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百度网盘md5显示 JS - 在只有一个文件的百度网盘分享页显示文件的md5
百度网盘批量重命名 JS - 批量重命名百度网盘中的文件,支持正则和选中重命名
自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀 JS - 自动添加补全磁力链接和百度网盘前缀自动跳转
! IMDB + Magnet JS - Show magnet and in movie detail page .
填写百度网盘密码 JS - Fill in Baidu disk password automatically
福利吧网盘自动补全 JS - 自动补全页面中的网盘地址(支持百度网盘和115礼包)
AutoUnlock JS - 自动跳转并解锁百度网盘、Mega分享
在线视频外挂字幕 JS - 目前支持B站,爱奇艺,优酷,百度网盘(百度网盘由于chrome有closed shadow dom暂时只能在firefox里使用),按Q键+100ms,按W键-100ms,按E键显示/隐藏字幕,console可作为transcript使用
配合网盘密码自动提取,融合链接与提取码 JS - 自动处理网盘链接及其提取码变成支持自动填充密码的方式的链接(百度云、360pan等)
网盘链接激活工具 JS - 激活百度和360网盘的链接,可以直接点击。
HTML5 video player enhanced script JS - Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast
BaiduNetDisk for generating links and saving files. JS - BaiduPan for generating links and saving files.
baidu-netdisk-rename JS - Renaming tool for web-based version of baidu netdisk. It supports batch renaming. 百度网盘的重命名小工具,支持批量重命名。
BaiduPanAutoNextBtn JS - 百度网盘自动下一步按钮
辅助下载若蓝格)杂志 JS - 打开一本杂志页面,点击“下载地址”,本脚本会自动获取百度网盘提取码,并自动输入,打开下载页面。
bilibili网页视频简介中的链接可以点击 JS - black to blue!
Light aggregate search, by Google,Bing,Baidu,Yahoo,Yandex,Amazon,Quora,Bilibili,Youtube,GitHub,etc JS - Lightweight aggregate search, support Baidu, Google, Bing, 360 search, Sogou search, Yahoo, Yandex, Taobao, Jingdong, Amazon, Zhihu, Bilibili, Douban, Youku, Iqiyi, GitHub, Yunpan, Dasheng disk, Dali pan, support Google search link, a new window opens, you can set custom website or open in code Turn off the aggregation function and the new window opening function of Google search link.
Audio and Video Enhancement Script: Supports infinite speed adjustment, video downloading, and more. JS - Audio and Video enhancement script, supports all H5 video websites, such as: Bilibili, Douyin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Xigua Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, NetEase Open Course, Baidu network disk, Alibaba cloud disk, ted, instagram, twitter, etc. Full shortcut key control, support: double-speed playback/accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture-in-picture, full-screen web pages, adjusting brightness, saturation, contrast
Literature mutual helper JS - ①Show ssid/dxid from Library Reference Alliance (ucdrs) or Duxiu (duxiu) ②Show ssno from CADAL ③Provide links from ucdrs, duxiu, cadal to Douban Books
Search page beautification JS - Supported search engines are 1. Baidu; 2. Sogou; 3. Google; 4. Bing. Compatible with "AC-baidu" script[Support custom background] [Support random background image] [Support background image classification] [Support shielding ads] [Support transparency adjustment]
- JS - 百度一键大文件下载,更新于2018.01.26
Linkify JS - Turn plain-text URLs into hyperlinks
search_engineJump JS - 方便的在各个搜索引擎之间跳转
(New) Baidu™ WebDisk Helper v2 (dupan-helper) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
Baidu™ WebDisk Helper (dupan-helper) (Legacy) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
Baidu™ WebDisk Helper (dupan-helper) JS - Enhancements for Baidu™ WebDisk.
Easy Offline JS - Find out all magnet links and torrents and video links in current page, and stream them from cloud storage automatically.
