
					<div id="specimen_string_2" class="hamburger border_bottom_x" contenteditable="true" tabindex="0"><h1 id="specimen_2">Typography</h1><h4 id="specimen_2H4">The art of using types to produce impressions on paper, vellum, &amp;c.</h4></div>
					<div id="specimen_string_3" class="hamburger border_bottom_x" contenteditable="true"><h2 id="specimen_3">S P E C I M E N</h2><h3 id="specimen_3H3">Typography is the work of typesetters (also known as compositors), typographers, graphic designers, art directors, manga artists, comic book artists, graffiti artists, and, now, anyone who arranges words, letters, numbers, and symbols for publication, display, or distribution.</h3></div>
					<div id="lorem_strings" contenteditable="true" tabindex="0">     <div id="lorem" class="lorem">${ lorem_string }</div><div id="lorem_2" class="lorem">${ lorem_string }</div><div id="lorem_3" class="lorem">${ lorem_string }</div></div>
				${ content_font_viewer }
				<div id="glyph_viewer" class="background_color_11_FF invert"><div id="glyph_viewer_info" class="background_color_D0_50 border_bottom_x invert"><button id="save_svg_hidden">Save SVG</button><div></div><button id="save_svg">Save SVG</button></div></div>
	// Font Viewer
	// Iframe Dir Elements
	const ContentIframeDirEls = function(parentLink) {
		return `<header id="thead">
					<div id="change_dirs" class="border_bottom background_color_B0_30 text_color_111">     <span id="parent"><a href="${ parentLink }" class="text_color_111" style="padding-left:16px;" title="Go to parent directory">Parent Directory</a></span>     <span id="open_in_sidebar"><a href="" class="text_color_111" style="padding-right:16px;" title="Open this directory in sidebar">Open in Sidebar</a></span>     </div>
					<div id="sorting_row_1" class="border_bottom text_color_111 background_color_C0_40">     <div id="sort_by_name" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_name" title="Sort by name"><span>Name</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_default" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_default" title="Default sort"><span>Default</span></div>     </div>
					<div id="sorting_row_2" class="border_bottom background_color_C0_40 text_color_111">     <div id="sort_by_ext" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_ext" title="Sort by extension"><span>Ext</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_time" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_time" title="Sort by duration"><span>Time</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_size" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_size" title="Sort by size"><span>Size</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_date" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_date" title="Sort by date"><span>Date</span></div>     <div id="sort_by_kind" class="toggle_UI_pref sorting" data-ui_pref="sort_by_kind" title="Sort by kind"><span>Kind</span></div>     </div>
				<section id="iframe_dir_list_wrapper" class="background_color_DD_44"><table id="dir_list"><tbody id="tbody" class="border_bottom text_color_111"></tbody></table></section>
				<section id="tfoot" class="background_color_D0_50 border_top"></section>`;
	const content_header_els = `
		<header id="content_header">
			<div class="text_color_111 background_color_B0_30"><div>
			${ content_audio_els }
			<div id="content_title" class="title border_bottom">
				<div style="display:inline-flex">
					<nav id="cue_sheet_track_list_container_video" class="cue_sheet_track_list_container border_right background_color_B0_30" title="Cue sheet track list"></nav>     <div id="title_buttons_left" class="title_left">     <button id="reload_btn" tabindex="-1"><span></span></button>     <button id="prev_next_btns" class="split_btn" tabindex="-1"><span id="prev_btn"><span>&nbsp;</span></span><span id="next_btn"><span>&nbsp;</span></span></button>     </div>
				<div id="title" class=""><span></span></div>
				<div id="title_buttons_right" class="title_right">     <button id="scale" class="split_btn" tabindex="-1"><span id="decrease" title="Enlarge">&nbsp;</span><span id="increase" title="Reduce">&nbsp;</span></button>     <button id="open_in_text_editor" title="Open in Text Editor" tabindex="-1"><span>Edit</span></button>     <button id="close_btn" tabindex="-1" title="Close Content"><span></span></button>     </div>
			<div id="content_playlist" class="playlist_entry_container border_bottom"><textarea id="content_playlist_textarea" rows="3" spellcheck="false" /></div>
	// CONTENT containers
	const content_els = `
		<div id="content_container" class="background_color_EE_22">     <div id="content_grid" data-kind="grid"></div>     <div id="content_text" class="background_color_DD_33"></div>     <div id="content_font" class="content background_color_FF text_color_111" spellcheck="false" data-kind="font">${ ContentFontEls() }</div>     <div id="content_image_container" class="content background_color_FF_11" data-kind="image"><img id="content_image" tabindex="0"/></div>     <embed id="content_pdf" class="content" name="plugin" tabindex="0" data-kind="pdf"></embed>     <video id="content_video" class="content background_color_FF_11 media" controls data-kind="video">Your browser does not support the video tag.</video>     <iframe id="content_iframe" class="content" name="content_iframe" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups" tabindex="0"></iframe>     <iframe id="content_iframe_utility" class="content" name="content_iframe" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups" tabindex="0"></iframe>     </div>
	// UTILITIES Warnings
	const warnings = `
		<div id="warnings_header" class="text_color_111 background_color_D0_50"><h3 id="warning_header"><span>Warning:</span></h3><h3 id="make_playlist_header"><span>Make Playlist/Filelist (.m3u)</span></h3></div>
		<div id="warnings" class="text_color_111 background_color_D0_50">
			<div id="warning_close_font" class="warning">Are you sure you want to close the font preview?</div>
			<div id="warning_unsaved_text" class="warning">You have unsaved changes.</div>
			<div id="warning_clear_text" class="warning">Are you sure you want to clear all your text?</div>
			<div id="warning_local_bookmark" class="warning">Can\'t load local items from non-local pages. <br />&emsp;Please use your browser\'s bookmarks instead or enter the URL manually.</div>
			<div id="warning_local_file" class="warning">Can\'t load local items from non-local pages.</div>
			<div id="warning_close_playlist" class="warning">Are you sure you want to close the playlist?</div>
			<div id="warning_local_playlist" class="warning">This playlist contains local files. <br />&emsp;Please reload this playlist from a local page in order to play them.</div>
			<div id="warning_no_playlist" class="warning">Can’t make playlist: no qualified items found.</div>
			<div id="warning_make_playlist" class="warning">
				<form id="make_playlist_form" action="#"><fieldset>
					<div><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="media_files_only" checked><label for="media_files_only">All media files</label></div>
					<div class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="audio_files_only"><label for="audio_files_only">Audio files only</label></div>
					<div class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="video_files_only"><label for="video_files_only">Video files only</label></div>
					<div><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="all_non_media_files"><label for="all_non_media_files">All non-media items</label></div>
					<div><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="all_items"><label for="all_items">All items</label></div>
					<div class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="directories_only"><label for="directories_only">Directories only</label></div>
					<div class="indent"><input name="make_playlist" type="radio" id="files_only"><label for="files_only">Files only</label></div>
		<div id="warning_buttons_container" class="background_color_E0_60">     <div id="warning_buttons">     <button id="warning_btn_dont_save">Don\'t Save</button>     <button id="warning_btn_cancel" >Cancel</button>     <button id="warning_btn_clear">Clear</button>     <button id="warning_btn_save">Save</button>     <button id="warning_btn_ok">OK</button>     </div>     </div>
	// UTILITIES: Help Elements
	const content_help = `
		<header class="title text_color_111 border_bottom_x background_color_B0_30"><span>HELP</span><button id="close_help" class="focus"><span>Close</span></button></header><section><p style="text-align:center; font-weight:bold;"><a href="" target="_blank">SCRIPT HOMEPAGE (</a></p>
		<table id="content_help" class="background_color_C0_40 text_color_111 border_top_x border_right_x border_left_x"><tbody class=""><tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x">KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS</td><td class="help_description text_color_111">DESCRIPTION</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&uarr;</kbd> or <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&darr;</kdb></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Select the previous/next sidebar item or previewed directory item.<br />If audio is playing, and the previous/next file is also audio, the file will be highlighted but not loaded in the audio player; press <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">return</kbd> to load it.</td></tr>
		<tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&larr;</kbd> or <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&rarr;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Select prev/next item of the same kind as the current selection.<br />If current selection is a media file, select and begin playback of the next media item.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&uarr;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Go to parent directory</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&darr;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Open selected sidebar directory</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&rarr;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Open selected subdirectory in sidebar.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&larr;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Close selected subdirectory in sidebar or jump to parent directory.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8997;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&larr;</kbd> or <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8594;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Skip audio/video ±10s</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8997;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8679;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&larr;</kbd> or <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&rarr;</kbd></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Skip audio/video ±30s</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">Escape</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Close menus and help, unfocus textareas and content pane, etc.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">Return</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Open selected directory, select file, or pause/play media.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">Space</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Pause/Play media files (if media player loaded).</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">Tab</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Toggle focus between sidebar and content pane.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">D</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Toggle file details (size, date modified, kind) in some index page types.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">E</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Toggle main menu.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8679;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">E</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Show text editor.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">G</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Show or reload image or font grids.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">I</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Toggle invisible files.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8679;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">O</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Open selected sidebar item in new window/tab.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">R</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Reload grids and previewed content, reset scaled images/fonts, reset media files to beginning.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">W</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Close previewed content (doesn't work in all browsers; use close button instead), or close window if no content is being previewed.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8679;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60"><</kbd> or <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">></kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Scale preview items and grids.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">\\</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Toggle sidebar.</td></tr>     <tr><td class="kbd_shortcut text_color_111 border_right_x"><kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8679;</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">&#8984;/Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd class="background_color_E0_60">\\</kbd></td><td class="help_description text_color_111">Toggle text editor split view.</td></tr></tbody></table>
		<div><strong>MAIN MENU ITEMS (Selected)</strong><dl><dt></dt><dd>Selecting many of the these menu items will override the hard-coded default preferences in the script by adding an entry to the query string in the browser window URL.</dd><dd>This makes it more convenient to customize preferences, since defaults changed in the code will be over-written whenever the script is updated.</dd></dl><dl><dt>BOOKMARK MENU</dt><dd>For convenience you can add bookmarks to files or directories to this menu by editing the User Preference in the code.</dd><dd>These items will be over-written when the script is updated, however; to save them, you may wish to "Export User Settings" (see below) before updating the script.</dd><dd>Of course, you may simply use your browser's bookmarks instead.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>IGNORED ITEMS</dt><dd>Ignored items include files that the browser cannot handle natively, e.g., common Office and graphics files, various binary files, and many others.</dd><dd>Although they are visible in the sidebar by default, and ignored when selected, they can be hidden here.</dd><dd>Also, normal browser behavior for handling such files can be restored by unchecking "Ignore Ignored Files", but it is recommended that this preference be left checked.</dd></dl>
		<dl><dt>OPEN PLAYLIST/FILELIST</dt><dd>The script supports basic .m3u playlists of audio or video files. Click to load a local .m3u file.</dd><dd>The script also has custom support for "filelists," which are standard .m3u files that contain links to directories and <i>any</i> file type supported by the script or browser.</dd><dd>Note: if you change the extension of an ordinary .m3u file to .txt, the script will read it normally as an editable text file.<br />Double-clicking the selected file in the sidebar, or typing <code>Cmd/Ctr + Down Arrow</code> or <code>Cmd/Ctr + Return</code>, will open the playlist/filelist in the sidebar.<br />NOTE: The text must begin with #EXTM3U for this work.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>SAVE PLAYLIST/FILELIST</dt><dd>Save the files in the current sidebar directory as an .m3u playlist/filelist. Choose audio, video, all media, all non-media, all items, directories or files only.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>OPEN FONT FILE</dt><dd>Load a local font file and view information about the font and a grid of its complete glyph repertoire.</dd><dd>Glyph grids can be navigated with the arrow keys. Individual glyphs can be selected by clicking them or pressing <kbd>Return</kbd>.</dd><dd>Individual glyphs may be saved as .svg files.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>DEFAULT USER SETTINGS</dt><dd>This will remove the query string from the browser window URL, so that the default user settings from the code will be used instead.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>EXPORT USER SETTINGS</dt><dd>Save a file containing the User Settings from the code, including custom bookmarks and other settings.</dd></dl></div>
		<div><strong>OTHER SCRIPT FUNCTIONS</strong><dl><dt>NAVIGATION</dt><dd>Sidebar displays list of items in current directory. Select a sidebar item to show it in the content pane.</dd><dd>Click a directory icon in the sidebar or select it and type Cmd/Ctrl Right Arrow to open subdirectory; click again to close or type Cmd/Ctrl Left Arrow.</dd></dl><dl><dt>IMAGES, FONTS, FONT GLYPHS</dt><dd>Previewed items can be scaled with <kbd>Cmd/Ctr +/&ndash;</kbd> keys.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>IMAGE AND FONT GRIDS</dt><dd>If a directory contains images and/or font files, the "Show Grid" icon will appear in the sidebar. Click it (or type <kbd>Cmd/Ctr+G</kbd>) to show a grid of the available items.</dd><dd>Grids can be navigated with the arrow keys, and individual grid items may be viewed by clicking them or pressing <kbd>Return</kbd>.</dd><dd>When a grid item is being viewed, the grid can still be navigated with the arrow keys.</dd><dd>Closing a selected grid item will show the grid again.</dd></dl>     <dl><dt>CUE SHEETS</dt><dd>When a media file (audio or video) is loaded, the script will look for a .cue file in the same directory with <i>EXACTLY</i> the same name as the media file.</dd><dd>If it finds one, it will load the Track ID, the PERFORMER, the TITLE, and the INDEX (time position) into a menu next to the audio player; there is no support for other commands.</dd><dd>Tracks can be selected by clicking the item, and played or paused by clicking the selected item.</dd><dd>.cue files can also be selected independently in the sidebar and edited and saved (locally). This may be handy for creating "on the fly" bookmarks for a long media track before closing the page.</dd><dd>Note that you can also create and save (locally) a new .cue file by using the Text Editor.</dd><dd>Note (MacOS): If you prefer not to clutter the sidebar with .cue files, you may make them invisible by adding a dot to beginning of the file name; the script will still find them.</dd></dl>
	// MD Build UI
	const text_editing_UI_els = `
		<table id="toolbar">     <tbody><tr><td>
				<ul id="toolbar_buttons">     <li id="editor_theme" class="toggle_UI_pref toolbar_icon has_background" data-ui_pref="editor_theme" title="Toggle Editor Theme"></li>     <li id="toggle_source_text" class="toggle_UI_pref toolbar_icon has_background" data-ui_pref="source_text" title="Show source"></li>     <li id="toggle_preview_text" class="toggle_UI_pref toolbar_icon has_background" data-ui_pref="preview_text" title="Show Preview"></li>     <li id="toggle_preview_html" class="toggle_UI_pref toolbar_icon has_background" data-ui_pref="preview_html" title="Show formatted HTML"></li>     <li id="toggle_split_view" class="toggle_UI_pref toolbar_icon has_background" data-ui_pref="split_view" title="Toggle Split View"></li>     <li id="sync_scroll" class="" data-ui_pref="sync_scroll"><input name="sync_scroll" type="checkbox"><label for="sync_scroll">Sync Scroll</label></li>     <li id="save_btn" title=""><ul class="menu has_popout_menu">     <li id="save_text" class="border_right border_bottom" title="Save source text"><span id="save_text_link" target="_blank">Save Source</span></li>     <li id="save_HTML" class="border_right" title="Save rendered html"><span id="save_HTML_link" target="_blank">Save HTML</span></li>     </ul></li>     <li id="clear_text" title="Clear Text">Clear</li>     </ul>
			</td></tr></tbody>     </table>
		<div id="text_container">     <textarea id="text_source" class=" text_color_111" tabindex="0"></textarea>     <iframe id="text_preview" class=" text_color_111 markdown-body" tabindex="0"></iframe>     <textarea id="html_preview" class=" text_color_111" tabindex="0" readonly></textarea>
		<div id="text_editing_handle"></div></div>
	const MainContent = `
		<main id="main_content">
			<section id="sidebar_wrapper" class="border_right" style="width:${ Number(getSearchParam("width")) }%">     ${ SidebarHeaderEls() }     <div id="sidebar" class="background_color_C0_40">${ sidebar_dir_list_els } ${ sidebar_footer_els }</div>     <div id="handle"></div>     <div id="hide_sidebar" class="toggle_UI_pref invert" data-ui_pref="hide_sidebar" title="Toggle Sidebar"></div>     </section>
			<section id="content_pane" style="width:${ ( 100 - Number(getSearchParam("width")) ) }%">${ content_header_els } ${ content_els }</section>
			<section id="utilities">     <div id="warnings_container" class="background_color_E0_60">${ warnings }</div>     <div id="help_container" class="background_color_E0_60">${ content_help }</div>     </section>
	// DEFINE Content Elements
	const $main_content =				$(MainContent);
	const $dir_list_body =				$main_content.find('#tbody');
	const $dir_list =					$main_content.find('#dir_list');
	const $content_pane =				$main_content.find('#content_pane');
	const $audio_player =				$main_content.find('#audio');
	const $content_grid =				$main_content.find('#content_grid');
	const $content_font =				$main_content.find('#content_font');
	const $content_image_container =	$main_content.find('#content_image_container');
	const $content_image =				$content_image_container.find('img');
	const $content_video =				$main_content.find('#content_video');
	const $content_iframe = 			$main_content.find('#content_iframe');

