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GGn Multi Reporter JS - Report multiple torrents using the same details without going to the report page
GreasyFork Dark JS - GreasyFork Dark Theme (adapative css)
🏷️ UTags - Add usertags to links JS - Add custom tags or notes to links such as users, posts and videos. For example, tags can be added to users or posts on a forum, making it easy to identify them or block their posts and replies. It works on X (Twitter), Reddit, Facebook, Threads, Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, GitHub, Greasy Fork, Hacker News, pixiv and numerous other websites.
Google Docs Shortcuts JS - Adds shortcuts for text colors (Alt+1 for black, Alt+2 for #00a797, Alt+3 for #006057, Alt+4 for #ff3333), opening heading outline (Alt+5), opening text color menu (Alt+7), restoring scroll position before document close (Alt+8), and switch to last selected document tab (Alt+W)
Porn Blocker JS - A powerful content blocker that helps protect you from inappropriate websites. Features: Auto-detection of adult content, Multi-language support, Smart scoring system, Safe browsing protection.
YouTube Hide Buttons JS - Hides some YouTube Buttons
Zed City Better Bars JS - Uses API to fetch full recharge times & track XP progress manually, accounting for membership bonuses.
Happymh reading aid JS - infinite scroll reading mode,Arrow keys to switch chapters,Background preload image,Auto reload image with error.
- Custom Points Upgrader. Beta JS - NEW! custom upgrade builds update! Your upgrade builds will save now! This is still in beta!
Bird Species Image Preview JS - Show Flickr images when hovering over bird species names (IOC nomenclature) on a webpage.
KO4BB JS - Correct problems in accessing KO4BB web site
- Comma's JS - Format numbers with commas as thousand separators
Kirka Keybind Overlay JS - Customizable keybind overlay for
HN SuperCompact UI JS - Makes the HN UI even more compact than it is now.
Neon's Hitbox mod JS - A Mod menu for press shift+a to open the menu or click the white square on the corner.
Anna's Archive - Auto-expand JS - Automatically expands the read more and external downloads sections on Anna's Archive book pages
Grundos Cafe Battledome Utility (Keyboard) JS - Remember last selected battledome weapons and options, keyboard controls
EZBConnect JS - Connect Part of EZBlurb
Bilibili No New Tab JS - Force all Bilibili links to open in the current tab instead of a new tab
Twitch Video Rotation JS - Adds buttons and keyboard shortcuts to rotate and flip the video on Twitch
Weverse Video Rotation JS - Adds buttons and keyboard shortcuts to rotate and flip the video on
Universal Auto Scroll JS - Hands-free reading! Press Alt+Down (or Alt+X) to start/increase speed, Alt+Up to decrease speed, and Escape/Space/Enter to stop scrolling. Manual scrolling is now allowed.
Twitter Disable Twemoji JS - Disable Twemoji on Twitter.
Recaptcha Skipper (Google Sorry) JS - Try to skip google recaptcha error page automatically through reloading the page. If not, redirect to configurable url
Fansyme unblur images JS - unblur images in fansyme (enjoy it while it lasts)
Drawaria Music Player JS - Music player for
Humble Bundle Keys Backup JS - Displays a text area with game titles and keys so you can copy them out easily.
Map-Making Shortcuts JS - use shortcut to help you mapping on map-making app
Remove Brainscape Blur JS - Automatically removes the blur overlay on Brainscape flashcards.
Bobby's Pixiv Utils JS - 7/2/2024, 8:37:14 PM
IG Helper JS - Downloading is possible for both photos and videos from posts, as well as for stories, reels or profile picture.
- – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for NPM (
GeoGuessr Readable UI JS - Removes forced UPPERCASE and italics on all text. Some text may have incorrect casing.
Ladderr JS - Access your remote files directly from qBittorrent Web UI, just like in the desktop app.
Udemy Utility JS - Udemy Utility - View Price
Coursera Transcript to AI: Video Summarizer 🎬📝 JS - Adds buttons to copy Coursera transcripts and easily summarize videos with the most popular AI platforms.
- Ventionware V2 JS - Add a custom crosshair to your Deadshot.IO! (Look at the description)
Epik Chat Room Hop Shortcuts JS - adds Shortcuts for browsing rooms Ctrl + 0-9 and Ctrl + Q
KG_Full_Emoticons JS - Display a popup panel with every available emoticon on the site, remembering the last selected emoticon per category by name.
- – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for (Медуза.io). Supports all types of articles.
ChatGPT Hide Reasoning JS - Hide the GPT reasoning so that if it constantly is expanded you finally can live in peace
Das' OC checker JS - adds color highlights to OCs where members do not fulfill the success chance requirements
- – Dark [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for (Мультики). Configurable page width and thumbnail size.
StumbleBot JS - Play youtube videos from the chat box and/or add custom commands to StumbleChat
Youtrack Buddy JS - A tool for youtrack
YouTube Chat Filter JS - Set up filters for stream chats
Soundcloud Hyper Dark CSS - A functional, modern redesign of the outdated Soundcloud UX.
YouTube Viewfinding JS - Zoom, rotate & crop YouTube videos
KF_script_by_Explosion JS - Suggestions for improving the script write here --->
YouTube Sub Feed Filter 2 JS - Set up filters for your sub feed
Kittens Game - Progress Bars JS - Adds progress bars to Kittens Game to see how close you are to an upgrade
ChatGPT - Bring back edit button JS - Bring back edit and copy buttons on ChatGPT
Hide Google AI Overview JS - Hides the Google AI Overview section
TutorMe By U.K JS - Provides step-by-step mathematical explanations for
Youtube Tools All in one local download mp3 mp4 HIGT QUALITY return dislikes and more JS - Youtube Tools All in one local Download mp4, MP3 HIGT QUALITY
YouTube Preview Unmute JS - This script automatically unmutes the video previews on the YouTube homepage when you hover over them.
