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Dizilab remove all ads JS - İlk girdiğinizde reklamları göreceksiniz, 1 kez yenileyin tümü gidecek.
ShadePrank Gradual Sepia JS - Shaderoot prank that, after 20 seconds, fades the page to sepia over 1 minute
TUM WZW Shuttlebus Assistent JS - Extension for the website of the Faculty of Biosciences at the Technical University of Munich providing the shuttlebus timetable. By adding the URL parameter "load", you can retrieve the current (load=0) and next week's bus schedule (load=1). For more information on how to set up the script, please see
知乎_话题_获取完整话题结构 JS - 知乎_话题_每隔1毫秒点击“加载更多”和“显示子话题”
Shorten AliExpress Links JS - Get rid of all those useless parameters on an item URL
FGO Wiki从者NP获取率TOP5显示 JS - FGO Wiki从者NP获取率TOP5显示(敌补正默认为1,支持宝具NP回收率计算,此外被动Buff也会自动加载)
Taobao Helper JS - Please check Chinese version
Classroom Redirect JS - Auto switch to user 1 when using Google Classroom with User 0
Docs Redirect JS - Asks to switch to user 1 when using Google Docs with user 0
MOOMOO.IO Insane Mod! *Discontinued since Jan 2018* JS - Better Minimap, Hat & Accessory Toolbar, Auto Heal, Double Hit, Easy Bow, Rainbow Hat, Hotkeys
TestYourBond Cheater JS - Avoid quarrelling with your friends because you didn't catch the right answer to all their questions (even if some are really stupid, like "Which mobile OS does John prefers: 1)Android 2)iOS"). This script makes the correct answer appear bold.
de-sponsors Click4Credits Automaizer JS - de-sponsors 1
xoatu JS - try to take over the world!
first_script_exa JS - try to take over the world!
Unique URL Scripts for Mturk JS - generates header and unique url for mturk userscripts
Questionor Keyboard Listener JS - Faster practice with keyboard!
Script_for_tiwar_arena_by_nexus JS - 1
Script_for_tiwar_arena_by_nexus JS - 1
Trello coloured Scrum Kanban JS - Colour list for Scrum, referenced with Kanban Game
Open notification link to new tab by keyboard for GitHub JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to open focusing link of GitHub Notifications. 1) v to open link in new tab. 2) Shift+v to open links from same repository in new tabs.
- Auto Place and Zoom in and out Combination JS - Zoom in and Zoom out, Press 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7 *depending on which building you want to place automatically* NaTh BuildSystem 1.2 + ZOOM HACK for! Sorry for Copying. Before installing this script, Get the Extension: Tampermonkey
ClassicAllHITsLink JS - Changes All HITs link back to the classic search results.
worker.mturk.com2ClassicAllHITs JS - Forwards to[qualified]=false&filters[masters]=false&sort=num_hits_desc&filters[min_reward]=0
Starblast 1 Minute Survival Game JS - Allows you to make 1 minute-long survival mode games. (Instead of the usual 10 min limit)
Better Spring Document Catelog JS - Better Spring Document Catelog 1.Add left sidebar nav 2.images css:max-width:100%
AnimeBytes stats JS - Computes people's hidden stats (might be inaccurate)
MangaDex Reader fullscreen JS - Adds a fullscreen viewer to MangaDex
TU Vienna CurriculumMarker JS - Marks the subjects you already passed in your curriculum, based on your favourites
Premium Tanks Tracker JS - Mark the premium tanks you already own!
YLCET Layout 1 JS - Change YLCET layout
Efficient AO3 JS - Making AO3 an efficient reference
Youtube Advanced Speed Controller JS - Allows you to play youtube videos from 0 to 16 times normal speed
Supercharged Local Directory File Browser JS - Makes directory index pages (either local or remote open directories) actually useful. Adds sidebar and content preview pane; keyboard navigation; sorting; light/dark UI; preview images/fonts in navigable grids; browse subdirectories w/o page reload (“tree view”); media playback, shuffle/loop options; basic playlist (m3u, extm3u) & cuesheet (.cue) support; create, edit, preview, save markdown/plain text files; open font files, view complete glyph repertoire, save glyphs as .svg; more.