	// auto format dark icon colr
	function SVG_UI_Icon(icon_name) { return `url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,${ SVG_UI_Icons[icon_name] }")`; } // get svg UI icon by name
	const SVG_UI_Icons = {
		'arrow':				'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23222222\' d=\'M4 4l12 6-12 6z\' /></svg>',
		'arrow_dark':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23DDDDDD\' d=\'M4 4l12 6-12 6z\' /></svg>',
		'bookmark':				'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23222222\' d=\'M2 2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v18l-8-4-8 4V2zm2 0v15l6-3 6 3V2H4z\' /></svg>',
		'bookmark_dark':		'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23DDDDDD\' d=\'M2 2c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h12a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v18l-8-4-8 4V2zm2 0v15l6-3 6 3V2H4z\' /></svg>',
		'check_mark':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 12 09\'><g transform=\'matrix(0.55,5.55112e-17,-5.55112e-17,0.55,0.578932,-1.01245)\'><path d=\'M-0.071,10.929L2.5,8.358L7,12.857L17.285,2.572L19.856,5.144L7,18L-0.071,10.929Z\' style=\'fill:rgb(68,68,68);fill-rule:nonzero;\'/></g></svg>',
		'chevron_up':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 12 08\'><g transform=\'matrix(1,0,0,1,-3.843,-5.843)\'><path d=\'M10.707,7.05L10,6.343L4.343,12L5.757,13.414L10,9.172L14.243,13.414L15.657,12L10.707,7.05Z\' style=\'fill:rgb(16,16,16);fill-rule:nonzero;\'/></g></svg>',
		'chevron_right':		'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 08 12\'><g transform=\'matrix(1,0,0,1,-6.086,-4)\'><path d=\'M12.95,10.707L13.657,10L8,4.343L6.586,5.757L10.828,10L6.586,14.243L8,15.657L12.95,10.707Z\' style=\'fill:rgb(16,16,16);fill-rule:nonzero;\'/></g></svg>',
		'chevron_down':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 12 08\'><g transform=\'matrix(1,0,0,1,-4,-6.157)\'><path d=\'M9.293,12.95L10,13.657L15.657,8L14.243,6.586L10,10.828L5.757,6.586L4.343,8L9.293,12.95Z\' style=\'fill:rgb(16,16,16);fill-rule:nonzero;\'/></g></svg>',
		'chevron_left':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 08 12\'><g transform=\'matrix(1,0,0,1,-5.843,-4)\'><path d=\'M7.05,9.293L6.343,10L12,15.657L13.414,14.243L9.172,10L13.414,5.757L12,4.343L7.05,9.293Z\' style=\'fill:rgb(16,16,16);fill-rule:nonzero;\'/></g></svg>',
		'document':				'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23222222\' d=\'M4 18h12V6h-4V2H4v16zm-2 1V0h12l4 4v16H2v-1z\' /></svg>',
		'error':				'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23FFB636\' id=\'Layer_2\' d=\'M1.075,18.05l8.146,-16.683c0.236,-0.484 0.924,-0.491 1.169,-0.011l8.537,16.683c0.223,0.435 -0.093,0.952 -0.582,0.952l-16.683,0c-0.483,0 -0.799,-0.507 -0.587,-0.941Z\' style=\'fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:nonzero;\'/><path id=\'Layer_3\' d=\'M11.055,7.131l-0.447,6.003c-0.034,0.45 -0.425,0.787 -0.874,0.753c-0.408,-0.03 -0.724,-0.356 -0.753,-0.753l-0.447,-6.003c-0.052,-0.696 0.47,-1.302 1.167,-1.354c0.696,-0.052 1.302,0.47 1.354,1.166c0.005,0.061 0.004,0.129 0,0.188Zm-1.26,8.037c-0.641,0 -1.159,0.518 -1.159,1.158c0,0.641 0.518,1.159 1.159,1.159c0.64,0 1.158,-0.518 1.158,-1.159c0,-0.64 -0.518,-1.158 -1.158,-1.158Z\' style=\'fill:%23444;fill-opacity:0.75;fill-rule:nonzero;\'/></svg>',
		'folder':				'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23222222\' d=\'M0 4c0-1.1.9-2 2-2h7l2 2h7a2 2 0 0 1 2 2v10a2 2 0 0 1-2 2H2a2 2 0 0 1-2-2V4zm2 2v10h16V6H2z\' /></svg>',
		'grid':					'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23222222\' d=\'M0 0h9v9H0V0zm2 2v5h5V2H2zm-2 9h9v9H0v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5H2zm9-13h9v9h-9V0zm2 2v5h5V2h-5zm-2 9h9v9h-9v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5h-5z\' /></svg>',
		'grid_dark':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23DDDDDD\' d=\'M0 0h9v9H0V0zm2 2v5h5V2H2zm-2 9h9v9H0v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5H2zm9-13h9v9h-9V0zm2 2v5h5V2h-5zm-2 9h9v9h-9v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5h-5z\' /></svg>',
		'grid_loaded':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23118888\' d=\'M0 0h9v9H0V0zm2 2v5h5V2H2zm-2 9h9v9H0v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5H2zm9-13h9v9h-9V0zm2 2v5h5V2h-5zm-2 9h9v9h-9v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5h-5z\' /></svg>',
		'grid_loaded_dark':		'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%2344BBBB\' d=\'M0 0h9v9H0V0zm2 2v5h5V2H2zm-2 9h9v9H0v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5H2zm9-13h9v9h-9V0zm2 2v5h5V2h-5zm-2 9h9v9h-9v-9zm2 2v5h5v-5h-5z\' /></svg>',
		'ignored':				'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23222222\' d=\'M0 10a10 10 0 1 1 20 0 10 10 0 0 1-20 0zm16.32-4.9L5.09 16.31A8 8 0 0 0 16.32 5.09zm-1.41-1.42A8 8 0 0 0 3.68 14.91L14.91 3.68z\' opacity=\'0.25\' /></svg>',
		'ignored_dark':			'<svg xmlns=\'\' viewBox=\'0 0 20 20\'><path fill=\'%23BBBBBB\' d=\'M0 10a10 10 0 1 1 20 0 10 10 0 0 1-20 0zm16.32-4.9L5.09 16.31A8 8 0 0 0 16.32 5.09zm-1.41-1.42A8 8 0 0 0 3.68 14.91L14.91 3.68z\' opacity=\'0.25\' /></svg>',
		'menu':					'<svg width=\'100%\' height=\'100%\' viewBox=\'0 0 13 10\' version=\'1.1\' xmlns=\'\' xmlns:xlink=\'\' xml:space=\'preserve\' xmlns:serif=\'\' style=\'fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:2;\'>    <rect x=\'0\' y=\'0\' width=\'13\' height=\'2\' style=\'fill:rgb(34,34,34);\'/><rect x=\'0\' y=\'4\' width=\'13\' height=\'2\' style=\'fill:rgb(34,34,34);\'/><rect x=\'0\' y=\'8\' width=\'13\' height=\'2\' style=\'fill:rgb(34,34,34);\'/></svg>',
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	// ***** INDEX PREP ***** //
	// Try to determine index type from parent directory link container, with fallbacks for indexes that don't have parent directories, or for parent directory links that aren't siblings or ancestors of the index itself.
	function getIndexType() {
		let title = $('title').text() || '';
		let index_el = document.querySelectorAll('body > ul, body > pre, body > table:last-of-type, body > div > table')[0];
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			case $protocol.startsWith('file'): if ( getBrowser() === 'is_gecko' ) { node_name = 'gecko'; } break;
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		let type = types[node_name];
		return type;
	// Return Index items, Index type, remove parent directory link, and add body class.
	function getIndexItems() {
		let type = getIndexType(), items;
		switch(type) {
			case 'gecko':	items = $('body').find('> table > tbody');	break;
			case 'list':	items = $('body').find('> ul');				break;
			case 'pre':		items = $('body').find('> pre').html();		break;
			case 'table': case 'td':
				switch(true) {
					case $('table > tbody').length === 1: items = $('body').find('table > tbody'); break;
					case $('table > tbody').length < 1: items = $('body').find('table'); break; // tables without tbody
					case $('table').length > 1: items = $('body').find('table').first(); break; // more than one table
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			case 'default': items = $('body').find('> table').find('> tbody');	break;
			case 'error':	items = $('body').html();							break;
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	// Index Prep: convert list type function
	function convertGeckoType(items) {
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		const rows = Array.from(items.find('> tr'));
		for ( let row of rows ) {
			let prepped_row = [], cellContents = '', cells = Array.from( $(row).find('> td') ), link = ($(cells).find('a').attr('href'));
			for ( let cell of cells ) {
				cellContents = cell.innerText;
				cellContents = ( cellContents !== undefined ? cellContents.trim() : '');
			prepped_row[1] = prepped_row[1].replace(/\s*KB/,'000'); // convert reported size in KB to total bytes
			prepped_row[2] = prepped_row[2] + ' '+ prepped_row[3];
			prepped_row = prepped_row.slice(1,-1);
			if ( link.length > 0 && link !== '/' && link !== '..' && link !== '../' && !/\?sort=|\?path=\&/.test(link) ) { prepped_row.unshift(link); } else { prepped_row = []; }// exclude some rows
			if ( prepped_row.length > 0 ) { prepped_index.push(prepped_row); }
		return prepped_index;
	// Index Prep: convert list type function
	function convertListType(items) {
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		const rows = items[0].children;
		for ( let i = rows.length; i--; ) {
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			if ( row.innerHTML.indexOf('Parent Directory') === -1 ) {
				let prepped_row = [];
				let link = $(row).find('a').attr('href');
				row = row.innerHTML.replace(/<a .+?<\/a>\s*/,'');
				let cells = row.split(' ');
				for ( let cell of cells ) {
					if ( cell.trim().length > 0 ) { prepped_row.push(cell); }
				if ( link.length > 0 && link !== '/' && link !== '..' && link !== '../' && !/\?sort=|\?path=\&/.test(link) ) { prepped_row.unshift(link); } else { prepped_row = []; }// exclude some rows
				if ( prepped_row.length > 0 ) { prepped_index.push(prepped_row); }
		return prepped_index;
	// Index Prep: convert pre type function
	function convertPreType(items) {
		let prepped_index = [];
		const spaces = /\s{2,}/; // define regex for splitting rows
		items = items.replace(/[ ]*<(hr|img)[^>]*>[ ]*|\&lt;dir\&gt;/gm,'  ') // remove various elements: img, hr, br
					 .replace(/[ ]*<h\d>[^<]*<\/h\d>[ ]*|[ ]*(<a[^>]+?>)(Parent|Parent Directory|Up|Root)(<\/a>.+?$|[ ]*<a[^>]+?>\s*<\/a>[ ]*|[ ]*<a href="(\.*\/"|\?[^>]*?)>[^<]*<\/a>[ ]*)/gmi,'') // remove header elements | link text nodes | links with empty text nodes (which are sometimes duplicated) |  some parent & sorting links (href beginning with "?"; name, last modified, size, description)
					 .replace(/[ ]*(<a[^>]+?>)[^<]*(<\/a>)/g,'$1$2  ') // remove link text nodes
					 .replace(/(\w)<a /g,'$1  <a ')
		const rows = items.split('\n'); // create array of rows from items
		for ( let i = rows.length; i--; ) {
			let row = rows[i];
			let prepped_row = [];
			let cells = row.split(spaces); // assumes pre-type only uses two or more spaces between "columns"
			let link;
			for ( let j = cells.length; j--; ) {
				let cell = cells[j];
				if ( cell.trim().length > 0 ) {
					if ( !cell.startsWith('<a ') ) { prepped_row.push(cell); } else { link = cell.split('"')[1]; } // extract link
			if ( link !== undefined && link !== '..' && link !== '../' && link !== '/' && !/^\?|\?sort=|\?path=\&/mi.test(link) ) { prepped_row.unshift(link); }  else { prepped_row = []; }// exclude some rows // exclude some
			if ( prepped_row.length > 0 ) { prepped_index.push(prepped_row); } // add prepped row to index
		return prepped_index;
	// Index Prep: convert table type function
	function convertTableType(type,items) { // for local chrome indexes and server-generated table-type indexes
		  let prepped_index = [], link, cell, cell_text, cell_html; // remove images, item counts, etc
		const rows = ( items[0].children[0] === undefined ? '' : items[0].children[0].nodeName.toLowerCase === 'tbody' ? items[0].children[0].children : items[0].children );
		for ( let i = rows.length; i--; ) {
			let row = rows[i], prepped_row = [], cells = row.cells;
			for ( let j = cells.length; j--; ) {
				cell_text = cells[j].innerText; cell_html = cells[j].innerHTML;
				switch(true) {
					case cell_text.startsWith === '<img':
					case cell_text.toLowerCase() === '<dir>':
					case cell_text.toLowerCase() === 'directory':
					case /^\s*\d+\s*item.*\s*$/gmi.test(cell_text): // "XX items"
					case cells[j].children[0] !== undefined && cells[j].children[0].nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a': // get link
						link = cells[j].children[0].attributes.href.value;
					case cell_html !== '&nbsp;': // get content from other cells
 						cell = cell_text.trim().replace(/(^[ ]*-[ ]*$|[ ]*-[ ]*\&nbsp;[ ]*$)/m,'—');
						if ( cell.length > 0 ) { prepped_row.push( cell ); }
			if ( link !== undefined && link !== '..' && link !== '../' && link !== '/' && !/\?sort=|\?path=\&/.test(link) ) { prepped_row.unshift(link); } else { prepped_row = []; }// exclude some rows
			if ( prepped_row.length > 1 ) { prepped_index.push(prepped_row); } // prepped_row.length > 2 in order to omit parent directory row
		return prepped_index;
	// Convert Error Type
	function convertErrorType(items) {
		return items;
	// Create Playlist items
	function convertPlaylist(items) {
		let prepped_index = []; let prepped_row = []; let rows, type;
			items = items.replace(/\s*#EXTM3U.*\s*/g,'').replace(/^\*\n{2,}/gm,'\n').replace(/\.pdf\?.+?\n/g,'.pdf\n').replace(/\?/g,'%3F'); // remove header comment and multiple returns
		switch(true) { // determine playlist type;
			case ( /#EXTINF:/.test(items) ):	type = 'extm3u';	rows = items.split('#EXTINF:');	break; // rows made by splitting at "#EXTIMG:" prefix
			default:							type = 'm3u'; 		rows = items.split('\n');		break; // rows are just naked links
		let rows_length = rows.length;
		for ( let i = 0; i < rows_length; i++ ) {
			let row = rows[i];
			switch(true) { // get entry information: title, link, etc.
				case type === 'extm3u':		row = row.trim().split('\n'); prepped_row = row[1]; break; // split row into info ( = row[0] ) and link, but we're only using the link anyway....
				case type === 'm3u':		prepped_row = row; break; // m3u with urls only
			if ( row.length > 1 ) { prepped_index.push([prepped_row]); }
		return prepped_index;
	// Index Prep: convert rows and return array of rows, with link, size, date-modified
	function convertIndexItems(type,items) {
		let converted = [];
		switch(type) {
			case 'gecko':	converted = convertGeckoType(items);					break;
			case 'list':	converted = convertListType(items);						break;
			case 'pre':		converted = convertPreType(items);						break;
			case 'table': case 'default': converted = convertTableType(type,items);	break;
			case 'error':	converted = convertErrorType(items);					break;
		return converted;
	// INDEX PREP: Build new Index from prepped rows
	function buildNewIndex(id,prepped_index,sort,type) {
		let new_index_items = [], body_classes = new Set();
		let new_row, item, item_info = [], item_link, item_name, item_sort_name, item_size_and_date, item_size, item_sort_size, item_date, item_sort_date, item_ext, item_sort_kind, item_kind, item_classes;
		let name_span, cell_link, cell_name, cell_size, cell_date, cell_kind, cell_ext, cell_time, prepped_index_length = prepped_index.length, item_disabled;
		let stats, stats_classes = [], stats_kinds = [];
		let parent_id = ( getSearchParam('parent_id') || '' ), connector = ( getSearchParam('parent_id') ? '_' : '' ), level = ( Number(getSearchParam('level')) || 0 ); // ensure unique ids for subdirectory items
		// add body classes according to index type
		switch(type) {
			case 'error':				body_classes.add('is_error');			break;
			case 'gecko':				body_classes.add('is_converted_gecko'); break;
			case 'list':				body_classes.add('is_converted_list');	break;
			case 'pre':					body_classes.add('is_converted_pre');	break;
			case 'table': case 'td':	body_classes.add('is_converted_table');	break;
			case 'default': 			body_classes.add('is_default');			break;
		// create and format directory row
		for ( let i = prepped_index_length; i--; ) {
			item 				= prepped_index[i];
			item_info			= getLinkInfo(item[0]); // = [link,name,ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes];
			item_link			= item_info[0].trim();
			item_name			= item_info[1].replace(/^\s/m,'\&nbsp;').replace(/^\//m,'').replace(/([-_——])/g,'$1<wbr>'); // prep display name, with word breaks added after unbreakable chars
			item_sort_name		= escapeStr( item_info[1].toLocaleLowerCase() );
			item_size_and_date 	= getItemSizeAndDate(item);
			item_size			= item_size_and_date[0];
			item_sort_size		= item_size_and_date[1];
			item_date			= item_size_and_date[2];
			item_sort_date		= item_size_and_date[3];
			item_ext			= item_info[2];
			item_kind			= item_info[3];
			item_sort_kind		= item_info[3];
			item_classes		= item_info[4];
			item_disabled		= ( item_classes.indexOf('local') > -1 || type === 'gecko' ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '' );
			// Assemble row elements
			name_span	= `<span class="has_icon_before_before"></span><span class="tbody_row_cell_name_a_span"><input type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" checked="true" ${ item_disabled } autocomplete="off" /> ${ item_name }</span>`;
			cell_link	= `<a href="${ item_link }" class="icon tbody_row_cell_name_a text_color_111">${ name_span }</a>`;
			cell_name	= `<td class="tbody_row_cell tbody_row_cell_name name" data-name="${ item_sort_name.split("/")[0] }">${ cell_link }</td>`;
			cell_time 	= `<td class="tbody_row_cell tbody_row_cell_media_duration" data-duration=""></span>`;
			cell_size	= `<td class="tbody_row_cell_details size details" data-size="${ item_sort_size }">${ item_size }</td>`;
			cell_date	= `<td class="tbody_row_cell_details date details" data-date="${ item_sort_date }">${ item_date }</td>`;
			cell_kind	= `<td class="tbody_row_cell_details kind details" data-kind="${ item_sort_kind }">${ item_kind }</td>`;
			cell_ext	= `<td class="tbody_row_cell_details ext details" data-ext="${ item_ext }"></td>`;
			// Assemble rows
			new_row	= `<tr id="${ parent_id }${ connector }rowid-${ (prepped_index.length - i) }" class="${ item_classes }" data-kind="${ item_sort_kind }" data-ext="${ item_ext }" data-level="${ level }" style="padding-left:${ Number(level) * 22 }px;">${ cell_name } ${ cell_time } ${ cell_size } ${ cell_date } ${ cell_kind } ${ cell_ext }</tr>`;
			//item_info[5].forEach(item_class => body_classes.add(item_class));
			body_classes.add(item_info[5].join(' '));

			// get media durations
			getMediaDuration( item_link, item_sort_kind, function( duration ) { // function: do something with duration returned from callback
 				let item_sort_kind = document.getElementById( parent_id + connector +'rowid-'+ ( prepped_index.length - i) ).classList.value.match(/audio|video/)[0]; // not sure why this has to be defined again
 				if ('subdirectory') > -1 && /audio|video/.test(item_sort_kind) ) { // get media durations for subdirectory items: send message from utility iframe to top
 					sendMessage('top','set_media_duration','', ['#'+ parent_id + connector +'rowid-'+ ( prepped_index.length - i), item_sort_kind, duration ] );
 				} else {
					setMediaDuration('#'+ parent_id + connector +'rowid-'+ ( prepped_index.length - i), item_sort_kind, duration );
			// build stats
			stats_classes.push(item_classes); // add item classes for stats
			stats = buildStats(stats_classes,stats_kinds);
		// Sort items
		if ( sort === undefined ) { sort = getSearchParam('sort_by'); } // get sorting pref
		let sort_direction = ( getSearchParam('sort_direction') === 'down' ? 'sort_direction_down' : 'sort_direction_up' ); // get sort direction
		let sorted_index_items = sortDirList($(new_index_items), 'sort_by_'+ sort, sort_direction); // make initial sort
		return [sorted_index_items, Array.from(body_classes).join(' '),stats];
	// Get Media Durations (add to cue list, add to
	var getFormattedTime = (secs) => {
		let sec_num = parseInt(secs, 10), hours = Math.floor(sec_num / 3600), minutes = Math.floor(sec_num / 60) % 60, seconds = sec_num % 60;
		let formattedTime = [hours,minutes,seconds].map( v => v < 10 ? "0" + v : v ).filter( (v,i) => v !== "00" || i > 0 ).join(":");
			formattedTime = formattedTime.replace(/^0/m,''); // remove initial 0
		return formattedTime;
	function getMediaDuration(link, kind, mediaInfoCallback) { // create temp element for each media link in order to get item duration, callback returns media
		if ( !/audio|video/.test(kind) || link === undefined ) { return; } // abort if not a media file
		let media = document.createElement(kind); // create audio or video element
			media.src = link; // set the media element source
			media.onloadedmetadata = function() { mediaInfoCallback( media.duration ); }; // return media_info = [duration, kind]
			media.onerror = function() { mediaInfoCallback( 0 ); }; // media.onerror = function() { callback( new Error("File not found")); };
	function setMediaDuration(id,kind,duration) { // Set Media Durations from getMediaDuration callback and subdirectory loading; set total duration
		$(id).find('td.tbody_row_cell_media_duration').attr('data-duration',duration).text( getFormattedTime(duration) ); // add time to dir_list row details
		let totalDurationEl = document.getElementById('total_duration'), total_duration;
		if ( totalDurationEl !== null ) { // i.e., we are not setting stats in an iframe, so no total duration element...but this could change for content pane
			total_duration = Number( totalDurationEl.getAttribute('data-total_duration') );
			total_duration += Number(duration);
			document.getElementById('total_duration').innerText = getFormattedTime(total_duration);
		if ( duration === 0 ) { $(id).addClass('disabled'); }
	function getLinkInfo(link) {
		switch(true) {
			case link === undefined: return; // return if link undefined
			case link.startsWith('?') && link.indexOf('=') > 0: link = link.split('=')[1]; break; // php links
			case link.startsWith('file://') && window.location.protocol === 'file:': link = link.split('file://')[1]; break; // local links
			case link.startsWith('/') && window.location.protocol === 'file:': link = 'file://'+ link; break; // local links
			case !link.startsWith('/') && !link.endsWith('/') && !/\./.test(link): link = '/'+ link +''; break;
		if ( /\.php\?(path)=/.test(link) ) { link = link.split('=')[1]; } // attempt to deal with some php links
		if ( /\/%3F[^\/]+\/*$/m.test(link) ) { link = link.replace(/\/%3F([^\/]+)\/*$/m,'/?$1'); } // fix query string for dir links; a rare situation, for links in filelists only?

		let URL = newURL(decodeURIComponentSafe(encodeURIComponent(link)));
		let prepped_link, display_name, kind, ext, item_classes = [], body_classes = [], aliases = new RegExp(/(symlink|alias|symbolic link)$/,'m');
		switch(true) {
			case $protocol !== 'file:': // non-local pages
				switch(true) {
					case URL.protocol === 'file:': case URL.protocol === undefined: prepped_link = link; item_classes.push('local','ignored'); break;
					default: prepped_link = URL.href; // non-local pages
			default: // local pages;
				switch(true) {
					case URL.protocol !== 'file:': prepped_link = URL.href; break;
					default: prepped_link = URL.pathname;
		// prepare display name, body_classes, and item_classes
		switch(true) {
			case URL.pathname.endsWith('/'): // dirs and apps

				display_name = URL.pathname.split('/').reverse()[1] + '/';
				switch(true) {
					case /\.app$|\.app\/$|\.exe$/m.test(display_name): // apps
						ext = 'app'; kind = ext;
						if ( $settings.apps_as_dirs === false ) { item_classes.sort().unshift('file','app'); } else { item_classes.sort().unshift('dir','app'); }
					default: kind = 'dir'; ext = 'dir'; // dirs
				if ( display_name.startsWith('.') ) { item_classes.push('invisible'); }
			default: // files
				display_name = prepped_link.trim().split('/?')[0].split('/').reverse()[0];
				switch(true) {
					case display_name.toLowerCase().endsWith('symlink'):	ext = 'symlink';			break;
					case !/\./.test(display_name):							ext = display_name.toLowerCase();	break; // if no '.' in link (typical for bin files), ...
					default: // find the last . and get the remaining characters
						ext = display_name.toLowerCase().slice(display_name.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
						for ( let item_kind in $item_kind ) { if ( $item_kind[item_kind].includes( ext ) ) { kind = item_kind; } } // kind = types
						if ( /url|url\/|webloc|webloc\//.test(ext) ) { kind = 'link'; } // links
						switch(true) {
							case kind === 'audio': item_classes.push('media'); body_classes.push('has_media','has_audio');	break;
							case kind === 'video': item_classes.push('media'); body_classes.push('has_media','has_video');	break;
							case kind === 'font' : body_classes.push('has_fonts'); 											break;
							case kind === 'image': body_classes.push('has_images'); 										break;
						if ( $row_settings.ignored.includes( ext ) )	{ item_classes.push('ignored'); }
						if ( display_name.startsWith('.') ) 			{ item_classes.push('invisible'); }
				if ( kind === undefined ) { kind = 'other'; }
				item_classes = item_classes.sort(); item_classes.unshift(kind); item_classes.unshift('file');
		if ( ext === undefined ) { ext = ''; }
		if ( aliases.test(display_name) ) { item_classes.push('alias'); }
		for ( let item_kind_system of $item_kind.system ) { if ( display_name.endsWith(item_kind_system) ) { item_classes.push('ignored'); } } // ignore various system items
		item_classes = Array.from(new Set(item_classes)).join(' '); // remove dupe classes
		return [decodeURIComponentSafe(encodeURIComponent(prepped_link)),decodeURIComponentSafe(display_name),ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes];
	// Index Prep: get formatted row size and date
	function getItemSizeAndDate(cells) {
		let item_size_and_date = [], row_display_size, item_sort_size, row_display_date, item_sort_date, size_units = /[BYTES|B|K|KB|MB|GB|TB|PB|EB|ZB|YB]/;
		if ( cells.length > 1 ) {
			if ( cells[1].search(/[-:\/]/) !== -1 ) { // test for typical date/time separators.
				row_display_date = cells[1]; row_display_size = cells[2];
			} else {
				row_display_date = cells[2]; row_display_size = cells[1];
		// size
		switch(true) {
			case row_display_size !== undefined && row_display_size.toLowerCase() === 'dir':
			case /undefined|—|-|,|\*/.test(row_display_size):
			case row_display_size === '': // if size is undefined, empty, or punctuation
				row_display_size = '&mdash;'; item_sort_size = '0'; // if no size supplied, use these defaults
				item_sort_size = getItemSortSize(row_display_size);
				switch(true) {
					case !row_display_size.toUpperCase().match(size_units) : // if provided size is only numeric
						row_display_size = formatBytes(row_display_size,1); // format byte size
						row_display_size = row_display_size.replace('K','k').replace(/(\d+)\s*([A-z])/,'$1 $2'); // ensure display size has space between number and units
		if ( row_display_size === 'NaN undefined' ) { row_display_size = '0 B'; }
		// date
		if ( [undefined,'','-'].includes(row_display_date) ) { row_display_date = '&mdash;'; item_sort_date = '0'; } else { item_sort_date = getItemDate(row_display_date); }
		row_display_date = row_display_date.replace(/, (.+)/,'<span>, $1</span>'); // add spans for short date display
		item_size_and_date.push( row_display_size, item_sort_size, row_display_date, item_sort_date );
		return item_size_and_date;
	// Index Prep: get row size for sorting
	function getItemSortSize(val) {
		let sort_size, values = val.replace(/(\d+)\s*([A-z]+)/,'$1 $2').split(' '), size = values[0], unit = values[1];
		const factor = { undefined:1, '':1, B:1, K:1000, KB:1000, M:1000000, MB:1000000, G:1000000000, GB:1000000000, T:1000000000000, TB:1000000000000, P:1000000000000000, PB:1000000000000000, E:1000000000000000000, EB:1000000000000000000, Z:1000000000000000000000, ZB:1000000000000000000000 }; // unit to file size
		if ( unit !== undefined ) { unit = unit.toUpperCase(); }
		sort_size = size * factor[unit]; // convert byte size to multiplication factor
		return sort_size;
	// convert numeric sizes to display format
	function formatBytes(val, decimals) {
		const k = 1024, dm = (decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals), sizes = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'], i = Math.floor(Math.log(val) / Math.log(k));
		if (val === 0) { return '0 Bytes'; } else { return parseFloat((val / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) +' '+ sizes[i]; }
	// process date
	function processDate(match,p1,p2,p3) { //date formats: 2017-10-09 13:12 || 2015-07-25T02:02:57.000Z || 12-Mon-2017 21:11
		const mo = 'JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec'.indexOf(p2)/3 + 1; // e.g., convert month into number, or use number
		return p3 +'-'+ mo +'-'+ p1;
	// Index Prep: get row date 2015-07-25T02:22:00.000Z
	function getItemDate(val) {
		let sort_date = val.replace(/^(\d{2})-(\w{3})-(\d{4})/m, processDate) // convert Month to number
						  .replace(/\b(\d{1})[-:/]/g,'0$1/') // add leading 0 for single digit numbers
						  .replace(/(\d{2})\/(\d{2})\/(\d{2}),/,'$3$1$2') // reorder MM/DD/YY dates
						  .replace(/-|:|\s+|\//g,''); // remove spacing characters
		return sort_date;
	// Stats
	function buildStats(stats_classes,stats_kinds) { // durations = [total_duration,audio_duration,video_duration] from updateStats, subdirectories
		let removed = [];
		if ( /audio\s+audio_loaded/.test(stats_classes) ) { removed = stats_classes.splice(stats_classes.indexOf('audio  audio_loaded'),1); } // remove some classes
		let total = stats_classes.length, counts = [], kinds = [], stats_rows = [], total_dirs_invisible = 0, total_files_invisible = 0;
		for ( let i = 0; i < total; i++ ) { // get key/value pairs for item_classes/total counts
			counts[stats_classes[i]] = 1 + ( counts[stats_classes[i]] || 0 );
			if ( /invisible|ignored/.test(stats_classes[i]) ) {
				if ( /dir/.test(stats_classes[i]) ) { total_dirs_invisible++; }
				if ( /file/.test(stats_classes[i]) ) { total_files_invisible++; }
		for ( let i = 0; i < stats_kinds.length; i++ ) { kinds[stats_kinds[i]] = 1 + ( kinds[stats_kinds[i]] || 0 ); } // get key/value pairs for item kinds/counts
		let total_dirs = ( kinds.dir || 0 ); // total directory count
		let total_files = ( total - total_dirs ); // total file count
		for ( let count in counts ) { // make detail row for each kind of item
			let kinds_items = count.split(' '), stats_row_kinds = '';
				kinds_items.forEach( item => ( stats_row_kinds += (`<span class="${ item }" >${ item }</span>`)) ); // create kind span
			let stats_row = `<tr class="${ count }"><td class="tbody_row_cell tbody_row_cell_name name stats_count"><a class="icon tbody_row_cell_name_a text_color_111" data-count="${ counts[count] }"><span class="tbody_row_cell_name_a_span has_icon_before stats_kind">${ stats_row_kinds }</span></a></td></tr>`;
		let stats = `<div id="stats_container"><table id="stats"><thead id="stats_summary" class="background_color_C0_40 text_color_111">     <tr><th id="stats_summary_totals" colspan="2">${ total } Items: ${ total_dirs } Directories, ${ total_files } Files</th><th id="total_duration" data-total_duration=""></th></tr></thead>     <thead id="stats_summary_detailed_container" class="border_bottom background_color_C0_40 text_color_111">     <tr id="stats_summary_detailed_total" class="summary_detailed border_bottom">     <th colspan="2">${ total } Items (${ total_dirs_invisible + total_files_invisible } ignored or invisible)</th></tr>     <tr id="stats_summary_detailed_dirs" class="dir summary_detailed background_color_D0_50">     <td class="tbody_row_cell tbody_row_cell_name name stats_count"><a class="icon tbody_row_cell_name_a text_color_111" data-count="${ total_dirs }"><span class="tbody_row_cell_name_a_span has_icon_before stats_kind">Dirs (${ total_dirs_invisible } ignored or invisible)</span></a></td></tr>     <tr id="stats_summary_detailed_files" class="file summary_detailed background_color_D0_50">     <td class="tbody_row_cell tbody_row_cell_name name stats_count"><a class="icon tbody_row_cell_name_a text_color_111" data-count="${ total_files }"><span class="tbody_row_cell_name_a_span has_icon_before stats_kind">Files (${ total_files_invisible } ignored or invisible)</span></a></td></tr></thead>     <tbody id="stats_details_container">     <tr><td><table id="stats_details"><tbody>     ${ stats_rows.join('\n') }     </tbody></td></tr>     </tbody></table></div>`;
	return stats;
	function updateStats() { // called whenever media duration is returned...; kind and duration only supplied for subdirectories
		let items = document.getElementById('tbody').getElementsByTagName('tr');
		let stats_classes = [], stats_kinds = [], item_classlist = [];
		let item_info;
		//, audio_duration = ( $('#stats_details').find('').attr('data-audio_duration') || '' ), video_duration = ( $('#stats_details').find('').attr('data-video_duration') || '' );
		for ( let i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) { // get classes and kind for each item
			item_info = getLinkInfo( items[i].getElementsByClassName('tbody_row_cell_name_a')[0].getAttribute('href') ); // = [link,name,ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes];
			item_classlist = item_info[4];
			item_classlist = item_classlist.replace(/file|media|content_loaded|has_subdirectory|selected/g,'').trim(); // remove unwanted classes --> why file and media?
			stats_kinds.push(items[i].getAttribute('data-kind') );
		$('#stats_container').remove(); // remove old stats
		$('#tfoot').prepend( buildStats(stats_classes,stats_kinds) ); // build and prepend new stats element
		updateDurations(true); // update after building stats
	function updateDurations(bool) { // bool === true: don't bother updating stats details, since they aren't visible
		let media_items = document.getElementById('tbody').querySelectorAll('');
		if (media_items.length === 0 ) { $('body').removeClass('has_media has_audio has_video'); return; }
		let kind, total_duration = 0, duration = 0, audio_duration = 0, video_duration = 0;
		for ( let i = 0; i < media_items.length; i++ ) { // get classes and kind for each item
			kind = media_items[i].getAttribute('data-kind'); // = [link,name,ext,kind,item_classes,body_classes];
			duration = Number(media_items[i].getElementsByClassName('tbody_row_cell_media_duration')[0].getAttribute('data-duration'));
			setMediaDuration(media_items[i].getAttribute('id'),kind,duration );
			total_duration += duration;
			document.getElementById('total_duration').innerText = getFormattedTime(total_duration);
			switch(true) { // update stats details
				case bool === true: break;
				case kind === 'audio': $('body').addClass('has_audio');
					audio_duration += Number(duration);
					document.getElementById('stats_details').querySelectorAll('')[0].setAttribute('data-audio_duration',' (Total Time: '+ getFormattedTime(audio_duration) +')');
				case kind === 'video': $('body').addClass('has_video');
					video_duration += Number(duration);
					document.getElementById('stats_details').querySelectorAll('')[0].setAttribute('data-video_duration',' (Total Time: '+ getFormattedTime(video_duration) +')');
	// ***** MAKE NEW INDEX ***** //
	function makeNewIndex(el,sort) {
		const index_items = getIndexItems(el), items = index_items[0], type = index_items[1];
		const converted_index = convertIndexItems( type, items ); // = array of rows: ["link","date","size"]
		switch(type) {
			case 'error': return [['<tr id="is_error"><td>'+ items +'</td></tr>'],'is_error','']; break;
			default: { let new_index = buildNewIndex( $(el).attr('id'), converted_index, sort, type ); return [new_index]; }
	// ***** END DIR_LIST SETUP ***** //
	const $body = $('body');

