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Gerrit: Remove size from searchbox JS - Gerrit's searchbar has a size attribute which makes the page too wide
twitter origin image JS - jump to origin image link
Gates of Survival - Combat Assist Extended JS - Extended version of Dex's Combat Assist:
YouTube Debug Button Enabler JS - Enables the hidden DEBUG button on YouTube.
Image download helper JS - add keyboard shortcuts to open and download image files quicker
LinkedIn - Hide Invite-only Email Contacts in People You May Know JS - Hides the fake email-only contact cards to "Invite" which are mixed in with real profiles you can "Connect" to for - My Network - "People You May Know". NOTE: If you don't see more contacts loading at the end, you need to zoom or resize window so that you can scroll downwards to trigger it the first time. By Dan Moorehead ([email protected]), PowerAccess™ Framework for MS Access ( and Visual3D Game Engine founder.
Pandora music replay and download JS - Gives pandora music replay and download function!
Next page script JS - Automatically loads next page once you reach bottom of the page
ADV Ride Report De-crufter JS - Remove cruft from ride reports on ADVRider, i.e. only show posts from the member who started the thread.
- Enable Continue JS - Enable Continue (Ignores Read Timer)
Shoutbox EveryWhere JS - Avoir la shoutbox sur tout le forum PCM
Goodreads Giveaway Helper JS - Goodreads Giveaway Helper 1) Can hide giveaways with poor chances. 2) Hi-light books by authors on your shelves. 3) Speed up entry, and even automatically scan giveaways for authors on your shelves. Now deals with Giveaways for which you can't uncheck "add to read shelf!"
blue-mdn JS - blue mdn
Access Japanese on Duolingo JS - To enable Japanese course on Duolingo web obviously. You need to be on the Discussion page to see the Japanese menu entry in your learning menu.
Power LinkedIn-Connect/Open All Contacts, Skip Add Note, Expand Profile & Visited Link Color Options JS - Get free @ and Power Bot for no-code app creation, intelligent spreadsheets, and AI powered social marketing and sales automation.
- follow script JS - Lets you follow all the accounts on someone's following list.
GitHub Sourcegraph Button JS - An userscript to add "Sourcegraph" button on github.
Hide ad frames on JS - This script hides all ad frames on and extends the main container to fill the whole page.
Mouse click effects JS - Mouse click effects.
Mouse click effects (hits) JS - 10086hits
facebook-csb JS - Translates Facebook into Kashubian
Google-csb JS - Translates Google to Kashubian
YouTube-csb JS - Translates YouTube to Kashubian
Clickb8io art script JS - '=' to max out drawing cursor
Removes the delete clan button! - by /u/HighNoon643 JS - Prevents you from accidentally deleting your clan. If you wish to leave/delete your clan, you'll need to disable the script to make absolute sure. This won't interfere with other scripts or slow your pc down.
Bitmarket24 chat/trollbox hiding script JS - hides the trollbox on the site
- 1-click delete JS - Shows a delete "x" button for scrobbles
Weibo Cancle Following JS - 批量取消新浪微博关注
A Better Syges JS - for a better world!
SSC Bigger "Go to new post" JS - Replace button "Go to first new post" by bigger one
pinterest - switch to gif JS - try to take over the world!
dribbble - switch to gif JS - lightbox
Linkify Pivotal Tracker links on Github JS - Converts pivotal tracker story links (#123456789) to actual links
Enhanced Barter JS - This userscript aims to enhance your experience at
Reddit S1 样式 JS - try to take over the world!
Currency Converter JS - try to take over the world!
Better Standalone Image JS - Make standalone image display better
MSDN Subscriber Info JS - View MSDN Subscription Information
- Downloader JS - Download Link
TTG过滤 - BlueRay,MiniVideo,iPad视频 JS - 将TTG资源列表中的BlueRay,MiniVideo,iPad视频,以及电视剧的分集视频给过滤掉.
Picture Downloader|Image Downloader|图片下载器 JS - 在页面右下角插入图片域名筛选框和下载按钮,根据关键词匹配图片URL并批量下载。默认针对所有站点开启,所以建议不需要时先禁用脚本,需要时再开启。
Reep QRcode JS - generate QRcode for link
cleanup-novelonline-parts JS - hide some parts
CSGOpolygon Script 100% Ez Makeing Money $$ JS - Script Using 3 Diferent Computers To Make Script 100% Efficient
Prettyoutube JS - Always shows left panel in youtube
临时屏蔽送书贴直到公布结果那天 JS - 送书贴一般留言之后意义不大,屏蔽到公布结果那天取消屏蔽
Agario Macros + Trick's JS - Thx For Using
TwitterFonts JS - set farsi fonts for Twitter and Facebook
Carrefour - Better prices display JS - better prices display
屏蔽百度贴吧笔记本吧关于游戏本的帖子 JS - 屏蔽贴吧笔记本吧关于游戏本的帖子
Tokopedia - Bulk Print JS - Plugin Tokopedia (unofficial) untuk menggabungkan 2 atau lebih detail pengiriman, tujuan utamanya untuk mengurangi jumlah kertas cetak.
