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WME Turkey Edirne Overlay JS - Creates a polygon for Edirne in WME layer
SteamAutoDiscoveryQueue JS - AutoDiscoverSteamQueue
AntiKappa - Remove chat spam from JS - Removes repetitive spam from Includes personal r9k mode, and removes caps lock, ascii, repetitive text if you want (and more).
Facebook JS - Remove crap from fb
GitHub Issue Counts JS - A userscript that adds a repo issues count to the repository tab & organization page (
GitHub Dark Script JS - GitHub Dark in userscript form, with a settings panel
Wanikani Review SRS/Level Indicator JS - Show current SRS level of the item you are reviewing
hosta list links JS - Userscript to add a few helpful links to each listed hosta
Picarto - Disable round, yellow emotes in chat JS - Replaces the yellow emotes in Picarto chat with their text-based counterparts (aka "normal" emotes).
Dinak) JS - finalwd
Reddit remove np. JS - redirects links to regular reddit
Non-popup dialogs for gcup JS - Opens profile information (and a few other) pages on as new tabs instead of popups.
Time Machine JS - Allows you to make change the rate and direction of time flow
Gray and centered HTML pages JS - Makes HTML pages easy to read by setting the body to center, the background color to gray and the font size to 16pt.
Video Uploader by @anpep JS - Sube WebM, MP4 y Vines a Taringa! sin que los demás tengan que instalar la extensión
Dinak JS - HKG
Reddeheme - Black Ops 3 - Dark Theme JS - Theme for /r/BlackOps3 Subreddit
Komica - Unembed Youtube JS - Open youtube in new tab instead of playing directly when clicking on the video.
Steam Unsubscribe All JS - Automagic Unsubscribe button
WME Zoom Level JS - Places a numeric zoom level indicator on top of the WME zoom slider.
Mini SALR JS - Minimal Version of SALR
Rainwave v5: Pin Request Pane JS - Adds a pin/close button to the top-right of the requests pane. Pane stays fully open w/o hovering when pinned.
Mi Drive - Total Closures Only JS - hides construction on Mi Drive other than total closures
WarforumFix JS - Fix temporary unavailability of
NightVision Mode (夜间模式) JS - Protect your EYE. (保护视力)
Image Map Fixer JS - Finds image maps where the image fails to load and add colored blocks to make them more visible.
Macro for Agarios JS - Agario mods
youdaoGWZS JS - 有道购物助手
WME KeepMyLayers JS - Resets WME layers to the way you want them, plus other fancy stuff (and bonus features for Beta WME testers).
WaniKani Super Burn Happy Script JS - Every burn is a reason to celebrate! Congratulate yourself with confetti!
KissAnime Direct Download JS - Displays direct download links for KissAnime ( episodes.
SKINS_By Swanky JS - SKYNs
Firefox for desktop - list modified bugs in Mercurial as sortable table JS - Lists (as sortable table) bugs related to Firefox for desktop for which patches have landed in Mozilla Mercurial pushlogs
Wayback Machine Small Bug Fixes JS - Fixes encoded ampersands on Wayback Machine's captures graph and problems that arise when trailing slashes are missing in an URL and other small issues universally present in all crawled sites
Disable RF Snow JS - Disable the pesky rf snow
Duck Hide Sites JS - Hide specific sites from DuckDuckGo search results
Fefes Blog Navigator JS - Navigate using post anchors and url hash identifiers
ReportSummary JS - Save cities in region.
Steam ARG SEARCH button JS - SEARCH button
HKG Agar Tool - Script blocker (Firefox ONLY) JS - Blocking agar default game logic in firefox
Rickrolled JS - Use this as a prank for your friends!
Show ratings (Safari) JS - Show metacritic metascore and user ratings on: Bandcamp, Apple Itunes (Music), Amazon (Music,Movies,TV Shows), IMDb (Movies), Google Play (Music, Movies),, Steam, Gamespot (PS4, XONE, PC), Rotten Tomatoes, Serienjunkies, BoxOfficeMojo,,, Wikipedia (en),, letterboxd, TVmaze, TVGuide,,, ConsequenceOfSound, Pitchfork,, TVNfo,
Memrise - Change word definition JS - Change original word definition to your own. Some words have weird definitions, sometimes you want to translate definition from english to your own language.
Odstranění reklam pod články ( a JS - Removes ads bellow articles at and
Redirect book title links in DeVry's Books24x7 RSS feeds JS - The book title links in the RSS feeds don't work anymore -- this will redirect them so they do.
Mangakoi Always Fullscreen JS - Enlarge the current manga page when it loads.
Temas Denuncias Colectivas JS - creador de temas predeterminado para denuncias (Taringa!)