YouTube arrow keys FIX JS - Fix YouTube keyboard controls (arrow keys) to be more consistent (Left,Right - jump, Up,Down - volume) after page load or clicking individual controls.
All hidden tricks JS - ESC to go back to Normal, Shift +: F for FPS, Z for background, X for no edges, V for colored edges, [- to lighten color, + to darken color (increments of 0.05, causes weird behavior if not between 0 and 1], B for no scoreboard, N for no names, M for raw health values, G for green shapes mode, [ for no achievement screen, 9 for no health bars, 0 for no UI.
Link & Form Field Navigation Shortcuts JS - Adds keyboard shortcuts for focusing: previous form field (ALT+1), next form field (ALT+2), previous link (ALT+3), and next link (ALT+4).
MangaDex upload JS - Highly customizable upload script for MangaDex
YouTube Auto Resume JS - Automatically continue watching YouTube videos on your favourite channels where you left off.
Bertrand's Drawception ANBT JS - Enhancement script for - Artists Need Better Tools
Bihu Addons JS - Bihu Addons(币乎助手)是一个为了增强币乎网站的可用性而推出的一款非常实用的插件。现在具有的功能有:1、草稿自动保存。2、批量取消关注。
Youtube player keyboard controls JS - Use play/pause/ArrowRight/ArrowLeft keyboard btns anywhere, but not only when youtube player is in focus. Additionaly use '[' and ']' keys to change playbackRate.
Pixiv Arts Preview & Followed Atrists Coloring & Extended History JS - Enlarged preview of arts and manga on mouse hovering. Extended history for non-premium users. Auto-Pagination on Following and Users pages. Click on image preview to open original art in new tab, or MMB-click to open art illustration page, Alt+LMB-click to add art to bookmarks, Ctrl+LMB-click for saving originals of artworks. The names of the authors you are already subscribed to are highlighted with green. Settings can be changed in proper menu.
Best HACK! (Hide and Seek) JS - Enjoy!
Best hacks 2018 (Hide and Seek) JS - Enjoy! WORKING (Updating every chance I get) and go to
- hacks 2018 (Hide and Seek) JS - Enjoy! WORKING (Updating every chance I get) and go to
Comment Cleaner JS - filter unnecessary comments for | |
hh_ad_remover JS - remove ad from forum to fix problem on mobile devices
Youtube No Resume JS - Disables the resume feature in Youtube.
open link in new window - Trello JS - Open the link in card description from new window.
TWatch: Twitch Chat Watcher JS - Watch Twitch chat for certain users, any @mentions of you, or certain watched words, and play a sound/alert when one is posted. HUGE thanks to ihavebeenasleep for his script AntiKappa, which was very helpful in building this one.
WaniKani Zero Zero what's this JS - Notices when you have 0 lessons and reviews and adds a little visual flair
Reddit video link JS - Get a reddit video link from gif or video that hosted from reddit. Only work for new design of reddit (beta reddit). To do that go into reddit hosted video link EX: then wait for a sec and then click the '🔗' icon at top of upvote post button.
- - Ez Hat Switch JS - Give yourself an advantage over the other players
Telegram markup extension JS - presented below
Video Player Enhancements JS - Script contains some enhancements for default HTML5 player.
GitHub squash reminder JS - Adds an reminder to squash PRs that have > 1 commit
- coding level 1 JS - Calculates and fills in the solution to coding level 1 on
AO3: Tag Hider JS - Hide tags automatically when there are too many tags. Add hide/show tags button to browsing page and reading page.
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro + Freeze Cell JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
Jira: helper JS - features: 1. copy issue key and title for creating git branch
SSC Polish letters JS - SSC Convert Polish letters in ISO-8859-1 to ISO-8859-2
Test 1 JS - Adds link to original size below each image
Modded Highscore JS - try to take over the world!
- hack FINAL JS - hack - drawing, texting, player ids, & more
Nyaa hide 0 seeders JS - Hide torrent with 0 seeders
Replace Numbers on Webpages JS - Apply a math function of your choice to all numbers from 0-99 on a webpage. Inspired by JoeSimmons' "Replace Text On Webpages".