HTML5 player enhanced script custom configuration JS - HTML5 video player enhanced script custom configuration
GreasyFork Helper JS - This script will add several shortcut buttons under each script item on the script list page and script author's home page of GreasyFork website. Including features such as direct installation, Temporarily hidden, blacklisting, and more exciting needs you to find out. And an input box was added at the top of the script list items, So you can filter out your own scripts by keywords.Author:浴火凤凰(QQ Number:307053741,QQ Group Number:194885662)
TimerHooker JS - it can hook the timer speed to change.
Imooc video, auto play next section JS - Imooc video, auto play next section, which can be manually turned on/off, press enter to play full screen
94list-laravel-tampermonkey JS - 对接 94list-laravel 的油猴脚本
Ping.Sx enhancement JS - Copy all IPs with one click, clean IP links (click Copy instead of Jump), and quickly go back to the top (blank space on both sides of the right click).
Let the greasyfork forum return you a real forum JS - Let the greasyfork Forum display problem discussion instead of script feedback by default. Restore the real forum function.
Dark Mode JS - Simple and effective network-wide eye protection mode (night mode, dark mode, black mode)
Github Enhancement - High Speed Download JS - High-speed download of Git Clone/SSH, Release, Raw, Code(ZIP) and other files (Based on public welfare), project list file quick download (☁)
Enhanced Reverse Image Search JS - Enhanced Reverse image search. You can search images using local files, pasting links, and clicking web images. Supports Google Lens, TinEye, Yandex, Bing, Sogou, Baidu, trace, SauceNAO, IQDB, 3DIQDB, ascii2d search engines.
Display GreasyFork user registration time (presumed) JS - Display GreasyFork user registration time (presumed). This script predicts the registration time of the commenter according to the greasyfork user ID is a continuous natural number.
NewScript+ : New script notification, do not miss any good script JS - New script notification, do not miss any good script, when the website of greasyfork users submit a new script to inform you.
Clean Tracking URLs JS - Clean all tracking URLs, block tracking events on all websites
HTML5 Video Audio Default Volume JS - Avoid being startled by some video/audio with default 100% volume! And support each website to remember the volume separately...
AutoPager JS - ⭐Append the next page content to the bottom seamlessly (like a waterfall, Unlimited scrolling, no need to manually click on the next page) ⭐, support various forums, social networking, games, comics, novels, academics, search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo...) and other websites~
Search Engine Assistant JS - "Elegant search engine assistant" allows switching between engines; supports custom engines, keyword highlighting; offers redirect removal, ad blocking, keyword filtering, and auto-updates; compatible with Baidu, Google, Bing, Duckduckgo, Yandex, Sogou, Qwant, Ecosia, You, Startpage, Brave, Yahoo, Yep, Swisscows, searXNG and more.
SearchJumper JS - Instantly search selected text across multiple search engines. Highlight keywords and boost your research efficiency.
Pagetual JS - Perpetual pages - powerful auto-pager script. Auto fetching next paginated web pages and inserting into current page for infinite scroll. Support thousands of web sites without any rule.
Zhihu enhancement JS - A more personalized Zhihu experience~
Right click scroll bar back to top JS - Right-click the scroll bar on the right side of the webpage to return to the top
bye-dude JS - 百度拜拜。功能 1、搜索时排除百家号; 2、阻止搜索框占位关键词推广;
Search engine redirection optimization (Baidu, Sogou, Google, Bing) JS - 1. Bypass your own redirect connection in search results from Baidu, Sogou, Google, and Haosu, and directly access the original webpage - you can understand it anyway. 2. Add custom website interception function. 3. Add Favicon display. 4. Page CSS. 5. Add counting. 6. Switch to select the above functions. 7. Automatic page flipping function
Bilibili Danmaku Find and Highlight JS - 1.Search keyword of danmaku and highlight them in progress bar; 2.Display danmaku density curve
AC-baidu-google_sogou_bing_RedirectRemove_favicon_adaway_TwoLine JS - 1.bypass the redirect link at baidu\sogou\google\haosou; 2.remove ads at baidu; 3.add Favicon for each website; 4.render your own style; 5.counter; 6.Switch to handle all 7.Auto Pager
i-Comic Player Page Bug Fix / Allow fullscreen JS - Fixes misc bugs, allow fullscreen for googlevideo
SearchEngine-Filter JS - Filter search page spam, And resolve redirect URL into direct
Kill Baidu AD JS - Just Kill Baidu AD
AC-百度去广告 JS - 去掉百度的推广链接
Search page beautification JS - Supported search engines are 1. Baidu; 2. Sogou; 3. Google; 4. Bing. Compatible with "AC-baidu" script[Support custom background] [Support random background image] [Support background image classification] [Support shielding ads] [Support transparency adjustment]
从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 增强版(基于AC的脚本优化) JS - 基于AC脚本制作,新增大量关键词,欢迎结合本人其他脚本使用,如有意见请反馈至[email protected](也可向原作者反馈)
黄金右键-灵活控制视频倍速(改)-Golden Right-Flexibly control the playback rate of videos (edited) JS - Hold '→': speed up playback, release '→': return to normal speed, press '<': decrease faster playback speed, press '>': increase faster playback speed, press '?': reset normal speed to 1 and faster playback speed to 2.