YouTube Auto-Resume JS - This script automatically tracks and restores your YouTube playback position. This user script remembers where you left off in any video—allowing you to seamlessly continue watching even after navigating away or reloading the page. It saves your progress for each video for up to 3 days (configurable) and automatically cleans up outdated entries, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted viewing experience every time.
Pixelplanet+ JS - Customize the PixelPlanet interface with extended personalization options and revert to default.
EZ-Blurb JS - EZ-Blurb will save your time with frequently used blurbs.
Wikipedia Vector Legacy Layout JS - Restore the old Wikipedia layout or choose between other available skins: Vector legacy (2010), Vector (2022), MinervaNeue, MonoBook, Timeless
Blooket Cheats Plus JS - adds hacks from to the 05konz gui
- – Clean Enhanced Nav [Ath] CSS - Redesigns and moves community menu to the left side. Removes all panels you don't need. Configurable hiding of panels, menu depth and page size. Unique feature: doesn't break website when logged in.
Greasy Fork Theme figuccio JS - Greasy Fork pagina colorata
Remove Demos From Steam While Browsing JS - Remove demo panels only if they contain the "Free Demo" indicator
Auto Click "Show more" on Steam Store JS - Automatically clicks "Show more" buttons on the Steam Store site when visible.
StegLLM JS - 此脚本已不再维护,最新项目详见。This script is no longer maintenance, please refer to the for the latest project
YouTube - Non-Rounded Design (Fix) + Other Improvements. JS - This script disables YouTube's new rounded corners (reverts back to the previous layout from 2021.)
dealabs css JS - css
WaniKani Item Inspector JS - Inspect Items in Tabular Format
Control Panel for Twitter JS - Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
AntiFlip JS - Disable Flipping in HF
HFReply JS - Reply to messages on HF Convo with formatted text
RoLocate JS - Adds filter options to roblox server page. Alternative to paid extensions like RoPro, RoGold (Ultimate), RoQol, and RoKit.
Control Emotes Panel | (C) tapeavion JS - Twitch emoji blocking via a channel with a management interface and context menu (via Tampermonkey)
ClopoStars Navigation Menu JS - A simple script to enhance the navigation menu for a smoother, more intuitive experience.This script is shared with the hope that it helps, but please remember—use it at your own risk. I’m not responsible for any unexpected issues, data loss, or account problems. Tinker wisely, stay safe, and happy browsing!
Geoguessr Deny All JS - Adds 2 buttons to allow you to accept or deny all friend requests at once
URL Safety Checker - API - Aries JS - Check if a URL is safe using API Aries
QuickPatrol_v2 JS - MediaWiki巡查工具 | A patrol tool for MediaWiki
Interesting Wikipedia userscript JS - Does evil things to wikipedia articles
Auto Skip YouTube Ads JS - Automatically skip YouTube ads instantly. Undetected by YouTube ad blocker warnings.
AO3: just my languages JS - Reduce language options to your preferences
Dune Csv Export JS - Downloading the queries csv export for free subscription users
在搜索引擎中搜索思源笔记(SiYuan) JS - Display results for the same keywords in the SiYuan Note in the search engine sidebar.
- BONUS 1000% BTC only NO ROLL 2025 JS - resgate automático de pontos no
GOG Wishlist - Sort by Price (Button) JS - Enables sorting by price (ascending and descending) via button on a GOG wishlist page. Switching between "sort by price" and a native sorting option (title, date added, user reviews) automatically refreshes the page twice.
WME GIS Layers JS - Adds GIS layers in WME
- – Dark Paywall Bypass [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for New York Times ( Includes paywall bypass and font configuration. No more unreadable text.
nicovideo-player-expander JS - ニコニコ動画のプレイヤーを2種類の方法(「シアターモード」または「ブラウザ内最大化(コントローラー常時表示可能)」)で拡大します。プレイヤー右下のアイコンでこれらの機能を切り替えられます。それぞれtキー、bキーでも(ブラウザ内最大化解除はescキーでも)切り替えられます。「nicovideo-next-video-canceler」「nicovideo-autoplay-canceler」は別のスクリプトです。
ChatGPT Show Edit Button JS - Restores the Copy and Edit button as a quick fix
Amazon Cart for quotation JS - Save time and improve the presentation of your Amazon quotes. This script eliminates clutter and ads from the cart, allowing you to generate clean and professional quotes in seconds.
Base64 Text Decoder JS - Automatically detects and decodes Base64 encoded text when selected, with one-click copy feature
ChatGPT - Enable Edit Button JS - Re-enable the edit button in ChatGPT conversations.
- – Wide Dark Enhancement [Ath] CSS - Dark theme for with enhancements: expanded product info, combined tabs, wide page layout for product lists etc. Configurable with options.
Autodarts - Change throw via a number pad JS - Adds a number pad when editing the score. Recommended for touchscreens.
Lobbyfilter for Autodarts JS - Lobbyfilter for gamemode, AVG & In/Out-Mode
YouTube Unlimited Speed Changer JS - Increase or decrease speed using [ and ], without limit in increments of 0.5
ATM client v2.7.1 JS - Private mod
Global light style - changes everything to LIGHT CSS - Converts all websites to a light theme.
GitHub Release Platform Filter JS - Filter GitHub release assets by platform and optimize release notes display