	// ***** UI SETUP ***** //
	function prepDocHead() {
		document.title = 'Index of: '+ current_location; // change the doc title to current location
//		$('head').prepend('<meta charset="utf-8"><base href="'+ window.location.origin  +'">');// .find('#title').removeAttr('id');
		$('head').find('script').remove(); // remove any existing scripts
		if ( window.location.protocol.startsWith('file') ) {  // add custom favicon for local directories
			$('head').prepend('<link href="data:image/png;base64,' + SVG_UI_File_Icon('favicon') +'" rel="icon" sizes="16x16" />');
		addStyles(); // add css
	// UI Setup: build UI and add body classes and other initial settings
	function getUIPrefBodyClasses() {
		let queries = new URLSearchParams(; // make new search params from
			queries = Object.fromEntries(queries);
		let body_classes = [], settings = Object.assign({},queries,$settings); // merge $settings and query settings
		for ( let key in settings ) {
			switch(true) {
				case ['bookmarks','grid_font_size','grid_image_size','UI_font','UI_font_size'].includes(key):
					break;  // ignore these keys (values are set in css or by setUpTextEditorUI)
				case key === 'enable_text_editing':
					if ( getSearchParam(key) === 'true') { body_classes.push(key); } else { body_classes.push('disable_text_editing'); }
				case ['default_text_view'].includes(key):
					body_classes.push( getSearchParam(key) );
				case key === 'editor_theme':
					switch(true) {
						case getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'default': body_classes.push( 'editor_theme_default' ); break;
//						case getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'default': body_classes.push( 'editor_theme_'+ getSearchParam('theme') );
						case getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'light': body_classes.push( 'editor_theme_light' ); break;
						case getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'dark': body_classes.push( 'editor_theme_dark' ); break;
				case ['theme','sort_by','sort_direction'].includes(key): // non-boolean prefs: add key_value to body classes
					body_classes.push( key +'_'+ getSearchParam(key) );
				case getSearchParam(key) === 'true': // booleans: only add the key to body classes
		body_classes.push(getBrowser()); body_classes.push('is_'+getOS()); // add browser and os classes
		return body_classes.join(' ');
	// Build UI: Append all assembled elements to $body
	function buildUI() {
		switch(true) {
			case window.self === { // if it's not an iframe...
				const make_new_index = makeNewIndex('body'); // make index
				const new_index = make_new_index[0][0];
				const body_classes = make_new_index[0][1] +' '+ getUIPrefBodyClasses();
				$main_content.find('#tbody').append(new_index); // append index to #main_content el
				$main_content.find('#tfoot').prepend(make_new_index[0][2]); // append stats
				prepDocHead(); // add styles, title, favicon, meta tags
				$('body').empty().removeClass(); // remove all existing content
				$('body').addClass(body_classes).attr('id','top').attr('lang','en').append($main_content); // add body classes, id, lang attr, and append the main content
				initMedia(); // initialize media
				autoLoadFile(); // autoload media and cover art, if any
			case window.self !== && !window.location.pathname.endsWith('.pdf'):
	// SET UI TO DEFAULT SETTINGS: remove queries;
	function defaultSettings() {
		let query_str = '';
		if ( getSearchParam('selected') !== undefined ) { query_str += 'selected='+ getSearchParam('selected'); }
		if ( getSearchParam('history') !== undefined ) { query_str += 'history='+ getSearchParam('history'); }
		if ( query_str.length > 0 ) { query_str = '?' + query_str.replace(/\s/g,'+'); }
		window.location.assign(current_location + query_str);
	$('#default_settings').on('click', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
		if (window.confirm( 'Are you sure you want to remove all your temporary UI settings from the URL query string?' ) ) { defaultSettings(); }
	function saveSettings(file_name, data) { saveFile(data,'application/json',file_name); }
	$('#export_settings').on('click',function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
		const settings_string = ( JSON.stringify($settings,null,'\t'));
	// Show/Close Help
	function showHelp() { $('body#top').addClass('has_help'); }
	$('#show_help').on('click','span', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); showHelp(); });
	$('#close_help').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('body').removeClass('has_help'); });
	$('#help_container').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
	// Click Menu Bookmark (with warning)
	function setLocation(link) { window.location = link; }
	$('#parent_dir_nav, #parents_dir_nav + .menu, #menu .bookmark').on('click','a', function(e) {
		switch(true) {
			case $(this).attr('href').indexOf('file://') > -1 && $protocol !== 'file:':
				$body.addClass('has_warning').find('#warnings_container').addClass('warning_local_bookmark'); $('#warning_btn_ok').focus(); break;
			case $body.hasClass('has_playlist'): case $body.hasClass('has_filelist'): closePlaylist(); break;
			default: showWarning( 'setLocation', $(this).attr('href') );
	// Show Menus
	function showMenus(el) {
		let position = $(el).position(), id = $(el).attr('id');
		if ( $('body').hasClass('has_stats') ) { $('#stats').click(); }
		$(el).find('> ul').css({'top' + $(el).innerHeight() + 1 + 'px'});
		switch(id) {
			case 'parents_dir_menu':
				switch(true) {
					case $('body').hasClass('has_menu_parents'): $('body').removeClass('has_menu_parents'); break;
					default:  $('body').addClass('has_menu_parents').removeClass('has_menu');
			case 'menu_container':
				switch(true) {
					case $('body').hasClass('has_menu'): $('body').removeClass('has_menu'); sendMessage('iframe','top_closed_menu'); break;
					default: $('body').addClass('has_menu').removeClass('has_menu_parents'); sendMessage('iframe','top_has_menu');
	$('#parents_dir_menu, #menu_container').on('click',function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); showMenus($(this)); });
	// Click menu
	function clickMenu() {
		$('#menu').find('.selected:not(.hovered)').removeClass('selected').find('a,> span,label').click();
		$('#menu').find('.hovered').removeClass('selected hovered');
		if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') ) { sendMessage('iframe','close_menu'); $('#content_iframe').focus(); }
		if ( $body.hasClass('focus_content') ) { focusContent(); }
	// Close menus
	function closeMenus() {
		switch(true) {
			case !$('body').hasClass('has_menu') && !$('body').hasClass('has_menu_parents') && !$('body').hasClass('has_stats'): break;
				$('body').removeClass('has_menu has_menu_parents faded has_stats has_help');
				$('#menu').find('.selected,.hovered').removeClass('selected hovered');
	// Show Stats
	function showStats() {
		$('body').addClass('has_stats').removeClass('has_menu has_menu_parents');
		$('#stats_details').css({'height':$('#stats_container').height() - $('#stats_summary_detailed_container').height() - 4 });
	$('#tfoot').on('click','#stats_summary', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); showStats(); });
	$(document).on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); closeMenus(); });

	// Toggle UI Preferences: after clicking .toggle_UI_pref items (menu, buttons, etc.), update searchParams
	function toggleUIpref(pref_ID) {
		let message_target = ( window.self === ? 'iframe' : 'top' ), sorted, sort_direction;
		let bodyClassNames = ( message_target === 'iframe' ? document.getElementById('top').className.split(' ') : null );
		if ( pref_ID === 'theme' && $('body').hasClass('theme_dark') ) { pref_ID = 'theme_light'; }
		if ( pref_ID === 'theme' && $('body').hasClass('theme_light') ) { pref_ID = 'theme_dark'; }
		switch(true) {
			// Text editor prefs
			case pref_ID === 'editor_theme_default':
				pref_ID = 'editor_'+ bodyClassNames.find( el => el.startsWith('theme') ); // no break
				/* falls through */
			case ( /editor_theme|editor_theme_light|editor_theme_dark/.test(pref_ID) ):
			case ( /split_view|source_text|toggle_source|toggle_preview|toggle_html|preview_text|preview_html/.test(pref_ID) ):
				toggleTextEditorPrefs(pref_ID); // Text Editor Preferences
				if ( === window.self ) { sendMessage('iframe',pref_ID); }
			// Enable/Disable Text editing
			case pref_ID === 'enable_text_editing': // needs to be here and not in switch above -- why?
				$('body').toggleClass('enable_text_editing disable_text_editing');
				$('.selected.text, .selected.markdown, .selected.code').find('a').click();
			// Sorting
			case ( /sort_by_name|sort_by_default|sort_by_time|sort_by_size|sort_by_date|sort_by_kind|sort_by_ext/.test(pref_ID) ): // toggle sorting
				closeSubdirectory(); // subdirectory sorting not supported
				switch(true) {
					case $('body').hasClass(pref_ID):  // pref_ID = current sort, reverse sort direction
						sort_direction = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].classList.value.match(/sort_direction_\w+/)[0];
						sort_direction = ( sort_direction === 'sort_direction_up' ? 'sort_direction_down' : 'sort_direction_up' );
						$('body').removeClass('sort_direction_up sort_direction_down').addClass(sort_direction);
						toggleSearchParam( sort_direction );
					case !$('body').hasClass(pref_ID):
						sort_direction = 'sort_direction_'+ $settings.sort_direction;
						$('body').removeClass('has_menu sort_by_default sort_by_name sort_by_time sort_by_size sort_by_date sort_by_kind sort_by_ext').addClass(pref_ID);
						$('body').removeClass('sort_direction_up sort_direction_down').addClass(sort_direction);
				sorted = sortDirList( $('#tbody').find('tr'), pref_ID, sort_direction ); // make initial sort
				scrollThis('tbody','selected',false); // true = instant scroll
				// if ( $('body').hasClass('sort_by_default') ) { $('#tbody').find('#tbody tr.dir.border_top,#tbody tr.dir.border_bottom').toggleClass('border_top border_bottom'); }
				switch(true) { // sort grids --> change this to actual sort, not reload
					case $content_pane.hasClass('has_font_grid'):				$('#show_font_grid').click(); 	break;
					case $content_pane.hasClass('has_image_grid'):				$('#show_image_grid').click(); 	break;
					case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid':		$('#grid_btn').click(); 		break;
			// various UI prefs
			case ( /alternate_background|hide_ignored_items|ignore_ignored_items|show_invisibles|show_numbers|hide_sidebar|play_all_media|show_details/.test(pref_ID) ): // toggle other boolean UI settings
				if ( pref_ID === 'show_details' ) { $('#show_details').blur(); $('body').focus(); }
				if ( === window.self ) { sendMessage('iframe',pref_ID); }
			// toggle main UI theme
			case ( /theme_light|theme_dark/.test(pref_ID) ):
				$('body').removeClass('theme_dark theme_light').addClass(pref_ID);
				if ( $('body').hasClass('editor_theme_default') )	{ $('body').removeClass('editor_theme_light editor_theme_dark').addClass('editor_'+ pref_ID); } else { toggleUIpref('editor_theme'); }
				if ( === window.self) { sendMessage(message_target,pref_ID); }
		toggleSearchParam(pref_ID); // nobreak
		if ( === window.self ) {
			if ( $('.selected').length) { scrollThis('tbody','selected',false); } // true = instant scroll
		if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') ) { focusContent(); }
	// set Text Editor Preferences (from menus or toolbar buttons)
	function toggleTextEditorPrefs(pref_ID) {
		let message_target = ( window.self === ? 'iframe' : 'top' );
		switch(true) {
			case ( /editor_theme|editor_theme_default|editor_theme_light|editor_theme_dark/.test(pref_ID) ): // toggle text editor theme
				switch(true) {
					case pref_ID === 'editor_theme':		$('body').toggleClass('editor_theme_light editor_theme_dark');
						pref_ID = ( $('body').hasClass('editor_theme_light') ? 'editor_theme_light' : 'editor_theme_dark' );
					case pref_ID === 'editor_theme_default':
						pref_ID = ( $('body').hasClass('editor_theme_light') ? 'editor_theme_light' : 'editor_theme_dark' ); // arg sent to iframe to set editor theme
						$('body').removeClass('editor_theme_light editor_theme_dark').addClass('editor_theme_default');// editor_theme_'+ getSearchParam('theme') );
					case pref_ID === 'editor_theme_light':	$('body').removeClass('editor_theme_default editor_theme_dark').addClass('editor_theme_light');	break;
					case pref_ID === 'editor_theme_dark':	$('body').removeClass('editor_theme_default editor_theme_light').addClass('editor_theme_dark');	break;
			case pref_ID === 'source_text':
				switch(true) {
					case $('body').hasClass(getSearchParam('default_text_view')) : // if split view, remove split, show source
					default: // show split, show default text view
						$('body').addClass(getSearchParam('default_text_view') +' source_text ');
			case ( /toggle_preview|toggle_html|preview_text|preview_html/.test(pref_ID) ): // toggle default text editor view
				if ( !$('body').hasClass(pref_ID) ) {
					$('body').removeClass('source_text preview_text preview_html').addClass(pref_ID);
			case ( /split_view/.test(pref_ID) ): // toggle other boolean UI settings
		switch(true) { //pref_ID += '_'+ getSearchParam('editor_theme');
//			case pref_ID === 'editor_theme': sendMessage('top','toggle_text_editor_theme','',pref_ID); break;
//			case ( /editor_theme_default|editor_theme_light|editor_theme_dark/.test(pref_ID) ): sendMessage('iframe','text_editor_toolbar_button','',pref_ID); break;
			default: sendMessage(message_target,'text_editor_toolbar_button','',pref_ID);
	// Click Toggle UI Pref elements
	function toggleUIPrefOnClick(e,el) {
 		if ( !$(el).is('input') ) { e.preventDefault(); } // allow checkboxes to be checked
		if ( !$(el).hasClass('disabled') ) { toggleUIpref( $(el).attr('data-ui_pref') ); }
	$('.toggle_UI_pref').on('click',function(e) { toggleUIPrefOnClick(e,this); });
	$('#content_text').on('click','.toggle_UI_pref',function(e) { toggleUIPrefOnClick(e,this);}); // text editing UI is not in DOM on page load; why doesn't $('body').on('click','.toggle_UI_pref'... work?
	// RESIZE Sidebar/Content Pane
	function resizeSidebar(f) {
		let $sidebar_wrapper = $('#sidebar_wrapper'), startX = f.pageX, window_width = window.innerWidth, sidebar_width = $sidebar_wrapper.width();
		$('body').addClass('has_overlay'); // prevent interference from the rest of ui
		$(document).on('mousemove',function(e) {
			e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
			let deltaX = e.pageX - startX;
			if ( e.pageX > 230 && e.pageX < window_width - 200 ) {
				$sidebar_wrapper.css({'width':sidebar_width + deltaX + 'px'});
				$content_pane.css({'width':(window_width - sidebar_width) - deltaX + 'px'});
			// scrollThis('tbody','selected',false); // true = instant scroll
		$(document).on('mouseup',function() {
			$('body').removeClass('has_overlay'); // remove the overlay
			$(document).off('mousemove'); // remove eventlistener
			setSearchParam('width',$sidebar_wrapper.width()); // set the sidebar width query
			if ( $body.hasClass('focus_content') ) { focusContent(); } // refocus content if necessary
	$('#handle').on('mousedown', function(f) { f.stopPropagation(); resizeSidebar(f); });

	// ***** BASIC UI FUNCTIONS ***** //

	// Scroll Selected Items
	function scrollThis(container_ID, scroll_el_class, bool) {
		let $container = document.getElementById(container_ID);
		if ( $container.height === 0 ) { return; } // don't scroll hidden elements
		let $scroll_el = ( scroll_el_class !== undefined ? $container.getElementsByClassName(scroll_el_class) : null );
		let scroll_behavior = ( ( bool !== undefined || bool === true || $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) ? 'instant' : 'smooth' ); // instant allows sidebar & grid to scroll simultaneously
		let scroll_block = ( $('body').hasClass('is_gecko') ? 'start' : 'nearest' );
		if ( $scroll_el !== undefined && $scroll_el.length === 1 ) {
			$scroll_el[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior:scroll_behavior, block:scroll_block, inline:'nearest' });
	// ***** SORTING ***** //
	function sortIndex(els,sort_type,sort_direction) { // sort_id = sort type
		let sort_id = sort_type.split('_').reverse()[0];
		const new_sort = new Intl.Collator(undefined, { numeric: true, sensitivity: 'base' });
		  let sorted = [], aName, bName, aData, bData;//, aLevel, bLevel, aKind, bKind;
			sorted = els.removeClass('sorted border_top').sort((a, b) => {
				// aLevel = $(a).attr('data-level');										bLevel = $(b).attr('data-level'); // subdirectory level
				aName = $(a).find('').attr('data-name');  						bName = $(b).find('').attr('data-name'); // aName, bName = item name
				aData = $(a).find('td[data-'+ sort_id +']').attr('data-'+ sort_id);		bData = $(b).find('td[data-'+ sort_id +']').attr('data-'+ sort_id); // aData, bData = size, date, kind, ext, time
				switch(true) {
					case sort_direction === 'sort_direction_down':
						switch(true) {
							case, bData) === 0:	return, bName); // if same data kind, sort by name
							default: 									return, bData); // otherwise sort by data kind
					case sort_direction === 'sort_direction_up': // reverse sort
						switch(true) {
							case, aData) === 0:	return, aName);
							default: 									return, aData);
			switch(true) { // add sorted border style
				case ( /default/.test(sort_id) ): // dirs and files
				case ( /kind|ext/.test(sort_id) ): // different item kinds or extensions
					sorted = sorted.sort((a, b) => {
						if ( $(a).find('td[data-'+ sort_id +']').attr('data-'+ sort_id) !== $(b).find('td[data-'+ sort_id +']').attr('data-'+ sort_id) ) { $(a).addClass('sorted border_top'); }
				case ( /time/.test(sort_id) ): // if sorting by time, add rule between dirs and files
					sorted = sorted.sort((a, b) => { if ( $(a).attr('data-kind') !== $(b).attr('data-kind') ) { $(a).addClass('sorted border_top'); } });
			return sorted;
	// Sort the Dir List on click
	function sortDirList(rows, sort_type, sort_direction) {
		let  $sorted = [], $sort_all = rows, $sort_dirs = $sort_all.filter('.dir:not(.app)'), $sort_files = $sort_all.filter('.file,.app');// === 'default' ? 'name' : id;
		switch(true) {
			case sort_type === 'sort_by_default' || ( sort_type !== 'sort_by_name' && $settings.dirs_on_top === true ):
				const $sorted_dirs = sortIndex($sort_dirs, sort_type, sort_direction);
				const $sorted_files = sortIndex( $sort_files, sort_type, sort_direction );
				if (sort_direction === 'sort_direction_down') { $sorted = $.merge($sorted_dirs,$sorted_files); } else { $sorted = $.merge($sorted_files,$sorted_dirs); }
				$sorted = sortIndex( $sort_all, sort_type, sort_direction );
		return $sorted;
	// ***** END SORTING ***** //
	// ***** END BASIC UI FUNCTIONS ***** //

	// ***** CONTENT PANE ***** //
	// Focus Sidebar
	function focusSidebar() {
		$('body').removeClass('faded focus_content').find('#sidebar').focus();
	// Focus content
	function focusContent(id,e) {
		let activeElementID =;
		switch(true) {
			case id === 'content_iframe' && cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowDown' && window.self === && $('body').hasClass('focus_content'):
				$('#iframe_body a').click();
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font':			$('#specimen').focus();		break;
			case activeElementID.toLowerCase() === 'text_preview' && getFocusableEls('#text_preview').length > 0:		getFocusableEls('#text_preview').first().focus();	break;
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor':	focusTextEditorPanes();		break;				// focus text editor
			case ( /has_text|has_markdown|has_code|has_htm|has_dir|has_app/.test($content_pane.attr('data-content') ) ):	// no break; focus iframe text editor
			case $content_iframe.hasClass('has_content'): 																	// focus iframe and/or iframe text editor
				$('#content_iframe').focus(); if ( e !== undefined && e.shiftKey ) { sendMessage('iframe','shift_focus_iframe'); } else { sendMessage('iframe','focus_iframe'); }	break;
			case ( /has_video|has_pdf/.test($content_pane.attr('data-content') ) ): 										// no break; video, pdf
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === undefined:  														// no break; data-content undefined
			case $('body').hasClass('has_playlist'):					$('body').removeClass('focus_content');	break;		// don't focus content in this and the above two cases
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid':		$('#content_grid').focus();		break;				// grids
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_image':	$('#content_image').focus();	break;				// images
			case id !== undefined:		document.getElementById(id).focus();							break;
	// get focusable elements
	function getFocusableEls(id) {
		let focusableEls = ( id !== undefined ? $(id).find('a,button,input,select,textarea,div[contenteditable]').filter(':visible') : $('a,button,input,select,textarea,div[contenteditable]').filter(':visible') );
		return focusableEls;
	// focus focusable elements in iframe files or text editor preview
	function focusFocusableEls(e,id) {
		let els = Array.from(getFocusableEls(id));
		switch(true) {
			case e.shiftKey: // tab + shift: focus prev
				switch(true) {
					case els.indexOf(document.activeElement) === 0: sendMessage('top','focus_sidebar'); break;
					case !els.includes(document.activeElement): els[els.length - 1].focus(); break; // if nothing focused...focus last el
					default: els[els.indexOf(document.activeElement) - 1].focus(); // else focus previous
			case document.activeElement === els[els.length - 1]: sendMessage('top','focus_sidebar'); break; // if last focussable el, focus sidebar
			default: els[els.indexOf(document.activeElement) + 1].focus(); // tab: select next focusable element
	// focus button (for warnings)
	function focusButton(id) { let el = document.getElementById(id); el.classList.add('focus'); el.focus(); }
	// Show Grid
	function showGrid(id) {
		if ( id !== undefined ) { makeGrids(id); } // initial make grid items; otherwise, just unhide existing grid (see below)
 		const selected_ID = $('#tbody').find('.selected.image, .selected.font').attr('id');
		$('#content_pane').removeClass('has_hidden_grid').attr('data-content','has_grid').find('div[data-id="'+ selected_ID +'"]').addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected hovered');
	// Hide Grid
	function hideGrid() { if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) { $content_pane.removeAttr('data-content').addClass('has_hidden_grid'); } }
	// Show Hidden Grid
	function showHiddenGrid() { if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') ) { showGrid(); } }
	// Close Grid (remove grid elements, etc.)
	function closeGrid() {
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) { $content_pane.removeAttr('data-content'); }
		$content_pane.removeClass('has_image_grid has_font_grid').find('#content_grid').attr('style','').empty();
	// Show Text Editor
	function showTextEditor() {
		switch(true) {
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor': // hide open text editor
			case !$body.hasClass('has_text_editor_UI'): // add the text editor UI if loading text editor for first time
			default: // show editor
				// closeContent();
				$content_pane.removeClass('has_hidden_text_editor').attr('data-content','has_text_editor'); // empty title
	// Hide Text Editor
	function hideTextEditor(bool) {
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor' ) {
			if ( bool === true ) { $content_pane.addClass('has_hidden_text_editor'); }
			if ( $('tr.selected').length > 0 ) { clickRow($('tr.selected').attr('id')); }
	// Show Hidden Text Editor
	function showHiddenTextEditor() { if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_text_editor') ) { showTextEditor(); } }
	// showIndexSource();