chatGPT tools Plus(修改版) JS - Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, 360 Search, Google Mirror, Sogou, B Station, F Search, DuckDuckgo, CSDN sidebar CHAT search, integrate domestic words, star fire, sky work, righteous AI, Chatglm, 360 wisdom, 360 wisdom brain. Experience AI immediately, no need to turn over the wall, no registration, no need to wait!
AC-从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 JS - 从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字,关键字自己确定吧
智慧校园BUG_0_01 JS - 1:刷易班网薪免费每天30==>提示更人性化 2: 查看德智体美劳分别成绩是多少 3: 刷3.0思政课 4:智慧3.0教师自动评价 以上都是免费🤞
onekeygetfreenode JS - Free node one-click access, scientific Internet access, free ladder, ssr/v2ray/clash free node real-time sharing, enjoy watching video sites, no longer have to worry about no traffic.
空中课堂辅助包 JS - 空中课堂修改包!无产阶级必将走向胜利!
B站上单播放器 Mongolian Player JS - B站播放器优化。添加了一些 youtube 和 potplayer 的快捷键。修复了多P连播,增加了自动播放记忆位置等功能。
embyToLocalPlayer JS - Play in an external player. Update watch history to Emby/Jellyfin server. Support Plex.
MostBeautifulFont-Hack JS - 最美字体-Hack:1、全网页 设置Hack字体,便于阅读英文网站和代码【容易混淆的字母和符号 aoO0Q CG iIlL|1 g9q {}[] ~-+<=】。【最后:1、localStorage中,支持关闭某一特定功能】
Mobile browser touch gestures JS - Add touch gestures to your mobile browser, ready to use and no configuration required. In addition to general gestures, there are also special gestures for text, images, and videos. Do you still think it's not enough? Support adding personalized gestures that belong to you. We recommend using Lemur browser, Edge browser and Yandex browser.
Replace Poe Prompt Input with Monaco Editor JS - 1.Replace Poe chat box with Monaco Editor; 2.Allow adjusting input box height;3.Change Enter Event to Ctrl+Enter.
MousePlus JS - HY's mouse gesture script,supports ringt-key draw track functions and left-key drag functions.Drag target can be [Text] & [Links] & [Image] Customizenable → Right click to draw ⇄(right,left) to setting
KeepChatGPT JS - This is an add-on that enhances ChatGPT's data security capabilities and efficiency, sharing numerous innovative features for free, such as automatic refresh, activity preservation, data security, audit cancellation, conversation cloning, limitless characters, homepage purification, large screen display, full-screen display, tracking interception, ever-evolving, and more.
Bilibili Video Downloader 📥 JS - Download Bilibili videos with one click, clean and easy-to-use interface
📘Fast Page Turning丨No Animation Full Screen丨Custom Floating Window JS - 👍Ignore scroll animations, quickly switch pages, can be operated using keyboard or floating window, and adjust dark mode, floating window size, and retained scrolling ratio.
