Greasy Fork is available in English. Aimbot

Aim at the closest player by pressing Shift.

< Feedback on Aimbot

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Posted: 08-07-2018


hi can u plz add a script to make it auto shoot when u press shift because it would make it easyer and change the butten to c or somthing thx if u read this and i love this script.

Posted: 08-07-2018
Edited: 08-07-2018

i tried doing it my self and i got a qeuestion if i am doing it right thx if u reply and sorry that i'm bothering u

} c.addEventListener('mousedown', function (event) { if (event.which == 2) { shootBullet(player); } }); c.addEventListener("keydown", function(a) { if (a.keyCode == 67) { shootBullet(player); } }, false); } };

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