	// Show Audio
	function showAudio(id,iframe_audio_link,bool) {
		closeMedia('video'); document.activeElement.blur(); $('body').focus();
		let row, link, title;
		switch(true) {
			case id === 'content_iframe_file': // clicked iframe audio files
				link = decodeURIComponentSafe(iframe_audio_link);
				title = link.slice(link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
				$content_pane.addClass('has_audio has_iframe_audio');
				$('#content_iframe_utility').attr('src',link.slice(0,link.lastIndexOf('.') )+ '.cue' ); // load cue sheet in utility iframe

			default: // dir_list audio files
				row = getElById(id);
				switch(true) {
					case row.hasClass('local'): break;
					case bool === 'true': // bool !== undefined: if from autoLoadFile, just select file (don't add .audio_loaded class)
						if ( $('.dir.content_loaded').length === 1 ) { $('.dir.content_loaded').addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected'); } // select dir.selected instead of media
					default: row.addClass('audio_loaded selected').siblings().removeClass('audio_loaded selected'); // otherwise select loaded media
				link = row.find('a').attr('href');
				title = row.find('.name').find('.tbody_row_cell_name_a_span').text();
		$audio_player.attr('src', link );
		$('#content_audio_title').find('span').empty().text( title );
	// Show Video
	function showVideo(id,link) { closeMedia('audio'); getCueSheet(id,link); document.activeElement.blur(); $content_video.focus(); } // rest of processing is done in showContent();
	function getCueSheet(id,link,kind) { // id = 'content_iframe_file' or selected dir_list media id, link = selected href, kind = audio or video
		let media_file_name = getElById(id).find('.name').attr('data-name');
			media_file_name = (media_file_name !== undefined ? media_file_name.slice(0,media_file_name.lastIndexOf('.')) + '.cue' : null); // undefined === from iframe, can't search for cuesheet
		let $cue_files;
		if ( $('#tbody tr[data-ext="cue"]').length === 0 ) { return; } else { $cue_files = $('#tbody tr[data-ext="cue"]'); }// abort if no cue files found
		let cue_file = $cue_files.filter( function(i) { return $cue_files[i].cells[0] === media_file_name; }); // find matching cue sheet
		if ( cue_file.length === 1 ) {
			$('#content_iframe_utility').attr('src',$(cue_file[0]).find('a').attr('href').trim() ); // load cue sheet in utility iframe
		switch(kind) { // get durations
			case 'audio': $('#cue_sheet_track_list_container_audio').attr('data-duration',document.getElementById('audio').duration); break;
			case 'video': $('#cue_sheet_track_list_container_video').attr('data-duration',document.getElementById('content_video').duration); break;
	// Process Cue Sheet
	function processCueSheet(cue_sheet_text) {
		let cue_sheet_tracks, track, command, prepped_track_list = [], track_id, display_time, index, index_sec;
			cue_sheet_text = cue_sheet_text.replace(/\t/g,' ');
		if ( !cue_sheet_text.startsWith('TRACK') ) {
			// let cue_sheet_info = cue_sheet_text.slice(0,cue_sheet_text.indexOf('TRACK ')); // if there is a file info header, remove it;
			cue_sheet_tracks = cue_sheet_text.slice(cue_sheet_text.indexOf('TRACK ')).split('TRACK ').reverse();
		} else {
			cue_sheet_tracks = cue_sheet_text.split('TRACK ').reverse();
		for ( track of cue_sheet_tracks ) { // for each track in the cue sheet...
			let prepped_track = [];
				track = track.trim().split(/[\n\r]/);
				track_id = track.shift().split(' ')[0];
				for ( command of track ) { // for each command (e.g.: PERFORMER "Artist"), trim and split it into command and value
					command = command.replace(/\"$/m,'').trim();
					switch(true) {
						case ( /^PERFORMER\s+/.test(command) ):	prepped_track[1] = '<span class="cue_performer">'+ command.replace(/^PERFORMER\s+\&quot;/,'') +'</span>'; 	break; // artist name
						case ( /^TITLE\s+/.test(command) ): 	prepped_track[2] = '<span class="cue_title">'+ command.replace(/^TITLE\s+\&quot;/,'') +'</span>'; 		break; // track title
						case ( /^INDEX\s+01\s+/.test(command) ): // time index
							display_time = command.replace(/INDEX\s+\d+\s+/,'');
							index = display_time.split(':').reverse(); // N.B.: cue time format is mm:ss:ff (ff = frames @ 75 frames/sec)
							index_sec = index[0]/75 + index[1]*1 + index[2]*60; // convert index to seconds
							prepped_track[3] = '<span class="cue_index">'+ display_time +'</span></li>';
				prepped_track[0] = '<li id="track_'+ track_id +'" class="cue_sheet_track background_color_D0_50" data-duration="'+ index_sec +'">' +
									'<span class="cue_track_id has_background_before">'+ track_id +'</span>';
				if ( prepped_track[1] === undefined || ( /cue_performer"><\//.test(prepped_track[1]) ) ) { prepped_track[1] = '<span class="cue_performer">[missing]</span>'; }
				if ( prepped_track[2] === undefined || ( /cue_title"><\//.test(prepped_track[2]) ) ) { prepped_track[2] = '<span class="cue_title">[missing]</span>'; }
				if ( prepped_track.length > 3 ) { prepped_track_list.push(prepped_track.join('')); } // prepped_track.length > 3 to prevent adding empty track
		prepped_track_list = `<ul class="cue_sheet_track_list border_bottom"><li id="cue_sheet_background" class="background_color_D0_50"></li>
								<li id="cue_sheet_title" class="cue_sheet_track header background_color_D0_50 border_top">
									<span>${ getLinkInfo( $('#content_iframe_utility').attr("src") )[1] }</span>
								<li class="cue_sheet_track header background_color_D0_50 border_top border_bottom">
									<span class="cue_track_id">Track</span><span class="cue_performer">Artist</span>
									<span class="cue_title">Title</span>
									<span class="cue_index" title="mm:ss:ff">Time</span>
								</li>`+ prepped_track_list.reverse().join('') +'</ul>';
		switch(true) {
			case $('tr.audio_loaded').length > 0: case $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_audio'):
				$('#cue_sheet_track_list_container_audio').addClass('has_cue_sheet').append(prepped_track_list); // add cue sheet track list to menu
			case $('').length > 0: case $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_file'):
				$('#cue_sheet_track_list_container_video').addClass('has_cue_sheet').prepend(prepped_track_list); // add cue sheet track list to menu
	// Set track time on click
	$('.cue_sheet_track_list_container').on('click','li:not(.header)',function() {
		let $parent_nav_id = $(this).closest('nav').attr('id');
		switch(true) {
			case $(this).hasClass('selected'): playPauseMedia(); break;
				let time = $(this).attr('data-duration'); // cue time format is mm:ss:ff (ff = frames, 75 frames/sec)
				switch($parent_nav_id) {
					case 'cue_sheet_track_list_container_audio': if ( time < document.getElementById('audio').duration ) 			{ $('#audio').prop('currentTime',time); } break;
					case 'cue_sheet_track_list_container_video': if ( time < document.getElementById('content_video').duration )	{ $('#content_video').prop('currentTime',time); } break;
	$('.cue_sheet_track_list_container').on('mouseenter',function() { // add selected class to first track whose time is less than currentTime
		if ( $(this).attr('id') === 'cue_sheet_track_list_container_video' ) { $(this).find('.cue_sheet_track_list').css({'top':$(this).height() }); }
		let currentTime = document.getElementById('audio').currentTime;
		$(this).find('.cue_sheet_track_list').attr('data-duration',currentTime).css({'height':$('#content_container').outerHeight() + $('#content_title').outerHeight() });
		let currentTrack = $(this).find('.cue_sheet_track_list').find('li').filter(function() { return parseInt( $(this).attr('data-duration')) <= Math.round(currentTime); }).last();
	// SHOW FONT (and create font items) row
	function setContentFontSource(id,bool,font_grid,link) { // bool = true if for show font grid, id from fontGridItems(); link = from previewed directory
		  let font_styles = $('#font_styles');
		const font_family =	( link !== undefined ? link.slice(link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,link.lastIndexOf('.')) : getElById(id).find('.name').attr('data-name') );
		const font_url =	( link !== undefined ? link : getElById(id).find('a').attr('href') );
		switch(true) {
			case bool === false: // just show selected font
				if ( font_styles.html().length > 0 ) { font_styles.empty(); } // delete previous @font-face rule
				font_styles.append( `@font-face { font-family: "${ font_family }"; src: url("${ font_url }"); }` );
				$content_font.css({ 'font-family':'"'+ font_family +'"' }); // set content font style
			case font_grid === 'font_grid': { // else make font grid items
				const $font_grid_item_el = $( `<div class="font_grid_item border_top_x background_color_EE_22" data-id="${ id }"></div>` );
				  let $grid_item = $font_grid_item_el.clone();
				const display_name = font_family;
				$('#font_grid_styles').append( `@font-face { font-family: "${ font_family }"; src: url("${ font_url }"); }`);
				$grid_item.append( `<p class="text_color_111">${ display_name.toUpperCase() }</p><h2 style=\'font-family: "${ font_family }"\'; ><a class="text_color_111" href="${ font_url }">${ display_name.slice(0,font_family.lastIndexOf(".")) }</a></h2>` );
				return $grid_item;
	// Open Font File (req: opentype.js font parsing)
	$('#open_font_label').on('click',function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
	// Open font
	$('#menu').on('change','#open_font',function(e) { $('body').removeClass('has_menu faded'); openFile(e,'font'); });
	// Open Font File
	function openFontFile(files,reader) {
		$('#title span').html( );
		$('#open_font').val(''); // reset input to allow same font to be reopened immediately after closing.
	// Parse font (req opentype.js)
	function parseFont(fontblob) {
		let font = window.opentype.parse(fontblob);
		let $glyphs_container = $('#glyphs_container');
		let $glyph_container_el =	$('<div class="glyph_container background_color_EE_22 border_right_x border_bottom_x"></div>');
		let $glyph_canvas_el =		$('<canvas class="glyph invert" width="120" height="120"></canvas>');
		let $glyph_info_el =		$('<div class="glyph_info text_color_333"></div>');
		let $glyph_viewer =		$('#glyph_viewer');
		let glyphs = font.glyphs;
			$'data-glyphs',glyphs); // add glyphs data to $content_font
		// Draw glyphs
		let glyph, glyph_width, context_X, bounding_box, glyph_unicode, $glyph_container, this_glyph, context, $glyph_info;
		for ( let i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++ ) {
			glyph = glyphs.glyphs[i];
			// Glyph width
			bounding_box = glyph.getBoundingBox();
			glyph_width = bounding_box.x2 - bounding_box.x1;
			context_X = (60 - glyph_width/24);
			// Add glyph info and append elements
			glyph_unicode = ( glyph.unicode !== undefined ? '#'+ glyph.unicode : glyph.unicode );
			$glyph_container = $glyph_container_el.clone();
			$glyph_info = $glyph_info_el.clone();
			$glyph_info.text(glyph.index +': '+ +', '+ glyph_unicode);
			$glyph_container.attr('id','glyph_container_'+ glyph.index ).attr('data-id','glyph_container_'+ glyph.index);
			$glyph_container.append( $glyph_canvas_el.clone().attr('id','glyph_'+ glyph.index ) ).append($glyph_info);
			$glyphs_container.append( $glyph_container );
			// Draw glyph
			this_glyph = document.getElementById('glyph_'+ glyph.index);
			context = this_glyph.getContext('2d');
			glyph.draw(context, context_X, 84, 72);
	// Get font info
	function getFontInfo(font) {
		let font_names = font.names;
		let $font_info = $('<table id="font_info" class="background_color_C0_40"><thead><tr><th colspan=2 class="border_top text_color_111">FONT INFO: '+ font.names.fullName.en.toUpperCase() +'</th></tr></thead><tbody id="font_info_body" class="background_color_D0_50 border_top"></tbody></table>');
		for ( let name in font_names ) {
			let value = font_names[name].en;
			if ( name.endsWith('URL') ) {
				let href = value;
				if ( !value.startsWith('http') ) { href = 'http://'+ value; } // in case url without protocol is used
				value = '<a class="text_color_111" href="'+ href +'" target="_blank">'+ value +'</a>';
				.append('<tr><td class="font_info_name border_right border_bottom text_color_111">'+ name +': </td><td class="font_info_value border_bottom text_color_111">'+ value +'</td></tr>');
		let num_glyphs = font.numGlyphs; // glyph count
			.append('<tr><td class="font_info_name border_bottom border_right text_color_111">numGlyphs: </td><td class="font_info_value border_bottom text_color_111">'+ num_glyphs +'</td></tr>');
	// Show glyph viewer
	$content_font.on('click','.glyph',function(e) {
		let id = $(this).attr('id');
	function showFontGlyph(id) {
		let $glyph_viewer = $('#glyph_viewer');
		let glyphX = $('#'+ id).data('contextX');
			id = id.slice(id.lastIndexOf('_') + 1); // convert id to number only
		let glyphs = $'data-glyphs'); // get glyphs
		let glyph = glyphs.get(id);
		let glyph_name =;
		let glyph_path = glyph.getPath(glyphX,84,72);
		let glyph_SVG = glyph_path.toSVG().replace(/"/g,'\'');
		// set the background SVG image:
		let SVG_prefix = 'url("data:image/svg+xml;utf8,<svg xmlns=\'\' x=\'0px\' y=\'0px\' width=\'120px\' height=\'120px\' viewBox=\'0 0 120 120\' style=\'enable-background:new 0 0 120 120;\' xml:space=\'preserve\' ><g>';
		${'background-image': SVG_prefix + glyph_SVG +'</g></svg>")'});
		$'data-raw-svg',glyph_SVG).data('data-glyph-name',glyph_name).find('#glyph_viewer_info div').text(id +': '+ glyph_name +', #'+ glyph.unicode ); // for saving SVG
	// Save glyph svg
	function saveGlyph() {
		let file_name = $('#glyph_viewer').data('data-font-name') +'—'+ $('#glyph_viewer').data('data-glyph-name') +'.svg';
		let data_prefix = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" ""><svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="120px" height="120px" viewBox="0 0 120 120" style="enable-background:new 0 0 120 120;" xml:space="preserve" ><g>';
		let data_suffix = '</g></svg>';
		let data = data_prefix +  $('#glyph_viewer').data('data-raw-svg') + data_suffix;
	$content_font.on('click','#save_svg',function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); saveGlyph(); });
	// END OPEN FONT FILE Operations

	// Create new #content_pdf
	function setupContentPDF() {
		let $embed = '<embed id="content_pdf" class="content" name="plugin" tabindex="0" data-kind="pdf"></embed>';
	// OPEN LINK FILES (webloc, url)
	function openLink(ext) {
		let link, content = ( $protocol === 'file:' ? $('#iframe_body pre').text() : document.getElementsByTagName('iframe')[0].contentWindow.document.children[0].children[1].innerHTML );
		switch(true) {
			case content === undefined: break;
			case ( /webloc|inetloc/.test(ext) ): link = content.split('<string>')[1].split('</string>')[0]; break;
			case ext === 'url': link = content.split('URL=')[1].split('\n')[0];
		let url = ( link.startsWith('file') ? link : newURL(link) );
		switch(true) {
			case url ===  undefined: break;
			case link.startsWith('file') && window.location.protocol !== 'file:': // local files and links
				$body.addClass('has_warning').find('#warnings_container').addClass('warning_local_file'); $('#warning_btn_ok').focus();
			case link.startsWith('file') && window.location.protocol === 'file:': // local files and links
			case url.origin === window.location.origin: // same origin
			default:,'_blank'); // open non-local links in new tab