Weibo Delete Comment JS - 清空您发过的所有微博评论
Did they even play? JS - Show play stats on Steam Gifts winners pages. Adapted from kelnage's Do You Even Play, Bro? script.
Compact JS - Show more e-mails in folders by hiding the row with the first sentence of the e-mail
Kbagi Anti+ JS - GoodBye Internet+
HP-FC:Pokalkorrektur JS - ein Script zur Korrektur der falschen Banner Anzeige
b站助手 JS - b站自动关弹幕,自动宽屏
F1 Key blocker JS - Blocks F1 key default behaviour
- Assistant JS - Allows you to toggle shop & chat window with keyboard. More coming idk when.
KDE Store: Graphs JS - Misc
redmineTimer JS - Трекать время в редмайне
LinkedIn - Hide Invite Contacts by Email JS - If you dont want to spam people not on LinkedIn by sending email invite to them.
Direct Torrent Link JS - Direct torrent links on small- and
hide hot network questions JS - adds a toggle button to hide/show hot network questions on stackexchange sites
Check for robots JS - Easy script to check robots.txt content
Nations Your turn Notifier JS - Notify Nations in your turn (
SSC Scroll to bottom JS - Scroll to bottom
SHWARTZ99 JS - 's emjack v1.9.2.8
clean CSDN blog JS - 还你一个干净的阅读体验
osu!-download-beatmap-from-bloodcat JS - Download osu beatmap from bloodcat(support new design page)
知音漫客去除购买页面 JS - try to take over the world!
CustomsForge min songs filter JS - Add minimum songs filter to CustomsForge artist search
煎蛋吐槽管理器 JS - save's tucao
Michael Larabel face hider JS - Hides Michael Larabel's face from every freaking subpage on Phoronix website.
Spotify hotkeys JS - Allows hotkeys and media keys to control the Spotify web player from any tab
百度翻译 竖屏 JS - Mac屏较小,开多个窗口时可节省空间.
Trello Lowercase Labels JS - Revert Trello labels back to normal case
QQ客服中心消息提醒 JS - 显示视频下载链接
微信客服中心消息提醒 JS - 显示视频下载链接
Google, 12 hour date-time picker JS - Switches the date time picker on google searches to a 12 hour clock
Worm, Ward, Pact, and Twig web serial comments spoiler protector JS - Disables character tags and hides all comments in Wildbow's web serials.
YouTube Thumbnail Enlarger JS - Hover over YouTube video thumbnails to retrieve their stored zoomed and expanded full quality size of 480x360px
Sopa's Clone Player JS - Make Funny Pranks for Receive Messages for others
The West Script Button JS - Chowa przycisk skryptów do opcji
Youtube Downloader By Jeffery JS - Download every YouTube video you want and you can download them as Full-HD MP4, FLV, 3GP, MP3 128kbps and 192kbps, M4A and AAC formats.
Tumblr HD Video Download Buttons JS - Automatically redirect Tumblr video links to raw HD versions, and display a download button below videos
Unity Docs Version Switcher JS - adds a version dropdown, forcefully redirect to older documentation versions from google
Show My Passwords JS - Show/Hide the contents of password fields by clicking on the eye icon or with hotkey
从谷歌 百度 必应搜索结果中屏蔽自定义关键字 增强版(基于AC的脚本优化) JS - 基于AC脚本制作,新增大量关键词,欢迎结合本人其他脚本使用,如有意见请反馈至[email protected](也可向原作者反馈)
- Descarga Previa (Solo Usuarios) JS - Permite descargar los subtitulos antes de ser aprobados (solo para usuarios registrados)
WaniKani Enable Spellcheck JS - Enables spellcheck
Crunchyroll: Resize Player To Window Size for CR HLS Player JS - Moves the video to the top of the website and resizes it to the screen size.
- - show release JS - zobrazi nalevo od titulku release, neni tedy potreba najizdet na kazde titulky po jednom
9GAG Show Controls JS - Automatically adds the controls attribute to all video elements.
浙江大学安全考试 JS - Operation no control
Youtube Night Mode JS - A Night mode for Youtube
Douban_simple_version JS - A simple version for Douban website. Now the work is focused on movie subject.
HTML5 Video Playback Speed Control Keyboard Shortcut JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to control HTML5 video playback rate. Available keyboard shortcuts are: <CTRL+[> = Decreate playback rate, <CTRL+]> = Increase playback rate, <CTRL+\> = Set playback rate increment/decrement unit, <CTRL+'> = Set playback to specific rate, <CTRL+;> Reset playback rate to default (to 1.0). Default playback rate incement/decrement is configurable via script.