Steins;Gate 0 watcher JS - Change widths
- Wishlist Match Enhancer JS - Removes untradable items (0 tradable), and sort list in descending order by number of traders
TrelloLess by zhuhang JS - Remove unwanted Trello cosmetic stuffs. 1. Remove colon(:) character from badges in front-of-card (especially 'Custom Fields' Power-Up)
Tumblr Dashboard - clickable links to images and display time-stamps JS - All Tumblr images receive direct link to their high-res variant. A colored box around each image indicates the vertical resolution of the high-res image.
Pixiv View Util JS - this is some utility funcitions for pixiv.(1)change the layout of illust pages and auther's pages. (2)add popup tool.
KAT Headers Unified JS - Unifies and improves the headers of both the community and torrent sections of the site. (and makes community pages full width)
OWOT 1Warn JS - Changes the duplicate JavaScript link warning to 1 popup
Memrise Easy Quiz Input JS - Select special characters for Memrise quizzes using keyboard shortcuts 1 to 0.
Best Hacks 2018 (Hide and Seek) JS - NOT WORKING! Will update ASAP.
60 Second Rule JS - Spams the submit button every 1 seconds until the forum post submits
Quizlet Spell Auto-Giveup Countdown. JS - A forced, automatic, and short study session for spelling words you obviously do NOT know. Includes a short configurable break and an alarm to get them to come back when the break ends. Intended for use with kids.
Instagram Keyboard Shortcuts JS - Helps you like/follow/browse in Instagram ultra-fast via numpad; use keys Numpad 7/9 for next/previous picture, for posts with multiple pictures use Numpad 1/3 for next/previous picture. Numpad 4/6 cycle through pictures in multiple picture post as well. Numpad 8 for Like/Unlike, Numpad 5 for play/pause video ...Update of script made by
Steam, Card sets viewer JS - Happy trading 1:1 card sets
Auto Answer ComplianceOnline JS - try to take over the world!
- Light theme ver .Jeshan JS - Change the setting of to the original setting of Jeshan.
Steam Guide Subscribe All JS - Subscribe all guides in the page from Steam workshop in 1 click
Gmail - Rid the bold! JS - Remove the bold from new emails on Gmail (as of 10/1)
- Like By Press 1, Dislike Press - 2 JS - Automate click like(1)/dislike(2) button for any 1st post on the page.
- Like By Press 1 JS - Automate click like button for any person on the dating page - press 1, dislike(skip) - press 2.
Change Google Classroom User JS - Switches between /u/0 & /u/1 on google classroom automatically.
- Respawn (Un-Ghost) (2PA) JS - Copy and paste this code into console or use tampermonkey or greasemonkey (may not work). This code will allow you to press '1' and teleport to the start of the level as a playable character after you have ghosted. It can be extremely useful. I have found a bug where after using this code buttons do not work so I am trying to find a way to fix it.
GitHub Download ZIP JS - A userscript adds download links so that downloaded filenames include the SHA
oneindex辅助 JS - 1.打开外部播放器 2.点击右下角蓝色图标 切换大图模式 3.可自动壁纸 需要手工打开代码
mamba.** button control JS - Button control for basic function, such as: Open next - press 0, Like person - press 1, Dislike(skip) - press 2.
RPGBot JS - rpgmo bot... click [Bot] in top right to turn on/off. type "/enemy <name>" to add enemies to the list
youtube player rotate JS - rotate youtube player.
Zoom and crop YouTube videos to fill screen height JS - Removes letterboxing by cropping the left and right edges off of full-screen YouTube videos and zooming to fill the screen height.
- Countdown Skip + Adblock Nag Remove JS - Skips the countdown
Best Tricksplit, Doublesplit, and Feeding Macros + Auto Settings + Triplesplit Macro + Freeze Cell JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1
for hkpic JS - for hkpic: 1.去除延迟加载图片 2.为分页的链接地址加上按最新发布排序 3.为标签"討論區"的链接地址加上按最新发布排序
Tomuss average JS - An average calculator for IUT Lyon 1 students, semester 1, 2018
BDSMLR - clickable links to original high-res images and display timestamps JS - This script modifies image posts to link directly to their high-resolution version. The link is available as soon as a box appears around an image. The color of the box indicates the image height. Secondly, the script displays the post timestamp in the upper-right corner.
AGMA.IO ( macro fast split + macro fast feed + more ) JS - - Macro fast split + Macro fast feed + Removed ads + Auto spawn + Fast buy from shop + More