	// Set Content Pane classes
	function setContentClasses(id, kind, content_el) {
		switch(true) { // add loaded or playing classes
			case kind === 'audio': // case kind === 'video':
				getElById(id).addClass('selected').siblings('.audio').removeClass('audio_loaded selected');
			default: // non-media items
		switch(true) {
			case kind === 'audio':
				if ( id === 'content_iframe_file' ) { $content_pane.addClass('has_iframe_audio'); } else { $content_pane.addClass('has_audio'); }
			case ( /app|dir/.test(kind) ): // apps and directories
				if ( id === 'content_iframe_file' ) { $content_pane.attr('data-content','has_dir').addClass('has_iframe_dir'); }
				else { $content_pane.attr('data-content','has_dir').addClass('has_dir').removeClass('has_iframe_dir has_iframe_file'); }
				if ( id === 'content_iframe_file' ) { $content_pane.removeClass('has_dir').addClass('has_iframe_file').attr('data-content','has_'+ kind);}
				else { $content_pane.attr('data-content','has_'+ kind).removeClass('has_dir has_iframe_dir has_iframe_file'); }
		$('#content_'+ content_el).addClass('has_content');
	// add body classes
// 	function addBodyClasses(params) {
// 		for ( let param of params ) {
//  			switch(true) {
//  				case getSearchParam(param) === '': case getSearchParam(param) === undefined: break; // do nothing if query undefined
// 	 			case getSearchParam(param) === 'true': document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].classList.add(param); break; // else add the query key if true
// 	 			default: document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].classList.add(getSearchParam(param)); // or add the query value
//  			}
// 		}
// 	}
	// get query string for various content kinds
	function makeSearchParams(params) {
		let query_str = new URLSearchParams();
		for ( let param of params ) { query_str.append(param,getSearchParam(param)); }
		return query_str;
	function getLinkQueries(kind) {
		let query_str, params;
		switch(true) {
			case kind === 'pdf': // pdfs
				query_str = '#view=fitB&scrollbar=1&toolbar=1&navpanes=1';
			case ( /text|markdown|code/.test(kind) ): // editable text files
				params = ['split_view','default_text_view','theme','sync_scroll'];
				query_str = '?'+ makeSearchParams(params).toString() +"&editor_theme="+ ( getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'default' ? getSearchParam('theme') : getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'light' ? 'light' : 'dark') + "&enable_text_editing="+ ( $('body').hasClass('enable_text_editing') ? 'true' : 'false' );
			case ( /app|dir/.test(kind) ): // apps and directories
				params = ['sort_by','sort_direction','show_numbers','use_custom_icons','show_invisibles','hide_ignored_items','ignore_ignored_items','alternate_background','theme'];
				query_str = '?'+ makeSearchParams(params).toString();
		return query_str;
	function setContentSources(id, kind, link, content_el) {
		switch(true) { // make source link for content elements; default is link
			case kind === 'font': setContentFontSource(id,false,'',link); break;
		$('#content_'+ content_el).attr('src',link); // set source for content element
	function setContentTitle(link) { // kind = dir or files
		let $title = $('#title span'), title_text = '';
		let $selected = $('#tbody tr.selected'),selected_link, selected_title, content_link;//, content_title;
			selected_link = ( $selected.length === 1 ? decodeURIComponentSafe($selected.find('a').attr('href')).trim() : '' ); // selected sidebar item; link = href
			selected_title = ( $selected.length === 1 ? $selected.find('.tbody_row_cell_name_a_span').text() : '' ); // title from stored data
		let content_link_info = getLinkInfo(link); // actual loaded content src; if iframe, link is from iframe data-content_name = full path of current item w/o queries
			content_link = ( content_link_info !== undefined ? decodeURIComponentSafe(content_link_info[0]).trim() : '' );
			// content_title = ( content_link_info !== undefined ? content_link_info[1] : '' );
		switch(true) {
			case selected_link !== content_link: 	title_text = content_link; 	break;	// unsynced iframe items
			default: 								title_text = selected_title; 		// synced iframe items
		title_text = title_text.split('/').join('/<wbr>').split('_').join('_<wbr>'); // allow nice line breaks in title
		$title.empty().html(title_text); // set title text
	// Get Image Dimensions
	function getImageDimensions(link, callback) { if ( link !== undefined ) { let img = new Image();  img.src = link;  img.onload = function() { callback( this.width, this.height ); }; } }
	function setImageDimensions() {
		switch(true) {
			case !== window.self: break; // ignore iframe content
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_image':
				getImageDimensions( $content_image.attr('src'), function( width,height ) {
					$('#title span').attr('data-after',' ('+ width +'px × '+ height +'px) ('+ ( ($content_image.width()/width)*100 ).toFixed(1) +'%)'); // callback
			default: $('#title span').removeAttr('data-after'); // remove image dimensions
	// SHOW IFRAME CONTENT called when iframe loads
	function showIframeContent(args) {
		let link = $content_iframe.attr('data-content_name'), kind = $content_iframe.attr('data-kind');
		switch(true) { // make source link for content elements; default is link
			case ( /app|dir/.test(kind) ): $content_pane.attr('data-content','has_dir'); break;
			default: $content_pane.attr('data-content','has_'+kind);
		if ( args[0].indexOf('subdirectory=true') < 0 ) { $content_pane.attr('data-loaded','loaded'); setContentTitle(link,kind); } // show iframe, hide loading spinner, set title
	function showContent(id, args) { // show any content on row click; last two arguments are only from clicking iframe links; args = [link,kind]
		let row, link_info, link, kind;
		switch(true) { // set vars and content_iframe attributes for iframe content or sidebar content
			case ( /grid_btn|text_editor|grid_btn|show_image_grid|show_font_grid/.test(id) ): break; // ignore these ids (i.e, don't get links)
			case id === 'view_directory_source': break;
			case ( /content_iframe_dir|open_sidebar_in_content_pane/.test(id) ): // prep for iframe dirs
				link_info = getLinkInfo(args[0]);
				link = link_info[0]; // set links for default (chrome) and gecko browsers
				link += getLinkQueries('dir'), kind = link_info[3];
				$content_iframe.removeAttr('data-iframe_file_src'); // because it's not needed after opening a dir
			case id === 'content_iframe_file': // prep for iframe files
				link_info = getLinkInfo(args[0]);
				link = link_info[0]; // set links for default (chrome) and gecko browsers
				kind = link_info[3];
				switch(true) {
					case kind === 'audio':
						$content_iframe.attr('data-iframe_file_src',$content_iframe.attr('src')); // remember iframe file parent directory
			case id !== '': // show content from sidebar items or iframe items (from above) and get link, kind
				row = getElById(id); // link = getFormattedLink(row.find('a').attr('href'),row.attr('data-kind'));
				link_info = getLinkInfo(row.find('a').attr('href')); kind = link_info[3];
				link = link_info[0]; // set links for default (chrome) and gecko browsers
				switch(true) {
					case kind === 'dir': case kind === 'app': case ( /code|text|markdown/.test(kind) ): // add link queries for dirs and text
						link = link + getLinkQueries(kind); break;
					case ( /text|markdown|code/.test(kind) ):
						// sendMessage('iframe','get_text_selection','',[row.attr('data-selection_start'),row.attr('data-selection_end')]);
		let content_el = ( ['audio','font','image','pdf','video'].includes(kind) ? kind : 'iframe' );
		switch(true) {
			case !== window.self:
				break; // don't attempt to show content for iframe items when navigating
			case row !== undefined && row.hasClass('ignored') && getSearchParam('ignore_ignored_items') === 'false': // try to open ignored files if they are not to be ignored
				window.location = row.find('a').attr('href');
			case row !== undefined && row.hasClass('ignored') && getSearchParam('ignore_ignored_items') === 'true': // don't open ignored files if they are to be ignored
				closeContent(); setContentTitle($('tr.selected').find('a').attr('href')); $content_pane.attr('data-content','has_ignored');
			case kind === 'link':
				closeContent(); $content_pane.attr('data-loaded','loaded'); $content_iframe.addClass('has_content').attr('src',link).attr('data-kind',kind);
			case ( /grid_btn|show_image_grid|show_font_grid/.test(id) ):	showGrid(id);			break;	// show grid
			case id === 'text_editor' || id === 'text_editor_row':			showTextEditor();		break;	// show the text editor
			case kind === 'audio': 											showAudio(id,link); 	break;	// show audio
			case kind === 'video':											showVideo(id,link);				// no break; close audio when showing video ???? test if needed?
			case ['font','image','pdf','video'].includes(kind):
				closeContent(); 																			// Close all open content
				setContentSources(id, kind, link, content_el); 												// Set the src attribute for the content element
				setContentClasses(id, kind, content_el); 													// Add "data=has_<kind>" to content_pane; test id for content_iframe
				setContentTitle($('#content_container .has_content:not(#content_iframe)').attr('src')); 	// no break; Set the title for non-iframe content
			case kind === 'image':											setImageDimensions(); 	break;
			case id === 'view_directory_source': kind = 'view_directory_source'; link = current_location + '?&view_directory_source=true'; // no break;
			case kind === 'dir' && id !== 'content_iframe_dir': 											// no break;
			case kind === 'app' && id !== 'content_iframe_dir': 											// no break;
			case content_el === 'iframe': 																	// set iframe source and hide until iframe loaded
				closeContent(); 																			// Close all open content
				$content_pane.attr('data-loaded','unloaded'); 												// hide iframe until loaded, show loading spinner
				$content_iframe.addClass('has_content').attr('src',link).attr('data-kind',kind);			// set iframe source, data-kind
				if ( id !== 'view_directory_source' ) { $content_iframe.attr('data-content_name',link_info[0]); }
		if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') || id === 'content_iframe' ) { sendMessage('iframe','focus_iframe'); }
	// Show source of current sidebar dir in content pane
	function showDirectorySource() {
		switch(true) {
				case $body.hasClass('has_directory_source'): $('#close_btn').click(); break; // close if open
			default: $body.addClass('has_directory_source'); showContent('view_directory_source',[current_location]);
	$('#view_directory_source').on('click',function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); showWarning( 'showDirectorySource' ); }); // toggle show directory source
	// Show current sidebar dir in content pane
	function openSidebarInContentPane() { showContent('open_sidebar_in_content_pane',[current_location,'dir']); focusContent(); }
	$('#open_in_content_pane').on('click',function() { showWarning( 'openSidebarInContentPane' ); });
	function openInTextEditor() {
		let scroll_script = '<script id="scroll_script">window.onscroll = function(){ window.parent.postMessage( { "messageContent":"scroll_iframe","functionName":"","arguments":window.scrollY },"*"); }</script>';
		let html = $('#content_text').data('edit_html');
		closeContent(); showTextEditor();
		if ( html !== undefined ) { $('#text_source').val(html); $('#text_preview').attr( 'srcdoc',scroll_script + html ); $('#html_preview').val(html); }  // set previewed text
	$('#open_in_text_editor').on('click',function() { sendMessage('iframe','get_html_content'); }); // send message to iframe, receive message from iframe, and then call openInTextEditor().
	//***** CLOSE CONTENT (Close button or Cmd/Ctrl + W) *****//
	// Close Audio/Video
	function closeMedia(kind) { // type === audio || video
		let $media_el = ( kind === 'audio' ? $audio_player : $content_video );
		switch(true) {
			case kind === 'audio':
				$('#content_audio_title span').empty();
				$('body').removeClass('is_playing is_paused');
				$content_pane.removeClass('has_audio has_iframe_audio');
			case kind === 'video' && $('#content_pane').attr('data-content') === 'has_video':
	$('#close_audio').on('click',function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); closeMedia('audio'); }); // Close Audio button click
	// Close Playlist
	function closePlaylist(bool) { // bool === true: close all content
		$('#tbody').empty().html($('#tbody').data('dir_list')); // restore original dir_list
		$body.removeClass('has_playlist has_filelist has_media has_audio has_video has_fonts has_images has_menu')
			.addClass( $('#tbody').data('data_classes').join(' ') ).find('#sort_by_date,li#date').removeClass('disabled'); // restore orignal body "has" classes
		$('head').find('title').text('Index of: '+ current_location); // change window title back to default
		if ( $('#tbody').find('.media').length < 1 ) { $body.removeClass('has_media has_audio has_video'); }
		if ( bool === true ) { closeContent(); }
	$('#close_playlist,#close_playlist_btn').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); showWarning('closePlaylist',true); }); // true === close all content
	// Close index source preview
	function closeIndexSource() {
		$content_pane.removeAttr('data-content').removeAttr('data-loaded'); //
		$content_iframe.removeAttr('src').removeClass('has_content'); // remove iframe src
		$('#title span').empty(); // empty content title
		if ( $('#tbody tr.content_loaded').length === 1 ) { $('#tbody tr.content_loaded').click(); }
	// Close opened font file
	function closeFontFile() {
		$body.removeClass('faded focus_content');
		$('#font_viewer').remove().end().append( content_font_viewer );
		$('#title span').empty();
	// Close glyph
	function closeGlyph() {
	// Close all .content elements before opening any new .content from sidebar; leave grid and text editor hidden.
	function closeContent() {
		switch(true) {
			case !== window.self:
			default: // remove sources, data-content, styles, and classes from #content_pane
				$('#title span').removeAttr('data-after').empty(); // empty content title
				hideGrid(); hideTextEditor(true); // hide grid and texteditor
				$content_pane.removeClass('has_zoom_image has_scaled_image').removeAttr('data-content').removeAttr('data-loaded'); // remove content_pane classes and data
				$content_pane.find('.has_content').removeClass('has_content').removeAttr('src').removeAttr('style'); // remove .content classes, data, and attributes
				$content_font.find('#font_viewer').remove().end().append( content_font_viewer );
				$('#cue_sheet_track_list_container_video').removeClass('has_cue_sheet').empty(); // remove video cue sheet menu
	//////// NEW CLOSE BUTTON FUNCTION: replaces OLDcloseContent()
	function closeButton() {
		switch(true) {
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid': // close grid
				if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_text_editor') ) { showHiddenTextEditor(); } else { focusSidebar(); }
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor': // hide text editor
				if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') ) { showHiddenGrid(); } else { focusSidebar(); }
			case $body.hasClass('iframe_edited'): // close edited iframe file
			case $body.hasClass('has_directory_source'): // close directory source
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_file') && $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_dir'): { // close iframe file and reopen navigated container directory
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_file') && !$content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_dir'):
			// close iframe file opened from previewed sidebar directory (not navigated directory) and reopen selected sidebar directory
				// no break;
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_dir'): // close navigated iframe directory and reopen selected sidebar directory
				clickRow($('#tbody tr.selected').attr('id')); // click selected sidebar item
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_dir': // close selected sidebar directory
				$('tr.selected:not(.audio)').removeClass('selected content_loaded');
				$content_pane.removeAttr('data-content').removeAttr('data-loaded'); //
				$content_iframe.removeAttr('src').removeClass('has_content'); // remove iframe src
				$('#title span').empty(); // empty content title
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_glyph': // close glyph
				showWarning( 'closeGlyph' );
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font_file': // close font file preview
				showWarning( 'closeFontFile' );
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_ignored': // close ignored content
			case $('#content_container .content').hasClass('has_content'): // close all other content
			case $('#content_image').hasClass('has_content'): // close all other content
				$('tr.selected').removeClass('content_loaded'); // don't remove selected in order to allow sidebar navigation to continue from closed file
				switch(true) {
					case $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid'): showGrid(); break;
					case $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_text_editor'): showTextEditor(); break;
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'): // close audio
				closeMedia('audio'); focusSidebar();
			case $body.hasClass('has_playlist'): // close playlist
			case $body.hasClass('has_filelist'): // close filelist
				showWarning( 'closePlaylist' );
		// show hidden texteditor or grid
	// close button
	$('#close_btn').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); showWarning('closeButton'); $(this).blur(); });
	//***** RESET CONTENT (Reset button or Cmd/Ctrl + R) *****//
	function reloadImage() {
		$content_pane.removeClass('has_zoom_image has_scaled_image').find('#content_image_container,#content_image').removeAttr('style');
		$('#tbody').find('.image.selected,.image.content_loaded').find('a').click(); // clicking allows changed content to be reloaded instead of just being reset
	function resetContent() {
		switch(true) {
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'): // pause and reset media
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_video':
				$audio_player.prop('currentTime', 0).trigger('pause');
		switch(true) {
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor':
			case $body.hasClass('has_playlist'):
				break; // don't do anything else for audio, video, text editor, playlist content.
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid':
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_glyph':
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font':
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_image':
			case ( /has_markdown|has_htm|has_iframe|has_dir/.test( $content_pane.attr('data-content') ) ):
				$('#tbody').find('.selected').find('a').click(); // clicking allows changed content to be reloaded instead of just being reset
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'):
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_video'):
				break; // don't do anything else for audio, video, text editor, playlist content.
			case ( /has_ignored|undefined/.test( $content_pane.attr('data-content') ) ):
				window.location = window.location.href;
	$('#reload_btn').on('click', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); showWarning('resetContent'); $(this).blur().removeClass('reset'); });
	//***** NAVIGATION *****//
	function firstRowID(class_name) { return ( $('#tbody').find('> tr:visible').filter(class_name).length ? $('#tbody').find('> tr:visible').filter(class_name).first().attr('id') : null ); }
	function lastRowID(class_name) { return ( $('#tbody').find('> tr:visible').filter(class_name).length ? $('#tbody').find('> tr:visible').filter(class_name).last().attr('id') : null ); }
	function prevRowID(class_name) {
		let $selected, row_ID;
		if ( /audio/.test(class_name) ) { $selected = $(',tr.audio_loaded'); } else { $selected = $('#tbody').find('.selected'); }
		switch(true) {
			case !$selected.length:
			case !$selected.prevAll('tr:visible:not(.disabled):not(.unchecked)').filter(class_name).length:
				row_ID = $('#tbody').find('> tr:visible:not(.disabled):not(.unchecked)').filter(class_name).last().attr('id'); // select last item if nothing selected or selected is first item
				row_ID = $selected.prevAll('tr:visible:not(.disabled):not(.unchecked)').filter(class_name).first().attr('id');
		return row_ID;
	function nextRowID(class_name,bool) { // if nothing selected, or if no next row with class_name, return first row with class_name, else return next row with class_name; bool --> autoplay audio
		let $selected, row_ID;
		if ( bool === 'true' ) { $selected = $(',tr.audio_loaded'); class_name === 'audio'; } else { $selected = $('#tbody').find('tr.selected'); }
		switch(true) {
			case !$selected.length:
			case !$selected.nextAll('tr:visible:not(.disabled):not(.unchecked)').filter(class_name).length: //
				row_ID = $('#tbody').find('> tr:visible:not(.disabled):not(.unchecked)').filter(class_name).first().attr('id'); // select last item if nothing selected or selected is first item
				row_ID = $selected.nextAll('tr:visible:not(.disabled):not(.unchecked)').filter(class_name).first().attr('id');
		return row_ID;
	// get selected row id
	function selectRowID(class_name,key,bool) { // bool === true --> autoplay media
		let id = '';
		switch(key) {
			case 'ArrowUp':		id = prevRowID('.dir,.file');		break;
			case 'ArrowLeft':	id = prevRowID(class_name);			break;
			case 'ArrowRight':	id = nextRowID(class_name,bool);	break;
			case 'ArrowDown':	id = nextRowID('.dir,.file');		break;
		return id;
	// NAVIGATION: Menu Arrow Navigation
	function menuNavigation(key) {
		let $selected_menu_item = $('#menu').find('ul li.selected');
		switch(key) {
			case 'ArrowUp':
				switch(true) {
					case $('#menu').find('.hovered').length > 0: // if submenu visible
						switch(true) { // if no menu item selected, select last submenu item, else select previous submenu item
							case !$selected_menu_item.length:		$('#menu').find('ul li:last-of-type').addClass('selected'); break;
							default: $selected_menu_item.removeClass('selected').prevAll('li:visible').first().addClass('selected');
					case !$('#menu').find('.selected').length:		$('#menu').find('> li:last-of-type').addClass('selected'); break; // select last item
					default: $('#menu').find('.selected:not(.hovered)').removeClass('selected').prevAll('li:visible').first().addClass('selected');
			case 'ArrowDown':
				switch(true) {
					case $('#menu').find('.hovered').length > 0: // if submenu visible
						switch(true) { // if no menu item selected, select first submenu item, else select next submenu item
							case !$selected_menu_item.length:		$('#menu').find('ul li:first-of-type').addClass('selected'); break;
							default: $selected_menu_item.removeClass('selected').nextAll('li:visible').first().addClass('selected');
					case !$('#menu').find('.selected').length:		$('#menu').find('> li:first-of-type').addClass('selected'); break;
					default: $('#menu').find('.selected:not(.hovered)').removeClass('selected').nextAll('li:visible').first().addClass('selected');
			case 'ArrowLeft':
				switch(true) {
					case !$('#menu').find('.selected').length:		$('#menu').find('> li:last-of-type').addClass('selected'); break;
					case $('#menu').find('li.selected').hasClass('hovered'): $('#menu').find('.hovered').removeClass('hovered'); $('#menu').find('ul li').removeClass('selected'); break;
			case 'ArrowRight':
				switch(true) {
					case !$('#menu').find('.selected').length:		$('#menu').find('> li:first-of-type').addClass('selected'); break;
					case $('#menu').find('li.selected').hasClass('has_submenu') && !$('.submenu').find('.selected').length:
						$('#menu').find('.selected').addClass('hovered').find('ul li:first-of-type').addClass('selected'); break;
	// NAVIGATION: select GRID items by left/right arrow keys @ arrowNavigation();
	function gridNavigation(elId,key) {
		const $container_el = $(elId);
		let $selected = $container_el.find('> .selected');
		let grid_item_id; // = grid item data-id = corresponding dir_list item id.
		let row_length = 0; // $content_grid.hasClass('has_grid') || $('#content_font').hasClass('has_font_grid')
			row_length = ( Math.round( $container_el.innerWidth() / $container_el.find('> div').outerWidth()) - 1 );
		switch(true) {
			case $selected.length === 0: // nothing selected
				switch(true) {
					case key === 'ArrowRight':	case key === 'ArrowDown':	$container_el.find('> div').first().addClass('selected');	break;
					case key === 'ArrowLeft':	case key === 'ArrowUp':		$container_el.find('> div').last().addClass('selected');	break;
				grid_item_id = $container_el.find('.selected').attr('data-id');
			case key === 'ArrowUp':
				switch(true) {
					case $selected.prevAll().eq(row_length).length === 1:		grid_item_id = $selected.prevAll().eq(row_length).attr('data-id');	break;
					case $container_el.find('> div').length - 1 === row_length:	gridNavigation(elId,'ArrowLeft'); break; // for single grid row, select prev item
					default: grid_item_id = $container_el.find('> div').last().attr('data-id');		break;
			case key === 'ArrowDown':
				switch(true) {
					case $selected.nextAll().eq(row_length).length === 1:		grid_item_id = $selected.nextAll().eq(row_length).attr('data-id');	break;
					case $container_el.find('> div').length - 1 === row_length:	gridNavigation(elId,'ArrowRight');	break; // for single grid row, select next item
					default: grid_item_id = $container_el.find('> div').first().attr('data-id');	break;
			case key === 'ArrowLeft':
				switch(true) {
					case $selected.prev().length === 1:		grid_item_id = $selected.prev().attr('data-id'); 	break;
					default: grid_item_id = $container_el.find('> div').last().attr('data-id'); 				break;
			case key === 'ArrowRight':
				switch(true) {
					case $ === 1:		grid_item_id = $'data-id'); 	break;
					default: grid_item_id = $container_el.find('> div').first().attr('data-id'); 				break;
		switch(true) {
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_glyph': $('.glyph_container.selected .glyph').click(); break; // show the selected glyph
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid'): $('#content_grid > div[data-id="'+ grid_item_id +'"]').click(); break;
	// NAVIGATION: FONTS and IMAGES by prev/next buttons
	$content_pane.on( 'click','#prev_btn, #next_btn', function(e) {
		e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
		let key = $(this).attr('id') === 'prev_btn' ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight';
		switch(true) {
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font_viewer':		gridNavigation('#glyphs_container',key); break;
			default:	clickRow( selectRowID('.font,.image',key));
		if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') ) { focusContent(); }
	// NAVIGATION: Audio by prev/next audio buttons
	$('.prev_next_track_btn').on('click',function() { let key = ( $(this).attr('id') === 'prev_track' ? 'ArrowLeft' : 'ArrowRight' ); playPrevNextMediaTrack(key); });
	function upDownArrowNavigation(e) {
		switch(true) {
			case ( /a|button|input|select|textarea/.test(document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() ) && !== window.self ):
			case ( /text_preview|html_preview/.test( ):
				return; // don't navigate if text editor previews are focussed
		document.activeElement.blur(); $('body').focus(); // Need this to able to select grid items after clicking close button (or other buttons).
		let row_ID = selectRowID('.dir:visible,.file:visible',e.key);
		let row = $(document.getElementById(row_ID));
		let $selected = $('#tbody').find('.selected');
		switch(true) {
			case cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowUp': // Cmd/Ctrl + up arrow
				switch(true) {
					case window.self !==	$('#iframe_body #parent').find('a').click(); break; // go to iframe parent
					case window.self === && $('body').hasClass('focus_content'): // fallback for go to iframe parent in case top is incorrectly focused
														sendMessage('iframe','open_iframe_parent_dir'); break;
					default:							showWarning( 'clickThis', $('#parent_dir_nav').attr('id') ); break; // go to parent (with warning)
			case cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowDown': // Cmd/Ctrl + down arrow
				switch(true) {
					case window.self === && $('body').hasClass('focus_content'):		focusContent('content_iframe',e); break; // select first item if nothing selected in iframe
					case window.self === && $selected.hasClass('file') && !$selected.hasClass('link'): break; // do nothing for #top files
					case window.self === && $selected.hasClass('dir') && $selected.hasClass('app') && $settings.apps_as_dirs === false: break; // do nothing for apps if not viewing as dirs
					default: 	$selected.find('a').trigger('dblclick'); // else double-click directories and all iframe items to open them
			case $body.hasClass('has_directory_source'): // if viewing directory source, arrows will reopen selected sidebar item
				if ( $('#tbody .content_loaded').length > 0 ) { clickRow( $('#tbody .content_loaded').attr('id') ); } else { clickRow( row_ID ); }
			case cmdKey(e) && window.self !== // iframe && cmdKey
				switch(true) {
					case $('#iframe_body #dir_list').length === 0:
 			case === window.self && $('body').hasClass('focus_content'):
 				$('#iframe_body a').click();
			default: // click prev/next item
				selectThis(row_ID); // don't use $selected after this
				switch(true) {
					case row.hasClass('audio'): 	break; // only select row
					default: showContent(row_ID); // otherwise show content
				if ( $('.selected').length ) { scrollThis('tbody','selected'); }
	// NAVIGATION: Prev/Next Audio or Prev/Next File of same data-kind by arrow left/right
	function leftRightArrowNavigation(e) {
		let args = [e.key];		if ( e.shiftKey ) { args.push(30); } else { args.push(10); } // for mediaSkip
		switch(true) { // various fixes for various situations
			case ( /content_iframe/.test( && ( e.altKey || e.shiftKey ) ): sendMessage('top','mediaSkip','',args); return;
			case ( /content_iframe/.test( ) && !/shiftkey|metakey|altkey/.test(e.key.toLowerCase()): sendMessage('iframe','play_prev_next_iframe_audio','',e.key); return;
			case ( /a|button|input|select|textarea/.test(document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() ) && !== window.self ): // no break
			case ( /text_preview|html_preview|content_iframe/.test( ):
				return; // don't navigate if iframe content or text editor previews are focussed
				// document.activeElement.blur(); // $('tr.selected').find('a').focus();
		switch(true) {
			case cmdKey(e): // Cmd + arrowkey:
				switch(true) {
					case e.key === 'ArrowRight' && $('tr.selected').hasClass('dir'): $('tr.dir.selected').find('.has_icon_before_before').click(); break; // open subdirectory
					case e.key === 'ArrowLeft' && $('tr.selected').hasClass('has_subdirectory'):  closeSubdirectory($('tr.dir.selected').attr('id') ); break; // close subdir
					case e.key === 'ArrowLeft' && !$('tr.selected').hasClass('has_subdirectory') && $('tr.has_subdirectory').length > 0:
					    clickRow($('tr.selected').prevAll('.has_subdirectory').first().attr('id')); break; // jump to parent directory
					default: clickRow($('tr:visible').first().attr('id')); // jump to first visible item
			case cmdAltKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowLeft': case cmdAltKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowRight': // don't start audio tracks when changing tabs
				let $selected = $('#tbody').find('.selected');
				switch(true) {
					case e.altKey && e.shiftKey: // L/R Arrow + Alt + Shift
					case e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey: { // Skip audio 30s/10s: Opt-Shift-Arrow/Opt-Arrow
						switch(true) {
							case !== window.self:	sendMessage('top','mediaSkip','mediaSkip',args); break;
							default: 							mediaSkip(e);
					case $body.hasClass('has_directory_source'): // if viewing directory source
						switch(true) {
							case $('#tbody .content_loaded').length > 0:	clickRow( $('#tbody .content_loaded').attr('id') ); break;
							default: 										clickRow( selectRowID('.dir,.file',e.key) );
						switch(true) {
							case $selected.hasClass('media') && $body.hasClass('play_all_media'):				// no break; play all media
							case $selected.hasClass('audio'):	playPrevNextMediaTrack(e.key);					break; // play prev/next media track
							case $selected.length === 0:		clickRow( selectRowID('.dir,.file',e.key) );	break; // if nothing selected, click first/last row
							default: 					 		clickRow( selectRowID('.'+ $selected.attr('data-kind'),e.key) ); // click prev/next item with same data-kind
																if ( $selected.hasClass('video') ) { playMedia('play'); }
	// NAVIGATION: AUDIO tracks by arrow left/right @ leftRightArrowNavigation() & button click; // handle shuffle or loop play, as well as normal continuous playback after end of track with ArrowRight
	function playPrevNextMediaTrack(key,bool) { // bool === 'true' if from initMedia clickRow
		let track_row_id, $selected_media;
		switch(true) { // define $selected_media
			case bool === 'true': // autoplay media (if selected audio !== playing audio, select selected audio, else select loaded media)
				$selected_media = ( $('#tbody').length === 1 && $('#tbody tr.audio_loaded') !== $('#tbody') ? $('#tbody') : $('#tbody tr.audio_loaded,#tbody') );
			default: $selected_media = $('#tbody'); // normal l/r arrow play media
		// if play all media, use .media, else use .selected:
		let media_class = ( $('body').hasClass('play_all_media') ? '.media:not(.ignored):not(.unchecked)' : '.'+ $selected_media.attr('data-kind') +':not(.ignored):not(.unchecked)' );
		let selected_row_id = $selected_media.attr('id'), last_row_id = lastRowID( media_class );
		switch(true) {
			case $selected_media.length === 1 && !/loaded/.test($selected_media[0].classList.value): // if selected media track is not playing, click and play
				switch(true) {
					case window.self !==	$selected_media.find('a').trigger('dblclick'); sendMessage('top','iframe_play_pause_media'); break;
						if ( media_class.indexOf('audio') > -1 ) { showAudio( selected_row_id ); } else { clickRow( selected_row_id ); }
			case $('.audio_loaded').length === 0 && $('.video.content_loaded').length === 0: // Arrow L/R selects first/last media file if nothing selected
				clickRow( selectRowID('.audio_loaded',key) ); playMedia('play');
			case $selected_media.length === 1: // if an media file is loaded...
				switch(true) {
					case $body.hasClass('shuffle_media'): // and if shuffle play is checked...
						track_row_id = $'shufflelist').pop(); // remove track from shuffleTrackList
						switch(true) {
							case track_row_id !== undefined: // if shuffle list is not empty...
								if ( document.getElementById(track_row_id).classList.contains('audio') ) { showAudio( track_row_id ); } else { clickRow( track_row_id ); } playMedia('play'); break; // load media and play
							case track_row_id === undefined: // else if end of shufflelist...
								switch(true) {
									case $body.hasClass('loop_media'):	playMedia('play'); break; // and if loop audio, update the shufflelist and play
									default: 							clickRow( $('').first().attr('id') ); // else just load the first track
					default: // ordinary playback: play prev/next track
						clickRow( selectRowID( media_class,key ) );
						switch(true) {
							case window.self !== // iframe audio files
								break; // show iframe audio
							case key === 'ArrowRight' && selected_row_id === last_row_id && bool === 'true': // loop audio: autoplay first track at end of last track
								if ( $body.hasClass('loop_media') ) { playMedia('play'); }
								playMedia('play'); break; // play next track, don't play first track after last
	// NAVIGATE directory index items by arrow up/down or left/right keys, with/without grid @ indexNavigation()
	function arrowNavigation(e) {
		if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') && !$('body').hasClass('has_menu') ) { focusContent(); }
		switch(true) {
			case !== window.self && === 'iframe_body' && $('#iframe_body').find('#dir_list').length === 0: // allow arrows to work normally in iframes (but not iframe dirs)
			case ( /img|textarea|embed/.test( document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() ) ): // allow arrows to work normally in images and textareas
			case document.activeElement.hasAttribute('contentEditable'): // allow arrows to work normally in contentEditable elements
				e.preventDefault(); // otherwise prevent default arrow behavior
				document.activeElement.blur(); // Need this to able to select grid items after clicking close button (or other buttons).
			case $('body').hasClass('has_menu'): // menu navigation
				if ( !== window.self ) { sendMessage('top','menu_navigation','menuNavigation',e.key); } else { menuNavigation(e.key); }
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid'  && $('body').hasClass('focus_content') 		 && !cmdKey(e): // navigate grid
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_image' && $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') && !cmdKey(e): // navigate hidden grid
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font'  && $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') && !cmdKey(e): // navigate hidden grid
				if ( !$content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid') ) { scrollThis('content_grid','selected'); }
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font_file' && !cmdKey(e): // navigate font file glyphs
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_glyph' && !cmdKey(e): // navigate font file glyphs
				if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') ) {
				} else {
					showWarning('warning_close_font','warning_btn_cancel'); // show close font warning if sidebar focused
			case e.key === 'ArrowUp' || e.key === 'ArrowDown': // up/down arrow navigation
			case e.key === 'ArrowLeft' || e.key === 'ArrowRight': { // left/right arrow navigation
	// NAVIGATION: by typed string
	var str = '';
	function timeoutID() { return window.setTimeout( function() { str = ''; }, 1500 ); }
	function alphaNav(e) { // Select Dir_List row by typed string; Todo: select next row by nearest letter
		switch(true) {
			case document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'textarea' || document.activeElement.getAttribute('contentEditable') === true: break;
				let timer = timeoutID();
				if ( typeof timer === 'number' ) { window.clearTimeout( timer ); timer = 0; } // id
				str += e.key;
				str = str.toLowerCase();
				if ( $('#dir_list').find('[data-name^="'+ str +'"]').length ) {
					$('#dir_list').find('[data-name^="'+ str +'"]').first().find('a').click();
					// } else {
					// null; // replace this with some sort of fuzzy match function? TBD
	//***** END NAVIGATION *****//

