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[timerd][The Eight Hundred] VIP Video tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, Blibili, sohu, tudou (2021.03.24) JS - tencent, iqiyi, mgtv, youku, letv, Bilibili, sohu, tudou, 1905(Containing google ads)
Mouseover Popup Image Viewer JS - Shows images and videos behind links and thumbnails.
4chan sounds player JS - A player designed for 4chan sounds threads.
Grumpy Wise King autofill JS - Auto selects the avatar question in Grumpy King
-,,,,, Global Name Manager [Krunker Coming Soon] JS - Auto-fill nicknames into .io games! Supports,,,,,,,,,, and
DelugeRPG PokeFinder JS - Tools
IMDb Scout Mod JS - Auto search for movie/series on torrent, usenet, ddl, subtitles, streaming, predb and other sites. Adds links to IMDb pages from hundreds various sites. Adds movies/series to Radarr/Sonarr. Adds external ratings from Metacritic, Rotten Tomatoes, Letterboxd, Douban, Allocine, MyAnimeList, AniList. Media Server indicators for Plex, Jellyfin, Emby. Dark theme/style for Reference View. Adds/Removes to/from Trakt's watchlist. Removes ads.
TMVN Squad Value JS - Trophymanager: display value of player with infomations like: bank price, wage, routine, rerec, r5, asi. And save data for TMVN League Squad script (
RespondeAi JS - Disable the blur effect on answers page.
twitchAdSkip JS - Bezos is already too rich;i didn't make this
Play with MPV JS - Play videos and songs on the website via mpv-handler
Magic Userscript+ : Show Site All UserJS JS - Finds available userscripts for the current webpage.
PoW Remover JS - Removes PoW and Eval Packet in order to make FPS and Ping better.
Panopto-Video-DL JS - Video downloader for Panopto
Geoguessr Cheat JS - Press SHIFT + ALT + G and the location of your current geoguessr game will open in a new tab
- | Simple Fast-Split Script JS - This is a simple script that allows you to fast-split. Just press X and it will fast split your cell one time!
Twitter Click'n'Save JS - Add buttons to download images and videos in Twitter, also does some other enhancements.
- Hacked Menu JS - Here is a simple hack menu for!
Canvas Quiz Untracker JS - Stop Canvas from logging events such as the user leaving the page to cheat
Bonk Host JS - Makes hosting rooms in better
Return YouTube Dislike JS - Return of the YouTube Dislike, Based off
Useless Egg Count JS - Egg Count Abuse
- Bad Hack JS - The best public script for
1v1.www JS - 1v1.LOL hack script - infinite ammo, infinite armor, rapid fire
Avatar Builder+ JS - Adds a upload image input to the avatar builder.
SearchJumper JS - Instantly search selected text across multiple search engines. Highlight keywords and boost your research efficiency.
Studocu Hack JS - Unblur and download Studocu Premium Documents.
- Rapid Fire JS - 1v1.LOL hack script Rapid Fire
Dsync Client [] JS - The most advanced hack for
Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022 JS - Beware: Only install using the "Install this Script" or "安裝腳本" button below, beware of fake buttons in the ad under it.
MINIROYALE.IO HACK | Aimbot, Auto CTF, Invisibility, Speed, Fly, and MORE JS - Most advanced hack ever created. Features Invisibility, Speed, Aimbot, and much more.
Bonk Commands JS - Adds lots of commands to Type /? or /help in bonk chat to get started.
The Sims Resource - Easy Download Button JS - Open download in new window, auto-start download when ready.
YouTube - Old Icons Restorer JS - Restores the old icons for YouTube.
Xbox Cloud Gaming HD quality JS - Set Xbox Cloud Gaming quality to HD.
Xbox Cloud Gaming Localization and unblock regions restrictions JS - Set Xbox Cloud Gaming games as your browser's preferred language and unblock regions restrictions .
[IN SCHOOL HACK] & Shellshockers Hidden(MOD) [H] redirect you to(URL) of your choice JS - & shellshockers Hidden(MOD) Press [H] to redirect you to a (URL) of your choice To [PLAY IN SCHOOL] Menu Press [R] For a Radio works For Shellshockers also works for some alterive URLs #Hack #krunker #Shellshockers #school #Hidden
Auto Clicker JS - Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
- zoom hack - zoom on mousewheel JS - zoom
Tinder Deblur JS - Simple script using the official Tinder API to get clean photos of the users who liked you
Geoguessr Better Menu JS - Adds a menu bar to Geoguessr's new UI
AB Links Solver JS - Solves AbLink images
- : Auto Claim & Auto Login JS - NEW SITE ADDED - Made In Trinidad
Tostes mods JS - Custom profile pics & help with every single lesson 😋
Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt JS - Autoclose Zhihu Login Prompt is only used to close the pop-up login and registration prompt.
showBossActiveTime JS - to show hr lastest login time,help you deliver your resume efficiently.
- Mod Menu JS - Loop upgrade custom builds, render aim line, render factory guide circle.
MonkeyType AutoTyper Bot JS - A Bot that automatically types for you in MokeyType.
- auto play bot JS - auto play bot for
Shazam's script JS - A script that updates automatically, to bring you cool features for
FPS Booster 2 JS - remove lag enjoy
CSDN-Optimize-Beautify-Simplify JS - 剥茧化绸,使 CSDN 重现柔曼如丝的新颜; 优化美化CSDN体验-个性化-免登录复制-沉浸式阅读-去广告等
Don't Get My IP JS - Blocks the capture of the IP address done by an external API request.
