GGn request presets JS - create request presets, set defaults and easily duplicate requests in the alternate currency
GGn Screenshots Resolutions Checker JS - Helps check and fix unequal screenshots resolutions
GGn Title and Screenshots Formatter JS - Formats title, sets alias if applicable and has buttons to undo. Removes screenshots until they are a multiple of 4. Adds buttons in edit page to format name and alias. Exposes title case function to other scripts
GGn Get Languages From Steam JS - Easily get languages from Steam. Edited from "GGn Steam Language BBCode quick copy".
GGn Steam Uploady (edited) JS - Fill upload form with Steam info. Edited from "GGn New Uploady"
GGn Row Numbers in User Log JS - Add row numbers to the user log
Copy SteamDB Changelog as BBcode JS - Adds a button to copy changelog
GGn Ignore Requests JS - Ignore requests
GGn SteamGridDB Cover Replacer JS - Easily replace cover using SteamGridDB images
GGn Tag selector JS - Enhanced Tag selector for GGn
GGn Reuploader JS - Upload torrents to the same group using an existing torrent's details
GGn Release Title Filler JS - Set release title from torrent file
GGn Epic Games Store Cover Replacer JS - Easily replace cover using Epic Games Store images