	// SELECT ROW on click and set classes for $content_pane
	function selectThis(row_ID) {
		let row = $(getElById(row_ID));
		switch(true) {
			case row.hasClass('disabled'):
			case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid':
			case $content_pane.hasClass('has_hidden_grid'): {// Select corresponding grid item
				const $grid_selected = $content_grid.find('> div[data-id="'+ row_ID +'"]');
				row.addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected hovered');
			case row.hasClass('audio'):
				row.addClass('selected').siblings().removeClass('selected hovered'); // remove classes from sibling, but leave .audio with playing
	// CLICK element by id
	function clickThis(id) { let el = $(document.getElementById(id)); if ( el.find('a').length > 0 ) { el.find('a').click(); } else {; } }
	// CLICK Row to show content
	function clickRow(id) { selectThis(id); showContent(id); }
	// On click row, play/pause media or clickRow
	$('#top #tbody').on('click','tr', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
		switch(true) {
			case $(this).hasClass('audio'):
				if ( !$(this).hasClass('selected') ) { showContent($(this).attr('id')); } else { playPauseMedia(); }
			case $(this).hasClass('video'):
				if ( !$(this).hasClass('selected') ) { showWarning( 'clickRow', $(this).attr('id') ); } else { playPauseMedia(); }
			default: showWarning( 'clickRow', $(this).attr('id') );

	function openSubdirectory(parent) { // use the clicked subdirectory href as src for utility iframe, which loads that directory, processes the index and sends it back to the top iframe
		let this_id = parent.attr('id'), parent_link = parent.find('a').attr('href'), level = Number(parent.attr('data-level')) + 1;
		let content_iframe_utility_src = parent_link + getLinkQueries('dir') + '&parent_id='+ this_id +'&subdirectory=true&level='+ level;
		$('#content_iframe_utility').attr('src',content_iframe_utility_src );
		parent.addClass('dir_list_subdir_loading'); // removed when content_iframe_utility sends loaded message with subdirectory data
	function closeSubdirectory(id) {
		if ( id === undefined ) { // close all subdirectories
			if ( $('#tbody tr.has_subdirectory').length > 0 ) { closeContent(); }
			$('#tbody tr.dir').removeClass('has_subdirectory dir_list_subdir_loading');
			$('#tbody').find('tr[id*="_"]').remove(); // remove any row whose id contains an underscore (= subdirectory row)
		} else {
			$('#tbody').find('tr').each(function() { if ( $(this).attr('id').startsWith(id + '_') ) { $(this).remove(); } }); // remove all rows whose id begins with the subdirectory parent id
	$('#tbody').on('click','tr.dir span.has_icon_before_before',function(e) { // open/close subdirectories
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();
		let $parent = $(this).closest('tr');
		switch(true) {
			case ( /\.trashes|\.temporaryitems|\.spotlight-v\d+/.test($parent.find('.name').attr('data-name') ) ): $parent.removeClass('dir_list_subdir_loading'); break;
				if ( $parent.hasClass('has_subdirectory') ) { closeSubdirectory( $parent.attr('id') ); } else { openSubdirectory($parent); }
				if ( === window.self ) 	{ focusSidebar(); } else { document.activeElement.blur(); $('body').focus(); }// else { focusSidebar(); }
	// DOUBLE-CLICK Row to open directory
	function doubleClickRow(args) { // row.dir only
		let row = document.getElementById(args[0]);
		if ( row.classList.contains('dir') && row.classList.contains('invisible') && row.classList.contains('ignored') ) { return; } // don't attempt to open ignored invisible dirs (chiefly system dirs)
		let id = args[0].slice(args[0].indexOf('-') + 1), href = args[1];
		let query_str = decodeURIComponentSafe(;
		if ( query_str === '' ) { query_str = '?'; }
		if ( query_str.indexOf('history') !== -1 ) {
			query_str = query_str.replace(/&selected=\d+/,'').replace(/&history=/,'&history='+ id +'+');
		} else {
			query_str = query_str.replace(/&selected=\d+/,'') + '&history='+ id;
		window.location = href + query_str;
	$('#top').on('dblclick', '#tbody tr.dir,#tbody,#tbody tr.playlist', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
		switch(true) {
			case $(this).hasClass('link'):
				if ( $protocol === 'file:' ) { sendMessage('iframe','open_link_file','',$(this).attr('data-ext')); } else { openLink($(this).attr('data-ext')); }
			case $(this).hasClass('playlist'): {
				let playlist_data = $(this).data('playlist');
				showWarning('doubleClickRow', [$(this).attr('id'), $(this).find('a').attr('href')] );
	// click content header or audio to remove faded body class
	$('#sidebar_title,#sidebar_buttons,#sidebar,#sorting .sorting').on('click',function() { focusSidebar(); });
	// CLICK grid item
	$content_grid.on('click','div', function(e) {
		let id = $(this).attr('data-id');
	// HOVER Grid Item and highlight dir_list row
	$content_grid.on('mouseenter','> div:not(.selected)',function() {
	}).on('mouseleave','> div:not(.selected)',function() {
	// HOVER Dir_list_row: highlight corresponding grid item
	$dir_list_body.on('mouseenter','> tr', function() {
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) { $content_grid.find('> div[data-id="'+ $(this).attr('id') +'"]').addClass('hovered'); }
	}).on('mouseleave','> tr', function() {
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) { $content_grid.find('> div[data-id="'+ $(this).attr('id') +'"]').removeClass('hovered'); }
	// HOVER Footer Links: Fade dir_list
	$('#footer_links').on('mouseenter',function() {
		$('body:not(.has_menu), body:not(.has_menu_parents)').addClass('faded');
	}).on('mouseleave',function() {
		$('body:not(.has_menu), body:not(.has_menu_parents)').removeClass('faded');
	// CLICK/HOVER Stats Items: get the hovered stats item class
	function getHoveredStatsListClass(stats_item) {
		let this_class = '.'+ Array.from(stats_item.classList).join('.');
		switch(true) {
			case $(stats_item).attr('id') === 'stats_summary_detailed_dirs':	this_class = '.dir';	break;
			case $(stats_item).attr('id') === 'stats_summary_detailed_files':	this_class = '.file';	break;
			// case /_/.test(this_class): 									this_class = this_class.replace('_','.'); break;
			case this_class === '.dir':									this_class = '.dir:not(.ignored):not(.invisible):not(.app)'; break;
			case this_class === '':								this_class = ''; break;
		return this_class;
	// HOVER Stats Items: highlight dir_list items
	$('#tfoot').on('mouseenter','#stats_details tr, #stats_summary_detailed_dirs, #stats_summary_detailed_files', function() {
		$('#tbody').find(getHoveredStatsListClass(this)).addClass('hovered'); // add the hovered class
		if ( $('#tbody .hovered').length > 0 ) { $('#tbody .hovered')[0].scrollIntoView({ behavior:'smooth', block:'start', inline:'nearest' }); } // scroll first matching element into view
	}).on('mouseleave','tr',function() {
		$('#tbody tr').removeClass('hovered');
	$('#tfoot').on('click',function() { $('#tbody tr').removeClass('hovered'); });
	// CLICK Stats footer detail items: Select the first matched kind and sort by kind
	$('#tfoot').on('click','#stats_details tr, #stats_summary_detailed_dirs, #stats_summary_detailed_files', function() {
		if ( !$('body').hasClass('sort_by_kind') ) { document.getElementById('sort_by_kind').click(); } // sort by kind
		$('#tbody').find(getHoveredStatsListClass(this)).first().find('a').click(); // click the first item
		scrollThis('tbody','selected',false); // scroll first item into view

	//***** AUTOLOAD CONTENT: index files or files from the file shortcut list *****//
	function autoLoadFile() {
		if ( window.self === && getSearchParams().has('selected') ) { // add selected class
			$('#tbody tr[id="rowid-'+ Number(getSearchParam("selected")) +'"]').addClass('selected');
		let $selected = $('tr.selected');
		if ( $selected.length === 0 ) { removeSearchParam('selected'); } // remove selected searchParam if item not found
		switch(true) {
			case $selected.length === 1 && $selected.hasClass('local'):
			case window.self !== // do nothing for iframes
			case getSearchParams().has('file'): {// load files (from bookmark or url)
					let $file = $(' span:contains("'+ decodeURIComponentSafe(getSearchParam('file')) +'")');
					clickRow( $file.closest('tr').attr('id') );
			case $('body').hasClass('has_audio') && getSearchParam('autoload_media') === 'true': 	// load audio; must be above next case
				// showAudio( $('.audio').first().attr('id'),'', 'true' );							// load audio
				clickRow( $('.audio').first().attr('id') );											// load audio
				autoLoadCoverArt(); // load image
			case $('body').hasClass('has_video') && getSearchParam('autoload_media') === 'true':	clickRow( firstRowID('.video') );	break; // load video (if no audio)
			case $('body').hasClass('has_playlist'): case $('body').hasClass('has_filelist'):		break; // do nothing for playlists and filelists ... but what about autoload media?
			case $selected.length === 1: showContent($selected.attr('id')); 						break;
		if ( $selected.length === 1 ) { clickRow( $selected.attr('id')); }							// click selected history item --> replaces auto-loaded cover art
		if ( getSearchParam('autoload_index_files') !== 'false' && $('tr.file.htm').find( 'a[href*="/index."]').length > 0 ) { // else load index file
		if ( $('tr.selected').length === 1 ) { scrollThis('tbody','selected'); }
	// get cover art names
	function getImageNames() {
		let images = $dir_list_body.find('.image'), image_names = [], image_id, image_name;
		for ( let i = 0; i < images.length; i++ ) {
			image_id = images.eq(i).attr('id');
			image_name = images.eq(i).find('.name').attr('data-name');
			image_name = image_name.slice(0,image_name.lastIndexOf('.') ); // remove extension
			image_names.push({'id':image_id,'name':image_name}); // add id and name
		return image_names;
	// get cover art id
	function getCoverArtID() {
		const cover_names = ['cover','front','album','jacket','sleeve','cd','disc','insert','liner','notes'];
		const image_names = getImageNames();
		let id, exact_match, match, cover_name;
		for ( cover_name of cover_names ) { // test available image names against cover names
			exact_match = image_names.filter( el => === cover_name ); // check for exact match (w/o extension)
			match = image_names.filter( el => > -1 ); // check for partial match
			if ( exact_match.length > 0 ) { return id = exact_match[0].id; }
			else if ( match.length > 0 ) { return id = match[0].id; }
		if (id === undefined ) { return id = image_names[0].id; } // if no matches, return first image id
	// Autoload Cover Art
	function autoLoadCoverArt() { // autoload cover art for audio if dir contains audio and images, and audio is loaded and non-image content is not loaded
		if ( !$('body').hasClass('has_images') ) { return; } // do nothing if no images found
		let cover_ID = getCoverArtID();
		if ( cover_ID !== undefined ) {
			let row = getElById(cover_ID);
			$('#title span').empty().html(decodeURIComponentSafe(row.find('.name a span').text() ) ); // name
		let selected_ID = ( getSearchParam('selected').length > 0 ? 'rowid-'+ getSearchParam('selected') : undefined);
		if ( selected_ID !== undefined ) { document.getElementById(selected_ID).classList.add('selected'); $('.media').removeClass('selected'); }

	//***** KEYBOARD EVENTS *****//
	function metaKey(e)			{ return ( navigator.platform.match('Mac') ? e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey : e.ctrlKey); }
	function cmdKey(e)			{ return ( metaKey(e) && !e.altKey && !e.shiftKey ); }
	function cmdAltKey(e)		{ return ( metaKey(e) && e.altKey && !e.shiftKey ); }
	function cmdShiftKey(e)		{ return ( metaKey(e) && !e.altKey && e.shiftKey ); }

	$('#top, #iframe_body').on('keydown', function(e) {
		const $selected = ( $('#content_pane').attr('data-content') === 'has_font_file' ? $('.glyph_container.selected .glyph') : $('#tbody').find('.selected') );
		switch(true) { // Disable all keydown events except escape, return, and tab when help or warning is shown, or when textarea is focused
			case document.activeElement.hasAttribute('contentEditable') && !/escape|tab/.test(e.key.toLowerCase()) && !( cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'w'):
			case ( /button|input|select|textarea/.test(document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() ) && !/escape|tab|shiftkey|metakey|altkey/.test(e.key.toLowerCase()) ):
			case ($('body').hasClass('has_warning') || $('body').hasClass('has_help') ) && !( cmdKey(e) || metaKey(e) || (/escape|tab|shiftkey|enter/.test(e.key.toLowerCase()) ) ):
		switch ( e.key ) {
		case 'shiftKey':
			switch(true) {
				case $('body').hasClass('has_warning') || $('body').hasClass('has_help'):
					if (e.key !== 'Enter' && e.key !== 'Tab') { e.preventDefault(); return false; }
		case 'ArrowUp': case 'ArrowDown': case 'ArrowLeft': case 'ArrowRight':
			switch(true) {
				case $('tr.selected').hasClass('link') && cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowDown': // webloc or url file
				case $('tr.selected').hasClass('playlist') && cmdKey(e) && e.key === 'ArrowDown': // webloc or url file
				default: 	showWarning( 'arrowNavigation',e ); // arrow navigation
		case ' ': // space
			switch(true) {
				case $('#content_pane').hasClass('has_audio') || $('#content_pane').attr('data-content') === 'has_video': // Play/pause media (space bar)
					e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); playPauseMedia(); break;
				case !== window.self && $('tr.audio_loaded').length === 1:
					e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); sendMessage('top','iframe_play_pause_media'); break;
				default: 	alphaNav(e);
		case 'Enter': // Open directories (or ignored)
			switch(true) {
				case $('body').hasClass('has_warning') || $('body').hasClass('has_help'):
					$('button.focus, button:focus').click(); // click focused warning button in #top or #iframe
				case window.self !== // if iframe...
					switch(true) {
						case $('body').hasClass('has_menu'):
							sendMessage('top','clickMenu'); // close main menu
						case $('tr.selected').hasClass('dir') && cmdKey(e):
						case $('tr.selected').hasClass('file') && cmdKey(e): // open iframe dir or file
						case $('tr.selected').hasClass('link') && cmdKey(e): // webloc or url file
						case !$('.audio.selected').hasClass('audio_loaded'):
						case $('.audio_loaded').length === 1 && !$('.selected').hasClass('audio_loaded'): // play/pause media
							e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); playPauseMedia();
				case $('body').hasClass('has_menu'):
					e.preventDefault(); clickMenu(); sendMessage('iframe','close_menu'); // click selected menu item
				case $selected.hasClass('app') && $settings.apps_as_dirs === false: // don't open app folders
					switch(true) {
						case $selected.hasClass('.disabled'):
						case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor':
						case $selected.hasClass('audio') && !$selected.hasClass('audio_loaded'): // load selected audio file
						case $selected.hasClass('media'): // else play/pause playing media
							e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); playPauseMedia();
						case $selected.hasClass('link'):
						case $selected.hasClass('dir'): // else open dir
						case $('tr.selected').hasClass('link') && cmdKey(e): // webloc or url file
						case $('tr.selected').hasClass('playlist') && cmdKey(e): // webloc or url file
						default:	$;
			// Alphabetical navigation
		case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V':         case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z':
		case 'a': case 'b': case 'c':					 case 'f':		   case 'h':		   case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n':		   case 'p': case 'q':		   case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v':		   case 'x': case 'y': case 'z':
		case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':					 case '~': case '!': case '@': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '^': case '&': case '*': case '(': case ')': case '`': case '+': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': /*case '\\':*/ case '|': case '/':			case ',': case '?': case '–': case '—': case '\'': case '"': case '“': case '”': case '‘': case '’': case '…': case 'π':
		case '∫': case '∂': case 'ƒ': case '©': case '˙': case '∆': case '˚': case 'µ': case '®': case 'ß': case '†': case '√': case '∑': case '≈': case '¥': case 'Ω': case '¡': case '™': case '£': case '¢': case '∞': case '§': case '¶': case '•': case 'ª': case 'º': case '≠':
		case '⁄': case '€': case '‹': case '›': case 'fl': case '‡': case '°': case '·': case '‚': case '±': case '¯': case '˘': case '¿':
		case 'ı': case '': case '´': case '˝': case 'ˆ': case '': case '˜': case '‰': case 'ˇ': case '¨': case '◊': case '„': case '˛': case '¸':
			//			case 'α': case 'β': case 'γ': case 'δ': case 'ε': case 'ζ': case 'η': case 'θ': case 'ι': case 'κ': case 'λ': case 'μ': case 'ν': case 'ξ': case 'ο': case 'π': case 'ρ': case 'ς': case 'σ': case 'τ': case 'υ': case 'φ': case 'χ': case 'ψ': case 'ω': case 'ϑ': case 'ϒ': case 'ϖ':
			//			case 'Α': case 'Β': case 'Γ': case 'Δ': case 'Ε': case 'Ζ': case 'Η': case 'Θ': case 'Ι': case 'Κ': case 'Λ': case 'Μ': case 'Ν': case 'Ξ': case 'Ο': case 'Π': case 'Ρ': case 'Σ': case 'Σ': case 'Τ': case 'Υ': case 'Φ': case 'Χ': case 'Ψ': case 'Ω': case 'Θ': case 'ϒ':
			if ( !e.metaKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey ) { alphaNav(e); }
		case 'd': // Cmd/Ctrl + D: Toggle Details
			if ( cmdKey(e) && !$body.hasClass('has_warning') ) { e.preventDefault(); $('#show_details').click(); } else { alphaNav(e); }
		case 'e': // Cmd/Ctrl + E: Toggle Main Menu or Text Editor
			switch(true) {
				case $body.hasClass('has_warning'): break;
				case cmdShiftKey(e): // toggle text editor
					if ( window.self !== ) { sendMessage('top','toggle_text_editor'); } else { $('#text_editor_row').find('a').click(); }
				case cmdKey(e): // toggle main menu
					if ( window.self !== ) { sendMessage('top','toggle_menu'); } else { $('#menu_container').click(); }
				default:	alphaNav(e);
		case 'g': // Cmd/Ctrl + G: Show image Grid
			if ( cmdKey(e) && ( $('#top').hasClass('has_images') || $('#top').hasClass('has_fonts') ) ) { e.preventDefault(); $('#grid_btn').click(); } else { alphaNav(e); }
		case 'i': // Cmd/Ctrl + I: Toggle Invisibles
			switch(true) {
				case cmdKey(e):
					if ( window.self !== ) { sendMessage('top','toggle_invisibles'); } else { $('#show_invisibles_container').find('input').click(); }
				default:	alphaNav(e);
		case 'o': // Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + O: Open selected item in new window
			if ( cmdShiftKey(e) ) { $('#tbody').find('.selected').find('a').attr('href') ); } else { alphaNav(e); }
		case 'r': // Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + R: Refresh
			switch(true) {
				case cmdKey(e) && !== window.self:	e.preventDefault(); sendMessage('top','reload'); break; // send reload message to top
				case cmdKey(e):		e.preventDefault(); $('#reload_btn').click(); break; // click reload/reset button
				default:			alphaNav(e);
		case 'w': // Cmd/Crtl + W: if content pane has content, click close button; otherwise default behavior (close tab/window); Firefox does not allow scripts to override this behavior
			switch(true) {
				case cmdKey(e):
					switch(true) {
						case !== window.self:
							sendMessage('top','close'); // send close message to top
						case $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'):
						case $body.hasClass('has_playlist'):
						case $body.hasClass('has_filelist'):
						case $body.hasClass('iframe_edited'): // close edited iframe file
						case $content_pane.attr('data-content') !== undefined:
							$('#close_btn').click(); // click close button
						default: return true; // else close window (or normal behavior)
				default:	alphaNav(e);
		case '=': // equals sign
			switch(true) {
				case cmdKey(e) && /has_grid|has_image|has_font|has_glyph|has_font_file/.test($content_pane.attr('data-content')): e.preventDefault(); $('#increase').click(); break;
				case cmdKey: return; // allow normal Cmd + behavior
				default:	alphaNav(e);
		case '-': // hyphen
			switch(true) {
				case cmdKey(e) && /has_grid|has_image|has_font|has_glyph|has_font_file/.test($content_pane.attr('data-content')): e.preventDefault(); $('#decrease').click(); break;
				case cmdKey: return; // allow normal Cmd - behavior
				default:	alphaNav(e);
		case '\\': // \ backslash
			switch(true) {
				case cmdShiftKey(e): // Cmd Shift + \ : toggle split
					switch(true) {
						case === window.self && $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_iframe': sendMessage('iframe','split_view'); break; // send toggle split message to top
						case $('#split_view').height() > 0: $('#split_view').click(); break; // if split view toggle split
				case cmdKey(e): // Cmd + \ : toggle sidebar
					if ( !== window.self ) { sendMessage('top','hide_sidebar'); } else { $('#hide_sidebar').click(); }
		case 'Tab':
			switch(true) {
				case $('body').hasClass('has_warning'):
					tabWarningButtons(e);		 					break; // focus warning buttons
				case === 'content_image':
					focusSidebar(); 								break; // focus sidebar from image
				case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor':
					focusTextEditorPanes(); 						break; // focus text editor
				case !== window.self && /\.html|\.htm/.test(window.location.pathname) && $('a,button,input,select,textarea').length > 0:
					focusFocusableEls(e); 							break;
				case (/has_markdown|has_text|has_code|has_htm/.test($content_pane.attr('data-content')) && === window.self ):
					$('body').addClass('focus_content'); $content_iframe.focus();			sendMessage('iframe','focus_iframe');	break; // focus iframe text editor or htm files from top
				case ( /text_preview|html_preview|text_source/.test( ):
					toggleTextEditorPanes();						break; // toggle focused text editor panes
				case $(document.activeElement).closest('#text_preview').length === 1:
					focusFocusableEls(e,'#text_preview');			break; // focus focusable elements in text preview
				case $(document.activeElement).closest('#font_specimen').length === 1:
					focusFocusableEls(e,'#font_specimen');			break; // focus focusable elements in font specimen
				case document.activeElement.hasAttribute('contenteditable'):
				case !== window.self: // If iframe is focused, focus sidebar, dim selected iframe dir list item
					switch(true) {
						case $('#iframe_dir_list_wrapper').length === 1:
						case !/a|button|input|select|textarea/.test(document.activeElement.tagName.toLowerCase() ): // allow form elements to be focused
							$('#iframe_body,#dir_list tr.selected').addClass('is_blurred'); // dim iframe dir_list
							sendMessage('top','tab'); // focus sidebar
						case $('a,button,input,select,textarea').length > 0: // allow tabbing to form elements and textareas (e.g., in previewed html pages)
							if ( $('body').hasClass('has_text_editor_UI') ) { focusFocusableEls(e,'#text_container'); } else { focusFocusableEls(e); }
				case === window.self: // Either focus sidebar or refocus content pane (after clicking menu, for example)
					switch(true) {
						case $('body').hasClass('focus_content') && $('body').hasClass('has_menu'): case !$('body').hasClass('focus_content'):	focusContent('',e);		break;
						case $('body').hasClass('focus_content'): case $('body').hasClass('has_menu'): focusSidebar();		break;
		case 'Escape': // remove text selections, close warnings or help, close menus (and refocus content), or focus sidebar.
			if ( $content_pane.attr('data-loaded') !== 'loaded' ) { $content_pane.removeAttr('data-loaded'); $content_iframe.removeAttr('src'); $('#font_styles').empty(); } // close loading iframe
			if ( !== window.self ) { $('#iframe_body').addClass('is_blurred'); sendMessage('top','escape'); } else { focusSidebar(); }
			$('#content_playlist, #content_audio_playlist').removeClass('has_content');
		case '.':
			switch(true) {
				case cmdKey(e):
					if ( $('body').hasClass('has_warning') ) {
						$('#warning_btn_cancel,#close_help').click(); // click cancel buttons
		} // end switch
	// ***** END KEYBOARD EVENTS ***** //

	// ***** GRID SETUP ***** //
	// Create Font Grid Items
	function fontGridItems() {
		let $font_grid_items_arr = [], $font_files = $dir_list_body.find('.font'), new_grid_item;
		for ( let i = $font_files.length; i--; ) {
			new_grid_item = setContentFontSource( $font_files.eq(i).attr('id'), true, 'font_grid' );
			$font_grid_items_arr.unshift( new_grid_item );
		$font_grid_items_arr[$font_grid_items_arr.length - 1].addClass('border_bottom_x'); // add bottom border to last
		return $font_grid_items_arr;
	// Create Image Grid Items
	function imageGridItems() {
		let $image_grid_items_arr = [], $image_files = $dir_list_body.find('.image:not(.ignored)'), classes = 'image_grid_item border_right_x border_bottom_x', image_files_length = $image_files.length;
		for ( let i = image_files_length; i--; ) {
			const id = $image_files.eq(i).attr('id');
			const this_link = $image_files.eq(i).find('a').attr('href');
			const exts = $item_kind.image.filter( ext => $.inArray(ext, $row_settings.ignored) == -1 ); // decide which image files can be displayed
			const title_name = this_link.slice(this_link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
			if ( $.inArray( $image_files.eq(i).attr('data-ext'), exts ) > -1 ) { // if this row file ext is in the image extension array
				let item = `<div class="${ classes } background_color_EE_22" data-ID="${ id }" data-index="${ i }"><a href="${ this_link }"><img src="${ this_link }" title="${ title_name }" loading="lazy" /></a></div>`;
				$image_grid_items_arr.unshift( item );
		return $image_grid_items_arr;
	// Make Grids
	function makeGrids(id) {
		closeGrid(); // remove previous grid items
		$content_pane.removeClass('has_hidden_grid has_image_grid has_font_grid'); // reset content_pane grid classes
		switch(true) {
			case id === 'show_font_grid' || !$body.hasClass('has_images'): $content_pane.addClass('has_font_grid');		$content_grid.append( fontGridItems() ); break; // only show font grid
			case id === 'show_image_grid' || !$body.hasClass('has_fonts'): $content_pane.addClass('has_image_grid');	$content_grid.append( imageGridItems() ); break; // only show image grid
			default: $content_grid.append( imageGridItems(), fontGridItems() ); // show grid of both images and fonts
	// Click grid button: make grid and show grid
	$('#sidebar_header').on('click', '#grid_btn, #show_font_grid, #show_image_grid', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); showContent($(this).attr('id')); });

