Greasy Fork is available in English.

StackExchange obvious followed link color

Change the color of followed links on all StackExchange sites so they they are easily distinguishable.

// ==UserScript==
// @name StackExchange obvious followed link color
// @namespace
// @version 1.05
// @license MIT
// @description Change the color of followed links on all StackExchange sites so they they are easily distinguishable.
// @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?stackexchange\.com\/.*/
// @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?askubuntu\.com\/.*/
// @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?superuser\.com\/.*/
// @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?serverfault\.com\/.*/
// @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?stackoverflow\.com\/.*/
// @include /https?\:\/\/([a-z\.]*\.)?answers.onstartups\.com\/.*/
// @grant GM_addStyle
// ==/UserScript==