
Like or Follow all posts or people on the Wall with only one click.

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Facebook feature

Like/Unlike everything on the Page with one Click.

Twitter feature

Follow/Unfollow all people on the Page with one Click.

What's NEW in current version 0.2?

Facebook: Added 1 Button named "Add", feature is to Add all People with one Click.
Facebook: Changed the Button name "Un/Like" to "Like", and color is changed to Facebook Color.
Twitter: Added 1 Button named "Like", feature is to Like every Post on the Wall with one Click.
Twitter: Changed the Button name "Un/Follow" to "Follow", and color is changed to Twitter Color.
Added 1 new Button with version status.

Old version 0.1

Added Facebook like button.
Added Twitter follow button.
Added Info button.

About us

We are AndroidHelp24 and help all the People who have problems with there Android devices.
You can visit Our page by clicken on the button "Info"
We thanks all the people where downloaded Our Userscript or visiting Our Page.