	// Scale Fonts
	function scaleFonts(e, incr, id) {
		const font_size = parseInt(getComputedStyle(document.body).fontSize); // pts/em
		const getFontSize = function(el) { return parseFloat(el.css('font-size')); };
		if ( id === 'decrease' ) { incr = 1/incr; }
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) { $content_grid.css({'font-size':( getFontSize($content_grid)/font_size * incr ) +'em'}); return; }
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font' ) { $content_font.css({'font-size':( getFontSize($content_font)/font_size * incr ) +'em'}); return; }
	// Scale Glyphs
	function scaleGlyphs(e, incr, id) {
		if ( id === 'decrease' ) { incr = 1/incr; }
		let scale = ( $('#glyph_viewer').attr('data-scale') === undefined ? incr : incr * $('#glyph_viewer').attr('data-scale') );
		if ( scale >= 1 ) {
			$('#glyph_viewer').css({'width': scale * 100 +'%','height': scale * 100 +'%'});
			document.getElementById('content_font').scrollLeft = -( Math.round( $('#font_viewer').outerWidth(true) - $('#glyph_viewer').width() ) / 2 );
			document.getElementById('content_font').scrollTop = -( Math.round( $('#font_viewer').outerHeight(true) - $('#glyph_viewer').height() ) / 2 );
		$('#glyph_viewer').css({'background-size': scale * 100 +'%'}).attr('data-scale',scale.toFixed(2));
	// Scale Image Grid items
	function scaleGridImages(incr,id) {
		if ( id === 'decrease' ) { incr = 1/incr; }
		const $image_grid_item = $('.image_grid_item img');
		let image_grid_item_width = 		Number.parseFloat( $image_grid_item.width(),10) * incr;
		let image_grid_item_height =		Number.parseFloat( $image_grid_item.height(),10) * incr;
		let image_grid_item_max_width =		Number.parseFloat( $image_grid_item.css('maxWidth'),10) * incr;
		let image_grid_item_max_height =	Number.parseFloat( $image_grid_item.css('maxHeight'),10) * incr;
		// prevent reducing grid image size on first scale click:
		if ( image_grid_item_width < image_grid_item_max_width ) { image_grid_item_width = image_grid_item_max_width; }
		if ( image_grid_item_height < image_grid_item_max_height ) { image_grid_item_height = image_grid_item_max_height; }
		// set grid properties
		$content_grid.css({'grid-template-columns':'repeat(auto-fill, minmax('+ (image_grid_item_width +16) +'px, auto ) )'});
		$content_grid.find('img').css({'max-width':( image_grid_item_width ) +'px', 'max-height':( image_grid_item_height ) +'px'});
	// Zoom Images on click
	function scaleImages(e,incr,id) {
		const $content_container = ( $('#iframe_body > img').length === 1 ? $('#iframe_body') : $('#content_container') );
		const $this_image = ( $('#iframe_body > img').length === 1 ? $('#iframe_body > img') : $content_image );
		const this_link = $this_image.attr('src');
		  let CC_width = function() { return Math.round($content_container.width()); };
		  let CC_height = function() { return Math.round($content_container.height()); };
		const this_width = Math.round($this_image.width());
		const this_height = Math.round($this_image.height());
		const iframe_delta =  ( $('#iframe_body > img').length === 1 ? Number.parseInt($('#iframe_body').css('padding')) : 0 );
		// scale grid images
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_grid' ) {
		} else { // scale single images
			getImageDimensions( this_link, function( width, height ) {
				switch(true) {
					case incr !== undefined && id !== undefined: // scale images by increment
						$content_pane.addClass('has_scaled_image').removeClass('has_zoom_image'); // remove zoom classes in case window resized after zoom
						if ( id === 'increase' ) {// && this_width < width && this_height < height) {
							$this_image.css({'width':this_width * incr, 'height': this_height * incr});
							$this_image.css({'width':this_width * incr, 'height': 'auto', 'max-width':'none', 'max-height':'none' });
						if ( id === 'decrease' && ( this_width >= 1 && this_height >= 1 ) ) {
							$this_image.css({'width':this_width / incr, 'height': 'auto', 'max-width':'none', 'max-height':'none' });
						// keep images centered when scaling
						if ( Math.round($this_image.width()) >= CC_width() ) {
							$content_image_container.scrollLeft( ( Math.round( ( $this_image.outerWidth(true) ) - CC_width() ) )/2 ) ;
						if ( Math.round($this_image.height()) <= CC_height() ) {
							$content_image_container.scrollTop( ( CC_height() - Math.round( $this_image.height() ) )/2 );
						} else {
							$content_image_container.scrollTop( ( Math.round($this_image.outerHeight(true)) - CC_height())/2 ) ;
					default: { // else zoom single image on click
						if ( width <= CC_width() && height <= CC_height() ) { // but don't zoom small images:
							$content_pane.removeClass('has_zoom_image has_scaled_image');
						} // otherwise, zoom image:
						const $CC_offset = $content_container.offset();
						const $img_offset = $this_image.offset();
						// x,y coordinates of zoom click as percentage of image width/height
						const percentX = (e.pageX - $img_offset.left)/this_width;
						const percentY = (e.pageY - $;
						// calculate scroll by pixel coordinates of full-size image - click coordinates and content_container offsets
						const scrollX = (width * percentX) - e.pageX + $CC_offset.left - (iframe_delta * width / this_width);
						const scrollY = (height * percentY) - e.pageY + $ - (iframe_delta * height / this_height);

						$content_pane.removeClass('has_scaled_image').toggleClass('has_zoom_image' );
						$content_image_container.scrollLeft( scrollX );
						$content_image_container.scrollTop( scrollY );
	// Zoom single image on click
	$content_image_container.on('click','img', function(e) { scaleImages(e); focusContent('content_image_container'); });
	// Scale Fonts and Images
	function scalePreviewItems(e,id) { // combine scaling into one function
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_glyph' ) { scaleGlyphs(e, 1.125, id); return; }
		scaleImages(e, 1.125, id );
		scaleFonts(e, 1.125, id );
	// Scale Buttons
	$('#scale').on('click','span', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
		scalePreviewItems(e, $(this).attr('id') );
		if ( $('body').hasClass('focus_content') ) { focusContent(); }
	// ***** END SCALE PREVIEW ITEMS ***** //

	// ***** AUDIO CONTENT ***** //
	// Update Playlist
	function updateTrackList() {
		let playlist = [];
		$dir_list_body.find('.media').not('.unchecked').not('.disabled').not('.audio_loaded').not('.content_loaded').not('.selected').each(function() { playlist.push( $(this).attr('id') ); });
		return playlist;
	// Randomize Shuffle List
	function shuffleArray(array) {
		for ( let i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i-- ) { const j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1));  [array[i], array[j]] = [array[j], array[i]]; }
		return array;
	// Attach Shuffle List data to $audio_player
	function updateShuffleList(id) {
		let shuffle_list;
		switch(true) {
			case !$body.hasClass('shuffle_media'):
			case id !== undefined: // don't include .playing and .unchecked track in shufflelist
				shuffle_list = $'shufflelist');
				switch(true) {
					case $(document.getElementById(id)).hasClass('unchecked') || ( /audio_loaded|content_loaded/.test(document.getElementById(id).classList.value) ):
						shuffle_list.splice(shuffle_list.indexOf(id), 1); $'shufflelist',shuffle_list); break;
						shuffle_list.push(id); shuffle_list = shuffleArray( shuffle_list );
				shuffle_list = shuffleArray( updateTrackList() );
	// Click media checkboxes
	$('#tbody').on('click',' input', function(e) {
		if (getBrowser() === 'is_gecko') { e.preventDefault(); } // because Firefox sucks
		e.stopPropagation(); toggleChecked(this);
	// Toggle single media checkboxes and update shufflelist
	function toggleChecked(el) { el.blur(); $(el).closest('tr').toggleClass('unchecked'); updateShuffleList($(el).closest('tr').attr('id')); }
	// toggle all media checkboxes and update shufflelist
	function toggleAllChecked() { $dir_list_body.find('> tr').find('input').trigger('click'); updateShuffleList(); }
	$('#play_toggle').on('click',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); toggleAllChecked(); });
	// Is Playing; returns true if all conditions are true
	function isPlaying(id) {
		switch(true) {
			case !== window.self:
				return ( $('body').hasClass('is_playing') ? true : false );
			default: return ( id !== undefined && document.getElementById(id).currentTime > 0 && !document.getElementById(id).paused && !document.getElementById(id).ended );
	// Play Media
	function playMedia(task) {
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio') ) { $audio_player.trigger(task); } else { $content_video.trigger(task); }
	function setPlayerStatus(task) {
		if ( task === 'play' ) { $('body').removeClass('is_paused').addClass('is_playing'); } else { $('body').removeClass('is_playing').addClass('is_paused'); }
		if ( $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_audio') ) { sendMessage('iframe','setIframePlayerStatus','',task); }
	// Skip media tracks +/-10/30 seconds
	function mediaSkip(e,args) {
		let factor, skip;
		switch(true) {
			case e !== undefined: 		factor = ( e.key === 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 : 1 ); 	skip = ( e.altKey && e.shiftKey ? 30 : e.altKey ? 10 : null ); break; // from top
			case args !== undefined:	factor = ( args[0] === 'ArrowLeft' ? -1 : 1 );	skip = args[1] || 0; break; // from iframe
		const $player = ( $('#content_pane').hasClass('has_audio') ? $audio_player : $content_video ); // audio or video?
		const time = $player.prop('currentTime'); // current time
		$player.prop('currentTime', time + factor*(skip)); // set time
	// Play/Pause Audio/Video
	function playPauseMedia() {
		let playerID = ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_video' ? 'content_video' : 'audio' );
		let player = document.getElementById( playerID );
		switch(true) {
			case isPlaying( playerID ): player.pause(); $('body').removeClass('is_playing').addClass('is_paused'); break;
			default:;  $('body').removeClass('is_paused').addClass('is_playing');
	// Toggle Audio Playback Options (shuffle, loop)
	function audioPlaybackOptions(id) {
		switch(true) {
			case id === 'shuffle': case id === 'shuffle_media_files': $body.toggleClass('shuffle_media'); updateShuffleList(); break;
			case id === 'loop': case id === 'loop_media_files': $body.toggleClass('loop_media'); break;
		switch(true) { // change audio checkboxes prop
			case id === 'shuffle_media_files': ( $('#shuffle').prop('checked') === true ? $('#shuffle').prop({'checked':false}) : $('#shuffle').prop({'checked':true}) ); break;
			case id === 'loop_media_files': ( $('#loop').prop('checked') === true ? $('#loop').prop({'checked':false}) : $('#loop').prop({'checked':true}) ); break;
	// click loop or shuffle audio options
	$('#media_files_menu').on('click','#loop_media_files,#shuffle_media_files', function() { audioPlaybackOptions( $(this).attr('id') ); closeMenus(); });
	$('#audio_options').on('click','input', function() { audioPlaybackOptions( $(this).attr('id') ); $(this).blur(); document.getElementById('top').focus(); });
	// Initialize Media: play next track on ended and scroll to playing item
	function initMedia() {
		$('#audio,#content_video').on('ended', function() {
			switch(true) {
				// play track from iframe
				case $content_pane.hasClass('has_iframe_audio'):			sendMessage('iframe','play_prev_next_iframe_audio','','ArrowRight'); 	break;
				case $content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'): 					playPrevNextMediaTrack('ArrowRight','true');  break;
				case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_video':	playPrevNextMediaTrack('ArrowRight','true');  break;
	// ***** END AUDIO PLAYBACK ***** //
	// ***** IFRAME SETUP ***** //
	function setUpIframeUI() { // set up iframe directory UI or iframe text editor
		let iframe_location = decodeURIComponentSafe(window.location.href), content = '';
		$('body').attr('id','iframe_body'); // add iframe body id
		const text_files = $item_kind.markdown.concat($item_kind.text, $item_kind.code); // define which files are editable
		const link_files = $;
		switch(true) {
			case window.location.pathname.indexOf('/?') > 0: // set up iframe directory
			case window.location.pathname.endsWith('/'): // set up iframe directory
			case text_files.includes( window.location.pathname.slice( window.location.pathname.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) ): // else set up iframe text editor
				if ( iframe_location.endsWith('.cue') ) { content = $('#text_source').val(); } // get cue sheet text for processing
				if ( link_files.includes( iframe_location.slice(iframe_location.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) ) ) { content = $('#iframe_body').find('> pre').html(); } // get link file content for processing
				// $('body').prepend(text_editing_UI_els);
				break; // all other iframe content (e.g., html files)
		let args = [iframe_location,content]; // args[0] = link, args[1] = iframe_content
	function setUpIframeDirUI(link) { // set up iframe dir_list UI and utility iframes (for subdirectories)
		let parent_link = link.split('/').slice(0,-2).join('/') +'/';//+;
		let query_str = new URLSearchParams(;
		let $iframe_body = $('#iframe_body'), $iframe_head = $('head'), $iframe_utility_iframe = '<iframe id="content_iframe_utility" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-modals allow-popups" style="display:none;"></iframe>';
		let body_classes = []; // make array of classes to add all at once
		if ( getBrowser() === 'is_gecko' ) { body_classes.push('is_gecko'); } // append gecko styles and fix links
		switch(true) {
			case query_str.get('view_directory_source') === 'true':
			case query_str.get('is_error') === 'true':
				break; // show raw directory index if error or viewing directory source
			default: // else set up iframe directory
				for ( let key of query_str.keys() ) {
					switch(true) {
						case query_str.get(key) === 'true':		body_classes.push(key);		break; 						// add body classes for boolean params
						case query_str.get(key) !== 'false':	body_classes.push(key+'_'+getSearchParam(key));	break;	// non-boolean params (theme, sort, sort_direction)
				$iframe_head.find('style, link[rel="stylesheet"], link[href$="css"]').remove(); 	// remove any existing directory index styles
				$iframe_head.append('<style id="iframe_dir_styles">'+ $iframe_dir_styles +'</style><style id="color_and_background_styles">'+ $color_and_background_styles +'</style>');
				$iframe_head.append('<style id="gecko_style_rules">'+ $gecko_style_rules +'</style>'); // no break;
				// if opening a subdirectory, use dir_list_subdir to contain prepped index (i.e., we don't need the sidebar or other UI elements.
				  let dir_list_subdir = '<table id="dir_list"><tbody id="tbody" class="border_bottom text_color_111"></tbody></table>'; // dir_list_subdir
				  let iframe_table = ( query_str.get('subdirectory') === 'true' ? dir_list_subdir : ContentIframeDirEls(parent_link) ); // get iframe directory UI for regular iframe or subdirectory

				const make_new_index = makeNewIndex($iframe_body, query_str.get('sort_by'))[0]; // make new index
				const prepped_index = make_new_index[0]; 										// define prepped index
				const additional_classes = make_new_index[1]; 									// additional body classes
				const stats = make_new_index[2]; 												// stats
				$iframe_body.removeAttr('style').addClass(additional_classes).addClass(body_classes.join(' ')).empty().append(iframe_table).find('#tbody').append(prepped_index);
				$('#tfoot').append(stats); // add UI & prepped_index
				if ( query_str.get('subdirectory') === null ) { $iframe_body.append($iframe_utility_iframe); } // append utility iframe only in top iframe; i.e., don't nest utility iframes
				if ( query_str.get('subdirectory') === 'true' ) { sendMessage('top','dir_list_subdir_loaded','',$('#tbody').html() ); } // if content_iframe_utility, send #top prepped directory for subdirectories
	// IFRAME Click
	$('#iframe_body, #iframe_body #toolbar, #iframe_body #toolbar li, #iframe_body #tbody, #iframe_body .has_icon_before_before').on('click', function() {
		$('body').removeClass('is_blurred'); sendMessage('top','iframe_click'); // tell top to close menus, focus content
	// IFRAME Select iframe row on click or play/pause iframe audio
	function iframeSelectRow(row) {
		row.addClass('selected').removeClass('is_blurred').siblings('tr').removeClass('is_blurred selected'); // set selected classes
		if ( row.hasClass('audio_loaded') ) { sendMessage('top','iframe_play_pause_media'); } // play/pause media
	$('#iframe_body').on('click', function(e) { $(this).removeClass('has_stats'); });
	$('#iframe_body').on('click','#tbody tr', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();
	$('#iframe_body').on('click','textarea,form,select,input,option,output', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation();
	// IFRAME Click links from html files (should really combine with iframeDoubleClickRow())
	function iframeClickLink(e,link,id) {
		let url, kind;
        if ( !link.startsWith('#') ) { e.preventDefault(); url = newURL(link); } // if link is not a link fragment
		switch(true) {
			case url === undefined: case link.startsWith('#'): 															break; // allow default link fragment behavior
			case id === 'tbody': 		e.preventDefault();	window.location = link + '?&view_directory_source=true';	break; //
			case id === 'parent': 		sendMessage('top','show_iframe_dir','',[link,'dir']); 							break; // open parent directory in iframe; add data-iframe_link to $content_iframe
			case url.protocol === 'file:' && window.location.protocol !== 'file:':	sendMessage('top','local_link');	break; // show warning when attempting to open local links from non-local pages
			case url.protocol !== 'file:' && window.location.protocol === 'file:':,'_blank');			break; // open remote link from local page in new tab/window
			case url.protocol === 'file:' && window.location.protocol === 'file:':										// no break; open local links on local files in iframe
			case url.protocol === 'about:':										 										// no break; document #link fragments
			case RegExp(url.hostname).test(window.location.hostname): 													// no break; same origin links (might not include TLD) (just covering bases here)
			case RegExp(window.location.hostname).test(url.hostname): 													// no break; same origin links (might not include TLD) (just covering bases here)
				kind = getLinkInfo(url.href)[3];
 				if ( /dir|app/.test(kind) ) { sendMessage('top','show_iframe_dir','',[link,kind] ); } else { sendMessage('top','show_iframe_file','',[link,kind] ); }	break;
			default:,'_blank'); 																		break; // else open external document links in new tab
	// click link in html files (i.e., not iframe dir index)
	$('#iframe_body').on('click','a', function(e) {
		if ( $(this).closest('table').attr('id') !== 'dir_list' ) { iframeClickLink(e,$(this).attr('href'),$(this).closest('span,tbody').attr('id')); }
	// IFRAME Doubleclick iframe dir_list items (files and dirs)
	function iframeDoubleClickRow(row) {
		let kind = row.closest('tr').attr('data-kind'); // get item kind
		if ( kind === 'audio' ) { row.closest('tr').addClass('audio_loaded selected').siblings('.audio').removeClass('audio_loaded selected'); }
		let link = row.attr('href'); // get item link
		switch(true) {
			case ( /dir|app/.test(kind) ):	sendMessage('top','show_iframe_dir','',[link,kind]); break; // dirs: tell top what to open; ignore ignored files when dblclicked
			default: 						sendMessage('top','show_iframe_file','',[link,kind]); // files: tell top what to open; ignore ignored files when dblclicked
	$('#iframe_body').on('dblclick','#tbody tr:not(.ignored) a', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); iframeDoubleClickRow($(this)); });
	// Open IFRAME directory in sidebar
	function openDirInSidebar() { let link = window.location.href; sendMessage('top','open_iframe_dir_in_sidebar','',link); }
	$('#open_in_sidebar').on('click',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); openDirInSidebar(); });
	// parent directory link for source directory view
	$('#iframe_body').on('click','#parentDirText,#UI_goUp a.up', function(e) {
		e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation();
		if ('view_directory_source') > -1 ) { window.location = $(this).closest('a').attr('href') + '?&view_directory_source=true'; }
	//***** TEXT EDITING PANE *****//
	function setUpTextEditorUI() {
		let source_text, body_classes = [], content;
		if ( !$('body').hasClass('has_text_editor_UI') ) { // add classes, styles, and scripts; only add once
			$('head').append('<style id="text_editor_styles">'+ $text_editor_styles +'</style>');
			$('head').append('<link id="github_markdown_css" rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>');
			$('#title span').empty();
			body_classes.push('has_text_editor_UI', getSearchParam('default_text_view'));
		switch(true) { // get source text and append UI elements
			case window.self === // top level text editor
				if ( !$('body').hasClass('has_text_editor_UI') ) { $('#content_text').append( text_editing_UI_els ); } // only add the text editor UI if it hasn't been added already
			case window.self !== // iframe text editing UI
				$('head').prepend('<meta charset="utf-8" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/plain; charset="utf-8">')
						 .append('<style id="warning_styles">'+ $warning_styles +'</style>'); // add iframe text editing styles
				source_text = decodeURIComponentSafe($('body').find('> pre').text()); // get source text and decode Unicode chars.
				$('body').empty().append('<div id="content_text" class="background_color_DD_33">'+ text_editing_UI_els +' </div><div id="warnings_container" class="">'+ warnings +'</div>'); // add the UI
				$('#text_source').val(source_text); // set the source text value
				document.getElementById('text_source').setSelectionRange(0,0); // set the insertion point to the beginning of the text
				// no break
			case $('#text_source').val().trim().startsWith('#EXTM3U'): // playlists and filelists
				content = $('#text_source').val().trim(); // get m3u.txt file for processing
		switch(true) { // assemble text editing body classes
			case getSearchParam('enable_text_editing') === 'false' && !== window.self: // text editing disabled
				$('body').removeClass('split_view preview_text preview_html');
				body_classes.push('disable_text_editing source_text'); // show the source text
				$('#text_source').prop('disabled','disabled'); // diable textarea editing
				if ( getSearchParam('split_view') === 'true' ) 					{ body_classes.push('split_view'); }
				if ( getSearchParam('sync_scroll') === 'true' )					{ body_classes.push('sync_scroll'); $('#sync_scroll input').prop({'checked':true}); }
				if ( getSearchParam('editor_theme') === 'default' )
					{ body_classes.push('editor_theme_'+ getSearchParam('theme')); } else { body_classes.push( 'editor_theme_'+ getSearchParam('editor_theme') ); }
		$('body').addClass( body_classes.join(' ') ); // add text editor body classes
		TextEditing(); // call text editing functions
	// setup and show top level text editor
	$('#text_editor, #text_editor_row').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); showContent( $(this).attr('id') ); });
	// Main Text Editing Function
	function TextEditing() {
		let $toolbar = $('#toolbar'), $source = $('#text_source'), $preview = $('#text_preview'), $html = $('#html_preview'), $MDhandle = $('#text_editing_handle');
		// Toolbar button functions
		$toolbar.on('mousedown', function(e) 	{ e.preventDefault(); }); // prevent textarea from losing focus when clicking sidebar
		// Resize
		$MDhandle.on('mousedown', function(e)	{ e.stopPropagation(); MDresizeSplit(); }); // resize text editor panes
		$MDhandle.on('dblclick', function(e)	{ e.stopPropagation(); $source.add($preview).add($MDhandle).add($html).removeAttr('style'); }); // reset text editor panes width
		$(window).on('resize', function()							 { $source.add($preview).add($MDhandle).add($html).removeAttr('style'); }); // reset split to 50/50 on window resize;
		// Click labels to toggle checkboxes
		$preview.add($toolbar).on('click','label', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); $(this).siblings('input').click(); });
		// Sync scroll
		// convert this so that function is triggered only by hovered element, not when targeted el is scrolled
		$source.on('scroll', function(e)		{ MDsyncScroll(e,'text_source'); });
		$html.on('scroll', function(e)		{ MDsyncScroll(e,'html_preview'); });
		// $preview.on('scroll'): see "scroll_iframe" in "scroll_script" added to iframe src_doc
		// Generate Markdown Preview
		let source_text = ( $source.length === 0 ? '' : $source.val() );
		MDmarkdown( source_text, $preview );
		// Live preview update, and set edited classes for unsaved warning
		$source.on('input', function() { // only add class or send message once after editing
			if ( !$('body').hasClass('edited') ) {
				$('body').addClass('edited'); // add edited class
				if ( !== window.self ) { sendMessage('top','iframe_edited','',''); } // send edited message to top
		// Checklists
		$preview.on('click','.checklist input', function(e) 	{ e.stopPropagation(); MDliveCheckBoxes($(this),$source,$preview); }); // Live checkboxes
		$preview.on('click','.table-of-contents a', function(e) { e.preventDefault();  MDtocClick($(this),$preview); }); // Preview TOC click navigation
		$preview.on('click','.uplink', function(e) 				{ e.stopPropagation(); MDheaderClick($preview); }); // Click header uplinks