Favs 4 ever JS - Shouts Favoritos en todas tus cuentas de Taringa
WaniKani Markdown Notes JS - Allows you to write Markdown in the notes, which will be rendered as HTML when the page loads.
Wanikani Golden Burn JS - Turn burned items to gold.
ČSFD Extended JS - Extension of film profiles on ČSFD with features such as IMDb ratings or a link to
WorldStar Flash to <video> JS - Replaces videos embedded with flash with the direct video
Shush Episode Navigator JS - Easily change episodes on Shush.TV!
Network Indicator JS - 显示当前页面连接IP 和SPDY、HTTP/2
Libs for every page JS - make jquery can be used in every page
Ultimate-Split-By-FiloBros JS - A faster, continuous mass ejector for agar.
嘉兴学院考试成绩查询结果去遮挡 JS - 解决 嘉兴学院考试成绩查询结果(旧版)中,底部图片会遮挡学期等信息的Bug;
Bot-c نهبة نهبة JS - بوت يحط فرق بين كل هجمة وهجمة
GlobalQuest JS - Shows needed items for Global_Quest + columns click~sort.
Bot-ِA نهبة نهبة JS - بوت يحط فرق بين كل هجمة وهجمة
Bot-ِB نهبة نهبة JS - بوت يحط فرق بين كل هجمة وهجمة
ULTIMATE-A JS - نهب اي ويدخل الحساب لما يطلعه واحد + يشيل حماية البوت
AutoTOC JS - Automatically creates a table of contents for all HTML-headers on a web page.
Fix Bug Notice RG JS - Good
CustomChat v2 by Sharke ! JS - enter something useful
Anti Pub Shout RG JS - enter something useful
Theme Noel JS - enter something useful
Clear Button For Almost Every Text Input Field JS - Adds clear button for almost every <input type="text">, like ms-clear.
- show real download button JS - Hides the fake download button/timer and shows the real download button
Discord WebM embed JS - Embeds uploaded and linked WebM files
Yaplakal del Admin-block JS - Removes block user "Administration"
Direct links out JS - Removes all "You are leaving our site" and redirection stuff from links
LinkoMnija v2.2.2 icons JS - LinkoManijos ikonos
Activar registro JS - Activa para poder registrarte en Taringa sin Facebook
Linkformat JS - replace links in next line with links in () with only domain as text
Single Line Scrollbars JS - Fixes appearance of single-line code blocks so that OS X's scrollbars don't block the text within
Jupyter Scroll JS - Jupyter Notebook is a web application that allows you to create and run live code online. This script automatically scroll down the output scroll in jupyter to show the final result. This is useful when long pages of output are generated but you only want to track the latest one.
SpeedHandicaps JS - Show handicaps on FarmSatoshi and SpeedTraining
Flood Mass - ChopCoin JS - Flood mass when you press Q
SDA now playing color JS - AGDQ/SGDQ schedule color mode
[煎蛋]jandan-helper JS - 解锁煎蛋文字复制功能,让地球上信息传递没有障碍。
- Backup Original Files JS - Download all original images from your profile. Creates an entry in the Greasemonkey menu, just go to one of your boards, scroll down to the last image and click the option in the menu.
YouTube Keep Video When Scrolling JS - Keeps the video in the same place when scrolling on a YouTube page.
Recargar chuts JS - Auto actualizar el MI
Men's Health Fixer JS - Removes ad leftovers on Men's Health's websites. Best used with uBlock Origin.
Chefkoch PDF export JS - Erzeugt aus einem Rezept ein PDF Dokument zum Herunterladen oder Drucken
osu! PP Save JS - A Simple script to save users pp to compare later.
Wikipedia - Linkify headers JS - An userscript helping you get the url linking to specified section
Youtube Get Playlist Time JS - Get Youtube Playlist Total Time
Hide Irrelevant Videos JS - Removes other languages so the view is more clean
Imgur direct links JS - Replace all Imgur links to direct image links in Reddit
GeoPrinting JS - Make a better looking print-page on from the normal cache page
Fuck FuckAdBlock JS - Acts like FuckAdBlock.js but always says that no adblock was detected.
mturk request rate reloader JS - Automatically reloads pages which hit the refresh rate wall.
Wanikani Anki Mode JS - Anki mode for Wanikani
Fullwidth Letter Fixer JS - Replaces fullwidth letters with ASCII equivalents, making pages a bit more searchable
Id3nt1-byp@55 JS - Identi Automatic Show Links ByPass!
Ver link de identi JS - es para ver los link de identi, no sirve si el post usa JD
CARI JS - try to take over the world!