Baidu深色模式(简易版) JS - 一个简易版的Baidu自动深色模式
Universal Forum Block JS - Universal forum post/user blocking tool
Small Window Preview JS - Drag a link to open it in a popup window with a preview before opening, using Edge's prerendering technology. Also, add an acrylic effect behind the window when it's open.
novel-downloader JS - An scalable universal novel downloader.
Rain Classroom PDF Direct Download JS - Automatic generation of direct download PDF on Rain Classroom
bilibili shortcut JS - press key 'A' to focus on the bullet chat input box, 'B' to replay video from the start, 'G' to toggle web full screen mode, 'R' to refresh recommended videos,'S' to focus on the search box, 'T' to toggle wide screen mode, 'V' to toggle mini window player display, home page 1-6 to click recommended videos
Coze Better JS - 🤖Optimize experience for Coze, including: ⚡1. Added the export Markdown feature (text only) in the conversation. ⚡2. Added buttons to start Bots in user mode (require published). ⚡3. Optimized layout in development mode, make width adjustable, and merged prompt and configuration into one column. ⚡4. Added highlighting to success rate and time-consuming in plugin data for a more intuitive display. ⚡5. Optimized the width/height of the input box, and other detailed adjustments.
Picviewer CE+ JS - Powerful picture viewing tool online, which can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures automatically
Bihu Addons JS - Bihu Addons(币乎助手)是一个为了增强币乎网站的可用性而推出的一款非常实用的插件。现在具有的功能有:1、草稿自动保存。2、批量取消关注。
huiji-tieba-script JS - Automatic URL conversion, fix sticker link
Better Youtube Shorts JS - Provide more control functions for YouTube Shorts, including automatic/manual redirection to corresponding video pages, volume control, playback speed control, progress bar, auto scrolling, shortcut keys, and more.
Beautify the Baidu HomePage JS - 百度首页(美化,简约。
Userscript App Core JS - Userscript App Core For Userscript Web Apps
picviewer CE JS - NLF 的围观图修改版
New Tab Image Zoom JS - Allows the image opened in the new tab to zoom independently without affecting the original page
Font Rendering (Customized) JS - Enhance browser’s font rendering without installing MacType. This script offers a high-quality, customizable experience with ‘Microsoft YaHei’ font by default. It provides advanced features such as font rewriting, smoothing, scaling, stroking, shadowing, selective element handling and more. Designed for both general and personalized rendering, compatible with popular browsers, script managers & extensions. Configure via the script manager icon or keyboard shortcuts.
🤠 Github enhanced assistant warehouse display size JS - 🤠 Warehouse display size: On GitHub’s code search, warehouse search, issue page, user warehouse list and repository page, the size of the warehouse will be displayed next to the warehouse name, allowing users to quickly understand the scale of the warehouse and optimize their selection. Inactive development warning: If a repository has not been updated in the past six months, the system will add a prompt at the top of the repository to remind users that the repository is inactive and display the
NGA UserInfo Enhance JS - 隐藏不需要的用户信息,或显示额外的用户信息,包括被点赞和粉丝数量,以及坛龄、离线天数、发帖数量、属地、曾用名、游戏档案、刀塔段位
youtube player rotate JS - rotate youtube player.
JUST Kit JS - Patches & tools for JUST Website.
GreasyFork User-published script data visualization JS - useChart.jsObtaining and visualizing user script data,And generate a chart on the user’s personal homepage to display the detailed installation
osu beatmap filter JS - Filter beatmap by favorites (osu! website only)
Easy Compare JS - Compare images
Link Previewer JS - Hovering to preview a link
PT_waterfall_torrent JS - PT torrent page waterfall view.
(适配新版页面)哔哩哔哩收藏夹导出 JS - (适配新版页面)导出哔哩哔哩收藏夹为 CSV 或 HTML 文件,以便导入 Raindrop 或 Firefox。
AI自动斗蛐蛐助手 JS - 使用硅基流动的api,支持DeepSeek系列模型的AI自动斗蛐蛐助手,也可自行设置其他兼容openai协议的api