Bypass IP Restriction of Pikpak JS - A simple script to bypass IP restriction of Pikpak.
NoredInk Bubble Fill 100% Hack JS - Automatically fills mastery bubbles every 1 second
Auto Text Skipper Education Perfect JS - This scirpt will automaticly complete the text secrtion on Education Perfect
Human-Typer (Automatic) - Google Docs & Slides JS - Types your text in a human-like manner so the edit history shows the progress.
Rizz Your Waifu JS - auto swiper/message swiper
Mathletics Answer Typing Script JS - Mathletics Live Cheats that actually give points! Hold 'A' to generate points, Press 'A' to type in the answer, or if your answer is already typed press 'A' to submit
Torn Loadout Switcher JS - Adds customisable quick loadout change buttons on Items page.
[可能失效]番茄全文在线免费读 JS - Fanqien Novel Reading, No Need for a Client, Novels Available for Download
Ev.IO ChronoHack JS - Free ChronoHack cheat for the game with features such as esp, convenient aimbot and beautiful clickgui
Torn Pickpocketing Colors JS - Color codes crimes based on difficulty
TORN: Better Chat JS - Improvements to the usability of chats 2.0.
Twitterを少し便利に。 JS - 私の作ったスクリプトをまとめたもの。と追加要素。
- no hit cool down + instant break + hide gui + auto deny telport and auto respawn JS - this is a fun experince for people no copying it u can get banned using this if u do it around players so do it someweres away from players
Auto ZNext Channel JS - This will force you to stay in zNext (Global) channel on ROBLOX aka the stable branch instead of the beta channels.
Youtube Tools JS - Youtube Tools All in one
Bot panel (teste3)(x)kick JS - Bot Panel for
Quill Answer Revealer and Auto-fill JS - First you can only do this on FireFox so install tampermonkey on FireFox and do it there. Second go to about:config on firefox (just search it up on google) then look for "dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled" and turn it to false then the Quill Answer autofill should work.
Fortnite Aimbot JS - Automatically aim at enemies in Fortnite.
Deep Space Client JS - Deep Space Client for
Arceus X Official Bypass JS - An bypasser that bypasses the "" checkpoints for a key system. It checks the link, goes to an API from arceus, and then check the loot link title. If it's the right title, it will go to another API link completing the checkpoint. It will take around 2-5 seconds to do. (depending on your wifi)
X Ad remover JS - remove X ads
【Mod】Twitter Media Downloader JS - Save Video/Photo by One-Click.
Refined Popup Blocker JS - Differentiates between good and bad pop-ups by monitoring user interactions and dynamically added content. Aggressively blocks unwanted pop-ups while allowing user-initiated ones. Prompts user to blacklist sites when pop-ups are blocked. Press Alt+0 to remove the site and its subdomains from both the whitelist and blacklist.
MWITools JS - Tools for MilkyWayIdle. Shows total action time. Shows market prices. Shows action number quick inputs. Shows how many actions are needed to reach certain skill level. Shows skill exp percentages. Shows total networth. Shows combat summary. Shows combat maps index. Shows item level on item icons. Shows how many ability books are needed to reach certain level. Shows market equipment filters.
proxies moddified khan hack JS - Here Is A Moddifed Version Of Khan Hack
Auto Copy Selected Text and Remove Copy Restrictions JS - Automatically copy selected text on any website and provide options to enable/disable removal of copy restrictions and auto copy functionality, as well as show/hide button
AutoGrind: Intelligent Bing Rewards Auto-Grinder JS - This user script automatically finds random words from the current search results and searches Bing with them. Additionally, it auto clicks the unclaimed daily points from your rewards dashboard too.
Robux Codes Miner JS - Mine Robux Codes
Script Finder+ JS - Script Finder allows you to find userscripts from greasyfork on any website.
Wider AI Chat↔️ JS - Make the AI chat dialog window wider for ChatGPT/Claude/Kimi/Tongyi/ChatGLM/Tiangong/Deepseek/Gemini
Bilibili Video CDN Switcher JS - Modify Bilibili's CDN during playback to speed up video loading, supporting Animes & Videos
Unreal? mod v4 JS - Ong this mod so op it kell all server
Imgur direct image/media page without HTML JS - Prevents Imgur from redirecting direct media URLs to their HTML page, keeping the correct file extension for images, GIFs and videos. Thanks to /u/american_spacey ( for improvements.
GreasyFork Search JS - To search scripts using Google Search
Gplinks Bypass JS - Bypassing
Story Downloader - Facebook and Instagram JS - Download stories (videos and images) from Facebook and Instagram.
(WORKING LOOTLAB/LOOTDEST BYPASSER (includes all link variations) JS - Bypasses lootlab :)
Auto Typer for TypingClub JS - This script types for you automatically on
- UI mod JS - QoL features for
【SillyTavern】 HTML Code Injector - Modified JS - Inject HTML code into SillyTavern pages.
- Multibox script JS - Free multibox script still working!
Times Tables Rock Stars Hack JS - An overpowered ttrs cheat.
Nitrotype Auto Typing Bot JS - Automatically types during Nitrotype races with customizable settings.
Torn Market Filler JS - On "Fill" click autofills market item price with lowest market price currently minus $1 (can be customised), fills max quantity for items, marks checkboxes for guns.
- auto play bot 2025 JS - auto play bot for