	// MARKDOWN Functions
	// Focus Text
	function focusTextEditorPanes() {
		switch(true) {
			case $('body').hasClass('split_view'): case $('body').hasClass('source_text'): $('#text_source').focus(); break;
			case $('body').hasClass('preview_html'): $('#html_preview').focus(); break;
			case $('body').hasClass('preview_text'): $('#text_preview').focus(); break;
	// toggle text editor panes (on tab)
	function toggleTextEditorPanes() {
		switch(true) {
			case === 'text_preview' && getFocusableEls('#text_preview').length > 0: // focus focusable elements in text preview
				getFocusableEls('#text_preview').first().focus(); break;
			case ( /text_preview|html_preview|text_source]/.test( && !$('body').hasClass('split_view') ): // text editor: if not split view, focus sidebar
				sendMessage('top','focus_sidebar'); break;
			case $('body').hasClass('split_view'):
				switch(true) {
					case === 'text_source': // text editor: if text source has focus with split, focus the other pane
						if ( $('body').hasClass('preview_html') ) { $('#html_preview').focus(); } else { $('#text_preview').focus(); } break;
					case ( /text_preview|html_preview/.test( ): // text editor: if text preview has focus with split, focus text source
						$('#text_source').focus(); break;
	// Select Textarea Content
	function selectTextareaContent(id) {
		let $textarea = document.getElementById(id);
		$textarea.scrollTop = 0;
	// TOOLBAR Clear text source
	function clearText() {
		if ( window.self !== ) { sendMessage('top','iframe_edited'); }
	$('body').on('click','#clear_text',function() { showWarning('clearText'); });
	// TOOLBAR Save Button
	function saveBtn(id) {
		let data, ext, file_name;
		switch(true) {
			case $('#content_pane').attr('data-content') === 'has_text_editor': file_name = 'untitled'; break;
			default:	file_name = decodeURIComponentSafe(window.location.pathname.split('/').reverse()[0]);
						file_name = file_name.slice(0,file_name.lastIndexOf('.'));
		switch(true) {
			case		id === 'save_text': data = $('#text_source').val(); ext = '.md'; break;
			case		id === 'save_HTML':	data = MDprepHTML($('#text_preview').html()); ext = '.html';
		saveMD( data, file_name + ext );
	$('#content_text').on('click','#save_btn li',function() { saveBtn($(this).attr('id')); }); // save text editor content

	function MDprepHTML(data) {
		const save_HTML_open = `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /><title></title>
								<link rel="stylesheet" href=""></link>
								<style></style><script></script></head><body lang="en" class="markdown-body">`;
		const save_HTML_close = '</body></html>';
		data = data.replace(/<span\sclass="uplink">.<\/span>/g,'');
		return save_HTML_open + data + save_HTML_close;
	function saveMD(data,file_name) { // #top must save text, otherwise a new window is opened that contains the blob content
		if ( !== window.self ) { sendMessage('top','save_text','',[data,file_name]); } else { saveFile(data,'text/plain',file_name); }
	// MD Custom pre- and post-processing for text.
	function MDaddHeaderIDs(match, p1, p2, p3) { return '<h'+ p1 +' id="'+ p3.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g,'-') +'" ' + p2 +'>'+ p3; } // create header ids for TOC
	function MDcustomPreProcess(src) { return src; } // we're not doing anything here just yet...
	function MDcustomPostProcess(html) {
		html = html.replace(/<(p|li|dt|dd)>-*\s*\[\s*x\s*\]\s*(.+?)<\/(p|li|dt|dd)>$/gm,'<$1 class="checklist"><input type="checkbox" checked><label>$2</label></$3>') // checkboxes in p,li,dt,dd
			.replace(/<(p|li|dt|dd)>-*\s*\[\s{1,}\]\s*(.+?)<\/(p|li|dt|dd)>$/gm,'<$1 class="checklist"><input type="checkbox"><label>$2</label></$3>') // checkboxes
		//				.replace(/<li><p class="checklist">"/g,'<li class="checklist"><p>')
			.replace(/^<h(\d)([^>]*)>([^<]+)/gm, MDaddHeaderIDs) // add header IDs;
			.replace(/<\/h(\d)>/g,'<span class="uplink">&uarr;</span></h$1>');
		return html;
	//MD Render markdown from preprocessed source text
	function MDmarkdown(source_text,$preview_el) {
		const MDit = window.markdownit({linkify:false, typography:false, html:true}).use(window.markdownitMultimdTable, {enableMultilineRows: true})
		let MD_Preview = MDcustomPostProcess( MDit.render( MDcustomPreProcess( source_text ) ) );
		let MD_script = '<script id="scroll_script">window.onscroll = function(){ window.parent.postMessage( { "messageContent":"scroll_iframe","functionName":"","arguments":window.scrollY },"*") }; window.onclick = function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); window.parent.postMessage({ "messageContent":"focus_text_preview" },"*" )}; </script>';
			$preview_el.attr('srcdoc',MD_script + MD_Preview); // set previewed text
		let source_HTML = MD_Preview.toString();
			$('#html_preview').empty().val(source_HTML); // set raw html
	// MD Live preview, add edited warning
	function MDlivePreview($source_el,$preview_el) { MDmarkdown( $source_el.val(),$preview_el ); MDsetChecklistClass(); }
	// MD Live Checkboxes prep: find each instance of [ ] or [x] and replace text in index = to clicked checkbox in Preview.
	function MDreplaceAt(str, replacement, position) { str = str.substring(0, position) + replacement + str.substring(position + replacement.length); return str; }
	function MDreplaceNthSubStr(str,substr,replacement,index) {
		let count = 0, found = substr.exec(str);
		while ( found !== null ) { if ( count === index ) { return MDreplaceAt(str, replacement, found.index ); } else { count++; found = substr.exec(str); } }
	// MD Live Checkboxes
	function MDliveCheckBoxes(checkbox,$source_el,$preview_el) {
		const this_index = $preview_el.find('.checklist').index( $('.clicked') );
		const src_text = $source_el.val();
		const substr = new RegExp(/\[\s*.\s*\]/g);
		const replacement = (':checked') ? '[x]' : '[ ]' );
		$source_el.val( MDreplaceNthSubStr(src_text, substr, replacement, this_index) );
	// MD Checkbox list class: Prevent checkbox lists from having list bullets
	function MDsetChecklistClass() { $('input[type="checkbox"]').closest('ul').css({'list-style':'none','padding':'0'}); }
	// MD Resize Split View
	function MDresizeSplit() {
		let page_width = window.innerWidth,
			editor_width = document.getElementById('content_text').offsetWidth,
			editor_offsetLeft = ( document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].id === 'top' ? document.getElementById('content_pane').offsetLeft : 0);
		$(document).on('mousemove',function(e) {
			e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault();
			let pageX = e.pageX;
			if ( pageX > editor_offsetLeft + 150 && pageX < page_width - 150 ) { // min widths
				$('#text_editing_handle').css({'left': pageX - editor_offsetLeft - 4 + 'px'});
				$('#text_source').css({'width': pageX - editor_offsetLeft + 'px'});
				$('#text_preview').css({'width': editor_width + editor_offsetLeft - pageX + 'px'});
				$('#html_preview').css({'width': editor_width + editor_offsetLeft - pageX + 'px'});
		document.onmouseup = function() { $(document).off('mousemove'); focusTextEditorPanes(); };
	// MD UI Sync Scroll
	function MDsyncScroll(e,id,iframe_scrollTop,iframe_scrollHeight) {
		if ( !document.querySelector('input[name="sync_scroll"').checked || !$('body').hasClass('split_view') ) { return; } // ignore if no split or no sync scroll
		// let editor_height = document.getElementById('text_container').offsetHeight;
		let scrolled = e.currentTarget, scrolled_scrollTop = iframe_scrollTop || scrolled.scrollTop,
			scrolled_height = iframe_scrollHeight || scrolled.scrollHeight,
			scrolled_percentage = (scrolled_scrollTop/scrolled_height).toFixed(4);
		// the element to be sync scrolled: remove the target element id and the hidden editor pane from the array of editor pane ids
		let synced_id = ['text_source','html_preview'].filter(el => el !== => document.getElementById(el).offsetHeight > 0).toString();
		let synced = document.getElementById(synced_id) || document.getElementById('text_preview').contentWindow.document.documentElement; // the element to be sync scrolled
		synced.scrollTo(0, (scrolled_percentage * synced.scrollHeight).toFixed(0), {behavior:'smooth'});
		// if ( (scrolled.scrollTop + editor_height) === scrolled_height) { synced.scrollTo(0,synced.scrollHeight, {behavior:'smooth'}); }; // force synced element to bottom
	// click TOC anchors
	function MDtocClick(el,$preview_el) { let thisId = el.attr('href'); if ( thisId ) { $preview_el.scrollTop( $(thisId).offset().top - 48 ); } }
	// click Headers to return to TOC or top
	function MDheaderClick($preview_el) {
		switch(true) {
			case $preview_el.find('.table-of-contents').length > 0: document.getElementsByClassName('table-of-contents')[0].scrollIntoView(true); break;
			default: document.getElementById('preview').scroll(0,0);

	// Send a message to iframe or parent
	function sendMessage(target,message,funcName,args) {
		let messageObj = { 'messageContent': message, 'functionName': funcName, 'arguments': args }, content_iframe;
		switch(target) {
			case 'iframe': 	content_iframe = document.getElementById('content_iframe'); content_iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( messageObj, '*' ); break;
			case 'top':		window.parent.postMessage( messageObj, '*'); break;
	// Receive a message from iframe or parent, do appropriate action
	function receiveMessage(e) {
		if ( e.origin === 'null' || e.origin === $origin ) {
			let message =, funcName =, args =;
			switch( message ) {
				case 'arrowNavigation':		arrowNavigation(args); 			break; // class_name, key
				case 'hide_sidebar': 		$('#hide_sidebar').click();		break;
				case 'toggle_menu':		 	$('#menu_container').click();	break;
				case 'close_menu': case 'top_closed_menu': 	$('#iframe_body').removeClass('has_menu is_blurred');	break;
				case 'top_has_menu':		$('#iframe_body').addClass('has_menu is_blurred');		break; // tell iframe top has menu
				case 'menu_navigation': 	menuNavigation(args);			break; // menu navigation from iframe
				case 'menu_selection': case 'clickMenu': 			e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); clickMenu();	break; // show menu
				case 'toggle_invisibles':	$('#show_invisibles_container').find('input').click();	focusContent();	break;
				case 'focus_sidebar':		focusSidebar(); // no break
				case 'escape': case 'tab': // close menus and refocus content or focus sidebar
					switch(true) {
						case $('#top').hasClass('focus_content') && $('#top').hasClass('has_menu'):	focusContent(); break;
						default: focusSidebar(); scrollThis('tbody','selected');	break;
				case 'shift_focus_iframe':
					switch(true) {
						case $('#iframe_dir_list_wrapper').length === 1: // if iframe dir_list visible...
							switch(true) {
								case $('tr.selected, tr.is_blurred').length > 0:	$('tr.is_blurred').removeClass('is_blurred').addClass('selected');	break;
								default:	$('#tbody').find('tr:visible').last().addClass('selected'); // select last row when tabbing into directory
						default: getFocusableEls('#iframe_body').last().focus();	break;
				case 'focus_iframe': // after tabbing into iframe
					$('body').removeClass('has_menu is_blurred');
					switch(true) {
						case $('#iframe_dir_list_wrapper').length === 1: // if iframe dir_list visible...
							switch(true) {
								case $('tr.selected, tr.is_blurred').length > 0:	$('tr.is_blurred').removeClass('is_blurred').addClass('selected');	break;
								default:	$('#tbody').find('tr:visible').first().addClass('selected'); // select first row when tabbing into directory
						case $('body').hasClass('has_text_editor_UI'): // if text editor visible...
							switch(true) { case === 'iframe_body': focusTextEditorPanes(); break; }
							switch(true) { // ... and restore text selection: NOT IMPLEMENTED YET -- but should only be used for text editor, not editable file?
								case $('body').hasClass('split_view'):
								case $('body').hasClass('source_text'): {
										let selection = window.getSelection();
										if ( selection.anchorOffset > 0 ) { // restore cursor position or text selection
											// document.getElementById('text_source').setSelectionRange(x,y);
											// document.getElementById('text_source').scrollTop = [position of x];
											// return;
										} else { document.getElementById('text_source').setSelectionRange(0,0); document.getElementById('text_source').scrollTop = 0; }
						case === 'iframe_body': // focus form elements and textareas in iframe files
							// getFocusableEls('#iframe_body').first().focus();
				case 'editor_theme_default':
					$('#iframe_body').removeClass('editor_theme_light editor_theme_dark').addClass(message);
				case 'editor_theme_light': case 'editor_theme_dark':
					$('#iframe_body').removeClass('editor_theme_light editor_theme_dark').addClass(message);
				case 'theme_light': case 'theme_dark': // toggle iframe UI theme and iframe Text Editor theme
					$('#iframe_body').toggleClass('theme_dark theme_light').removeClass('editor_theme_light editor_theme_dark').addClass('editor_'+ args );
					break; // change iframe dir theme
				case 'blur_iframe':					$('body').addClass('is_blurred');					break;
				case 'iframe_click':				focusContent();										break; // close menus and fade sidebar
				case 'show_iframe_dir':				showContent('content_iframe_dir',args);				break; // args[0] === item link, args[1] === item kind
				case 'show_iframe_file':			showContent('content_iframe_file',args);			break; // args[0] === item link, args[1] === item kind
				case 'show_content': // mainly for opening webloc and url files from
					if ( args[1] === 'dir' ) { showContent('content_iframe_dir',args); } else { showContent('content_iframe_file',args); }
				case 'open_iframe_dir_in_sidebar':	window.location = args;								break; // tell top to open iframe directory in sidebar; args === iframe directory url
				case 'open_iframe_parent_dir':		$('#iframe_body #parent').find('a').click();		break;
				case 'iframe_arrow_navigation':
					switch(args) {
						case 'ArrowUp': 			$('#tbody').find('tr:visible').last().find('a').click(); 	break;
						case 'ArrowDown':			$('#tbody').find('tr:visible').first().find('a').click(); 	break;
				case 'reload':						$('#reload_btn').click();							break; // reload content
				case 'close':						$('#close_btn').click();							break; // escape content_iframe and close content
				// toggle iframe dir_list UI prefs from main menu:
				case 'show_numbers': case 'show_invisibles': case 'alternate_background': case 'hide_ignored_items': case 'ignore_ignored_items':	$('#iframe_body').toggleClass(message);	break;
				case 'iframe_play_pause_media':		playPauseMedia();									break; // tell top to play/pause audio from iframe click
				case 'mediaSkip':					mediaSkip(undefined,args);							break; // tell top to mediaskip from focused iframe
				case 'play_prev_next_iframe_audio': playPrevNextMediaTrack(args); 						break; // play next iframe track
				case 'close_iframe_audio':			$('.audio_loaded').removeClass('audio_loaded');		break;
				case 'set_media_duration':			setMediaDuration(args[0],args[1],args[2],true);		break; // set media durations for subdirectories [id, item_sort_kind, duration]
				case 'iframe_edited':				if ( !$('body#top').hasClass('iframe_edited') ) { $('body#top').addClass('iframe_edited'); }	break; // let top know iframe text has been edited
				case 'save_text_selection':			$('.text.selected,.code.selected,.markdown.selected').attr('data-selection_start',args[0]).attr('data-selection_end',args[1]);	break; // from iframe
				case 'get_text_selection': 			$('#content_text').attr('data-selection_start',args[0]).attr('data-selection_end',args[1]);		break;
				case 'scroll_iframe':				MDsyncScroll(e,'text_preview',args,document.getElementById('text_preview').contentWindow.document.documentElement.scrollHeight); break;
				case 'text_editor_toolbar_button':	if ( !== window.self ) { $('body').toggleClass(args); } else { toggleSearchParam(args); }	break;
				case 'clear':						$('body#top').addClass('iframe_edited');			break; // add edited class after clearing text from edited iframe file
				case 'save_text':					saveFile(args[0],'text/plain',args[1]);				break;
				case 'toggle_text_editor':			showTextEditor();									break;
				case 'focus_text_preview':			$('#text_preview').focus();							break;
				case 'unloading': // warn iframe that user wants to change or close iframe
					if ( !$('#iframe_body').hasClass('has_warning') ) {
						$('#iframe_body').addClass('has_warning').find('#warnings_container').removeClass().addClass('unloading').attr('data-function_name',funcName).attr('data-args',args); }
				case 'dont_save':// from iframe "Don't Save" button
					$body.removeClass('iframe_edited');	$('tr.selected:not(.audio),tr.content_loaded').removeClass('selected content_loaded');	closeContent(); focusSidebar();	break;
				// OTHERS
				case 'open_link_file':				openLink(args); break; // open webloc and url files
				case 'iframe_loaded':
					switch(true) {
						case args[1] !== '' && !$('tr.selected').hasClass('cue'): processCueSheet(args[1]); break; // cue sheet
						default: showIframeContent(args); // if message received by top, iframe loaded successfully; otherwise, data-loaded remains 'unloaded'
				case 'dir_list_subdir_loaded': // subdirectory loaded, add the subdirectory to the dir_list, update stats
					$('.dir_list_subdir_loading').toggleClass('dir_list_subdir_loading has_subdirectory').after(args);	updateStats();	break;
				case 'iframe_playlist': 			$('tr.text').removeData('playlist').removeClass('playlist').filter('.selected').data('playlist',args).addClass('playlist'); break;
				case 'get_html_content':			sendMessage('top','open_in_text_editor','',document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].outerHTML ); break; // send iframe html to top
				case 'open_in_text_editor':			$('#content_text').data('edit_html',args); showWarning('openInTextEditor'); break; // open text editor to edit iframe html
				case 'local_link': 					openWarning('warning_local_file','warning_btn_ok'); break;
				case 'setIframePlayerStatus': // for iframe audio playback
					if ( args === 'play' ) { $('body').removeClass('is_paused').addClass('is_playing'); } else { $('body').removeClass('is_playing').addClass('is_paused'); } break;

	// list of functions to remember while sending messages and then execute after warning button click
	function doFunction(funcName,args) {
		var funcDictionary = { 'arrowNavigation':arrowNavigation, 'clickRow':clickRow, 'doubleClickRow':doubleClickRow, 'null':null, 'clickMenu':clickMenu, 'clickThis':clickThis, 'clearText':clearText,
			'closeButton':closeButton, 'closeContent':closeContent, 'closeFontFile':closeFontFile, 'closePlaylist':closePlaylist, 'closeGlyph':closeGlyph, 'mediaSkip':mediaSkip,
			'openSidebarInContentPane':openSidebarInContentPane, 'resetContent':resetContent, 'setLocation':setLocation, 'showDirectorySource':showDirectorySource, 'openInTextEditor':openInTextEditor };
		return funcName === 'null' ? null : funcDictionary[funcName](args); // return the function and call it with args
	// Open and Close Warning alert, focus default button
	function openWarning(id,buttonid)	{ $('body').addClass('has_warning').find('#warnings_container').removeClass().addClass(id); focusButton(buttonid); }
	function closeWarning() 			{ $('body').removeClass('has_warning').find('#warnings_container, #warning_buttons button').removeClass(); }
	// Show warning after in certain conditions (edited text, open playlist, open font file, etc.; otherwise do the action.
	function showWarning(funcName,args) {
		switch(true) {
			case ( /arrowNavigation|clickRow/.test(funcName) ): // warnings for arrow navigation and row clicks
				switch(true) {
					// upon receipt of message, iframe will show its warning message, based on the funcName
					case $('body').hasClass('iframe_edited'):	sendMessage('iframe','unloading',funcName,args.key);	focusButton('warning_btn_save');	break;
					// warn with open font file and focused sidebar
					case !$('body').hasClass('focus_content') && /has_font_file|has_glyph/.test( $content_pane.attr('data-content') ):	openWarning('warning_close_font','warning_btn_cancel'); break;
					default: doFunction(funcName,args);	break;
			case ( !/arrowNavigation|clickRow/.test(funcName) ): // warnings for other functions
				switch(true) {
					case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_font_file':	openWarning('warning_close_font','warning_btn_cancel');	break; // warn with open font file and close button.
					case $('body').hasClass('has_playlist') && $content_pane.attr('data-content') === undefined && !$content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'):
					case $('body').hasClass('has_filelist') && $content_pane.attr('data-content') === undefined && !$content_pane.hasClass('has_audio'):
						openWarning('warning_close_playlist','warning_btn_cancel');	break;
					case $('body').hasClass('edited'): case funcName === 'clearText':
						$('#content_pane').removeClass('has_hidden_text_editor').attr('data-content','has_text_editor');	openWarning('unloading','warning_btn_save');	break;
					default: doFunction(funcName,args);	break;
	// Warning buttons: what to do when the user clicks a warning button
	function warningButtons(id) {
		let btn = $(document.getElementById(id)), container_el = btn.closest('body');
		switch(id) {
			case 'warning_btn_dont_save': // do the user initiated func without saving the edited text
				switch(true) {
					case window.self !==
						if ( $('#warnings_container').hasClass('unloading') ) { clearText(container_el); sendMessage('top','dont_save'); } break;// remove the irame src and body.iframe_edited class ignore
					case window.self ===
						clearText(container_el); $content_pane.removeAttr('data-content'); $('#content_iframe').removeAttr('src').removeClass('has_content'); $dir_list.find('.dir.selected a').click();
			case 'warning_btn_cancel':	closeWarning();	if ( $body.hasClass('focus_content') ) { focusContent(); }	break;
			case 'warning_btn_clear':	closeWarning();	clearText();	break; // clear text editor
			case 'warning_btn_save':	if ( !== window.self ) { sendMessage('top','clear'); }	container_el.removeClass('edited');	$('#save_text_link').click();	closeWarning(); openInTextEditor();	break;
			case 'warning_btn_ok':
				switch(true) {
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_close_font'): 		closeFontFile();	closeWarning();	break;
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_close_playlist'):	closePlaylist();	closeWarning();	break;
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_make_playlist'):	makePlaylist();	break;
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_local_bookmark'):	// no break
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_local_file'):		// no break
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_local_playlist'):	// no break
					case $('#warnings_container').hasClass('warning_no_playlist'):		closeWarning();	break;
	// Click Edited Warning Buttons
	$('#warnings_container').on('click','button', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); warningButtons( $(this).attr('id') ); });
	// Edited Warning overlay: prevent user clicks on rest of UI
	$('body.has_overlay, body.has_warning').on('click mousedown mouseup', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return; });
	// Tab Warning Buttons (keyboard event)
	function tabWarningButtons(e) {
		switch(true) {
			case e.shiftKey:
				switch(true) {
					case !$('#warning_buttons').find(':focus,.focus').length || !$('#warning_buttons').find(':focus,.focus').prevAll('button:visible').length:
						$('#warning_buttons').find('button:visible').removeClass('focus').last().focus().addClass('focus');		break;
					default: $('#warning_buttons').find(':focus,.focus').removeClass('focus').prevAll('button:visible').first().addClass('focus').focus();
				switch(true) {
					case !$('#warning_buttons').find(':focus,.focus').length || !$('#warning_buttons').find(':focus,.focus').nextAll('button:visible').length:
						$('#warning_buttons').find('button:visible').removeClass('focus').first().focus().addClass('focus'); 	break;
					default: $('#warning_buttons').find(':focus,.focus').removeClass('focus').nextAll('button:visible').first().addClass('focus').focus();

	// Open playlist
	$('#menu').on('click','#open_playlist_label', function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); });
	$('#menu').on('change','#open_playlist', function(e) { openFile(e,'playlist'); });
	// Open Playlist/Filelist
	function openPlaylist(files,reader,data) { // files and reader = open .m3u file; data = contents of m3u.txt file
		if ( !$body.hasClass('has_playlist') && !$body.hasClass('has_filelist') ) { // store original dir_list and body "has_" classes as data if body does not already have playlist or filelist
			let body_classes = document.getElementById('top').classList, data_classes = [];
			for ( let bodyClass of body_classes.values() ) { if ( bodyClass.startsWith('has') ) { data_classes.push( bodyClass ); } } // add original body classes to dataclasses
			$('#tbody').data('dir_list', $('#tbody').html() ).data('data_classes',data_classes); // store the original dir_list and classes
			$body.removeClass(data_classes.join(' ')); 				// remove the original body classes
			$body.removeClass('has_playlist has_filelist');
		let file_name = ( files !== '' ? : $('tr.selected.playlist').find('.tbody_row_cell_name_a_span').text() ); // get the file name for the title and current_dir_path
		let playlist_items = ( reader.result || data ); 			// get the playlist items from the file
		if ( !playlist_items.startsWith('#EXTM3U') ) { return; }	// prevent reading non-playlist files
		let new_index = buildNewIndex( '', convertPlaylist(playlist_items) );
			closeContent(); 										// if normal .m3u file, close all existing content; otherwise, leave m3u.txt files open; but what about filelists?
		$('#tbody').empty().append(new_index[0]); 					// append the prepared playlist
		if ( new_index[1].split(' ').filter(function(e) { return e !== 'has_media' && e !== 'has_audio' && e !== 'has_video' && e !==''; }).length > 0 || $('#tbody').find('tr.dir').length > 0 ) {
			$body.addClass('has_filelist'); 						// if playlist contains non-media files or dirs
		} else {
			$body.addClass('has_playlist has_media'); 				// else normal media playlist
		// if ( !$('#sort_by_name').hasClass('selected' ) ) { $('#sort_by_name').click(); } // sort by name
		if ( /file:/.test(new_index) && !/file:/.test($protocol) ) { // show warning about local files on non-local page
		if ( $body.hasClass('autoload_media') ) { autoLoadFile(); } // autoload media
		document.title = 'Playlist: '+ file_name;
		$('#current_dir_path').find('span').empty().html( file_name );
		$('#open_playlist').val(''); // clear form to allow new list to be loaded
	// Make and save playlist
	function makePlaylist() {
		let items = $('#tbody'), rows, playlist = [], playlistEntry = '';
		let playlist_type = $('#make_playlist_form').find('input:checked').attr('id');
		switch(playlist_type) {
			case 'media_files_only':	rows = items.children('');	break;
			case 'audio_files_only':	rows = items.children('');	break;
			case 'video_files_only':	rows = items.children('');	break;
			case 'all_non_media_files':	rows = items.children('tr:not(.media)');			break;
			case 'all_items':			rows = items.children('tr'); 						break;
			case 'directories_only':	rows = items.children('tr.dir');					break;
			case 'files_only':			rows = items.children('tr.file');					break;
		switch(true) { // show warning if no qualifying items found or make playlist
			case rows.length === 0:
				for ( let i = 0; i < rows.length; i++ ) {
					let row = $(rows[i]);
					let link = getLinkInfo( row.find('a').attr('href') )[0].trim();
					let timing = '';
					playlistEntry = '#EXTINF:'+ timing +','+ row.find('a').text() +'\n'+ link;
				playlist = '#EXTM3U\n'+ playlist.join('\n'); // add playlist header id
				saveFile(playlist,'audio/mpeg-url','untitled.m3u'); // show save file dialogue
	// Select "Make Playlist" menu item: show make playlist warning list
	$('#make_playlist').on('click',function(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); closeMenus(); openWarning('warning_make_playlist','warning_btn_ok'); });
	// Get playlist entry
	function makePlaylistEntry(id) {
		let title, link, duration = '';
		switch(true) {
			case id === 'title': // make link for non-audio items
 				title = $('#title span').text();
 				switch(true) {
 					case $content_pane.attr('data-content') === 'has_image': // link for images
 						link = $('#content_image').attr('src');
 					default: // all other content
 						link = $('.content.has_content').attr('src');
	 					if ($('.content.has_content').attr('id') === 'content_video') { duration = Number.parseInt(getElById('video')[0].duration); }
				link = getLinkInfo(link)[0].trim();
				$('#content_playlist').find('textarea').val('#EXTINF:'+ duration +','+ title +'\n'+ link +'\n').focus();
			case id === 'content_audio_title':
 				title = $('#content_audio_title span').text();
				link = getLinkInfo($('#audio').attr('src'))[0].trim();
				duration = Number.parseInt(getElById('audio')[0].duration); // get the track duration in secs from the media element
				$('#content_audio_playlist').find('textarea').val('#EXTINF:'+ duration +','+ title +'\n'+ link +'\n').focus(); // add the entry to the textarea
	// Show Playlist Entry
	function showPlaylistEntry(id) {
		switch(true) {
			case id === 'title':
			case id === 'content_audio_title':
	$('#title, #content_audio_title').on('click',function() {
		if ( $content_pane.attr('data-content') !== 'has_font_file' && $content_pane.attr('data-content') !== 'has_grid' ) { showPlaylistEntry($(this).attr('id')); }
	// Open File
	function openFile(e,type) { // type: font or playlist.
		if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {
			let files =[0];
			let reader = new FileReader();
			if ( type === 'font' ) { reader.readAsArrayBuffer(files); }
			if ( type === 'playlist' ) { reader.readAsText(files); }
			reader.onload = function() {
				if ( type === 'font' ) { openFontFile(files,reader); }
				if ( type === 'playlist' ) { openPlaylist(files,reader); }
				return true;
		} else {
			alert('Can\'t open file: file APIs are not fully supported in this browser.');
	// Save File
	function saveFile(content,mimetype,file_name) {
		let blob = new Blob([content], {type: mimetype});
		let $download_el = window.document.createElement('a');
		    $ = "display:none";
			$download_el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
			$ = file_name;